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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:12px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>[[Shirojishi Tanshi]],</b>  <b>(</b><font style="color:#000000;" size="2">�</font><font style="color:#480048;" size="2">❣</font>  <b>)</b> - <b>The Employer</b></div>
! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:12px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>[[Shirojishi Tanshi]],</b>  <b>(</b><font style="color:#000000;" size="2">�</font><font style="color:#480048;" size="2">❣</font>  <b>)</b> - <b>The Employer</b></div>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:13px;"><i><b>"I believe you are confusing balance for vengeance."<b></i><br><br>
| <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:13px;"><i><b>"I believe you are confusing balance for vengeance."</b></i><br><br>
A Doman Raen much like Itumi, the man currently has her employed under a bizarre contract of blood magic.  The strange magi is a secret himself with Itumi understanding very little about his inner-workings.  His motives are questionable considering a recent situation that arised involving syphoning aether from crystals and the appearance of Voidsent.  Despite any objection to a request he makes, as long as she remains under contract with him he will have full control over her future.   
A Doman Raen much like Itumi, the man currently has her employed under a bizarre contract of blood magic.  The strange magi is a secret himself with Itumi understanding very little about his inner-workings.  His motives are questionable considering a recent situation that arised involving syphoning aether from crystals and the appearance of Voidsent.  Despite any objection to a request he makes, as long as she remains under contract with him he will have full control over her future.   

Revision as of 20:38, 5 February 2017

Itumi Oshimori

The Umbral Blade of Doma


The fate of our nation rests on our shoulders. Do not disobey me, child, for the Shinobi must always survive.


Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... Itumi (it-TWO-me) Oshimori (OH-she-MORE-ee)

NICKNAMES... Itumi, Girl

RACE & CLAN... Au Ra - Raen

GENDER... Female

AGE... Early-Mid Twenties

NAMEDAY... 9th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon

ORIENTATION... Heterosexual





FAMILY... -Unknown-

RESIDENCE... -Unknown-

OCCUPATION... Shinobi; Former Assassin

PATRON DEITY... -None by Doman beliefs-

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 4 fulms, 7 ilms. 88 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Neutral with Neutral Evil tendencies - by Alignment.

Do you feel remorse for your past actions?
Not much can be said about how the Doman girl looked, more often than not blending into the background with darker colors. It was clear what her race was (if you couldn't see the scales and tail...) and where her heritage lies. Doman by descent, many of her clothing options showcase her homeland in sort. And very rarely is she seen without dual short swords or daggers attached to her hips, vials of such to her belt, and the common jingling of gil in pouches.

Hair & Eyes
Her hair was always dyed a dark black and, for the time being, kept short with blunt bangs. Much of this style reflected on her Doman heritage. At one point prior to her arrive to Eorzean, her hair remained the dark black and banged appearance she has today, however the length reached down to the small of her back. Eyes were a softer pink color with a strange, reflective blue limbal.
Physique & Markings
One word to best describe her form would be 'small.' Everything about the woman was tiny; her size, weight, and even musculature could best be labeled as petite. This, of course is mostly due to her Raen descent, however even compared to most female of her kind, she paled in comparison. No distinct markings would be seen on her person in normal attire. However, during certain situations, her right hand may seem to produce a strange, red 'glyph' that would spread up along her veins. This was do to her current employer binding her into a blood contract. The mark had no strategic advantage on the field of battle, but instead was a inhibitor and control device in place to ensure her duties were fulfilled.
Hygiene & Attire
She kept herself within good hygiene, making sure even during the roughest times her appearance was well-maintained. Her hair was neatly cut into blunt bangs and face free of imperfections. Often times, her clothes were dark and modest to accent her clear choice of work. Never one to show off her body, revealing clothing was only worn in times of necessity and climate, never worn to attract nearby eyes and attention.
Psychological Profile
Much of her personality was kept hidden behind an emotionless and rather blunt persona, especially when dealing with people she does not know and first-time encounters. She can be described as 'direct' and 'cold' depending on the person speaking with her. However, once one takes the time to gain a sliver of trust, her true self will open up with rather overexaggerated and sassy remarks, often teasing in nature to get a playful rise from her associates. Though, in working situations, the emotionless and direct personality does come out in order to remain level-headed and avoid making harsh decisions based on emotion.
Her voice was rather soft at times and without much inflection, making it hard to hear in louder environments.

● Collecting things
● Tea
● Blending into the background
● Testing a situation/person of limits
● Arguments (Until she becomes flustered)
● Other Shinobi
● Most other Domans
● Tribal Xaela
● Showoffs and people who boast of their accomplishments
● When women act weak
● Often-times too Quiet
● Kleptomaniac
● Tends to get fired up easily
● Becomes flustered with sexual topics
● Competitive about certain things
● Tendency to run from situations
● Difficulty deciding for herself

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Peace is not my profession, it is yours. War is my profession. Should you fail at your job, I will not fail at mine.


