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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:12px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>[[Vhaso'a Amariyo]]</b> <i>Stylist/Friend</i>.  <b>(</b>Keeper<b>)</b> - <b><font style="color:#669900;" size="2">✔</font><font style="color:#c00000;" size="2">❣</font><font style="color:#b72a78;" size="2">♦</font></b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:11px;">A handsome polyamorous stylist who she ran into one day while he was "attempting" to relax and not think about work, Kitsuno soon found herself drawn to the stylish and encouraging Keeper. Having spent some time intimately with him, she finds him intriguing and sincere, and enjoys being around him and hearing his thoughts, as a Priest of Menphina.</div>
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Revision as of 18:44, 5 August 2018


Kitsuno Ishida
The Dancing Oracle

Don't we all need to feel like we're important to keep ourselves going?

—Kitsuno Ishida


Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... "Kit (From "kitten") Su (from "Soon") No (... Opposite of yes.)"

NICKNAMES... "Kitsu, Kitsy, Kit"

RACE & CLAN... Au Ra, Raen (Ishida Clan)

GENDER... Female (Cis)

AGE... 18

NAMEDAY... 6th Sun, 1st Umbral Moon, (14th Feb)

ORIENTATION... Straight/Bi-Leanings

MARITAL STATUS... Affianced, Marrying Kazusano'o Oda

Other Statistics

NATIONALITY... Sawan/Othardian(?)


FAMILY... Two Fathers, 2 Younger Brothers, 1 Older Adopted Brother.

RESIDENCE... Mist, Ward 7, Apartment 82

OCCUPATION... Dancer, Former Courtesan, Healer

PATRON DEITY... Azim + Tamamo no Gozen (Mostly Kami)

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 4 fulms, 9 ilms. 95 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... [1]# [2] Neutral Good

General Information
Born of two fathers, a child of love and miracles and raised as a princess in the beautiful small Kingdom of Sawa, Kitsuno finds her life twisted by the betrayal of her former lover Yaheji, whose betrayal of their land to Garlemald bring the Garleans to Sawa. Her life is suddenly thrust into chaos, yet determined to find her lost friends and beloved after the attack of her homeland, she escapes to Eorzea and sets out to recover the shattered part of her life and restore her passage to her homeland.
All I'd want is to see your smile...
Gold Steel Gray with Red Hues Fair Toned Soft-Spoken, speaks common with the faintest foreign accent.
Gentle, Affectionate Ambidextrous/Right Handed Preference None Scales with a Gem-like sheen on her skin, very minimal Elegant, modest and pretty fashions.
Hair & Eyes
Dark Hair: Steel Gray with Red Hues & Gold-brown eyes with Gold Limbals
Petite height, toned and well-shaped figure that's proportionate around her hips and bust for her frame but also visibly "womanly". Her legs are elegant from dancing, and strong.
Hygiene & Attire
Smells clean and pleasant, has no BO at any time, even when sweating, due to a scent around her that emanates from her naturally. Some say it resembles the Flower of the Stars, Agar or Plum Blossoms. Prefers girlish, pretty fashions, usually not too revealing, and modest.
Psychological Profile
A generally kind, and understanding person who reserves judgement on even her enemies, she's patient and observant with everyone and doesn't jump to conclusions. It takes a lot to rile her up, though she is reserved and shy otherwise.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
"Forgiveness is wisdom, but ignorance is foolhardy." Her demeanour is proper and refined, behaving respectably towards everyone, even those she knows are questionable. With friends, she becomes relaxed and sweet, even playful, though there's a gentle and regal touch to her behavior, a remnant of her upbringing. Some of her quirks involve using "Mm!" which she uses in place of "Yes" at times. She can switch between a "professional" personality that's more charming, to a regular one pretty quickly. Just happens. She's also book-smart and has a sharp memory and rarely forget faces or names.
● Her Family
● Her Friends
● Reading new books
● Dancing
● Learning/Studying
● Sweets
● Honeymilk
● Moon Daisies, Peach and Sakura Blossoms
● Cruelty
● Liars with malicious intent
● Peas
● Dancing/Singing/Arts
● Playing the koto/flute
● Aetherial/Arcane Manipulation
● Healing
● Embroidery/Weaving
● Divination (Limited now)

