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| name = Rhaga Urumet
| name = Rhaga Urumet
| image = RhagaUrumet.png
| image = Rhaga_Profile.png
| imagewidth =  
| imagewidth =  
| caption = Rhaga of the Urumet
| caption = Present Day Rhaga
| title =  
| title = A New Urumet Elder
| gender = Male
| gender = Male
| citizenship = Othard
| citizenship = Othard
| race = Au Ra
| race = Au Ra
| clan = Xaela
| clan = Xaela
| stat_1 =  
| stat_1 = Tribe
| stat_1_value =  
| stat_1_value = Urumet
| stat_2 =  
| stat_2 = Age
| stat_2_value =  
| stat_2_value = 27
| stat_3 =  
| stat_3 = Height
| stat_3_value =  
| stat_3_value = 7'3"
| stat_4 =  
| stat_4 = Weight
| stat_4_value =  
| stat_4_value = 325 lbs.
| stat_5 =  
| stat_5 = God(s)
| stat_5_value =  
| stat_5_value = The Dusk-Mother
| stat_6 =  
| stat_6 = Server
| stat_6_value =  
| stat_6_value = Balmung
===Coming to Eorzea===
Rhaga is one of the few Xaela of the Urumet tribe to make his way to Eorzea.  He came shortly after the Garlean occupation of Othard sunk its claws into the deepest deserts.  Both the constant in-fighting among Xaela tribes and the scarce resources of the desert had made life hard for Rhaga and the Urumet, but with that hardship came a certain resilience that was hard to replicate among the more pampered people of the world.  Still, that was not enough to keep the Urumet going as they were, so the Elders of his tribe sent Rhaga to the great Eorzean desert city, Ul'dah, hoping he could learn of their ways and bring back that knowledge to the Urumet.
Though Rhaga found it hard to live among Eorzeans at first, he eventually was able to accomplish his mission.  Through the gathered knowledge of deep-well digging, water filtering, and link pearl communication, Rhaga felt he had enough information to bring back to Othard and share with his Elders.  Unfortunately the Garlean occupation had doubled its efforts in the time he was away, and Rhaga found himself locked out of the borders of his homeland. He had nowhere to turn except back towards Ul'dah, to try and continue living the life he had been making for himself.
Although he felt alone as an Au Ra among Eorzeans, after only a few months, Rhaga would soon realize that he was not. Thousands of other Au Ra refugees started appearing all over the continent, lost and bewildered. Though he pledged not to forget about his tribe, Rhaga couldn't help but start to try and help the other Au Ra that needed it.  He had found a sort of calling beyond that which his Urumet Edler's had given him, and it was that purpose that drove Rhaga forward. Trying to unite the disparate cultures of the Xaela may have seemed like a hopeless cause to some, but he and other like-minded Auri were resolved to do just that.
===Return to Othard===
Rhaga eventually found a surrogate family of other Au Ra and Eorzeans, and he became dedicated to helping and protecting them. Though the group often found themselves in dangerous situations, Rhaga was content and proud of what he had found in them. When one of those friends required an ancient holy relic from the Ishgardian's Clergy to cure a malign posession, Rhaga took it upon himself to setup a plan. His makeshift tribe became a crew as Rhaga fabricated an elaborate heist of the Church. Though the group was successful, Rhaga's identity was revealed to the Holy See, forcing him to go on the run. Months of living in the wild passed before Rhaga decided it was time to return to Othard. He would miss the people that he'd come to know in Eorzea, but being a wanted man was putting a strain on his relationships, and he'd had too many close calls with bounty hunters to simply ignore the peril.
Though it took him months of clandestine travel, Rhaga eventually made it past the Garlean border guard to Othard and was able to return to his home desert. After years, he'd completed his mission and had returned with info his tribe would need to thrive, but it was all too late. When he returned, the Urumet had all but disbanded. The last fertile female of the tribe had died a year back in a raid, and many families scattered afterwards in order to protect their young children. All that remained in the dunes of his homelands were the Elders his people revered, one of them his mother. It was at this time that Rhaga learned that his original mission was really a ruse. The Elders had decided the Urumet could not recover even before Rhaga had set out. They had sent him to Eorzea to strengthen him and allow him to grow. He was to be the final Elder of this tribe, their last hope. In an old and secret ceremony, it was revealed to Rhaga that an Urumet Elder was not just someone with a title, but one that held a very real mantle of power. The ancestral memories, aetheric potential, and forbidden secrets of old were woven into a spell that could be cast on a person. Each remaining Elder gave their power to Rhaga, including his mother, so that he could carry the mantles for them. He would carry them on to keep them hidden, to protect them, and one day share those mantles with a new tribe. It was the reason the ancient Urumet had joined together in the first place, though all had since forgotten it. The tribe would hold the Twelve Mantles of power so no one else would use them for ill. The Elders would protect the world from itself. As each of his Elders passed Rhaga their mantle, they faded into the desert winds and sands - gone from this realm. Rhaga was left alone, an Elder now in his own right and with a final farewell spoken by his mother, "We ask too much of you my son, I fear for what may happen to you. I am sorry." Rhaga could think of nowhere outside the grip of Garlemald except Eorzea, and so he started a long journey of mourning and travel back.
