Kurt Steel

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Kurt Steel
Kurt Faes2.png
Aye? Need something done?
Just another Limsan
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsan
Nameday 20th of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Age 22
Height 5f10i
Weight 160pz
Profession Adventurer
Patron Deity Nymeia

'Ah my little boy. He's grown up to be someone I'm proud of, someone who knows what he's doing and takes the days as they come to him. It's a bit odd how he's grown though, but I won't question it. It's just how his cards were handed to him and he dealt with all of that with a relatively cool head. I just hope he's finally found a direction to take steps toward. It's a bit saddening that in the few times he's come home he looks more lost than the previous visit. Then again, I'm not going to help him, it's up to him to find what he really wants. He know's what he's doing but he hasn't the foggiest of where he's going.'

- Rachel Steel (rewritten by R'xin Tia, previous copy too illegible)


Kurt will always have an affinity for red things. It reflects on his clothing, most of them painstakingly dyed a Dalamud red. It doesn't matter what he wears, as long as it's red. Still it doesn't mean he doesn't sport black or white if he has to. But red's always his go to color.

On the subject of clothing, he prefers a simpler style overall. A tunic, pants and boots are pretty much basics for him. At times he has a red and black coat over his tunic especially in places that aren't Ul'dah. In all places that aren't Ul'dah. Ul'dah can make people melt. Though his outfits cycle too, where one day he's in a coat, the next he's in a tunic, the next he's in a shirt, the next he's sporting a fire proof apron because he just got out of the kitchen. It is rumored his pants can last him weeks before has to wash them. He cycles at least four pairs of boots though only one ever goes up to his thighs. Even then the thigh boot is hidden under his apron ensemble.

His hair's a black mess. Recently at any rate. He used to sport a tidier style but has since been unable to find the time to fix his hair. That said, he still keeps his chin scruff trim and neat. One who adheres to the need for facial hair.

If one were to stare at him for awhile they may notice how some of his features lend to a more Doman aesthetic despite being born and raised in Wineport. That's because his dad is Doman. The eye shape that doesn't exactly know if it should be Doman or Limsan. A generally younger look on his face. Brows that can't decide whether it wants to be thick or not. Brown eyes instead of her mother's green pair. A nose that could be Eorzean but has a slight tilt for a doman effect. His face is just as lost as he is on what it really wants to be so it's trying to be both at the same time. Fun fact he used to have heterochromia, when his eyes didn't know if they wanted to be Doman Brown or Eorzean Green, but has since lost it.

His body isn't anything to write home about. Sure he's got muscles from twelve knows how long he's worked the axe to help earn his keep in his household. He's built to last or at least last long enough. Not at all that tall, a bit short for a midlander man standing only at 5 fulms 10 ilms. He's fine with it, would have preferred the extra two ilms but is fine with it. Credits the lack of two extra ilms to his Doman heritage though.


Kurt's one with a martyr complex. Always concerned about the people around him and not too much about himself. If anything, he keeps his emotions to himself and plays his cards closer to his chest. A mask always on his face to show that he's okay. Never always okay but still no sense in making them worry about something he can shrug off eh? He believes he's got thick skin and he does, everything has durability though. That's something he's unaware of, that it can crumble in ways he never expected.

He'll always address people in a courteous (heh, Kurteous) manner. Always with a 'miss' or a 'sir' at the end when addressing strangers. Rarely cusses in public too. That said it's not that he can't swear like a sailor. His mother IS a privateer, WAS a pirate captain after all. Still it comes with the mask he wears, the persona he dons in public and around most people. Must be why he's generally agreeable and reasonable around strangers. A bit stiff and even then the stiffness feels a little too practised. As if it was all an act. And it is. Though to the people he knows he's much less formal but still pretty formal. One tell for this is when he starts using 'aye' instead of other things like yes or yeah or sure.

Whether he likes it or not, he still has a tendency of making bad decisions. More often than not diving head first after a short round of deliberation and analysis. Comes with him believing in himself a little too much. He used to bite off more than he could chew but has since tempered that eagerness. If he's completely conscious about it, he'll take time to really think everything through, draw out possibilities and outcomes in his head. Sometimes that just leaves him frozen in inaction for a while, trying to best figure out how to come out on top.

Also whether he likes it or not, he'll have a hunger for the opposite sex. An acute hunger that he keeps on a leash and just reinforces the idea that he needs to put his mask on or risk weirding other people out. Whether it's lust trying to make him its slave or the fact that he drank a strange smelling and funky tasting brew from a Hellsguard to 'awaken the inner beast' remains to be seen. Though if it's the latter he would have quite a harder time to fix it. Since. Yanno. Said Hellsguard's dead before completely teaching him to control the beast.

Speaking of the beast, it's helped him become more wary, more cautious. Definitely a bit more like an animal. Case and point, when a coworker decided to ignite their darkside to show just what they could do. The entire room tasted all flavors of wrong for Kurt. Like his body was screaming fight or flight. Chanting it over and over. He exhibits a similar reaction to anything with the word 'void' on it. His senses aren't acute enough to pick up on corrupted aether and has to be told about it or have it show up in his face.

More often than not though, he'll always try to see the bright side of any situation. If not humor, dark or otherwise to just cope with things going south.