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Basic Statistics
High: Aetheric Abilities, Intelligence, Mind, Speed
Above Average: Dexterity, Willpower, Determination, Stamina
Average: Strength, Defense, Endurance
Low: Resistance
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: Seeing/Hearing through the use of her aetheric manipulation, capable of calling forth visions of the past and future through dance and touch.
Expert: Thaumaturgy/Healing/Conjury/Astromancy/Aetheric Infusion
Average: Summoning/Arcanima
Novice: Voidal Summoning
Weapon Training
Mastery: Himantes/Jamadhar/Combat Hand Fans
Expert: Bow
Average: Swords/Daggers
Novice: Heavy Weaponry/Guns
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Acrobatics, Distraction, Strategy
Above Average: Parkour, Infusion of Aether into movements, self-healing
Average: Awareness, can get tunnel-visioned
Low: Self-preservation, can get aggressive when cornered
Non-Combat Abilities
Dancing: An expert dancer with very little she can't dance - she's currently learning Eorzean dances!
Singing/Music: Trained with traditional Doman singing styles and instruments (koto, flute, erhu)
Languages: Learned in xaelic tongue for diplomatic missions and Eorzean common. Confirmed polyglot, has learned and picks up languages very well, including signs (for Qestiri communication).
Divination: A heightened sixth sense that can pick up aetheric abnormalities and voidal presences, as well as strong aetheric energies. This in fact, as a form of the Echo, allows her to call upon visions of the past and future through dance if they didn't come to her through dreams and sensitivity. Known as an oracle back in her homeland, Kitsuno was renowned as the Dancing Fox Oracle. While the ability came naturally to her through touch and dreams, dancing allowed her to immediately summon up what was asked of her. Unfortunately, it came with the side effect of draining a serious amount of aether, and after the disappearance of her former fiance Yaheji, she'd been unable to call up any visions, but remained ever sensitive to the presence of aether around her- as well as the voices of the land and spirits, though after his return, she's slowly recovering her ability.
Glamors: Capable of casting light glamors and illusions on herself and around herself without transforming her physical form, but enough to be convincing. This includes creating "doubles" of herself acting in individual behavior should she need to make an escape, or of someone else. Think Jem and the Holograms.
Pheromones: Due to the circumstances of her birth, she releases a pleasant scented pheromone along with her natural scent that affects men with inclinations towards women (because she herself has inclinations towards men). It isn't dangerous, though depending on her own condition, its effects can vary in intensity, and if she doesn't control it (be it through meditation, coupling or dance), it can trigger sensations of arousal in men who spend a lot of time around her continuously. However, she has now taken to wearing a special inhibitor that keeps this from affecting people around her and at most, only a pleasant, clean scent will surround her.
Tradecraft Abilities
Weaving: A skilled weaver and embroiderer
Culinary: Can cook most Doman dishes, and is well-versed in teas.
OOC Note
Kitsuno is not a hardened war veteran or combatant, having been raised as a princess all her life. What she knows is enough to defend herself, as well as others around her, and she's still currently training as best as possible to overcome her limitations. She makes full use of strategy to get ahead and come out the victor.

"I'm a princess. Princess Kitsuno of the Ishida clan, heir to the Kingdom of Sawa... I'm a Seer, or an Oracle. Or was. When I danced, I was able to see visions- of the future. People came to watch me, even as a child. I saw many things for my people. My fathers protected me- and my retainers. It was loud, in my head. Always loud. But when I was with Wen, and eventually Yaheji, the noise would stop. It wouldn't be loud anymore.

Sawa was a land built on magic and fertility- a guardian enclave, in the name of Tamamo no Gozen, where her blood reigns strong. We revere her, the good in her, that protects the land. My father is a mage- one fully of her guardian blood, my other father a scholar, half hyur. When they wed, Tamamo gave them a vision- that they would have their love fulfilled, but to fulfill her need- to have her voice in the land, they would ally with the dragons in my birth. And so they sought the power of the dragons. Dragons can shift form to birth what they need- and the fertility of the foxes allows them to do the same. They'd longed for children, but loved each other too much to want anyone else to bear me. Funny, isn't it? I was born from a wish, and a vision of guidance. I hear- it happens. When people wish hard enough here...