===Present Day===
Currently, Rhaga lives in the Goblet of Ul'dah. The weather reminds him of home, and it is about as far away from Ishgard and Garlemald as you can get while still living in Eorzea. It has been more than a few years since he was last seen in the city, and recently he has been making contact with his friends of old while putting out feelers on whether the Church of the Holy See still actively searches for him. As it stands though, he doesn't have much gil to his name, and he is battling with a lot of anger over what happened to his tribe. Time will tell if he can make a new life with what little he has left...
Rhaga is tall and well muscled, having grew up as a warrior and scout for his tribe in the deserts of Othard.  Like most of his people he has sun-darkened brown skin and black hair, though his eyes are a light shade of blue in both iris and limbal ring.  He'd often forgo modesty in favor of less stuffy and hot clothing on Othard, but has since found Eorzean climates too cold for his liking.  These days he often dresses in layers of cloth and leather when not in combat, while shifting to the high quality Eorzean light plated armors when expecting trouble.  He still hasn't found a tailor or armorer that can make a proper headpiece around his curving black horns though, but Rhaga takes that in stride with a smile. Then again, Rhaga is also missing a third of his left horn, a scar of battle that always seem to sadden him when he remembers its gone.
Rhaga is generally light-hearted and a bit sarcastic, but is plenty able to take himself and his companions seriously if the situation calls for it.  When he first came to Eorzea, he was a notorious flirt with women, being young, a bit immature, and never really having been around them all that much (the Urumet female population is dangerously low on Othard).  After some of his more recent experiences though, Rhaga has started to grow up.  With that maturity a sense of leadership has shown where it was never apparent as he lived among the Urumet's focused Elder worship.
==Quick Facts==
::* Trained with multiple weapon types including battle axe, greatsword, dagger, spear, and shield
::* Especially skilled in hot and dry environments like his homeland, both in enduring the elements and using them to his advantage
::* Weak around ships and water in general because of a dearth of experience
::* Has started using full plate armors since traveling to Eorzea because of their modern improvements and ease of use
Line 41: Line 65:
::* The beach (even though he can't swim)
::* The beach (even though he can't swim)
::* Sparring and learning new combat techniques
::* Sparring and learning new combat techniques
::* Dancing (with proper motivation)
::* Othardian Khak Slugs
::* Othardian Khak Slugs
::* Cold Weather
::* Cold Weather
::* Over-priced clothing
::* Over-priced clothing (has recently started to change his mind)
::* Overuse of Garlean technology in society
Line 55: Line 81:
::* Torko Urumet - Rhaga's father, a famed archer among the Urumet who died in battle against an unknown encroaching tribe of Xaela. He was also a poet and had wild, sandy blonde hair, earning him the nickname "the Lion." Apparently Rhaga looks very much like him.
::* Tara Urumet - Rhaga's older sister, a warrior in Torko's warband. She perished in the same battle as her father.
::* Lhara Urumet - Rhaga's mother, a warrior of unmatched skill with the battle axe.  She resided in the desert homeland of the Urumet and was one of the Elders that sent Rhaga to Eorzea.  Lhara trained her son in combat with axe, spear, and sword, and prepared him in the use of heavier plate armor he'd find in the new world.  Rhaga was close to his mother, training with her almost every day and trying to learn of the outside world from her when he could. She presumeably died in an Urumet ceremony that marked Rhaga as an Elder himself, passing on her power.
===Friends and Lovers===
::* Kaya Kimiko - A strange Raen that was briefly a part of Rhaga's surrogate tribe when he first came to Eorzea as a refugee. Though she seemed to disappear into the evening one night, when Rhaga returned to Eorzea years later, he once again connected with her. Kaya has a keen sense of the otherworldly, and Rhaga often comes to her for matters involving the Aether and Void. When Rhaga started having side effects from carrying the Urumet Elder Mantles, Kaya was able to help him deal with the aetheric energy inside, and ever since the two have become friends.