High: Dexterity, Speed; Swordplay
Above Average: Aether Manipulation (Mudras); Shadow Manipulation
Average: Hand-to-Hand Combat; Any weapon other than a Short-Sword
Low: Pure Strength

It is clear as day the girl is a Shinobi and possesses the basic abilities of one.
However, what is not nearly as obvious is what her profession was prior to arriving in Eorzea...

Aetheric Abilities

Much of Itumi's Aetheric abilities remains hidden by her own choice. It is clear the girl is a Shinobi, so for one to assume she posseses the ability to form Mudras would be within the realm of possibility. However, her true skills hide in abilities she chooses -not- to showcase unless her life is in peril.
This would be the manipulation of Shadow magic to create 'shades' of herself; illusions, images from the shadows, to disorient opponents into thinking her movements and positions are not what they appear to be.
This also includes the ability to mask her form within the night to 'appear' invisible.

Non-Combat Abilities
● Itumi does not posses many 'non-combat' abilities. Raised into the Shinobi lifestyle from a young age, rarely was there much time outside of basic training to form useful skills and trades one would expect to make a living from. This has lead her down a life of petty thievery to survive.
● It is notable to mention her extensive training in alchemy & herbalism; More importantly training in the use of medicinal herbs and poison mastery.
OOC Notes About Combat
I do ask that no assumptions about the above information is made during combat. I leave this section very vague to avoid confrontational issues with character ability and 'what may or may not be possible' in the game itself.

While I am absolutely open to other character's possessing abilities outside the game's design, I only ask that if you wish to RP combat with me, do not Godmod!

Preferred Combat - Against popularity, I greatly prefer /roll battles. Why? While it is tons of fun to out-play an opponent with words, there is something about being unable to control the outcome of a fight and leaving it to chance, allowing the character to react to the unexpected that I rather enjoy. Not to mention, unless I know you personally, I may be hesitant to even engage into RP combat due to past expierences.

While I also realize the huge drawback of /roll battles, should we decide on that being our form of combat, I will more than often made adjustments to the combat itself should Itumi face-off against an opponent she would have no chance of beating.
RP is about the story, not about winning!

Relationship Status Legend


Acquaintances & Allies
Shirojishi Tanshi, ( ) - The Employer
"I believe you are confusing balance for vengeance."


A Doman Raen much like Itumi, the man currently has her employed under a bizarre contract of blood magic. The strange magi is a secret himself with Itumi understanding very little about his inner-workings. His motives are questionable considering a recent situation that arised involving syphoning aether from crystals and the appearance of Voidsent. Despite any objection to a request he makes, as long as she remains under contract with him he will have full control over her future.

RP Info

It is important to note that this character was created with the intention of being an Antagonist, depending on the Characters involved with her.

Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Current Location: Ul'dah
■ More often than not, she will be seen doing or involving herself with questionable things and folk. Her appearance itself may lead one to raise and eyebrow to her line of work, and assumptions will more than often be true.
Often seen: Loitering in strange places, observing larger crowds, or silently standing around someone she may or may not be employed to.
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
Doma: Shinobi of the land; Former employed Assassin in question.
Rogue's Guild: Recently seen loitering and involving time around the guild.
Alchemist's Guild: A member of such who tends to keep to herself.
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
■ In need of an Assassin for NPCs or to follow PCs?
■ You may have been involved in the politics of Doma.
■ You may have strong feelings for the Shinobi, especially those who may have lead to the fall of Doma.
■ You are in search of a poison's expert, perhaps you see the vials attached to her person?
■ You see someone lingering around the area without involving herself in daily activities. Would you question why they are there?
■ You, yourself, may be a Shinobi and are in search of your fellow brethren. (Be careful of this one though! Itumi may not be on your side..)
■ You may have had interaction with Garlean officials...!
■ Are you able to sense the presence of the void lingering on her person? (Even though she is connected through another from this!)
■ You require an Antagonist for a story. I will be more than happy to fill this role!
Most of these hooks are things I came up with on the spot for reasons as to why you may engage this character. By all means, feel free to find your own reasons why!

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note

There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation.

Rules of the RP
With this character being in the line of work she is in, much of her RP involves Mature themes.
I have no problem with RPing: Plot Situations that involve torture, death (NPC or other-character), mature language, sexual themes, mutalation/injury, and short-term imprisonment of this character.
Please ask about: long-term imprisonment, permanent mutilation, permanent death, rape.
I WILL not RP: Sexual encounters for the sake of sex, ERP without story-development.

I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios, more often than not sacrificing this character to situations to further develop a story or plot.

I enjoy long-term partners, so if this is something you are interested in, send me a tell in game!

Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt.


Wiki Information
A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.
