Valis Hollington

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Ishgard.jpg Valis Hollington (de Tyr)
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ishgardian
Apparent Age 17/18
Marital Status Single
Occupation Part-time Bartender
Height/Weight 5'2" / 121 lbs
Relatives None

Valis Hollington is an absent-minded youth who appears friendly and intelligent, gifted with magic, he now focuses on getting by in this dangerous world, unlocking the secrets of his abilities and, perhaps, the power to stand on his own two feet.

Basic Info


Asking questions
Starry nights


Being asked questions
Physical exercise


Alignment: Neutral Good
Vice(s): Magic
Favourite Food: Apples
Favourite Drink: Juice
Favourite Colour: White

Appearance & Personality

Valis is a short youth, very much on the thin side and lacking defined musculature, not yet having finished growing. His hair is an unkempt red mop that he does endevour to keep clean, as is the same with the rest of him. He possesses something of a 'baby-face', making him seem younger than he is, but it can betray emotions and his actual opinions quite easily.

He is an individual that always seems to be able to spare a smile and wave to those who approach him, and he is able to hold a conversation about several different subjects fairly well. One may be able to catch however that the smiles do not quite reach his eyes, being somewhat comparable to eyes of a soldier returned from war, for those able to recognise such. Though he covers it well enough, this youth is haunted in some manner.

When not conversing or observing others, he appears a thoughtful person, content to sit quietly by himself with his thoughts just as he is content to sit in a group of people and chat. There is a slight air of melancholy around him and at times, he can seem indecisive, very much a follower rather than a leader.

Powers & Abilities

Mana & Aether Manipulation: Even before dipping into the likes of thaumaturgy, this young man's primary talent seems to be the ability to manipulate and shape raw mana and aether from himself and the environment for defensive and offensive needs. This connection allows him to summon manawards and manawalls of great strength, and consecutively with little recovery time. In addition to this, he is then able to reconfigure the barriers into numerous different forms of untyped energy attacks, allowing for a dangerous defend-and-counter combination with the same ward or wall.

Mana Recovery: To those able to perceive such, Valis appears to recover mana at a staggering rate, all but draining it from the air around him to 'refill' his reserves in record time. He seems to do this passively, and is not all that aware of it.

Astral & Umbral Attunement: Now properly nurtured, the youth seems to have an acute grasp of the destructive aspects of thaumaturgy, and an almost instinctual ability to summon them to his command.

Magical Senses: Whilst useless at explaining it, he has occasionally mentioned the ability to 'see' patterns of aether in the air, and has used his amateur sketching skills to replicate them on paper.





◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
Bah! Another homeless wretch.
He doesn't beg, does get hand outs, though.
He never removes that hat.
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
He's waiting for someone or something.
Apparently he will do jobs, so long as they don't seem too dangerous to him.
I don't think he's all there in the head. Seen people like that before, seen some shit.
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
Well educated, despite not appearing it, that's pretty clear to me.
He only recently joined the Thaumaturge's Guild but has already completed all their trials and apparently 'moved on'. Who is this kid?
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing



Template by Bancroft Gairn with some alterations by me!
Theme Song: World's Most Epic Music Ever: Starchild
TV Tropes: Beware The Nice Ones Trauma Induced Amnesia Break the Cutie Berserk Button The Woobie Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds