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'''NOTICE: My alts are Tancred Blackpool and Uther Skystrider. All three characters are connected, and will be in the same plotlines. I can't play them all at once.'''
[[category:Player Character]]
| name = Abodo Po
| name = Abodo Po
| image =
| image = abodo po.png
| imagewidth =  
| imagewidth =  
| caption = Always the Scientist
| caption = "And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming."
| title =  
| title = Paranormal Investigator
| gender = Male
| gender = Male
| citizenship = Ul'dah
| citizenship = Ul'dah
| race = Lalafell
| race = Lalafell
| clan = Dunesfolk
| clan = Dunesfolk
| stat_1 =  
| stat_1 = Nameday
| stat_1_value =  
| stat_1_value = 32nd Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon, (33 years old)
| stat_2 =  
| stat_2 = Deity
| stat_2_value =  
| stat_2_value = Althyk the Keeper
| stat_3 =  
| stat_3 = Affiliations
| stat_3_value =  
| stat_3_value = Immortal Flames, Misericorde
| stat_4 =  
| stat_4 = Server
| stat_4_value =  
| stat_4_value = Balmung
| stat_5 =  
| stat_5 =  
| stat_5_value =  
| stat_5_value =  
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===Basic Info===
===Basic Info===
Abodo Po was a young scientist who turned to magic after receiving, what he believes to be, a prophetic dream.
'''Background and Early Life'''
'''Birth Name:''' Abodo Po
Abodo Po is the second of three children. He was born into upper class Ul'dah society. His father, Totojuju Rorojuju, aside from being a former battlefield healer-mage and current successful merchant, is a descendant to one of the Dunesfolk families that helped form Ul'dah. Totojuju and his wife Rarana Rana, decided to name their children after pre-migratory Lalafell legends, resulting in none of the children's names meeting modern Dunesfolk naming conventions. From a young age, Abodo and his brother, Bolo Bo, were educated in literature, languages, history, math, finance, and science. Abodo Po was an expert at the latter, but his parents were afraid that this interest would lead to either a dangerous career in airship mechanics, or a life of solitude. At the age of seventeen, Po's father arranged for him to begin a career in mercantilism.
'''Pronunciation:''' Ah-boe-doe Poe
'''Nicknames/Aliases:''' Po, Bat, Black Sheep, Dead-Eyes
'''Career in Mercantilism'''
'''Place of Birth:''' Ul'dah
Po's career as a merchant was short-lived. Although he tried to help his family; customers and business partners found him too introverted and strange to interact with. While on an airship heading home to tell the disappointing news to his father, an engine exploded, and Po's quick-thinking and skill in science helped prevent the airship from crashing into the ground. It was from then on that Po decided to work in science.
'''Place of Residence:''' Ul'dah. Currently lost in space and time. (It's a whole thing. We get Lovecraftian here.)
'''Height:''' 3 fulms
'''Career as a Scientist'''
'''Weight:''' Unknown
Much to the dismay of his parents and siblings, Abodo Po began working with local scientists on new weapons and transportation for Ul'dah. This job brought him nearly no sleep, and as his parents feared, he began working on weaponizing airships to battle aerial monsters. In his free time, he would lock himself away in his laboratory and work on other projects. He spent so much time working that his introversion reached new levels, and he became cynical and belligerent. Abodo took so many contracted jobs that he almost forgot how to interact socially, though his intellect sky-rocketed. At the height of his scientific career, he could barely understand jokes anymore.
'''Hair Color:''' Gray
'''Eye Color:''' White
'''The Vision'''
'''Occupation:''' Flame Captain, Paranormal Investigator
One night, Abodo Po was working very late on plans to speed up the transit system of Ul'dah when he fell asleep at his desk. A dream came to Abodo that haunted him to his core. The dream was vague, but full of terror. The elements of his nightmare that he remembers are destruction, cryptic symbols, black magic, and most of all monstrous, ungodly creatures that, to this day, haunt him when he thinks of them and maddens him when he dreams of them. Abodo awoke to the sounds of screaming from outside. Running to the window he heard cries from the streets "Bahamut has struck! Bahamut has struck!"
'''Skills:''' Abodo Po is very intelligent and excels in his fields of study. He is one of Ul'dah's top authorities on identifying, studying and combating thaumaturgy, black magic, alchemy, witchcraft, necromancy, blood rites, human sacrifice, primal worship, and general occultism. He is also a practitioner of the three former (thaumaturgy, black magic, alchemy). He uses a combination of aether-manipulation, science, and his own quick feet to investigate and battle the supernatural and unexplained forces of the world from zombies to heathen gods. In his down-time, Abodo is a champion fisherman, decent violin player, and avid reader.
'''Flaws:''' Unfortunately for Abodo, he is very much a specialist. Outside of paranormal investigation and discovery, he is not a master of anything. He can barely wield a melee weapon other than a dagger or a short sword. Despite his great speed and agility, he has very limited physical strength. His knowledge of chemical and alchemical science is very high, though his knowledge of technological science is very low by contrast. He is similarly, socially inept. He is very much an introvert, despite his best efforts to make friends and partnerships. He has no grasp of romance and is seen as creepy in both appearance and personality more often than not.
'''The Past Five Years'''
Abodo Po could not shake the feeling that he was now involved in something bigger than himself, and that the magical arts were somehow apart of it. Despite his own reluctance and skepticism of magic, Abodo ran to his closet and picked out his father's old robe and staff. He packed food, water, and gil with him and disappeared into the night. Over the past five years since the attack, Po has gone from wealthy traveler to ragged adventurer. He has changed from a pampered fool who can barely cast a spell, to a battle-hardened adventurer-mage. Because the entire scientific community and upper echelon of Ul'dah society was searching for Abodo, his father's old robes had to be sold for plainer clothing, as he knew if he was identified he would eventually be forced back to his family estate. His father's staff shattered in battle on his second year in the wilderness and had to be replaced with a simple wooden staff hand-crafted in Gridania. Abodo Po is still highly scientific and logical in his thought process and is just as introverted, though he finds himself having to interact with the civilized world quite often. He is still actively searching for answers to his vision five years prior.
Abodo Po is not just on a physical journey, but an emotional one as well. He is slowly coming out of his introverted and cynical shell and rejoining the world. Despite his deadpan humor and almost rude honesty, it is clear to any who know him that he cares deeply about his fellow man. Abodo's life is one of drastic change. If he were asked about magic six years ago, he would have dismissed it as hocus pocus. It has not been an easy shift for him to go from wealthy scientist to a ragged adventurer who spends most of his nights sleeping under stars. His sense of humor is usually based around sarcasm or bluntness, and he very much lacks the stereotypical Lalafell naivete. Occasionally, Abodo's Lalafell side will get the best of him and he will spout off in wild and boyish movements when his emotions run high, however this is extremely rare. In combat, Po becomes very serious, sometimes even to the point of being much more physically aggressive than the average mage. He is not afraid to pair his black magic with bouts of acrobatics and blows from his staff. Abodo knows very little white magic, but holds a great respect for it due to his reverence for his father. Once he gets to know someone well enough, he tends to drop his cynicism and become a genuinely good friend, though he has very few people he trusts that much. Po has a passion for forests and general greenery after spending so many years in the arid climate of Ul'dah without it.
'''Totojuju Rorojuju:''' Abodo Po's father. Totojuju was a white mage and battlefield healer before the birth of his first son, Bolo Bo. To secure a future for his family, he returned to Ul'dah to take part in his family tradition of mercantilism.
'''Rarana Rana:''' Abodo Po's mother. Rarana Rana met Totojuju Rorojuju when they were children. When Totojuju passed through Ul'dah again during his career as a white mage, they married. Soon after Rarana became pregnant, Totojuju left his post to move back to Ul'dah.
'''Bolo Bo:''' Abodo Po's older brother. Bolo was not as interested in academics as his brother and instead became a pugilist, joining a band of Hellsguard mercenaries. After losing an eye in battle, he returned home to be a merchant like his father.
'''Lulu Rala:''' Abodo Po's younger sister. Like her older brothers, Lulu's name intentionally breaks Dunesfolk naming conventions. Lulu is only seventeen and already following in Abodo's footsteps. Instead of becoming a merchant like the rest of her family, Lulu studied science and engineering and is already on her way to becoming an airship captain.
'''Captain A'sili Abarskyf:''' Abodo's survival mentor. A'sili saved Abodo from a pack of Ixali in the Black Shroud a few years ago, and taught him how to survive in the wild and avoid being detected by predators. In return, Abodo taught A'sili the theory behind white magic and helped convince him to travel to Ul'dah to become a Paladin. After five months of friendship, the two went their separate ways and haven't seen each other since.
===Other Notes===
'''Name Pronunciation:''' Ah-Bo-Do Po
'''Nicknames:''' (From most to least common) Po, Abodo, Bo, Bodo, Abe
'''Age:''' 28
'''Eye Color:''' Undecided (Possibly gray or blue)
'''Hair Color:''' Undecided (Possibly blonde or platinum)
'''Body Type:''' Abodo is average height for a Lalafell male, though he is less round in the waist and thighs. His face has a slightly more adult look to it, including a longer nose and smaller eyes. These differences are quite minuscule and he looks the same as any other Lalafell to the average passer-by. Those who have great attention to detail will notice this more mature look fairly quickly. In addition to this, his voice is as deep as any other twenty-eight year old male, and lacks the childlike high pitch that is characteristic of roughly half of all Lalafell adults. Overall, his appearance is plainly that of a Lalafell until put in direct comparison to another of his race. The slight alterations are based solely on diet, exercise, posture, and personality, although some more eccentric acquaintances believe it is because his family has supposed Hyur blood somewhere far back in its family tree.
'''Likes:''' Science, literature, airships, nature, quiet
'''Dislikes:''' Most people, crowds, society as a whole, being bothered, buffoonery, height jokes
'''Clothing:''' Abodo Po is partial to baggy robes, slacks, a hood or an occasional hat. His taste ranges from fancy to very basic. Being from wealth, he is used to wearing fine silk of rich colors and golden thread for decoration. In the past five years, he has had to settle for drab clothing in colors of gray, brown, and green. He has found that he enjoys this drab clothing and the fact that he draws no attention to himself while wearing it. He usually carries simple staves made of wood for casting his magic, though when his journey started and his money was plentiful he carried a nicer staff of gold and ebony. Sometimes, Po wears clothing that would not suggest that he is a student of magic. This clothing is usually simple, like a shirt, vest, and slacks. For obvious reasons, Po refuses to wear armor and will not cover himself in anything heavier than cloth.
'''Common Rumors'''
"He looks a little rough for a Lalafell. Must have had a bad year."
"I've seen him around here before. Hangs out around the Conjurer's Guild. He's good with spells. Damn good."
'''Moderate Rumors'''
"I heard he's some kind of Ul'dahn royalty or something. Either way, he's pretty far from home."
Abodo Po's life is one shrouded in mystery. Having very few friends or associates, many myths have circulated about his life. The most popular of these urban legends is the story of his birth...
"That guy in the rags with the stick on his back. Wasn't he that scientist out of Ul'dah?"
'''Sins of the Father'''
"He's a mage, but not one of them all-natural kind. I saw him with a tool kit fixing up one of the airships the other day."
Some time ago, there was an Ul'dahn loan shark and mobster known as Abubu Alazara, the Mad Merchant. Abubu cared for nothing in life outside of his money, his equally sadistic wife, and the promise of an heir to his kingdom of corruption. Known for his cruel methods of debt collection, few but the desperate were willing to deal with Alazara. One such unfortunate character is the woman known as Lady Lament. Lament was a member of the Thaumaturges' Guild in Ul'dah, but wished more for herself than simple elemental conjuration. To fund her excursion into darker arts, she had to borrow money from the Mad Merchant. Lady Lament was well on her way to paying Abubu her dues in full when the Thaumaturges' Guild learned of her disturbing practices. She was then banished from Ul'dah under threat of death. For the next few years, Lady Lament lived in a self-made hut in the far reaches of Thanalan, where she continued her work. After a while she forgot completely about the deal she had made with Abubu. Finally, one day, she was approached outside of her hut by a group of Brass Blades. The Blades claimed to be doing a routine inspection of the area. They asked her to let them in, and upon her compliance, revealed that they were on Alazara's payroll. When the Mad Merchant revealed himself, they trapped the woman in her hut and burned her alive. As she burned, she cursed Abubu and his gang. As they watched her perish, they laughed off her incantations as mere superstition and returned to Ul'dah. As months passed, each member of the involved party began to die, one by one, in mysterious and utterly gruesome circumstances. Drowning, accidental hangings, some found skinned alive, some found frightened to death, one even contracting a flesh-eating pestilence. Soon there were none left but Alazara, who was expecting his first-born son. On the night of the child's birth there was a terrible thunderstorm. Abubu was sitting in the cellar of his impressive manor, counting his coin, while his wife was in labor two floors above him. As he sat, he began seeing vivid visions of Lady Lament's demise, as if it were happening right in front of him. Attempting to shake it off, he began seeing clearer and more horrifying visions of each of his cohorts' deaths. At last he saw the death of his wife in childbirth, clear as day. Alazara could no longer dismiss his visions as mere sleep deprivation, and rushed to the room above where his wife was giving birth. As in his premonition, his wife was dying. Upon her death, the child was born. But not the child the Mad Merchant had always dreamed of. This baby boy was a monster. His skin was as black as charcoal, and his hair was as gray as ash. Permanent remnants of the crime Abubu had committed. And then there were his eyes. His eyes lacked pupil or iris. Eyes of the dead. Eyes of the damned. Staring into Abubu's very soul. The freakish monstrosity had long, imp-like ears, and it cried like a banshee as it was held by its horrible creator. In sheer terror, Alazara hurled the child out of the window. How it survived, is a mystery to this day. Abubu's visions grew worse. He began to physically feel the pain of his companions' deaths. In madness he ran out into the streets of Ul'dah, shrieking a grotesque and eerie cry that haunts the alleyways even now. In his final act, he took a lantern and set fire to his robes. Laughing in his own insanity as he passed terribly out of this world.
'''Rare Rumors'''
"I've heard all of Ul'dah is looking for him. Don't know what they'd want from him. He looks practically homeless!"
===Current Whereabouts===
"He's insane. He does magic, but not the good kind. I hear he does black magic. Strange, occult workings that is."
Abodo Po was last seen at an outpost prison in Thanalan, where he bribed guards for Tancred Blackpool's freedom. Upon Tancred's release, Abodo gave him a linkpearl, stating "Our work is just beginning." and then disappeared. A few days later, the linkpearl went dead. Tancred brought the pearl to several experts, to find that it was much more strange than he initially thought. The pearl would not roll or bounce when dropped, and it seemed to thin the air around it and absorb heat. The current theory among Tancred and his allies, is that Abodo quite literally vanished outside of space and time, and left the pearl as a clue to finding him.
"This guy, I see him all over the place. I swear every town or city I've been to he's been there, causing some kind of trouble. Come to think of it, though, I've never seen him in Ul'dah..."
''Updated 5/5/2016''

Latest revision as of 20:58, 11 May 2016

NOTICE: My alts are Tancred Blackpool and Uther Skystrider. All three characters are connected, and will be in the same plotlines. I can't play them all at once.

Ul'dah-transparent.png Abodo Po
Abodo po.png
"And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming."
Paranormal Investigator
Gender Male
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Ul'dah
Nameday 32nd Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon, (33 years old)
Deity Althyk the Keeper
Affiliations Immortal Flames, Misericorde
Server Balmung
This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

Basic Info

Birth Name: Abodo Po

Pronunciation: Ah-boe-doe Poe

Nicknames/Aliases: Po, Bat, Black Sheep, Dead-Eyes

Place of Birth: Ul'dah

Place of Residence: Ul'dah. Currently lost in space and time. (It's a whole thing. We get Lovecraftian here.)

Height: 3 fulms

Weight: Unknown

Hair Color: Gray

Eye Color: White

Occupation: Flame Captain, Paranormal Investigator

Skills: Abodo Po is very intelligent and excels in his fields of study. He is one of Ul'dah's top authorities on identifying, studying and combating thaumaturgy, black magic, alchemy, witchcraft, necromancy, blood rites, human sacrifice, primal worship, and general occultism. He is also a practitioner of the three former (thaumaturgy, black magic, alchemy). He uses a combination of aether-manipulation, science, and his own quick feet to investigate and battle the supernatural and unexplained forces of the world from zombies to heathen gods. In his down-time, Abodo is a champion fisherman, decent violin player, and avid reader.

