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<div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#444146;font-family:Georgia;">By the next afternoon, the repercussions had taken his formerly quiet world by storm. Accusatory stares met him throughout the Ossuary. At the altar, on the steps, down the avenue, even inside the burial chamber where he eventually tried to escape from them. The folk that dotted his daily routine had never been overwhelmingly friendly before. The difference now was that he couldn't tell himself it wasn't his doing.  
<div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#444146;font-family:Georgia;">By the next afternoon, the repercussions had taken his formerly quiet world by storm. Accusatory stares met him throughout the Ossuary. At the altar, on the steps, down the avenue, even within the deepest parts of the burial chamber where he eventually tried to escape from them. The folk that dotted his daily routine had never been overwhelmingly friendly before. The difference now was that he couldn't tell himself it wasn't his doing.  
As it turned out, the burned blade's father was well-off. Rich. Influential-rich. ''The law is what I decide it is''—rich. And at the behest of his half-dead son, he'd funneled capital into the pockets of everyone who mattered—and even a few that didn't—to corroborate his claims: that his body had been the only thing in the way of the attempted murder of several dozen Ul'dahn youths. A lie, of course, but permanent disfigurement had left the man a mite bitter. Not only was he going to ruin Ganzeyn's life, but he was going to do it in a way that brought him immense joy.
As it turned out, the burned blade's father was well-off. Rich. Influential-rich. ''The law is what I decide it is''—rich. And at the behest of his half-dead son, he'd funneled capital into the pockets of everyone who mattered—and even a few that didn't—to corroborate his claims: that his body had been the only thing in the way of the attempted murder of several dozen Ul'dahn youths. A lie, of course, but permanent disfigurement had left the man a mite bitter. Not only was he going to ruin Ganzeyn's life, but he was going to do it in a way that brought him immense joy.

Revision as of 01:58, 11 April 2018



Scratching eight fulms tall, Boar is a great, big lumbering thing. He possesses excessively wide shoulders to match an excessively wide gait, and hands large enough that they look ill-suited to picking up average-sized tools, let alone performing any task that requires precision (yet his long nails are always painted and cared for). Atop a reasonable amount of core muscle, Boar carries a few hundred extra ponze, which round out his features and settle into a ponderous belly.

Often, his small, sleepy eyes are obscured by a mane-like head of black hair. It appears disheveled at a glance, yet is in fact just cut that way: haphazardly, and into many uneven layers that have a habit of falling into his face. And he prefers it that way; the elements are more liable to brush it back out of the way than he is. What he's hiding is what some might consider a chronic baby face: permanently pouting lips, cherubic cheeks, a stout, black-tipped nose. Any mention of the word cute will cause him to grimace and/or groan. Or to turn and leave promptly.

He has far fewer reservations about his body, which over the years he's had embellished with gold piercings and swirling tattoos that cover half of his torso. The cursive script flowing between the lines tells a tale derived from Abalathian folklore, and at the center of his back is a stylized boar's head weeping from a singular eye.

Aspects That Stand Out:
Hair in face like a bad high-school stereotype

Name - Sulking Boar
Race - Hellsguard Roegadyn
Age - 27
Name Day - TEXT
Deity - Nald'thal

Alias: Boar
Citizenship: Ul'dah
Occupation: Freelance Thaumaturge
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Amber
Complexion: Copper
Body Type: Overweight
Piercings: Ears x7, Tongue, Nipples, Navel
Tattoos: Near-total coverage on upper back, chest, shoulders, and biceps.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Affiliations: Arrzaneth Ossuary, Brotherhood of Ash

- Iron Maiden, “Ira” for short. A black cat missing a back limb. Wears a prosthetic commissioned from Eshtaime’s Aesthetics.
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