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(Created page with "{{Infobox-character | name = Kioro Lioro | image = Kio.jpg | imagewidth = 300 | caption = | title = Kioro Lioro | gender = Male | citizenship = Ul'dah | race = Lalafell | clan...")
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| name = Kioro Lioro
| name = Kioro Lioro
| image = Kio.jpg
| image = Kio2.jpg
| imagewidth = 300
| imagewidth = 300x300
| caption =
| caption = "I fight so that my heritage will not be forgotten."
| title = Kioro Lioro
| title =  
| gender = Male
| gender = Male
| citizenship = Ul'dah
| citizenship = Ul'dah
| race = Lalafell
| race = Lalafell
| clan = Dunesfolk
| clan = Dunesfolk
| guardian = Nald'thal
| stat_1 = Age
| stat_1_value = 17
| stat_2 = Sexuality
| stat_2_value = Gay
| stat_3 = Occupation
| stat_3_value = Black Mage
| stat_4 = Guardian
| stat_4_value = Nald'thal, the Trader
| stat_5 = Namesday
| stat_5_value = 22nd Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon
| stat_6 =
| stat_6_value =
==<div style="padding:10px 15px; background:#000033;font-size:20px;color:#FFFFFF;"><center><b>Character</b></center></div>==
===<div style="font-size:14px;color:#000033;"><b>General</b></div>===
Kioro is a mostly aloof character, and has been known to shy away from large cities and crowds if only because he feels uncomfortable in the company of others. Being incredibly shy he has found it very hard to make friends, but due to the recent happenings with his father he has forced himself to work with others in order to save the only family he has left. Kioro can often be found in taverns which are distanced from large cities where he searches for other adventurers to aid him in his struggle.
He is average size by Lalafell standards and somewhat frail thanks to his adventuring lifestyle and his relatively poor eating habits. His sandy-brown hair, when not tided back, hangs to just below his shoulders and he will often leave his bangs unkempt where they hang over his eyes and sway with the wind as he moves about. He chooses to dress, usually, in heavier attire, such as coats due to the harsh elements he has to endure in his lonely journey. During battle he will often dress in hide and studded armor to allow for better mobility.
Some may notice that he wears an oddly-shaped brooch clipped to his coat, under the flaps of the collar. It appears to be that of a silver serpent which looks similar to a wyvern that clutches a glistening emerald between it's talons. It isn't immediately apparent why the little Lalafell keeps such a feminine keepsake on his person.
Kioro is very shy, and often times will go out of his way to avoid confrontation entirely, and if forced into it will stutter more often than not. Around friends, and those he can trust, does he feel safe enough to relax and just talk about things. He is a gentle soul and would mean no harm to anyone, going so far to offer his support to others, even during his trial. Despite this, when there is an obvious threat to those he cares for, he's the first to show his distaste and spring to action.
Kioro is an average archer at best, learning much from his father and his life as a huntsman. Despite this, he's learned a lot in his search for Litoru Aesin and his slowly approaching his father's skill with the bow.
::* He has a strong affinity for fluffy tails, especially those of Miqo'te.
::* Shiny objects make him happy.
::* His friends, of which he counts very few, make him very happy.
::* His father, the last of his family.
::* Roegadyn, and other large races.
::* His mother.
::* Ixal.
::* Canines, as he was attacked by one at a young age, only to be saved by his father.
::* He is an apprentice leatherworker.
::* Has been known to dabble in skinning and herbalism.
::* Loves to sing and make merry, but rarely does so.
His only family are his mother and father. His mother, whom he knows nothing of, left his father when Kioro was only the age of six. His father, Teroro, sunk into a deep depression, but always did his best to give his son the best life he could offer him as they lived alone in the forests of Gridania. The only keepsake that Kioro has of his mother is a brooch she left behind, and his father hasn't spoken of her since, leaving Kioro completely in the dark on the subject.
Born in the North Shroud of Gridania and living alone with his father for most of his life, Kioro grew up to be very timid and shy around outsiders. With the ailment of his father, Kioro was forced out into the world in search of a cure, and with this he eventually overcame his shy nature and learned to be more open with those he met in his travels - especially the ones whom he considered friends. Kioro joined up in the service of The Black Sun Vanguard, where he worked as a young member of the Reapers in search of the cure for his father. This victory was short-lived, however; after the cure - Litoru Aesin - was found, Kioro discovered that his plight was all for naught, and his father passed away only days after the cure was administered. It wasn't long after this that The Vanguard began to crumble due to internal squabbling and Kioro found himself scrambling with the former members in search of some way to re-establish what they had and not lose the only friends he had left.
He isn't that great at making friends, yet he has met a few interesting people in his adventures that just may be strong allies.
What seemed like weeks passed and he, as well as several other members of what Kioro came to refer to as "The Old Vanguard", were called in by one Orin Aduro. Orin, and his brother Cesar offered him an opportunity to expand his knowledge, and with time offer his own wisdom to others in a undertaking that would soon be revealed as the Limsa Lominsa Garden Academy. As the ranks of the academy grew, Kioro stepped down as an instructor to take up the mantle of the Garden counselor, which he still holds to this day while continuing the effort of re-establishing his family's noble house.
===<div style="font-size:14px;color:#000033;"><b>Appearance</b></div>===
Luckily, he hasn't made any enemies thus far.