So they did as they were guided. From the Flower of the Stars, and the Fox's blessing, I came into the world.

But all the same... what came with me, gave me that skill. But no blessing comes without a price. Mine was seeing... everything. Everything, good, and bad, and horrifying.

Tamamo's bloodline is strong and noticeable... all those of the royal bloodline contain the traits of it. The fragrance of the fox-flowers- the glittering scales, tying those closely to Tamamo's desires. When we come of age, it blossoms...

But for me- It was maddening. Because after a certain vision I had- the seal on my scent broke. It became loud, frightening. I could see too much. People could feel me too strongly. I had to be hidden away- quenched with my adoptive brother. My fathers were quick to seek a partner for me- a raen by the name of Yaheji. He was a kind, but calculating Lord. He realized that by bonding with me through our hearts, we'd seal my scent to him more strongly.

I fell in love- and with him, there was silence, and I could think. Beni and Naya, they protected me, and they trained me... how to focus on the physical, to keep the noise down. How to quiet myself. Gareki and Megumi worked ways to inhibit my scent. They're Keepers too. Megumi's a wonderful chemist... Gareki's an excellent engineer, but I digress. They did all that for me. Everyone did. I was happy, because I had everyone, and I was myself. Until I didn't.

Then he vanished, seeking power in the void.. and everything shattered. The silence wasn't there anymore. My thoughts maddened me for a while, though I could no longer see. He'd taken my sight, but left me with the noise. It was frightening. They still do sometimes. That's why I dance. It keeps the noise out. And when my heart is at ease...

It's why I do so much. Because when I don't, I feel like I'm going to drown in the thoughts around me." — Kitsuno Ishida
Disclaimer: Still a work in progress, so have a basic gist.
Sixth Astral Era
Raised a princess, was around 12-13 during the Calamity, and had foreseen it in her nightmares. It was around here that her abilities began to cause her to suffer mentally.

Seventh Umbral Era
Grew up rather distanced from the strife and conflict in a small kingdom that was mostly removed from it all, save in rescuing and aiding victims of the strife that happened their way. Through this she was able to meet many interesting folk, including her friends and eventually, her lover.. who wasn't as kind as she thought he was.

In Recent Times
Moving Forward
Having enjoyed peace while being hidden away, the Garleans finally found their land, as well as that of the hidden village that was making weapons and supplying them to the growing insurgence, and she had to escape with her retainers and friends. She lost her now-former fiance a year prior to it and ended up in Eorzea, only to live as a courtesan for a bit to make ends meet while hiding from her enemies. She now owns the Ryuusei Tea Room as its proprietress, and lives at Sawayama Sanctuary in Shirogane, which she's turned into a home for those who need work.

Relationship Status Legend
Love (Platonic/Affectionate)
Sexual/Physical Attraction