Flaws: Unfortunately for Abodo, he is very much a specialist. Outside of paranormal investigation and discovery, he is not a master of anything. He can barely wield a melee weapon other than a dagger or a short sword. Despite his great speed and agility, he has very limited physical strength. His knowledge of chemical and alchemical science is very high, though his knowledge of technological science is very low by contrast. He is similarly, socially inept. He is very much an introvert, despite his best efforts to make friends and partnerships. He has no grasp of romance and is seen as creepy in both appearance and personality more often than not.


Abodo Po's life is one shrouded in mystery. Having very few friends or associates, many myths have circulated about his life. The most popular of these urban legends is the story of his birth...

Sins of the Father

Some time ago, there was an Ul'dahn loan shark and mobster known as Abubu Alazara, the Mad Merchant. Abubu cared for nothing in life outside of his money, his equally sadistic wife, and the promise of an heir to his kingdom of corruption. Known for his cruel methods of debt collection, few but the desperate were willing to deal with Alazara. One such unfortunate character is the woman known as Lady Lament. Lament was a member of the Thaumaturges' Guild in Ul'dah, but wished more for herself than simple elemental conjuration. To fund her excursion into darker arts, she had to borrow money from the Mad Merchant. Lady Lament was well on her way to paying Abubu her dues in full when the Thaumaturges' Guild learned of her disturbing practices. She was then banished from Ul'dah under threat of death. For the next few years, Lady Lament lived in a self-made hut in the far reaches of Thanalan, where she continued her work. After a while she forgot completely about the deal she had made with Abubu. Finally, one day, she was approached outside of her hut by a group of Brass Blades. The Blades claimed to be doing a routine inspection of the area. They asked her to let them in, and upon her compliance, revealed that they were on Alazara's payroll. When the Mad Merchant revealed himself, they trapped the woman in her hut and burned her alive. As she burned, she cursed Abubu and his gang. As they watched her perish, they laughed off her incantations as mere superstition and returned to Ul'dah. As months passed, each member of the involved party began to die, one by one, in mysterious and utterly gruesome circumstances. Drowning, accidental hangings, some found skinned alive, some found frightened to death, one even contracting a flesh-eating pestilence. Soon there were none left but Alazara, who was expecting his first-born son. On the night of the child's birth there was a terrible thunderstorm. Abubu was sitting in the cellar of his impressive manor, counting his coin, while his wife was in labor two floors above him. As he sat, he began seeing vivid visions of Lady Lament's demise, as if it were happening right in front of him. Attempting to shake it off, he began seeing clearer and more horrifying visions of each of his cohorts' deaths. At last he saw the death of his wife in childbirth, clear as day. Alazara could no longer dismiss his visions as mere sleep deprivation, and rushed to the room above where his wife was giving birth. As in his premonition, his wife was dying. Upon her death, the child was born. But not the child the Mad Merchant had always dreamed of. This baby boy was a monster. His skin was as black as charcoal, and his hair was as gray as ash. Permanent remnants of the crime Abubu had committed. And then there were his eyes. His eyes lacked pupil or iris. Eyes of the dead. Eyes of the damned. Staring into Abubu's very soul. The freakish monstrosity had long, imp-like ears, and it cried like a banshee as it was held by its horrible creator. In sheer terror, Alazara hurled the child out of the window. How it survived, is a mystery to this day. Abubu's visions grew worse. He began to physically feel the pain of his companions' deaths. In madness he ran out into the streets of Ul'dah, shrieking a grotesque and eerie cry that haunts the alleyways even now. In his final act, he took a lantern and set fire to his robes. Laughing in his own insanity as he passed terribly out of this world.

Current Whereabouts

Abodo Po was last seen at an outpost prison in Thanalan, where he bribed guards for Tancred Blackpool's freedom. Upon Tancred's release, Abodo gave him a linkpearl, stating "Our work is just beginning." and then disappeared. A few days later, the linkpearl went dead. Tancred brought the pearl to several experts, to find that it was much more strange than he initially thought. The pearl would not roll or bounce when dropped, and it seemed to thin the air around it and absorb heat. The current theory among Tancred and his allies, is that Abodo quite literally vanished outside of space and time, and left the pearl as a clue to finding him.

Updated 5/5/2016