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Qhas'ir has not had any contact with his family since he stowed away aboard a ship when he was 12, nor he has never once looked back.
Qhas'ir has not had any contact with his family since he stowed away aboard a ship when he was 12, nor he has ever once looked back.
===Friends and Company===
===Friends and Company===

Revision as of 04:25, 26 January 2016

 Qhas'ir Mujuuk
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 40
Nameday 18th Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon
Occupation Book Keeper



Terrifyingly average in stature, Qhas'ir is neither too tall, nor too short. He isn't particularly well-built and neither is he terribly weak-looking. His most distinguishing feature is how well-kept he is. Hair neatly groomed and trimmed back, clothes pressed and crease-free, and glasses polished to perfection; he is very rarely seen in public looking disheveled. When wandering through wilder places such as the Shroud, he can be seen wearing a finely-crafted heavy-looking robe dyed in his usual earthy brown tones.

Behavior / Personality

Qhas'ir comes across, at least at first, as grumpy, miserly and world-weary. He has very little patience for people who waste their time, and even less patience for people who waste HIS time. He can warm up to people eventually, though it's rare even for these people to see him without a frown; one he wears almost permanently.

When left to his own devices, Qhas'ir is content to work in solitude, taking the occasional break to wander the Shroud; again, alone. He often complains about his workload to close acquaintances, but secretly revels in it. When he's not working through paperwork or handling odd-jobs, he is a doctor. A practitioner of both conjury and traditional medicine, he tends towards the latter. For the right price, his services are available to anyone.

No questions asked.



In all possible situations, Qhas'ir will do what he can to avoid physical confrontation. He is unskilled with most weapons and resorts to his conjury in only the most dire of circumstances. When push comes to shove, he will use disabling spells to end combat before it can escalate. He is not above killing, and although he will do it himself if he has to, he prefers more impersonal and underhanded methods.



  • Alcohol.
  • His work.
  • Quiet.
  • Gardening.
  • Some people.


  • Everyone else.
  • The Stillglade Fane and everyone in it.


  • A skilled doctor.
  • Excellent negotiator.
  • Very good with money.



Qhas'ir has not had any contact with his family since he stowed away aboard a ship when he was 12, nor he has ever once looked back.

Friends and Company

Though he'd never admit it, Qhas'ir does have some number of friends. Close to him either through work or chance, he has grown quite fond of a few people.

  • Alvan Cale: - Although very rarely seen, Alvan is possibly one of Qhas'ir's oldest and dearest friends. It was his father's ship that the young miqo'te stowed away on, and got along with a much younger Alvan incredibly well. As the captaincy was handed to Alvan as his father left for a different life, him and Qhas'ir have remained close.
  • Aanzo Dinzo: - Aanzo and Qhas'ir, despite being an unlikely pair, have almost always gotten along very well. Originally meeting on the ship, they've since gone on to run what's left of Trident, and with Stalwart's help have managed to build it into a respectable free company. While Aanzo is no longer helping to lead the group, they remain close, often turning to each other when things get rough.
  • Stalwart Mountain: - Stalwart, while not exactly a 'friend', is a long-standing acquaintance of Qhas'ir's. The pair have known each other for many, many years, though their relationship remains professional; more as work colleagues. Qhas'ir occasionally visits Stal even though he's no longer a member of Trident, more out of a professional obligation than anything else.
  • Zho Greywind: - Zho has been a long-standing member of Trident for a long time. Qhas'ir sees her as somewhat of a liability a lot of the time and feels as though it's sort of his responsibility to make sure she stays out of trouble. Strangely, he doesn't do it for the sake of the free company, though it certainly factors into it, but he tends to do it to keep her safe.
  • Tailero Tilero: - Qhas'ir is quickly warming up to Tailero, even despite being quite a recent addition to Trident's ranks. Joking demeanour aside, he is skilled with what he does and follows orders without question.
  • Yashaix Ki'lari: - Despite a rocky start and a difficult middle, Qhas'ir has come to trust Ki'lari. The two of them often butt heads, though often it's just a simple clash of personality. He tends to act as her foil, keeping her from making any rash decisions, where in turn Ki'lari provides Qhas'ir with training and insight that he would otherwise not have had. Maybe officially part of her 'syndicate', Qhas'ir handles Ki'lari's finances for her.

People he doesn't really like very much

  • Liliro Liro: - Once a member of Trident, Liliro has been a persistent pain in Qhas'ir's backside from the moment she showed up. In recent moons her behaviour has gotten worse from what he can tell. While they may have been able to get along in the past, their relationship is in tatters. Now he treats her with utter contempt, something that appears mutual.

Rumours and other little bits

  • Qhas'ir's drinking problem is possibly his worst-kept secret.
  • For all his focus on staying presentable, his office is a terrible mess.