He is average size by lalafell standards and somewhat frail thanks to his adventuring lifestyle and his relatively poor eating habits. His golden-blonde hair, when not tied back, is feathered, wild, and dances with the wind. Kioro, while once intent on dressing in heavier woolen attire to supplement his adventuring lifestyle, now much prefers lighter clothes fashioned from richer materials such as velveteen and Allagan silk. Having sold or discarded most of the clothes his father had woven for him while in the forest of Gridania, Kioro has slowly began to take on a much more aristocratic appearance.
Some may notice that he wears an oddly-shaped brooch clipped to whatever garment he might be wearing- usually beneath the flags of his collar. It appears to be that of a silver serpent with features much akin to that of a wyvern that clutches a glistening emerald between it's talons. It isn't immediately apparent why the Lalafell keeps such a feminine keepsake on his person, but one could easily assume that it is of great import to him.
Much to Kioro's chagrin, he has been mistaken more than once by others as a female; this often leads to him being hugged tightly by others or simply being ostracized for his feminine appearance. Men and women from the Lioro family have all been known to have fair skin, wide eyes and silken locks. Very few have ever had to toil among the commoners to harden their bodies, leaving them very ambiguous when it comes to the topic of gender. Sadly, even though Kioro has lived most of his life in the wilderness and has worked hard at toning his form, the one thing he couldn't change about himself was that his eyes are the color of lavender; a common trait shared with females in the Lioro family, but never males until the fateful day of his birth.
Kioro grew up in Gridania, deep in the wilderness, surrounded by nature, where his father worked as a huntsman and woodsman of small renown. While Kioro was raised like any other child in the safety and security of his home, his mother left his father at an early age, and he knows very little about her-- his father doesn't help matters in that he never spoke of her, preferring instead to keep the thoughts of his wife in the past as to not drudge up the pain of his loss. Under his father's tutelage, Kioro became skilled at hunting with the bow, and learned well to make his footfalls soft in the thick underbrush of the forests which embraced Gridania. Several years passed as the two lived in near solitude, with only nature to sustain them, until tragedy struck.
===<div style="font-size:14px;color:#000033;"><b>Personality</b></div>===
Not long after reaching the age of fifteen, Kioro's father, Teroro, was awoken during the night to screams and battle-cries. It would seem the Ixal had attacked an encampment several yards away from the thicket where they had made their home. Teroro bound from his bed and bade his son not to follow as he rushed out into the night. Kioro quickly leapt to his feet and gazed out the door, watching his father run into the clearing where the battle between the skilled bowmasters and lancers of the twin serpents and the tribal Ixal took place. The glow of fire, struck by the arrows of the Ixal archers, was all that illuminated the bloody fight which took place before him.
Kioro is a very shy and timid Lalafell, due in large part to being raised in the forests of Gridania, away from the bustling city streets and market stalls of the trade districts. With the help of his friends and family in the Black Sun Vanguard and eventually the Garden of Limsa Lominsa, Kioro better learned how to steel himself and control his emotions. Even still, the young Lalafell can still be brought to blush very easily, especially when he has a strong emotional attachment to the person who is teasing him. He is apt to stammer and trip over his words when embarrassed and because of this prefers small gatherings to large meetings and get-togethers where the chances of him being called out and embarrassed are far less likely. When confronted in a crowded area, the noble is quick to withdraw, and eventually vanish into the crowd at the first opportunity.  
Scurrying out, and using the brush as cover, he crawled up a small hill which overlooked the battle, and watched as they all fought valiantly to defend their home. A sense of pride swell up in side of him as he saw his father fighting alongside the skilled bowmen, but he was taken aback by what he saw next:
Kioro has also been known to be very impressionable, which has been noted on several occasions where he has borrowed words and phrases from people whom he holds in high esteem. Much to his chagrin, however, simply parroting these or further attempting to incorporate them into his vocabulary tend to lead to raised eyebrows and embarrassing moments for all involved. Despite his kindness, shy undertones, and morals ingrained in him by his father, Kioro is a Lioro at heart. He has, on occasion, shown a darker side of himself, especially when it comes to riches, fame, lust, and violence. Most of these aspects of his personality he keeps under wraps and away from the eyes of all but only his closest friends and family members. This fact is further complicated by how susceptible he is to the influence of others.
A stray arrow darted from the thick underbrush, aimed for Teroro and the unit of archers he was fighting with. Kioro, heard the shot and birdlike cries from the East, and watched in horror as the shot pierced his father's side, driving deep into the Lalafell's ribs. Crying out, Kioro bolted down the hill to his father's side, dropping to his knees and resting his hands against Teroro's chest and side, just under where the arrow had made its mark. The other bowmasters in the unit took note of the two Lalafells and rushed towards the bushes where the Ixal marksman had taken cover, forcing it to flee into the dark cover of night as they gave chase.