::* [[Esva Kagon]] - A fellow desert dweller of Othard, Esva and Rhaga were very much alike in their naivety of Eorzean language and culture when they first migrated.  Like most of his current friends, Rhaga met Esva as they tried to pull together a disparate group of Xaela into a tribe.  Though they failed some of their loftier goals at first, the pair still worked to form a family in Eorzea.  One of their defining moments was when Esva first gave Rhaga a fate card reading, predicting change in Rhaga's life.  The reading strengthened his resolve and allowed him to really learn more about Eorzea and his new home.  In turn, when Esva was once captured by an ex-Garlean, Rhaga led a war party of their comrades to her rescue. Over the years Rhaga and Esva have become best friends, coming to each other's aid more than a few times. For most of their time together, Esva was engaged to a Hyur man, and Rhaga held an unrequited love for his friend. Now though, Esva is no longer engaged, and some suppressed feelings for Rhaga may be coming to the surface.
::* [[Ari kagon|Ari Kagon]] - Sister to Rhaga's best friend, Esva, Ari was another member of Rhaga's surrogate tribe on Eorzea. Compared to Rhaga, Ari fell into the Eorzean lifestyle easily, and spent her time with a mercenary group that Rhaga often worked with. There was always something a little off about Ari from Rhaga's perspective, a dark presence seemed to follow her around, but he was never able to truly understand the nature of her problem before he was forced to go on the run. Leaving Ari without helping her has always been one of his largest regrets, though she probably never knew it. Since returning to Eorzea, Rhaga has already made strides in understanding what happened to Ari, and plans to put a permanent end to her problems as soon as he can.
::* [[Yhah Dazkar]] - Another Au Ra who worked with Rhaga to try and unite their people.  She was gravely injured by one of their kind at the time, and it made Rhaga realize that a Xaela tribal structure would not work here in Eorzea.  Rhaga sees Yhah as a little sister in many ways, and has been willing to go to great lengths to keep her safe and happy ever since her injury. After a particularly harrowing adventure in Ishgard, Rhaga lost touch with Yhah as the latter ran off with a prominent Ishgardian Holy Book. After a year apart though, the pair reconnected and have started to mend their rocky friendship.
::* Rynn and Shizohko Ittetsu - Rhaga first met Rynn and fought alongside him as one of the few Hyurs originally accepted into his Eorzean Xaela Tribe. Though Rynn was quiet and studious, Rhaga saw a dangerous side to his friend as he practiced the art of summoning. Years later, after returning from Othard, Rhaga found Rynn had given up his darker side and learned a martial art, something Rhaga greatly approved of. To top it off, he'd married a young Raen named Shizo, a person who Rhaga has instantly taken to, and now considers under his protective umbrella.
::* [[Therese Orycia]] - An Ishgardian noble that Rhaga fell for after meeting her in a mercenary guild. Unfortunately their affair was short lived. For one, Therese's family was in a crisis of inheritance, and Therese needed to be married off to another noble house to save her family. Secondly, Rhaga was in the midst of stealing a relic from the Holy See itself, and as such, became a prominent enemy to the Ishgardian Church. Rhaga eventually ended the relationship because of his inability to reconcile her noble lifestyle, but in the intervening year it seems that Therese may have also given up her old life, unbeknownst to Rhaga.
::* Talks in his sleep frequently
::* Talks in his sleep frequently
::* Has a hideout in the Eastern La Noscea jungle
::* Used to have a hideout in the Eastern La Noscea jungle
::* Seen talking with Doman refugees
::* Seen talking with Doman refugees
::* Learning to read Eorzean
::* Was a Wanted man in Ishgard over a year ago
::* Talking with the vagrants of Ul'dah in search of someone
::* Doesn't show a lot of deference to the Ul'dahian Underworld
::* Asking about the Void and Void creatures in the Thaumaturges Guild
| [[File:rhagamask.png|thumb|''Present Day Sighting'']] || [[File:RhagaTribal.png|thumb|''Tribal Wear'']] || [[File:RhagaSmirk.png|thumb|''Charm Works'']] || [[File:RhagaPaladin.png|thumb|''Eorzean Knight Style'']]
| [[File:rhagatherese.png|thumb|''An Old Flame'']] || [[File:rhagagoblin.png|thumb|''Strange Allies'']] ||  [[File:rhagaconfused.jpg|thumb|''Surprised by Friends'']] || [[File:rhagabeach.jpg|thumb|''Favorite Past Time'']]
| [[File:RhagaSpring.png|thumb|''Warrior of Many Ways'']] || [[File:rhagafriendwedding.jpg|thumb|''Friends at a Wedding'']] || [[File:rhagaswing.png|thumb|''Showing His True Power'']] || [[File:rhagacrystal.png|thumb|''Deep Blue Stare'']]
This Template was created by [[Deirdre Ta'ea]]
This page was created from a template that was made by [[Deirdre Ta'ea]]

