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{| width="100%
| colspan="8" style="vertical-align:top"|
| name = Kurt Steel
| name = Kurt Steel
| image = KSteel.png
| image = Kurt_Faes2.png
| caption= "Well then...I have a lot to fix."
| caption = Aye? Need something done?
| title = The Unlucky One
| title = Just another Limsan
| gender = Male
| gender = Male
| citizenship = Limsan
| citizenship = Limsan
| race = Hyur
| race = Hyur
| clan = Midlander
| clan = Midlander
| stat_1 = Age
| stat_1 = Nameday
| stat_1_value = 21
| stat_1_value = 20th of the 3rd Umbral Moon
| stat_2 = Height
| stat_2 = Age
| stat_2_value = 5 fulm 10 ilm
| stat_2_value = 22
| stat_3 = Weight
| stat_3 = Height
| stat_3_value = 160 ponze
| stat_3_value = 5f10i
| stat_4 = Profession
| stat_4 = Weight
| stat_4_value = Adventurer
| stat_4_value = 160pz
| stat_5 = Patron Deity
| stat_5 = Profession
| stat_5_value = Nymeia
| stat_5_value = Adventurer
| stat_6 = Server
| stat_6 = Patron Deity
| stat_6_value = Balmung
| stat_6_value = Nymeia
==Basic Information==
'Ah my little boy. He's grown up to be someone I'm proud of, someone who knows what he's doing and takes the days as they come to him. It's a bit odd how he's grown though, but I won't question it. It's just how his cards were handed to him and he dealt with all of that with a relatively cool head. I just hope he's finally found a direction to take steps toward. It's a bit saddening that in the few times he's come home he looks more lost than the previous visit. Then again, I'm not going to help him, it's up to him to find what he really wants. He know's what he's doing but he hasn't the foggiest of where he's going.'
* '''Nicknames''': Still no nickname.
* '''Age''': 21, he's sure of it!
** '''Nameday''': 20th of the 3rd Umbral Moon, he's also sure of it!
* '''Gender''': Male, finally
** '''Sexuality''': Heterosexual
** '''Marital Status''': Single until proven otherwise.
* '''Alignment''': Tries to be a decent Hyuran being.
* '''Height''': 5 fulms 10 ilms
* '''Weight''': 160 ponze.
* '''Body''': Toned, magically toned.
* '''Hair''': Back to Black
* '''Eyes''': One green one brown, the magic brew didn't completely return him.
* '''Skin''': Kinda tan.
* '''Clothing''': You mean armor?
===Pre-Limsa Lominsa===
===Limsa Lominsa Arc===
===Freelance Adventurer Arc===
===YTC Adventurer Arc===
===Kat Arc===
===Post-Kat Arc(Ongoing)===
- Rachel Steel (rewritten by R'xin Tia, previous copy too illegible)
He has it in his head to do the right thing regardless of how hard it may be. People need help and he is there precisely to help them which makes him overtax himself and be in a nearly constant state of fatigue most of the time. On a whole, he a passive yes man, rationalizing that all it's just another learning experience for him and maybe even let loose a bit of steam. This also leads him to do menial tasks for others and general promotes laziness in other people, what with the "Hey, I can help and you can adjust the price!" sign on his head going about the various menial or dangerous tasks dumped on his lap. Granted he's been trying to change that little facet of his life.  
Kurt will always have an affinity for red things. It reflects on his clothing, most of them painstakingly dyed a Dalamud red. It doesn't matter what he wears, as long as it's red. Still it doesn't mean he doesn't sport black or white if he has to. But red's always his go to color.  
Of course there are still things he won't do and thing's he'll instantly jump on, like a plate of very spicy marmot. On subject of food, he's a gluttonous carnivore with a tongue for spices. Added points if it'll make him sweat. Gluttonous just like his outlook on his (as of now nonexistent) bruises and scars. Considering each of them a medal of a badge that meant he took a hit meant for someone prettier than him, male or female. It is an honor for him to defend those relying on him.  
On the subject of clothing, he prefers a simpler style overall. A tunic, pants and boots are pretty much basics for him. At times he has a red and black coat over his tunic especially in places that aren't Ul'dah. In all places that aren't Ul'dah. Ul'dah can make people melt. Though his outfits cycle too, where one day he's in a coat, the next he's in a tunic, the next he's in a shirt, the next he's sporting a fire proof apron because he just got out of the kitchen. It is rumored his pants can last him weeks before has to wash them. He cycles at least four pairs of boots though only one ever goes up to his thighs. Even then the thigh boot is hidden under his apron ensemble.