With the loss of his father, Kioro became increasingly clingy, and craves the affection of those around him - particularly his lover. Most of all, he hates the idea of being left alone again, having already been abandoned by his mother as a child, and now by his father in death. He doesn't want to lose those he holds dear to him, and is often-times very selfish and even overbearing with those he falls deeply in love with. Because of this, Kioro is known to become jealous very easily, especially when he's afraid that there's a possibility where his lover could be stolen away from him. This does tend to be a double-edged sword in that due to how eager he is to receive affection and give it in turn, he's found himself in uncomfortably close relationships with other boys.
Tears welled up in Kioro's eyes as he saw his father grimacing in pain on the forest floor, Teroro's bow lay at his side as he looked up at his son, lifting a hand to rest on Kioro's shoulder, reassuringly.
Faults aside, he is generally very kind and will fight for those who he cares about, be it friends or family. He has come to rely a great deal on the students and faculty of Limsa Lomina Garden and considers each and every one of them his family. Adopting this mindset has made the young Lalafell much more relaxed when in their company, and has even allowed him to loosen up to the point of doing things he otherwise wouldn't due to his strict code of morals.
“Th, they couldn't kill me, boy; a hundred of the bastards couldn't. Don't cry... a man of the Lioro bloodline shouldn't show his weakness so easily.” Teroro said with a pained voice.
Kioro simply rubbed his eyes and shook his head in response. “Father... I, I should have done something, I was such a fool. P-please, rest here while I go enlist the aid of a conjurer. Please, don't leave me... don't go like mother did.”
==<div style="padding:10px 15px; background:#000033;font-size:20px;color:#FFFFFF;"><center><b>Combat</b></center></div>==
===<div style="font-size:14px;color:#000033;"><b>General</b></div>===
Teroro smiled softly and shook his head before resting it back against the ground, letting out a pained grunt as the severity of the wound began to settle in. “I, I'll be fine, I've told you. Go find your conjurer if you wish, I just-– I just need to rest for a bit.
Kioro is an average archer at best, learning much from his father and his life as a huntsman. The agile lalafell much prefers wearing lighter armor, and as such uses his speed of movement and lithe form to weave through enemies and allies alike on the battlefield. Although he has learned the basics of stealth, he fails at using it for anything more than listening in on lewd conversations and sneaking out of taverns without paying for his meal.
Kioro quickly sprung to his feet and rushed into the forest for help. The battle continued late into the night, and eventually the Ixal were pushed back, but not without grave casualties on both sides of the conflict. The conjurer removed the arrow from Teroro's ribs with a bit of effort, and with magicks sealed the wound, but it was obvious to them all that something else was amiss. Teroro's voice became weaker, and more strained as time went on, and the conjurers could only assume that it was some dire poison that not even their spells could banish. The elder conjurer pulled Kioro aside, away from his father's resting chambers, and with a serious expression began to speak of options-– a subject that sat Kioro on edge.
After the fall of the Vanguard and the death of his father, Kioro felt it wise to leave his past behind him. With what little knowledge he had about defensive fighting he took up the mantle of a lancer and enrolled in the lancer's guild. With time, Kioro would learn how to position himself, and how he could manipulate fights in his favor with agile footwork and rapid strikes. With the teachings of Ywain fresh in his mind, he set his sights on old enemies, and the rivalry that had sparked between the Lioro family all those cycles ago.
“It's poison, as you've doubtlessly guessed. Even with my magic I was unable to cleanse his body. All that we can do now is hope to slow it until a cure is found, but, even with our combined efforts, we could only slow it for two or three weeks. Your father is strong, Kioro, but this poison is stronger; it will eventually reach his heart, and when that happens--”
With the passage of time, and as his lust for knowledge grew, Kioro began to dabble in thaumaturgy and alchemy to further enhance his skill-set. Oddly enough, his progression was rapid, and he was quick to learn how to manipulate and draw from both his own aether, and that around him. As time went on he developed a fascination with aetherweaving and how how to further channel his own aether to increase his destructive potential without weakening himself in the process. One could only speculate as to why he has an almost natural affinity towards aether.
The conjurer was cut short by Kioro's obvious distaste of the subject. “He dies, right?! I'm not going to let that happen! Please, tell me what I must do!”
==<div style="padding:10px 15px; background:#000033;font-size:20px;color:#FFFFFF;"><center><b>History/Timeline</b></center></div>==
The elder frowned lightly and shook her head in response before speaking up again. “The only hope you have is to find the rare herb “Litoru Aesin”, the last records we have of it is that it grows rarely on the backs of long-dead Goobbue. Seek it out, Kioru, but please, make haste-– you have only a short time."
The Lioro family history ranges back to several cycles before the battle at Cartenau. It will be truncated and scribed here in all due time.
With this, Kioro nodded firmly, his mind having been made up on the matter. With Ul'dah being the center of commerce for Eorzea, his sights were set on the jewel of the desert.
==<div style="padding:10px 15px; background:#000033;font-size:20px;color:#FFFFFF;"><center><b>Footnotes</b></center></div>==
Still a very early work in progress, more will be added and things will likely be modified as time goes on.
<blockquote>''I'm always up for RP, just drop me a /tell and we can talk about it~''</blockquote>
Very early work in progress, will be updated and cleaned up when I have time.
[[category:Player Character]]
[[category:Character Stub]]