Latest revision as of 20:49, 16 June 2019

 Rhaga Urumet
Rhaga Profile.png
Present Day Rhaga
A New Urumet Elder
Gender Male
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Othard
Tribe Urumet
Age 27
Height 7'3"
Weight 325 lbs.
God(s) The Dusk-Mother
Server Balmung


Coming to Eorzea

Rhaga is one of the few Xaela of the Urumet tribe to make his way to Eorzea. He came shortly after the Garlean occupation of Othard sunk its claws into the deepest deserts. Both the constant in-fighting among Xaela tribes and the scarce resources of the desert had made life hard for Rhaga and the Urumet, but with that hardship came a certain resilience that was hard to replicate among the more pampered people of the world. Still, that was not enough to keep the Urumet going as they were, so the Elders of his tribe sent Rhaga to the great Eorzean desert city, Ul'dah, hoping he could learn of their ways and bring back that knowledge to the Urumet.

Though Rhaga found it hard to live among Eorzeans at first, he eventually was able to accomplish his mission. Through the gathered knowledge of deep-well digging, water filtering, and link pearl communication, Rhaga felt he had enough information to bring back to Othard and share with his Elders. Unfortunately the Garlean occupation had doubled its efforts in the time he was away, and Rhaga found himself locked out of the borders of his homeland. He had nowhere to turn except back towards Ul'dah, to try and continue living the life he had been making for himself.

Although he felt alone as an Au Ra among Eorzeans, after only a few months, Rhaga would soon realize that he was not. Thousands of other Au Ra refugees started appearing all over the continent, lost and bewildered. Though he pledged not to forget about his tribe, Rhaga couldn't help but start to try and help the other Au Ra that needed it. He had found a sort of calling beyond that which his Urumet Edler's had given him, and it was that purpose that drove Rhaga forward. Trying to unite the disparate cultures of the Xaela may have seemed like a hopeless cause to some, but he and other like-minded Auri were resolved to do just that.

Return to Othard

Rhaga eventually found a surrogate family of other Au Ra and Eorzeans, and he became dedicated to helping and protecting them. Though the group often found themselves in dangerous situations, Rhaga was content and proud of what he had found in them. When one of those friends required an ancient holy relic from the Ishgardian's Clergy to cure a malign posession, Rhaga took it upon himself to setup a plan. His makeshift tribe became a crew as Rhaga fabricated an elaborate heist of the Church. Though the group was successful, Rhaga's identity was revealed to the Holy See, forcing him to go on the run. Months of living in the wild passed before Rhaga decided it was time to return to Othard. He would miss the people that he'd come to know in Eorzea, but being a wanted man was putting a strain on his relationships, and he'd had too many close calls with bounty hunters to simply ignore the peril.

