Sulking Boar

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Scratching eight fulms tall, Boar is a great, big lumbering thing. He possesses excessively wide shoulders to match an excessively wide gait, and hands large enough that they look ill-suited to picking up average-sized tools, let alone performing any task that requires precision (yet his long nails are always painted and cared for). Atop a reasonable amount of core muscle, Boar carries a few hundred extra ponze, which round out his features and settle into a ponderous belly.

His face is full and somewhat cherubic, underlined by a double chin. He has thick eyebrows and large lips that, when at rest, always look to be pouting. His nose is wide and flat and terminates in a canid-like tip that's typical of Hellsguard. His eyes are such a striking shade of gold that one might be convinced he has tapetum lucidum, though that's assuredly not the case. He bounces between lightly stubbled and clean-shaven depending on his workload and how kindly he's been treating himself. Meanwhile, the hair atop his head is always left long, always thick, always mane-like, pouring over his shoulders and down his back—sometimes into his face, when he wants it to. It's a comfort.

Although these days he's most often seen playing the part of a looming shadow, decked in some all-encompassing black robe or shroud, his body has a history of modification, apparent in his many piercings and the swirling tattoos that cover half of his torso. The cursive script flowing between the inked lines tells a tale derived from Abalathian folklore, and at the center of his back is a stylized silhouette of a boar's head weeping from a singular eye. A pair of sharp veneers worn on his lower canines also serve to render his appearance closer to that of the animal.

Name - Sulking Boar
Race - Hellsguard Roegadyn
Age - 26
Name Day - 30th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon (August 29th)
Deity - Nald'thal

Alias: Boar
Citizenship: Ul'dah
Occupation: Freelance Thaumaturge, Taxidermist, Raw Material & Reagent Supplier, Occasional Undertaker
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Amber
Complexion: Earthy with a slight reddish undertone
Body Type: Rotund
Piercings: Ears x6, Nipples, Navel
Tattoos: Near-total coverage on upper back, chest, shoulders, and biceps.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Good
Affiliations: Arrzaneth Ossuary, Brotherhood of Ash

- Iron Maiden, “Ira” for short. A black cat missing limbs. Wears prosthetics commissioned from Eshtaime’s Aesthetics.
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