In a social setting, he usually keeps to herself unless something catches his eye. To which he'll approach it and learn more. He's not afraid to initiate a conversation, and can usually carry it too. He address people in a polite tone with a 'sir' or 'miss, an anomaly given his background. Of course, he's a bit more open about himself when among his friends, possibly to Adeya's chagrin whenever she hears something stupid or embarrassing Kurt or Kat may have done. He's also liable to poke fun at people or say inappropriate things given an opening.  
His hair's a black mess. Recently at any rate. He used to sport a tidier style but has since been unable to find the time to fix his hair. That said, he still keeps his chin scruff trim and neat. One who adheres to the need for facial hair.  
==Affiliations and Known Associates==
If one were to stare at him for awhile they may notice how some of his features lend to a more Doman aesthetic despite being born and raised in Wineport. That's because his dad is Doman. The eye shape that doesn't exactly know if it should be Doman or Limsan. A generally younger look on his face. Brows that can't decide whether it wants to be thick or not. Brown eyes instead of her mother's green pair. A nose that could be Eorzean but has a slight tilt for a doman effect. His face is just as lost as he is on what it really wants to be so it's trying to be both at the same time. Fun fact he used to have heterochromia, when his eyes didn't know if they wanted to be Doman Brown or Eorzean Green, but has since lost it.
His body isn't anything to write home about. Sure he's got muscles from twelve knows how long he's worked the axe to help earn his keep in his household. He's built to last or at least last long enough. Not at all that tall, a bit short for a midlander man standing only at 5 fulms 10 ilms. He's fine with it, would have preferred the extra two ilms but is fine with it. Credits the lack of two extra ilms to his Doman heritage though.
[[Nako'li Chalahko]] -
[[Adeya Evenar]] -
[[Steel Wolf]] - 
[[Xefjord Kiromeda]] -
[[Fina Archer]] -
Kurt's one with a martyr complex. Always concerned about the people around him and not too much about himself. If anything, he keeps his emotions to himself and plays his cards closer to his chest. A mask always on his face to show that he's okay. Never always okay but still no sense in making them worry about something he can shrug off eh? He believes he's got thick skin and he does, everything has durability though. That's something he's unaware of, that it can crumble in ways he never expected.
[[Trenton Cador]] -
He'll always address people in a courteous (heh, Kurteous) manner. Always with a 'miss' or a 'sir' at the end when addressing strangers. Rarely cusses in public too. That said it's not that he can't swear like a sailor. His mother IS a privateer, WAS a pirate captain after all. Still it comes with the mask he wears, the persona he dons in public and around most people. Must be why he's generally agreeable and reasonable around strangers. A bit stiff and even then the stiffness feels a little too practised. As if it was all an act. And it is. Though to the people he knows he's much less formal but still pretty formal. One tell for this is when he starts using 'aye' instead of other things like yes or yeah or sure.
[[Surge Dravorgas]] -
Whether he likes it or not, he still has a tendency of making bad decisions. More often than not diving head first after a short round of deliberation and analysis. Comes with him believing in himself a little too much. He used to bite off more than he could chew but has since tempered that eagerness. If he's completely conscious about it, he'll take time to really think everything through, draw out possibilities and outcomes in his head. Sometimes that just leaves him frozen in inaction for a while, trying to best figure out how to come out on top.
[[Khaja Lahti]] -