Sakichi Ishida Father/Lord. (Raen) -
A wise and firm leader, and a just ruler. He taught Kitsuno how to appreciate dance and arts and education, and to always stay strong in adversity. While stubborn and seemingly harsh at times, he always has the best intent and a sharp mind that sees far beyond what he seems to show. Kitsuno adores him and respects him greatly. His beauty surpasses most women's in the land, and he knows it well.
Reiji Ishida Father/Lord. (Raen/Hyur) -
A gentleman through and through, yet a strong and dedicated man of the law who believes in justice and good. Never one to back down from the truth, together with Sakichi, he instilled a firm set of morals in Kitsuno that she believes in to this day.
Yuu Ishida Younger Brother/Prince. (Au Ra/Raen) -
Kitsuno's 15-year old brother, an eccentric and talented artist and performer. Kindhearted and gentle and seeing the beauty in everything, Kitsuno adores him, even if he drives her crazy with worry when he does random things that make no sense- but recognizing his unique way of seeing things, she appreciates and supports him even if he confuses her at times.
Kaden Ishida Younger Brother/Prince. (Au Ra/Raen) -
Kitsuno's 11-year old mischief-maker of a brother, he adores treasure-hunting and discovering new things. Loves baths, surprisingly, and like Yuusuke, enjoys keeping his appearance as lovely as possible. He adores his sister and wants to protect the clan when he's older.
Yaheji Togo Former Fiance/Acquaintance. (Raen) -
Kitsuno's former fiance. A cunning young lord who shared a passionate romance with the young princess, he ended up pursuing the void for more power and gain, and ended up vanishing to it, along with his land and retainers. Ever since he vanished, Kitsuno became unable to "see" or "hear" things, and unknown to her, it's because he took the ability from her, but provided her with his aether crystal to use her magic. She has since returned it to him and taken him into her service as a retainer after he lost his lands and men, and the two share a distant relationship now with their feelings cooled.
Wen Liu Adoptive Brother/Bodyguard. (Xaela/Elezen) -
Kitsuno's adoptive brother and former retainer, Wen and Kitsuno have always had a warm relationship that turned intimate as they turned 14. However, due to Wen's insecurity of his status, they broke up, but they continue to protect and confide in each other to this day as Wen serves Ser Aymeric de Borel in Ishgard, as a knight.
Keiji no Naru Former Suitor/Adoptive Brother. (Au Ra/Raen) -
A Prince of the Genmaru Clan and former suitor who Kitsuno turned down in order to marry Yaheji, now a brother-like figure, Kitsuno greatly respects Keiji and admires his skill in smithing and sword-making. She finds him adorable at times and has been helping him learn Eorzean common to better settle into the land. With Keiji having been unable to recover his clansmen, Kitsuno has had Keiji adopted into the Ishida clan as family officially, as of their return to Othard, sharing the same title as her adopted brother Wen. She adores and respects Keiji immensely and wants to do everything she can to make him never feel alone again.
Toraichi Kato Uncle. (Raen/Seeker) -
Adopted by Kitsuno's grandfather, Toraichi is a tall, powerful man who has the best skills in architecture and engineering, and fortification in Sawa. A formidable warrior and mage, he is married to Lady Yui Kato and has three sons from her, which surprises him as he was sure miqo'te had more daughters.
Yui Kato Aunt. (Raen) -
A beautiful noblewoman, Yui is Kitsuno's mother in spirit. A dangerous and striking beauty with her arrows on the battlefield, she is Toraichi's wife and a chef unmatched by any. Kitsuno loves her dearly, and is often longing for her presence when they're apart.
Reika Yamazaki Cousin. (Raen) -
The firstborn of Kitsuno's uncle and his heir, Reika is the captain of the pegasus riders of Sawa, strong women who command rare flying horses. A beauty and perfectly talented in every way, Kitsuno finds her endearing and hopes to see her shine brightly one day, and be a friend to her.
Keiichi Yamazaki Cousin. (Keeper) -
Adopted son of Kitsuno's uncle Lord Yamazaki on her father Reiji's side, and mate to Takashi Yukimura, Megumi Yukimura's cousin, Keiichi is a hot-headed little swordsman, who is training to become a knight in Ishgard. Kitsuno finds him amusing and sweet, and more caring than he lets on.
Naya Dalamiq (Naya) Confidante/Companion. (Au Ra/Xaela) -
A mysterious beauty, as well as Kitsuno's confidante and kagemusha, Nymeria is Kitsuno's attendant and handmaiden. Though she and Naya can often end up at odds, there's no one Kitsuno trusts more, or loves as a sister and friend. She's responsible for her training as well as her education in the arcane, together with Naya's best friend and lover Benisato.
Benisato Ryujin Bodyguard/Companion. (Au Ra/Raen) -