Though it took him months of clandestine travel, Rhaga eventually made it past the Garlean border guard to Othard and was able to return to his home desert. After years, he'd completed his mission and had returned with info his tribe would need to thrive, but it was all too late. When he returned, the Urumet had all but disbanded. The last fertile female of the tribe had died a year back in a raid, and many families scattered afterwards in order to protect their young children. All that remained in the dunes of his homelands were the Elders his people revered, one of them his mother. It was at this time that Rhaga learned that his original mission was really a ruse. The Elders had decided the Urumet could not recover even before Rhaga had set out. They had sent him to Eorzea to strengthen him and allow him to grow. He was to be the final Elder of this tribe, their last hope. In an old and secret ceremony, it was revealed to Rhaga that an Urumet Elder was not just someone with a title, but one that held a very real mantle of power. The ancestral memories, aetheric potential, and forbidden secrets of old were woven into a spell that could be cast on a person. Each remaining Elder gave their power to Rhaga, including his mother, so that he could carry the mantles for them. He would carry them on to keep them hidden, to protect them, and one day share those mantles with a new tribe. It was the reason the ancient Urumet had joined together in the first place, though all had since forgotten it. The tribe would hold the Twelve Mantles of power so no one else would use them for ill. The Elders would protect the world from itself. As each of his Elders passed Rhaga their mantle, they faded into the desert winds and sands - gone from this realm. Rhaga was left alone, an Elder now in his own right and with a final farewell spoken by his mother, "We ask too much of you my son, I fear for what may happen to you. I am sorry." Rhaga could think of nowhere outside the grip of Garlemald except Eorzea, and so he started a long journey of mourning and travel back.

Present Day

Currently, Rhaga lives in the Goblet of Ul'dah. The weather reminds him of home, and it is about as far away from Ishgard and Garlemald as you can get while still living in Eorzea. It has been more than a few years since he was last seen in the city, and recently he has been making contact with his friends of old while putting out feelers on whether the Church of the Holy See still actively searches for him. As it stands though, he doesn't have much gil to his name, and he is battling with a lot of anger over what happened to his tribe. Time will tell if he can make a new life with what little he has left...



Rhaga is tall and well muscled, having grew up as a warrior and scout for his tribe in the deserts of Othard. Like most of his people he has sun-darkened brown skin and black hair, though his eyes are a light shade of blue in both iris and limbal ring. He'd often forgo modesty in favor of less stuffy and hot clothing on Othard, but has since found Eorzean climates too cold for his liking. These days he often dresses in layers of cloth and leather when not in combat, while shifting to the high quality Eorzean light plated armors when expecting trouble. He still hasn't found a tailor or armorer that can make a proper headpiece around his curving black horns though, but Rhaga takes that in stride with a smile. Then again, Rhaga is also missing a third of his left horn, a scar of battle that always seem to sadden him when he remembers its gone.


Rhaga is generally light-hearted and a bit sarcastic, but is plenty able to take himself and his companions seriously if the situation calls for it. When he first came to Eorzea, he was a notorious flirt with women, being young, a bit immature, and never really having been around them all that much (the Urumet female population is dangerously low on Othard). After some of his more recent experiences though, Rhaga has started to grow up. With that maturity a sense of leadership has shown where it was never apparent as he lived among the Urumet's focused Elder worship.

Quick Facts


  • Trained with multiple weapon types including battle axe, greatsword, dagger, spear, and shield
  • Especially skilled in hot and dry environments like his homeland, both in enduring the elements and using them to his advantage
  • Weak around ships and water in general because of a dearth of experience
  • Has started using full plate armors since traveling to Eorzea because of their modern improvements and ease of use


  • Joking around
  • The beach (even though he can't swim)
  • Sparring and learning new combat techniques
  • Dancing (with proper motivation)


  • Othardian Khak Slugs
  • Cold Weather
  • Over-priced clothing (has recently started to change his mind)
  • Overuse of Garlean technology in society


  • Likes to cook and experiment with Eorzean ingredients
  • Long distance runner
  • Can throw a knife fairly accurately with his tail



  • Torko Urumet - Rhaga's father, a famed archer among the Urumet who died in battle against an unknown encroaching tribe of Xaela. He was also a poet and had wild, sandy blonde hair, earning him the nickname "the Lion." Apparently Rhaga looks very much like him.
  • Tara Urumet - Rhaga's older sister, a warrior in Torko's warband. She perished in the same battle as her father.
  • Lhara Urumet - Rhaga's mother, a warrior of unmatched skill with the battle axe. She resided in the desert homeland of the Urumet and was one of the Elders that sent Rhaga to Eorzea. Lhara trained her son in combat with axe, spear, and sword, and prepared him in the use of heavier plate armor he'd find in the new world. Rhaga was close to his mother, training with her almost every day and trying to learn of the outside world from her when he could. She presumeably died in an Urumet ceremony that marked Rhaga as an Elder himself, passing on her power.