Also whether he likes it or not, he'll have a hunger for the opposite sex. An acute hunger that he keeps on a leash and just reinforces the idea that he needs to put his mask on or risk weirding other people out. Whether it's lust trying to make him its slave or the fact that he drank a strange smelling and funky tasting brew from a Hellsguard to 'awaken the inner beast' remains to be seen. Though if it's the latter he would have quite a harder time to fix it. Since. Yanno. Said Hellsguard's dead before completely teaching him to control the beast.
[[Gentle Sun]] -
Speaking of the beast, it's helped him become more wary, more cautious. Definitely a bit more like an animal. Case and point, when a coworker decided to ignite their darkside to show just what they could do. The entire room tasted all flavors of wrong for Kurt. Like his body was screaming fight or flight. Chanting it over and over. He exhibits a similar reaction to anything with the word 'void' on it. His senses aren't acute enough to pick up on corrupted aether and has to be told about it or have it show up in his face.
[[Avis Inkwood]] -
More often than not though, he'll always try to see the bright side of any situation. If not humor, dark or otherwise to just cope with things going south. 
[[Namine Yukine]] -  
=Biases and Traits=
<table border="0" width="1310">
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<div align="center">'''Likes'''</div>
* Swimming
* Spicy Food
* Red
* Cooking
* Threats within axe to face style distance
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<div align="center">'''Dislikes'''</div>
* Being idle
* Indecision
* When a dish comes out wrong
* Ul'dahn heat
* Threats not within axe to face style distance
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<div align="center">'''Strengths'''</div>
*Meticulous when it's required.
*Tolerant of almost anything that's thrown at him.
*Cares about the people around him, yes even strangers.
*Steady Hands.
*Learns Fast.
<td style="vertical-align:top">
<div align="center">'''Weaknesses'''</div>
*Cares too much about the people around him, yes even strangers.
*Tolerant of almost anything thrown at him, easily taken advantage of.
*Piss poor aether. Yes a short jolt will leave him spasming for an hour or so.
*Rarely leaves time for himself.
*Oblivious to his limits.
[[Edda Vincents]] - 
[[Seiko Mamushi|Chou]] -
I'll get to this. Eventually. Yeh.
[[Gwannes Oskwell|Oskwell]] -  
*YTC - A Reclaimer for the organization. Also known as the one they send in to do the dirty work in some far off set of ruins. No longer a member. He had been hired by the consortium head himself, Nako'li Chalako, as one of the first employees of the then reformed organization.
[[Jack Walker]] -  
*Red Wings - Recruited to aid in engineering projects, as well as man the mess hall for a time. No longer a member. He joined the Flames unit formally following after his previous employers shift to aid in this particular outfit's efforts.
[[Flynt Reddard]] -
*Mythril Wings - A hired hand that does a number of odd jobs for the organization. Currently works for these guys. Brought in by an old friend of his who ran the organization, along with two others at the head. Boy this is quite the pattern isn't it?
[[Ludivine Goultard]] -  
*Yayoi Household - A member of the minor warrior noble clan erased after the razing of Doma. Has never met anyone from said clan outside of his older sister and father.
[[Tallera Weaver]] -  
*Redde Alexis II- Had worked a number of times on this ship, his mother's ship, to prove his seaworthiness. He had no choice in the matter.
[[Armellant Duval|Armellant]] -
=Areas of Expertise=
Kurt has skill in the use of axes, firearms and lances. He favors the axe over the two weapons but recognizes the value in keeping both at hand, switching as the situation calls for it. Primarily fighting with an axe, his motions are always aggressive. He will always be the one to make the first move and advance several times over with this weapon. Everything has to be within Axe to Face style range. Spears are only ever situational for him, specifically if the situation calls for something to be hit with much force at a single point and his firearms are otherwise unloaded at the time. Despite his father and sister teaching him a more Doman form of using a spear, he would still prefer the simplicity of the axe. Mainly because that's what he grew up with.