A strong, beautiful backwater raen who was raised alongside a Khatayin tribe and herded goats, Benisato became Kitsuno's bodyguard at a young age due to her magnificent skill with the sword. Being of an oddly tall height for auri women, she'd feel out of place with them, but eventually felt confident enough to entice and welcome other lords as her duties demanded with Kitsuno's encouragement, eventually becoming a well-loved member of the court. With a smile for everyone and a battle prowess like none other, she and Naya are women Kitsuno loves most in the world.
Kyouki Shima Bodyguard/Dance Instructor. (Hyur) -
The son of her father's retainer, Sakon, and a playful flirt and dancer, Kitsuno considers him her big brother and would regularly dance with him whenever she trained.
Haya Hojo Companion/Friend. (Hyur) -
A former princess turned handmaiden, Haya was saved by Kitsuno's grandfather and brought into Sawa and Mitsunari's household when her kingdom fell. She eventually married a young scholar, but continues to pray for Kitsuno's well-being for having been kind to her when she served her.
Akira Shirogane Retainer/Shinobi. (Keeper) -
Retainer to her younger brother Yuu, and a miqo'te of the Utakata tribe as well as the son of Megumi's cousin Takashi Yukimura, Akira's a young shinobi whose skill won over her fathers' attention enough to allow him to serve the Ishida family. Kitsuno finds him a bit odd, but after seeing how much he cares for her brother, she's welcoming of him, even if she scolds him for letting Yuu run amok.
Yoshitaka Otani Retainer/Warrior. (Au Ra/Raen) -
Retainer to Lord Ishida, Yoshitaka is a raen from Sui no Sato and strategist who is a mixed blood and suffers from a weak condition. He adopted Kurou Yukimura, the cousin of Megumi Yukimura as his son, and treats Kitsuno as a daughter of his own.
Ranmaru Morino Retainer/Sword Dancer. (Raen) -
A beautiful young raen who serves Kazusano'o Oda, he has a beauty rivaled by the most lovely woman. An expert sword dancer, he is a loyal and devoted samurai who is devoted to Kazusano'o and to seeing his future come to fruition.
Kyoshiro Akiya Retainer/Silver Wolf. (Au Ra/Raen) -
Retainer to her father Reiji, and the head of the shinobi of Sawa known as the "Silver Wolf", Kyoshiro is a strong and dedicated vassal who cares for Reiji and his family. Considered an uncle to Kitsuno, he's a force to be reckoned with.. and currently pursuing Megumi of Utakata, which few men would dare to try.
Talan Dracht Mogsglaive Lancer. (Hyur) -
An odd and simple man who works for Claudien, Kitsuno is occasionally given his protection when her other retainers are busy. She finds him sweet, though being as strong a fighter as he is, she wonders what his story is.
Allies/Close Friends/Companions
Gareki Yukimura Childhood Best Friend. (Keeper) -
Kitsuno's childhood best friend and the person she can truly be herself around, Gareki is someone Kitsuno both respects and loves as her own. Together, they can end up being quite the mischief-makers with their rapport and understanding, but beyond that, Kitsuno regards Gareki as someone she would do anything to see happy because he doesn't believe he deserves it. While she can bicker with him over little things, she knows Gareki means well for her and she does what she can to look out for him too.
Megumi Yukimura Medic/Healer. (Keeper/Matriarch) -
The young matriarch of the Utakata Keepers, Megumi was assigned to her as her medic after Megumi's mother Ouka died. Though occasionally at odds with her, Kitsuno admires her confidence and skill, even if her brashness makes her facepalm.
Klair Dratahr Bard/Friend. (Hyur/Seeker) -
Formerly named Klair Gavin, he's a handsome bard and Gareki's mate and husband, and a dragon-blood. Klair is someone who Kitsuno knows will always have a kind word or smile for those around him. She worries for him and hopes that he'll find the answers he's looking for, and regrets that without her ability to see, she can't do much else for him.
Jhi'a Feng Informant/Tutor. (Keeper) -
A charming philanderer and informant, and the person who instructed Kitsuno in how to speak in the common language of Eorzea, Kitsuno finds him an intriguing and fascinating man who she can always sit down and talk to with ease whenever he visits.
Nayel Dratahr Colleague/Companion. (Seeker) -
A young Seeker by the name of Nayel who was brought to Utakata and whose presence immediately reminded her of Gareki's, Nayel is a kind and gentle young man who seems a bit lost at times, but has a good soul. Kitsuno often read the tales of Caelius and Argente with him, as well as the adventures of Ser Auriel Caius of Ishgard, and loaned him her books.
Ryuh'a Dratahr Colleague/Companion. (Keeper) -
Formerly Ryuh'a Hoshiki, A young orphaned Keeper who was brought to Megumi's tribe when much younger, Ryu is a bright ray of sunshine who makes Kitsuno laugh. An artist and hunter, he shares her affection for all things cute.
