Wabbit Oddie

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Lizard Oddie walked outside and was venturing down the forest, "la la la fafalalala lizzzard immmmma lizzzzzzard lizz--". Suddenly, a demonic-looking lizard appeared before her eyes. It was none other than the fabled Cera! Cera asked lizard Oddie to put out her hand, and then handed what seemed to be a piece of chocolate. Upon eating the chocolate, Cera smiled and walked away, leaving lizard Oddie in confusion. Lizard Oddie goes to sleep that night and wakes up the next morning. Itching, she scratches her forearm scales, but notices she is scratching against very soft fur. She goes to pull on her horns to think a bit, but pulls on some flappy ears. She then looks at the mirror, and realizes she is no longer a lizzard. She has become Wabbit Oddididie.

- Story written by the literate and award winning author of 'Chibi the Lost Blue Chocobo who watched everyone it loved died', Strange