Friends and Lovers

  • Kaya Kimiko - A strange Raen that was briefly a part of Rhaga's surrogate tribe when he first came to Eorzea as a refugee. Though she seemed to disappear into the evening one night, when Rhaga returned to Eorzea years later, he once again connected with her. Kaya has a keen sense of the otherworldly, and Rhaga often comes to her for matters involving the Aether and Void. When Rhaga started having side effects from carrying the Urumet Elder Mantles, Kaya was able to help him deal with the aetheric energy inside, and ever since the two have become friends.
  • Esva Kagon - A fellow desert dweller of Othard, Esva and Rhaga were very much alike in their naivety of Eorzean language and culture when they first migrated. Like most of his current friends, Rhaga met Esva as they tried to pull together a disparate group of Xaela into a tribe. Though they failed some of their loftier goals at first, the pair still worked to form a family in Eorzea. One of their defining moments was when Esva first gave Rhaga a fate card reading, predicting change in Rhaga's life. The reading strengthened his resolve and allowed him to really learn more about Eorzea and his new home. In turn, when Esva was once captured by an ex-Garlean, Rhaga led a war party of their comrades to her rescue. Over the years Rhaga and Esva have become best friends, coming to each other's aid more than a few times. For most of their time together, Esva was engaged to a Hyur man, and Rhaga held an unrequited love for his friend. Now though, Esva is no longer engaged, and some suppressed feelings for Rhaga may be coming to the surface.
  • Ari Kagon - Sister to Rhaga's best friend, Esva, Ari was another member of Rhaga's surrogate tribe on Eorzea. Compared to Rhaga, Ari fell into the Eorzean lifestyle easily, and spent her time with a mercenary group that Rhaga often worked with. There was always something a little off about Ari from Rhaga's perspective, a dark presence seemed to follow her around, but he was never able to truly understand the nature of her problem before he was forced to go on the run. Leaving Ari without helping her has always been one of his largest regrets, though she probably never knew it. Since returning to Eorzea, Rhaga has already made strides in understanding what happened to Ari, and plans to put a permanent end to her problems as soon as he can.
  • Yhah Dazkar - Another Au Ra who worked with Rhaga to try and unite their people. She was gravely injured by one of their kind at the time, and it made Rhaga realize that a Xaela tribal structure would not work here in Eorzea. Rhaga sees Yhah as a little sister in many ways, and has been willing to go to great lengths to keep her safe and happy ever since her injury. After a particularly harrowing adventure in Ishgard, Rhaga lost touch with Yhah as the latter ran off with a prominent Ishgardian Holy Book. After a year apart though, the pair reconnected and have started to mend their rocky friendship.
  • Rynn and Shizohko Ittetsu - Rhaga first met Rynn and fought alongside him as one of the few Hyurs originally accepted into his Eorzean Xaela Tribe. Though Rynn was quiet and studious, Rhaga saw a dangerous side to his friend as he practiced the art of summoning. Years later, after returning from Othard, Rhaga found Rynn had given up his darker side and learned a martial art, something Rhaga greatly approved of. To top it off, he'd married a young Raen named Shizo, a person who Rhaga has instantly taken to, and now considers under his protective umbrella.
  • Therese Orycia - An Ishgardian noble that Rhaga fell for after meeting her in a mercenary guild. Unfortunately their affair was short lived. For one, Therese's family was in a crisis of inheritance, and Therese needed to be married off to another noble house to save her family. Secondly, Rhaga was in the midst of stealing a relic from the Holy See itself, and as such, became a prominent enemy to the Ishgardian Church. Rhaga eventually ended the relationship because of his inability to reconcile her noble lifestyle, but in the intervening year it seems that Therese may have also given up her old life, unbeknownst to Rhaga.


  • Talks in his sleep frequently
  • Used to have a hideout in the Eastern La Noscea jungle
  • Seen talking with Doman refugees
  • Learning to read Eorzean
  • Was a Wanted man in Ishgard over a year ago
  • Talking with the vagrants of Ul'dah in search of someone
  • Doesn't show a lot of deference to the Ul'dahian Underworld
  • Asking about the Void and Void creatures in the Thaumaturges Guild


Present Day Sighting
Tribal Wear
Charm Works
Eorzean Knight Style
An Old Flame
Strange Allies
Surprised by Friends
Favorite Past Time
Warrior of Many Ways
Friends at a Wedding
Showing His True Power
Deep Blue Stare

This page was created from a template that was made by Deirdre Ta'ea