Raiel Lucius Friend. (Seeker) -
A gentle bard, who befriended Kitsuno- he is an Ishgardian lord who travels with his steward, Y'shin Feng, in order to learn more about the world around him. Kind and curious, Kitsuno finds his appearance reminiscent of Gareki, and dotes a bit on him affectionately. He is looking to cast her in his next musical play.
Y'shin Feng Steward/Medic. (Seeker) -
Steward to Raiel and son to Jhi'a, Y'shin is a charmer and former nunh among his tribe. He left to adventure and enjoy the world, and always has the best gossip to share. Currently in a relationship with Rhaeya Ohska and Raiel Lucius, and is aiming to have children with Rhaeya. Though he is Ryuh'a's older brother, he's not particularly familiar with him.
Rhaeya Ohska Priestess/Diviner. (Keeper) -
A sweet diviner of Utakata who has a disposition to chase the darkest of storm clouds away, Rhaeya is one of Megumi's best friends and someone Kitsuno enjoys speaking to. Unlike most people, she believes Rhaeya's powers are genuine, and has managed to confirm this on more than one occasion, despite no one believing her.
Chousen Dia Courtesan/Dancer. (Keeper) -
A courtesan and dancer of Utakata and another one of Megumi's best friends, Chousen is a beauty among miqo'te and other races alike who trained her in exotic dancing. A free-spirited woman with a love and confidence for her body, Kitsuno admires her courage, yet wonders if she's trying to compensate for something she can't have...
Suko'to Nbolo Informant/Friend. (Keeper) -
A mysterious Keeper who Kitsuno met in the Quicksand one day and eventually hired to return Kazusano'o's engagement ring to, the two formed a fast friendship that they now maintain after having spoken of their pasts and strife. Kitsuno feels like he could use some light and joy in his life, and wants to help him re-discover all the things he was cutting himself off from. Having had him help her contain her scent, Kitsuno trusts him and has found in him a true friend who she feels she can trust.
Layle Yew Friend. (Hyur/Elezen) -
A sweet, silly knight who Megumi seems to have taken under her wing and regards, Kitsuno considers Layle not only a dear friend, but a warm presence who brightens her day any time she sees him. His dedication and knightly demeanor amuses her, and they share a common love in their favorite novel series, "Crownsguard". She feels she can truly speak her mind with Layle, and he'll always have the best advice he can give. As of now, he's vanished, and she has no idea where he is.
Claudien Winter Client/Friend/Father Figure. (Hyur) -
A former paladin who found Kitsuno when she was working at the Rose as a courtesan, she was soon hired by him to look after his garden together with Gareki, and bonded with him in his loneliness. Finding him a kinder soul than he'd like people to believe, Kitsuno admires his confidence and hopes to provide him as much comfort as he's given to her.
Nachin Qestir Good Friend. (Xaela) -
A former client she met while playing truth or dare while she was still working as a courtesan, Kitsuno and Nachin became good friends after she displayed being able to communicate with him in signs and more, and eventually fell in love with him, though they separated once Kitsuno had to get engaged. She finds the xaela an enigma, but their constant meetings leave her smiling more often than not. In his case, silence is golden when thoughts are understood, and she hopes to be as good to him as he's continued to be with her. He currently serves as a guard for Sawa Sanctuary and has sworn to protect Kitsuno, while remaining loyal to his tribe and her.
Yagaan Gesi Colleague/Friend. (Xaela) -
A newcomer hunter to the Mogsglaive, Kitsuno has befriended him and admires his pretty style. He might deny it being cute and pretty, though!
Zensuke Shirogane Friend. (Raen) -
A fellow dancer and bard from Sui no Sato, Kitsuno admires his skill and prowess, and is interested in dancing with him together for a future performance!
Jinua Tumet Childhood Friend. (Xaela) -
A mysterious and handsome xaela that Kitsuno ran into while on a leve for the Astrologicum, the two later discovered that they had met before, long in their past as children when Kitsuno and her fathers had gone to visit their tribe on a diplomatic mission. Recognized by Benisato as the little wolf, Kitsuno learned his given name and rekindled their friendship from that one amazing day of playing together. Having gotten to know him a little more, she's wondering why he's been eight years in Eorzea instead of his home, but some questions are better left unanswered for now...
Name Relationship. ( ) - Spiffy Title.
Zahir Dotharl Arecia's Subordinate/Warrior. (Au Ra/Xaela) -