Nothing much changes when sporting his handgun, he would close the distance while burning precious ammunition to pin an opponent in place until such time he could fall into rhythm of Axe to Face style. His motions always involve a bit of flair with a handgun, more flair when it's a pair of handguns. Whereas if he was using a rifle, he would maintain distance from his target, aiming for the legs to cripple the target. He is mostly stationary with a rifle and moves only to get a cleaner shot. His mother had made it a point to teach him basic marksmanship when it looked like his hands could handle the recoil of a handgun.  
Maelstrom - Reserve Lieutenant.
Adventurers' Guild - Registered Member.
If not in the field Kurt can be found either in a kitchen, in front of a worktable, or facing a spindles of yarn and several needles of varying lengths and thicknesses.
Yatagahn Trading Consortium - Reclaimer.
His culinary style will always carry a La Noscean touch to it. As well as his personal bias of spices make everything better. Everything. The result is usually sweet, spicy and fresh. Always fresh. To that end, he works better with fresh ingredients as well, believing that fresh ingredients brings out more flavor. And despite all that, he had resigned himself to work with stored ingredients for the most part in his own little pantry bar lounge, his 'Rookery' within the Mythril Wings estate. The oppressive Thanalan heat especially dries things up quickly in general.  
If he isn't cooking something in his small and relatively basic kitchenette, he would work on soldering something in his relatively small workshopette or utilize one of the empty rooms within the estate to draw up and fabricate whatever catches his fancy. The works he's most proud of was engineering a rundown skiff to fly as well as fabricate a prototype to a magitek staff. One that feeds on the aether in a crystal to amplify his lack of it and create a much more powerful spell to utilize. Other than that he sometimes tears old toys apart to see how they work on the inside and why. And also if he can make it better or do something it couldn't before.
* Steaks.
* Seafood.
* The sea.
* Random adventures.
* Long aimless walks.
* Spicy food.
And sometimes, being out in the field makes for wear, tear, and sometimes rust. He can't do anything about rust. But he can still mend the wear and tear. That was the necessity that had him taking up weaving in his spare time or whenever he felt like he had spare time. He's by no means a master but that doesn't stop him from fabricating his own simpler clothes. Even if he took it up to mend clothes in the first place. He's proud of the work he placed on his apron, imbued with water-aspected clusters, not crystals nor shards but clusters, to be quite the fireproof ensemble for when he's working in the kitchen. It had taken several tries to get the design and material balance right but he's still proud of what he had accomplished.  
* People who kidnap little children.
* The really sweet food.
* Insects.
=Hooks and Haunts=
===Areas of Expertise===
* '''Martial''': Has knowledge in the sophisticated art from of the Axe. Entry-level blundering in the realm of Thaumaturgy.
* Is your character perhaps a chef and/or able to cook? Good, we can probably talk cuisine and technique. Just lemme know.
* '''Crafting''': Cooking, decent enough to make her hometown favorites.
* Maybe you need some muscle? Bene, we can come to an arrangement for a bit of bodyguarding.
* '''Other''': Has a mastery of in the field of Bad Decision Making.  
* Perhaps you're a gearhead/engineer/mechnically inclined? Maybe we can talk more at your workshop or my sort of workshop.
* A clothesmaker? I may have something for you to cringe at how crude it all is.
* Generally a Limsan? Wonderful, you may or may not already know me or my mother at least. Pirates and all that.
* From Wineport? You probably remember that kid who had some mean looking men for playmates? Yeah that was me.
* Ul'dahn? Well recently I was around when a certain undisclosed Raen threw fish guts at the Ossuary.
* Oh so you're a thaumaturge? Yeah refer to the above. I'm so sorry, I didn't know she'd do it I swear.
