Difference between revisions of "Zephyr Quillsong"

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Line 7: Line 7:
| gender = Female
| gender = Female
| citizenship = Gridanian
| citizenship = Gridanian
| race = Au Ra (Raen)
| race = Elezen (Duskwight)
| clan = None
| clan = None
| stat_1 = Place of Birth
| stat_1 = Place of Birth
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Very small for a female Au Ra
Very large for a female Elezen
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'''Hair: '''  
'''Hair: '''  
Her hair is silver white with blonde highlights, horns wrapped with blooming flowers
Her hair is always changing colors, live flowers growing in it
'''Eyes: '''  
'''Eyes: '''  
Deep red eyes with deep green limbal rings
A pale green
'''Particular Traits: '''
'''Particular Traits: '''

Revision as of 20:48, 4 March 2016

Gridania-transparent.png Charactername
Ffxiv 12102015 025117.png
Within Ul' Dah
Lady Quillsong
Gender Female
Race Elezen (Duskwight)
Clan None
Citizenship Gridanian
Place of Birth Othard
Guardian Thaliak, the Scholar
Nameday Birth Date 6th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon (Age: She will tell you 27)
Marital Status Unmarried
Occupation Healer
Pronunciation Zephyr (Zeff err) Quillsong (Quill song)
This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

Basic Info

Zephyr is a sweet, generous soul that loves all living things and treats everyone as equals. She can be a bit quiet in crowded situations where she doesn't know anyone but will likely approach someone who is fairly still and calm to try and strike up a conversation! Despite her small size, her passion for charity and healing far exceed average as she spends most of her time helping organizations or patients. Her blue bird, Estel, is a permanent companion by her side, helping her stand out in the masses. When she isn't working, Zephyr is usually found at her free company house or the Quicksand in Ul'Dah trying to find some company. Feel free to walk right up and say hello, she's really very friendly even to those who are grumpy.


Height: Very large for a female Elezen

Weight: A bit too thin, her ribs show slightly if exposed, but generally healthy

Complexion: Very lovely green blue, smooth and cool to the touch

Hair: Her hair is always changing colors, live flowers growing in it

Eyes: A pale green

Particular Traits: She is excellent at listening and is usually first in line to help someone in need. Much of the gil she earns she gives to the refugees or foundations built to help them have a place to sleep, eat and get back on their feet. Donates to animal rehabilitation programs as well, having a very soft spot for animals and nature. Dislikes trampling things like flowers or bugs.

Sexuality: Generally considered heterosexual, a woman can gain her attention if they tend to be the stronger and less delicate personalities. Height and race does not affect whom she is attracted to, but will gravitate towards duskwights and miqo'te keepers as she prefers darker skin tones and light colors of hair

Voice: Light and gentle, her tone is almost always calm. She laughs or smiles often, voice getting a bit broken the angrier she gets

Clothing Style: She has no set style, wearing whatever she feels like that day or in that situation. Frequently changes her clothes with a spell that sometimes goes wrong and puts on the wrong clothing item

Laterality: Ambidextrous, frequently switching hands during the same task, though writes exclusively with her right hand to avoid ink smudges


She enjoys sweet and sour foods most of all. All pastries, breads and cheeses are among her favorite foods. She dislikes foods spicy foods of every kind, finding it painful to her mouth. Bland foods are often what she eats, adding simple sauces to it for more flavor. She does not enjoy many types of alcohol, red wines prefered. She despises beer and will always refuse it as politely as possible


  • Tending plants nearly everywhere she goes, always making time to see to the plants health before moving on
  • Caring for animals is another strong passion of hers, often fostering some type of animal that she names and takes with her wherever she goes until it is ready to be released. Never try to harm her pets or you will receive a slap to the face or worse. Very much adopted children to her, she is fiercely protective of them all. None more so than her bat Axel.
  • Reading was a favorite passtime until she lost her sight, currently searching for braille books to read
  • Painting is a hobby she has mastered, her creations are mostly in charcoal with the loss of her vision and are basic (mountains, views of streams, etc) that do not require much detail
  • Writing was something she did while studying on her travels, and has since stopped unless an assistant is taking notes for her
  • Playing her violin or flute


  • People particularly kind to animals and respectful of nature and the elements
  • People who are protective of those weaker than themselves and stand up when they are being harassed or insulted
  • Bright and happy colors
  • Music of nearly any sort as long as it is played somewhat decently
  • Dancing, even to a beat or music only she seems to hear though seeing this is very rare and means she is extremely happy
  • Walking around or traveling with people
  • Dusk and nighttime
  • Cold temperatures
  • Forest, gardens
  • Children, especially infants
  • Books


  • People unkind to animals, children, and those who bully or insult others - especially in inappropriate settings like the inn
  • People who have no respect for nature and the earth
  • Intolerant and ignorant people
  • Rude mannerisms and attitudes
  • Thieves, vandals, murders and the less savory sorts of folk


  • Color: Pinks, greens, blues and white
  • Food: Bubble chocolates, pastry fish, white drop candies,
  • Drinks: Red wines, grape juice, tea, mashed popotoes, tarts, cheesecake, etc
  • Scent: Firewood burning, sweet flowers, grass after it rains
  • Place: Lavender beds, caves
  • Festival: Starlight Celebration


  • Regaining her health and strength to continue her lifes work of helping nature maintain its balance with people
  • Finding a permanent home


  • While she has no particular belief in the gods having ever been more than an idea to inspire, she respects them as such and each individuals decision to follow them and their teachings. She herself worships nature and animals, have a deep bond and love for them that she will fiercely defend.