A feral and vicious Dotharl warrior who once served his blood kinsman, Kazusano'o Oda, Zahir is a fierce xaela with little room for weakness. Reborn as both man and woman in his past lives, he's a headstrong warrior ready to die for his clan... and yet somehow miraculously manages to make it through. Kitsuno is a bit intimidated by him, since he doesn't seem to like her, but she gives him some care for being the underling of Arecia, who helped uncover her condition.
Zafir Dotharl Arecia's Subordinate/Strategist. (Au Ra/Xaela) -
Zahir's younger brother and a little more educated, Zafir is a calculating strategist, a surprise where it comes to the more aggressive Dotharl. Overcoming his physical weakness in combat through tactfulness, he guides his brother and has done so in every life they've claimed to have- though as Kitsuno managed to confirm, he does so out of fear of losing his sibling every reincarnation. He's obsessed with her retainer Nymeria and considers her his Nhaama, and hates Benisato as a result... simply because even with his skill, he hasn't managed to beat or overcome her.
Leo Arkwright Acquaintance. (Hyur) -
A friend of the Mogsglaive, Leo always has a smile for those around him and a charming comment to accompany it. She's impressed by his combat prowess and wonders what tales he has to share!
Armedoux Foquet One time Client/Friend. (Seeker) -
A handsome man who was quite direct in asking for Kitsuno while she was working at the Rose house, the two have shared a night or two of passion, and have since become good friends. Kitsuno finds his confidence and charm incredibly alluring and she knows that if ever she needs, the miqo'te First Lieutenant with an Ishgardian name will be there to help her, and she in turn, will always be happy to give him her friendship.
Jonathan Creed Bard/Companion. (Hyur) -
A fellow courtesan who she met and formed an intimate physical relationship with, and eventually- a better friendship, Creed was there for Kitsuno at her lowest and is among one of the few people who knows of her being a princess, while she knows of his past as a Sky Pirate. Kitsuno regards Creed as a dear friend and wants to adventure with him whenever they get the chance.
Kou Oda Stylist. (Xaela) -
The younger bastard half-brother of her former fiance Kazusano'o, Kousuke is a pleasant flirt who has made her hair always feel wonderful. Kitsuno thinks he has the best fingers on any man she's ever met.
X'elos Nunh Bard/Friend. (Seeker) -
A quiet, handsome bard with an adorable little daughter by the name of X'iwa, who Kitsuno adores and likes to spoil, X'elos is a friend who has suffered greatly in the past but has come out stronger for it. She adores him and his smooth voice, and occasionally dances to his songs when they meet. His loyalty and honesty to her has made him one of the very few people in Eorzea she feels like she could genuinely be herself around.
Arayan Delaura Dance Instructor. (Seeker) -
A non-tribal Seeker who has been teaching Kitsuno how to dance modern dances in Eorzea. Kitsuno finds him adorable and looks up to him for all his skill and kindness- as well as his warmth and understanding whenever she's down.
Demitri Naytra Client/Friend. (Elezen) -
A lonely young writer who hired her after finding freedom and coming to Eorzea, Kitsuno now writes regularly to the man through letters delivered by her trusty pup, Gin, and looks forward to hearing of his days and wonderful wordcraft to help her better her language here.
Ivaurault Corentiaux Friend. (Elezen) -
A quiet and charming young elezen with a seemingly troubled past and who joined the Roses for a spell. He became a sweet, and welcome presence in her life until he vanished one day. Where he went is as much a mystery to her as he was..
Naih'li Molkot/Khona'to Garanjy Former Friend. (Keeper) -
A Keeper she met during her earlier days as a courtesan who she became fast friends with, until within a week of claiming he had feelings for her, he turned against her when he found a new girl to his interest. While Kitsuno adores the girl he suddenly began to date without any explanation to her, she feels as though Naih'li is without any morals and ultimately, his lying and secrets have cooled her feelings for him to the point where she will no longer acknowledge him as anything more than a passing interest.
S'honji Hayakawa Hired Criminal/Enemy. (Seeker) -
A criminal and self-proclaimed "Prince of Thieves", S'honji has been a thorn in her side since the day she ran into him, and he likes to antagonize her every so often, which she ignores. She has, however, begun to recognize he has some strange sense of honor in his ways.
Hideyasu Tokugawa Clan Enemy. (Hyur) -
The leader of the enemy clan of Mikawa and an obsessive man bent on domination and control, he's long since been at odds with the Ishida since his father went against her own. He has an unhealthy obsession with Kitsuno and has been trying to find ways to capture her to make her fathers surrender to him. As of the time of Doma being freed, he is nowhere to be found, likely killed by his masters.