* You know, we can also meet somewhere out in the great Eorzean wilderness. Maybe I stumble upon you doing you but somehow need help?
* Persistent.
* Well I'm mostly in Ul'dah.
* Loyal.
* Sometimes I'm in Limsa.
* Makes it a point to look out for the others.  
* Other times I'm at the Company Estate. Ward 4, Plot 29 of the Mist.
* Tries his best to help others.  
* Usually I'm out in the wilds doing something too.
* Unwittingly funny at times.
* Quick learner.
* Stubborn.
=Relations with Others=
* Easily taken advantage of.
I'm going to have to take some time to organize this one. Yuh.
* Sometimes helpless.
* Fusses over what others think of him.  
* Easily makes bad decisions.
* Leaps before he looks.
* Indecisive at times.
* Stubborn.
==The Opinions of Others==
=Rumour Repository=
(Put whatever your character has to say about mine. Copy ":REPLACEWITHOPINIONTHANKYOU". Feel free to make it refer to Kurt or Kat.)
==Olde Rumours from Olde Kurte/Katte Wiki==
* "He seems nice and reminds me of my father. Or rather... he just really looks like father. They don't act the same at all. Mr. Steel probably bathes regularly, for one." -Chou
* “Sometimes I just can’t believe him. I mean, did you know he once let a toad eat his spellbook? A toad!” - Adeya Evenar
* "He's alright." - Oskwell
* "Get a load of this wannabe, ah?" - Flynn Fister: Pistonfist
* "It would appear that I've not acquired her name, but I do hope her ventures for a wyvern are not for naught..." - A polite, blond hyuran man.
* "heh, I enjoy this one's company. He's eager, but not th'completely daft sort'a eager. He's strong as a bull, too. Smart kid. He'll go far, I think." - Steel Wolf
* "Not sure why I took him on to be honest. Just something about him I saw in myself a long time ago I guess..That eagerness to learn and create. Though I worry for him sometimes, that's why I gotta keep an eye on him before he does something foolish that will cause more pain in attempts to heal what he's already carrying..." - Cliodhna Eoghan
* "Lord Kurt is quite bold. And honest. For the few times I have seen him, he will jump and rush at any request. His measure of how far or how high is much longer than any other, for kin or people he does not have more than acquaintance to; myself included. I, ah, was surely smiled on by Nymeia to meet one of Her own. If you get a chance to meet him once more, pray take it." - Jancis Milburga
* "Miss Clio, sent her my way thinkin' she could help me with my problem, and ended up becomin' a potential student instead. She seem's ta want ta learn which is more than I can say for most. Now ta see how well she receives such lessons." - War Bear
:"He seems nice and reminds me of my father. Or rather... he just ''really'' looks like father. They don't act the same at all. Mr. Steel probably bathes regularly, for one." -[[Seiko_Mamushi|Chou]]
==New/Current Rumours==
:“Sometimes I just can’t believe him. I mean, did you know he once let a toad eat his spellbook? A toad!” - [[Adeya Evenar]]
//Copy this "*Put rumour here. - Put your name here"
:"He's alright." - [[Gwannes_Oskwell|Oskwell]]
*"He is a good cook. There is always some tasty pastry or drink if I visit him. Like coffee and apple tarts." - [[Jancis Milburga]]
:"Get a load of this wannabe, ah?" - [[Flynt_Reddard|Flynn Fister: Pistonfist]]
*Put rumour here. - Put your name here
:"It would appear that I've not acquired her name, but I do hope her ventures for a wyvern are not for naught..." - [[Garrett Slater|A polite, blond hyuran man.]]
:"heh, I enjoy this one's company.  He's eager, but not th'completely daft sort'a eager. He's strong as a bull, too. Smart kid.  He'll go far, I think." - [[Steel Wolf]]
:"Not sure why I took him on to be honest. Just something about him I saw in myself a long time ago I guess..That eagerness to learn and create. Though I worry for him sometimes, that's why I gotta keep an eye on him before he does something foolish that will cause more pain in attempts to heal what he's already carrying..." - [[Cliodhna Eoghan]]
==RP Fishing Grounds==
=OOC Stuff and Notes=
From Most often to sometimes there.
I'll figure out something to stick in here too. Yih.  
* The Quicksand
* The Drowning Wench
* The Bismarck
* Anywhere in Eorzea