  • Lawful Neutral: she will usually obey laws and encourage others to do so to maintain order. However, if the laws must be broken to achieve a goal that betters people she will willingly and unwaveringly break it and stand against it.



  • If IC she will just about always have some sort of animal out with her, each has it's own name and personality and she treats all of them as if they were her own children. You will most often see her with her bluebird, Estel, whom she raised from an egg.


  • She can be too harsh to judge others if she sees only one side of something she dislikes. For example, if she saw a miqo'te insulting or yelling at a lalafell she is likely to assume the miqo'te is the instigator and wrong doer.
  • It can be a bit hard for her to admit when she is wrong.
  • She is extremely proud to be duskwight and will fiercely defend her kin, even if they are in the wrong in some situations.


Nothing is known yet.


  • Particularly gifted with healing, it comes very naturally to her.
  • Highly gifted as a 'green thumb' she is very good with plants and none have ever withered in her care.



Final Fantasy Characters:

Other Game Characters:

Anime Characters:

TV Tropes

Abilities and Skills



  • Staffs are her favorite and most natural to her to use, usually large and surprisingly heavy to 'remind me(her) of the burden I (she) bear(s)'
  • Skilled with a bow, she was an excellent shot while sighted. No longer uses her bows but may carry them for nostalgia
  • A student of the lance, lessons ceasing with the loss of her sight
  • Spell books/ tomes are something she will carry if she has no other weapons (reading materials not included)


  • Gifted in the art of healing
  • Basic abilities of destructive magic (Fire, lightning, etc) but dislikes using it considerably.
  • Knows a spell to change her clothes, it does not go quite right some of the time and puts on the wrong thing


  • Excellent and natural with thread, needle and a loom she can make you nearly anything cloth with ease and a smile
  • Natural 'green thumbs' if you'd pardon the term, she can grow just about any plant anywhere
  • Botanist by natural passion, she adores nature and harvesting, studying, planting and tending all sorts of plants
  • Learning how to craft accessories with goldsmithing, progress slow while blind

Family and Relationships


All what is written here bears absolutely no OOC feelings, and may be subject to change as the story develops. If your name doesn't appear in this list, I have probably forgotten, or my character just doesn't remember you. Please do not use these information to affect you ICly or mess with my character's feelings. Use of OOC information will be flagged as god-moding and I will not react to it ICly if I feel this is what you're doing.


Male twin named Zeta Quillsong. Opposite to Zephyr in most ways and a wet blanket.





Music Themes

Note: Vocal Songs are attributed themes in which the lyrics seem to relate or partially relate to the character. They don't mean to resemble the character's voice. The instrumental themes are meant to give an idea of the atmosphere around the character. Songs with character names (example: "Tidus's Theme") are NOT meant to indicate that the character is like the theme owner. I just find the instruments and melody fitting, not the character the song was originally addressed to.


Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be both true or false.

  • Warren Castille: "She was very kind, though I worry for the safety of a solitary blind woman walking through Ul'dah at night."
  • Lilithium Altair: "She seems very capable of taking care of herself, so it puts my mind at ease! And she loves the little ones that run around the company house."
  • Locke Rinannis: "Ah, Miss Zephyr! From what I've seen, she knows a fair amount about the forests and its plantlife...almost to a religious extent. Do be careful if you enter her room though, lest you be bombarded by animals of all kinds!"


Name and Lifestyle

Name Etimology


None yet.

Current Residence

  • Living in Ul'dah, frequents Gridania

Before Dalamud's Fall

Birth and childhood (0-10)

She will never tell much beyond the 'average' childhood one can expect a duskwight to have at such a delicate age, but does mention she discovered her talent for healing during this time and her clan encouraged her to hone it.

Teen Years

In this particularly gangly stage she grew very gifted with her healing abilities. Very little to nothing is known of her in this time, and she does not answer when questioned.

After Dalamud's Fall


From somewhere in her 20's she and her twin fled their home cave and spent many years simply wandering the world, lost and confused in the painful light of day. Now adapted to the surface world she knows far more than she could have imagined possible, speaking many tongues and knowing skills her people were mere novices in. She has traveled to all corners of Eorzea and beyond, finding herself more of a stay at home sort as of late and seeking the calm of the familiar world about her.

A Realm Reborn (Present, 23)

These days Zephyr spends most of her time wandering Ul'Dah and healing as she is call upon. Not one to turn down a plea for help she often refuses payment and tells her patients to instead buy supplies for the refugees.

Other Notes

Wanted for Interesting Roleplay