Latest revision as of 13:56, 11 November 2014

Ul'dah-transparent.png Kioro Lioro
"I fight so that my heritage will not be forgotten."
Gender Male
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 17
Sexuality Gay
Occupation Black Mage
Guardian Nald'thal, the Trader
Namesday 22nd Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon



Born in the North Shroud of Gridania and living alone with his father for most of his life, Kioro grew up to be very timid and shy around outsiders. With the ailment of his father, Kioro was forced out into the world in search of a cure, and with this he eventually overcame his shy nature and learned to be more open with those he met in his travels - especially the ones whom he considered friends. Kioro joined up in the service of The Black Sun Vanguard, where he worked as a young member of the Reapers in search of the cure for his father. This victory was short-lived, however; after the cure - Litoru Aesin - was found, Kioro discovered that his plight was all for naught, and his father passed away only days after the cure was administered. It wasn't long after this that The Vanguard began to crumble due to internal squabbling and Kioro found himself scrambling with the former members in search of some way to re-establish what they had and not lose the only friends he had left.

What seemed like weeks passed and he, as well as several other members of what Kioro came to refer to as "The Old Vanguard", were called in by one Orin Aduro. Orin, and his brother Cesar offered him an opportunity to expand his knowledge, and with time offer his own wisdom to others in a undertaking that would soon be revealed as the Limsa Lominsa Garden Academy. As the ranks of the academy grew, Kioro stepped down as an instructor to take up the mantle of the Garden counselor, which he still holds to this day while continuing the effort of re-establishing his family's noble house.


He is average size by lalafell standards and somewhat frail thanks to his adventuring lifestyle and his relatively poor eating habits. His golden-blonde hair, when not tied back, is feathered, wild, and dances with the wind. Kioro, while once intent on dressing in heavier woolen attire to supplement his adventuring lifestyle, now much prefers lighter clothes fashioned from richer materials such as velveteen and Allagan silk. Having sold or discarded most of the clothes his father had woven for him while in the forest of Gridania, Kioro has slowly began to take on a much more aristocratic appearance.

Some may notice that he wears an oddly-shaped brooch clipped to whatever garment he might be wearing- usually beneath the flags of his collar. It appears to be that of a silver serpent with features much akin to that of a wyvern that clutches a glistening emerald between it's talons. It isn't immediately apparent why the Lalafell keeps such a feminine keepsake on his person, but one could easily assume that it is of great import to him.