Latest revision as of 14:32, 27 December 2016

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Kurt Steel
Kurt Faes2.png
Aye? Need something done?
Just another Limsan
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsan
Nameday 20th of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Age 22
Height 5f10i
Weight 160pz
Profession Adventurer
Patron Deity Nymeia

'Ah my little boy. He's grown up to be someone I'm proud of, someone who knows what he's doing and takes the days as they come to him. It's a bit odd how he's grown though, but I won't question it. It's just how his cards were handed to him and he dealt with all of that with a relatively cool head. I just hope he's finally found a direction to take steps toward. It's a bit saddening that in the few times he's come home he looks more lost than the previous visit. Then again, I'm not going to help him, it's up to him to find what he really wants. He know's what he's doing but he hasn't the foggiest of where he's going.'

- Rachel Steel (rewritten by R'xin Tia, previous copy too illegible)


Kurt will always have an affinity for red things. It reflects on his clothing, most of them painstakingly dyed a Dalamud red. It doesn't matter what he wears, as long as it's red. Still it doesn't mean he doesn't sport black or white if he has to. But red's always his go to color.

On the subject of clothing, he prefers a simpler style overall. A tunic, pants and boots are pretty much basics for him. At times he has a red and black coat over his tunic especially in places that aren't Ul'dah. In all places that aren't Ul'dah. Ul'dah can make people melt. Though his outfits cycle too, where one day he's in a coat, the next he's in a tunic, the next he's in a shirt, the next he's sporting a fire proof apron because he just got out of the kitchen. It is rumored his pants can last him weeks before has to wash them. He cycles at least four pairs of boots though only one ever goes up to his thighs. Even then the thigh boot is hidden under his apron ensemble.

His hair's a black mess. Recently at any rate. He used to sport a tidier style but has since been unable to find the time to fix his hair. That said, he still keeps his chin scruff trim and neat. One who adheres to the need for facial hair.

If one were to stare at him for awhile they may notice how some of his features lend to a more Doman aesthetic despite being born and raised in Wineport. That's because his dad is Doman. The eye shape that doesn't exactly know if it should be Doman or Limsan. A generally younger look on his face. Brows that can't decide whether it wants to be thick or not. Brown eyes instead of her mother's green pair. A nose that could be Eorzean but has a slight tilt for a doman effect. His face is just as lost as he is on what it really wants to be so it's trying to be both at the same time. Fun fact he used to have heterochromia, when his eyes didn't know if they wanted to be Doman Brown or Eorzean Green, but has since lost it.

His body isn't anything to write home about. Sure he's got muscles from twelve knows how long he's worked the axe to help earn his keep in his household. He's built to last or at least last long enough. Not at all that tall, a bit short for a midlander man standing only at 5 fulms 10 ilms. He's fine with it, would have preferred the extra two ilms but is fine with it. Credits the lack of two extra ilms to his Doman heritage though.


Kurt's one with a martyr complex. Always concerned about the people around him and not too much about himself. If anything, he keeps his emotions to himself and plays his cards closer to his chest. A mask always on his face to show that he's okay. Never always okay but still no sense in making them worry about something he can shrug off eh? He believes he's got thick skin and he does, everything has durability though. That's something he's unaware of, that it can crumble in ways he never expected.

He'll always address people in a courteous (heh, Kurteous) manner. Always with a 'miss' or a 'sir' at the end when addressing strangers. Rarely cusses in public too. That said it's not that he can't swear like a sailor. His mother IS a privateer, WAS a pirate captain after all. Still it comes with the mask he wears, the persona he dons in public and around most people. Must be why he's generally agreeable and reasonable around strangers. A bit stiff and even then the stiffness feels a little too practised. As if it was all an act. And it is. Though to the people he knows he's much less formal but still pretty formal. One tell for this is when he starts using 'aye' instead of other things like yes or yeah or sure.

Whether he likes it or not, he still has a tendency of making bad decisions. More often than not diving head first after a short round of deliberation and analysis. Comes with him believing in himself a little too much. He used to bite off more than he could chew but has since tempered that eagerness. If he's completely conscious about it, he'll take time to really think everything through, draw out possibilities and outcomes in his head. Sometimes that just leaves him frozen in inaction for a while, trying to best figure out how to come out on top.

Also whether he likes it or not, he'll have a hunger for the opposite sex. An acute hunger that he keeps on a leash and just reinforces the idea that he needs to put his mask on or risk weirding other people out. Whether it's lust trying to make him its slave or the fact that he drank a strange smelling and funky tasting brew from a Hellsguard to 'awaken the inner beast' remains to be seen. Though if it's the latter he would have quite a harder time to fix it. Since. Yanno. Said Hellsguard's dead before completely teaching him to control the beast.