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Oh, Little Kitsy? Finest dancer I've seen. Danced at the Quicksand for a moon or so, and in all that time, she gave all that coin to the needy around the city. She's got a heart of gold, that one. Wonder if she ever found who she was looking for... Well, you could ask her for yourself when she comes down here! Be nice to her, okay?" — Momodi Modi - The Quicksand.
"Kitsuno! She was dancing at the tavern and doing a few jobs around for coin when she got here, all alone and troubled. The girls loved having her around. Hope she comes around for her favourite Honeymilk drink she taught us! Haha, we're the first tavern to serve it, now!" — Roger - The Coffer and Coffin.
"Lady Kitsuno... a wonderful presence who I had the honor of hosting for a few suns during her time studying at the Astrologicum. I would be loathe to not invite her back, should she return to Ishgard." — Ser Aymeric de Borel - Lord Commander of Ishgard who hosted her knowing she was a princess.
"Never seen a dancer more in love with dance than her. The way she uses her glamors, that masterful aether and her voice? She can take you right to another world, she can." — Patron at the Roses.
"I love sister Kitsu! She brings all of us nice clothes and food when ours get ripped up n'taken..." — Beggar Girl in Pearl Lane.
"Pity she doesn't take women to bed, but you can't have it all..." — Female Client.
"She's a heartbreaker, but that's because she don't want no one breaking their hearts on her... still think she woulda made a good wife..." — Spurned Client.
"Rumor." — Rumor Monger.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Like a princess, aint she? Wouldn't it be funny if that was true... could say I fucked a royal if it were, haha!" — Patron at the Roses.
"You know that scent of hers? It's an aphrodisiac. Comes right from her too... wonder if she'd bleed it out. Might make a nice perfume." — Shady Merchant.
"Oh, yeah, she works around here. Real sweet thing, says hello all the time. Saw her talkin' to this masked man in the Goblet once. Didn't interfere, but the way she looked after, I coulda punched the guy." — Housing Merchant.
"She's got eyes like gold, that one. Started followin' her without thinking, when she caught my eye, and suddenly she wasn't there! Guess a girl like that's gotta be dreamlike to exist, huh... " — Creepy Stalker.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Heard she slept with her adopted brother. Creepy when you think about it, but wouldn't be surprised..." — Local Gossip.
"I heard she had a lover who became a voidmage and did something to her head, and makes her hear things... Wouldn't get too close if I were you." — Eavesdropping Guard.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Kitsuno-sama is a lot of things, but she is not what a lot of people believe her to be. She does what she has to, and I would not be where I am in these strange lands if not for her." — Keiji Naru.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

RP Info

Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Location: Probability
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
City-State, Region or Organization: Affiliation reason/purpose.
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Glio coinpurse.png

Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing a few hundred gil.
RP Limits
I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios, but even I have my limits. If something is on the play list, assume it means yes, as long as it's within the context of the current play or ongoing plot. No's are typically a hard no, and it means don't ask.
I will play .
Ask about .
I won't play .
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
■ List item.
OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely, if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ No changes.
Character Concept
The inspiration behind Kitsuno comes from the lore of ancient Kitsune in Japanese Mythology. Circled around the tales of the fox spirits and modified, she is meant to represent the image of fox-kind and their interesting lore.
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Personal Tumblr: Kitsuno's Tumblr
■ Art Tumblr: Art Tumblr
■ Business: Ryuusei Tea Room
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe my character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Trope Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés.


Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on September 07 2017.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.