Much to Kioro's chagrin, he has been mistaken more than once by others as a female; this often leads to him being hugged tightly by others or simply being ostracized for his feminine appearance. Men and women from the Lioro family have all been known to have fair skin, wide eyes and silken locks. Very few have ever had to toil among the commoners to harden their bodies, leaving them very ambiguous when it comes to the topic of gender. Sadly, even though Kioro has lived most of his life in the wilderness and has worked hard at toning his form, the one thing he couldn't change about himself was that his eyes are the color of lavender; a common trait shared with females in the Lioro family, but never males until the fateful day of his birth.


Kioro is a very shy and timid Lalafell, due in large part to being raised in the forests of Gridania, away from the bustling city streets and market stalls of the trade districts. With the help of his friends and family in the Black Sun Vanguard and eventually the Garden of Limsa Lominsa, Kioro better learned how to steel himself and control his emotions. Even still, the young Lalafell can still be brought to blush very easily, especially when he has a strong emotional attachment to the person who is teasing him. He is apt to stammer and trip over his words when embarrassed and because of this prefers small gatherings to large meetings and get-togethers where the chances of him being called out and embarrassed are far less likely. When confronted in a crowded area, the noble is quick to withdraw, and eventually vanish into the crowd at the first opportunity.

Kioro has also been known to be very impressionable, which has been noted on several occasions where he has borrowed words and phrases from people whom he holds in high esteem. Much to his chagrin, however, simply parroting these or further attempting to incorporate them into his vocabulary tend to lead to raised eyebrows and embarrassing moments for all involved. Despite his kindness, shy undertones, and morals ingrained in him by his father, Kioro is a Lioro at heart. He has, on occasion, shown a darker side of himself, especially when it comes to riches, fame, lust, and violence. Most of these aspects of his personality he keeps under wraps and away from the eyes of all but only his closest friends and family members. This fact is further complicated by how susceptible he is to the influence of others.

With the loss of his father, Kioro became increasingly clingy, and craves the affection of those around him - particularly his lover. Most of all, he hates the idea of being left alone again, having already been abandoned by his mother as a child, and now by his father in death. He doesn't want to lose those he holds dear to him, and is often-times very selfish and even overbearing with those he falls deeply in love with. Because of this, Kioro is known to become jealous very easily, especially when he's afraid that there's a possibility where his lover could be stolen away from him. This does tend to be a double-edged sword in that due to how eager he is to receive affection and give it in turn, he's found himself in uncomfortably close relationships with other boys.

Faults aside, he is generally very kind and will fight for those who he cares about, be it friends or family. He has come to rely a great deal on the students and faculty of Limsa Lomina Garden and considers each and every one of them his family. Adopting this mindset has made the young Lalafell much more relaxed when in their company, and has even allowed him to loosen up to the point of doing things he otherwise wouldn't due to his strict code of morals.



Kioro is an average archer at best, learning much from his father and his life as a huntsman. The agile lalafell much prefers wearing lighter armor, and as such uses his speed of movement and lithe form to weave through enemies and allies alike on the battlefield. Although he has learned the basics of stealth, he fails at using it for anything more than listening in on lewd conversations and sneaking out of taverns without paying for his meal.

After the fall of the Vanguard and the death of his father, Kioro felt it wise to leave his past behind him. With what little knowledge he had about defensive fighting he took up the mantle of a lancer and enrolled in the lancer's guild. With time, Kioro would learn how to position himself, and how he could manipulate fights in his favor with agile footwork and rapid strikes. With the teachings of Ywain fresh in his mind, he set his sights on old enemies, and the rivalry that had sparked between the Lioro family all those cycles ago.

With the passage of time, and as his lust for knowledge grew, Kioro began to dabble in thaumaturgy and alchemy to further enhance his skill-set. Oddly enough, his progression was rapid, and he was quick to learn how to manipulate and draw from both his own aether, and that around him. As time went on he developed a fascination with aetherweaving and how how to further channel his own aether to increase his destructive potential without weakening himself in the process. One could only speculate as to why he has an almost natural affinity towards aether.


The Lioro family history ranges back to several cycles before the battle at Cartenau. It will be truncated and scribed here in all due time.


Still a very early work in progress, more will be added and things will likely be modified as time goes on.

I'm always up for RP, just drop me a /tell and we can talk about it~