Speaking of the beast, it's helped him become more wary, more cautious. Definitely a bit more like an animal. Case and point, when a coworker decided to ignite their darkside to show just what they could do. The entire room tasted all flavors of wrong for Kurt. Like his body was screaming fight or flight. Chanting it over and over. He exhibits a similar reaction to anything with the word 'void' on it. His senses aren't acute enough to pick up on corrupted aether and has to be told about it or have it show up in his face.

More often than not though, he'll always try to see the bright side of any situation. If not humor, dark or otherwise to just cope with things going south.


  • Swimming
  • Spicy Food
  • Red
  • Cooking
  • Threats within axe to face style distance
  • Being idle
  • Indecision
  • When a dish comes out wrong
  • Ul'dahn heat
  • Threats not within axe to face style distance
  • Meticulous when it's required.
  • Tolerant of almost anything that's thrown at him.
  • Cares about the people around him, yes even strangers.
  • Strength.
  • Steady Hands.
  • Learns Fast.
  • Cares too much about the people around him, yes even strangers.
  • Tolerant of almost anything thrown at him, easily taken advantage of.
  • Women.
  • Piss poor aether. Yes a short jolt will leave him spasming for an hour or so.
  • Rarely leaves time for himself.
  • Oblivious to his limits.

I'll get to this. Eventually. Yeh.


  • YTC - A Reclaimer for the organization. Also known as the one they send in to do the dirty work in some far off set of ruins. No longer a member. He had been hired by the consortium head himself, Nako'li Chalako, as one of the first employees of the then reformed organization.
  • Red Wings - Recruited to aid in engineering projects, as well as man the mess hall for a time. No longer a member. He joined the Flames unit formally following after his previous employers shift to aid in this particular outfit's efforts.
  • Mythril Wings - A hired hand that does a number of odd jobs for the organization. Currently works for these guys. Brought in by an old friend of his who ran the organization, along with two others at the head. Boy this is quite the pattern isn't it?
  • Yayoi Household - A member of the minor warrior noble clan erased after the razing of Doma. Has never met anyone from said clan outside of his older sister and father.
  • Redde Alexis II- Had worked a number of times on this ship, his mother's ship, to prove his seaworthiness. He had no choice in the matter.


Kurt has skill in the use of axes, firearms and lances. He favors the axe over the two weapons but recognizes the value in keeping both at hand, switching as the situation calls for it. Primarily fighting with an axe, his motions are always aggressive. He will always be the one to make the first move and advance several times over with this weapon. Everything has to be within Axe to Face style range. Spears are only ever situational for him, specifically if the situation calls for something to be hit with much force at a single point and his firearms are otherwise unloaded at the time. Despite his father and sister teaching him a more Doman form of using a spear, he would still prefer the simplicity of the axe. Mainly because that's what he grew up with.

Nothing much changes when sporting his handgun, he would close the distance while burning precious ammunition to pin an opponent in place until such time he could fall into rhythm of Axe to Face style. His motions always involve a bit of flair with a handgun, more flair when it's a pair of handguns. Whereas if he was using a rifle, he would maintain distance from his target, aiming for the legs to cripple the target. He is mostly stationary with a rifle and moves only to get a cleaner shot. His mother had made it a point to teach him basic marksmanship when it looked like his hands could handle the recoil of a handgun.


If not in the field Kurt can be found either in a kitchen, in front of a worktable, or facing a spindles of yarn and several needles of varying lengths and thicknesses.

His culinary style will always carry a La Noscean touch to it. As well as his personal bias of spices make everything better. Everything. The result is usually sweet, spicy and fresh. Always fresh. To that end, he works better with fresh ingredients as well, believing that fresh ingredients brings out more flavor. And despite all that, he had resigned himself to work with stored ingredients for the most part in his own little pantry bar lounge, his 'Rookery' within the Mythril Wings estate. The oppressive Thanalan heat especially dries things up quickly in general.

If he isn't cooking something in his small and relatively basic kitchenette, he would work on soldering something in his relatively small workshopette or utilize one of the empty rooms within the estate to draw up and fabricate whatever catches his fancy. The works he's most proud of was engineering a rundown skiff to fly as well as fabricate a prototype to a magitek staff. One that feeds on the aether in a crystal to amplify his lack of it and create a much more powerful spell to utilize. Other than that he sometimes tears old toys apart to see how they work on the inside and why. And also if he can make it better or do something it couldn't before.

And sometimes, being out in the field makes for wear, tear, and sometimes rust. He can't do anything about rust. But he can still mend the wear and tear. That was the necessity that had him taking up weaving in his spare time or whenever he felt like he had spare time. He's by no means a master but that doesn't stop him from fabricating his own simpler clothes. Even if he took it up to mend clothes in the first place. He's proud of the work he placed on his apron, imbued with water-aspected clusters, not crystals nor shards but clusters, to be quite the fireproof ensemble for when he's working in the kitchen. It had taken several tries to get the design and material balance right but he's still proud of what he had accomplished.


  • Is your character perhaps a chef and/or able to cook? Good, we can probably talk cuisine and technique. Just lemme know.
  • Maybe you need some muscle? Bene, we can come to an arrangement for a bit of bodyguarding.
  • Perhaps you're a gearhead/engineer/mechnically inclined? Maybe we can talk more at your workshop or my sort of workshop.
  • A clothesmaker? I may have something for you to cringe at how crude it all is.
  • Generally a Limsan? Wonderful, you may or may not already know me or my mother at least. Pirates and all that.
  • From Wineport? You probably remember that kid who had some mean looking men for playmates? Yeah that was me.
  • Ul'dahn? Well recently I was around when a certain undisclosed Raen threw fish guts at the Ossuary.
  • Oh so you're a thaumaturge? Yeah refer to the above. I'm so sorry, I didn't know she'd do it I swear.
  • You know, we can also meet somewhere out in the great Eorzean wilderness. Maybe I stumble upon you doing you but somehow need help?


  • Well I'm mostly in Ul'dah.
  • Sometimes I'm in Limsa.
  • Other times I'm at the Company Estate. Ward 4, Plot 29 of the Mist.
  • Usually I'm out in the wilds doing something too.

I'm going to have to take some time to organize this one. Yuh.

Olde Rumours from Olde Kurte/Katte Wiki

  • "He seems nice and reminds me of my father. Or rather... he just really looks like father. They don't act the same at all. Mr. Steel probably bathes regularly, for one." -Chou
  • “Sometimes I just can’t believe him. I mean, did you know he once let a toad eat his spellbook? A toad!” - Adeya Evenar
  • "He's alright." - Oskwell
  • "Get a load of this wannabe, ah?" - Flynn Fister: Pistonfist
  • "It would appear that I've not acquired her name, but I do hope her ventures for a wyvern are not for naught..." - A polite, blond hyuran man.
  • "heh, I enjoy this one's company. He's eager, but not th'completely daft sort'a eager. He's strong as a bull, too. Smart kid. He'll go far, I think." - Steel Wolf
  • "Not sure why I took him on to be honest. Just something about him I saw in myself a long time ago I guess..That eagerness to learn and create. Though I worry for him sometimes, that's why I gotta keep an eye on him before he does something foolish that will cause more pain in attempts to heal what he's already carrying..." - Cliodhna Eoghan
  • "Lord Kurt is quite bold. And honest. For the few times I have seen him, he will jump and rush at any request. His measure of how far or how high is much longer than any other, for kin or people he does not have more than acquaintance to; myself included. I, ah, was surely smiled on by Nymeia to meet one of Her own. If you get a chance to meet him once more, pray take it." - Jancis Milburga
  • "Miss Clio, sent her my way thinkin' she could help me with my problem, and ended up becomin' a potential student instead. She seem's ta want ta learn which is more than I can say for most. Now ta see how well she receives such lessons." - War Bear

New/Current Rumours

//Copy this "*Put rumour here. - Put your name here"

  • "He is a good cook. There is always some tasty pastry or drink if I visit him. Like coffee and apple tarts." - Jancis Milburga
  • Put rumour here. - Put your name here

I'll figure out something to stick in here too. Yih.