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:Entering her teenage years, Feryal's precocious gave way to a sense of idealism.  Her thoughts were likely not held only by her but she believed that there were other ways to discuss with - or subdue, if need be - their scaly foe.  To her surprise, her ideals were shared by a man that was chosen to be her suitor - Aulaux Deseth.  Reddish brown hair and blue eyes, he was - to the teenage Lady - a prince, rather than a Templar from a good family.  He was the prince that swept her away, making sure his idealistic little wife was kept safe as much as he possibly could.
:Entering her teenage years, Feryal's precocious gave way to a sense of idealism.  Her thoughts were likely not held only by her but she believed that there were other ways to discuss with - or subdue, if need be - their scaly foe.  To her surprise, her ideals were shared by a man that was chosen to be her suitor - Aulaux Deseth.  Reddish brown hair and blue eyes, he was - to the teenage Lady - a prince, rather than a Templar from a good family.  He was the prince that swept her away, making sure his idealistic little wife was kept safe as much as he possibly could.
:The Deseth household had nothing to worry about until Aulaux was called to pick up arms.  His initial response was to turn down orders; wanting to keep to his ideals.  That is, until he learned that his wife was pregnant with their first child.  His ideals shifted more towards his family, rather than his general philosophy, and his desire to keep them safe; to be a part of something bigger than would potentially give their child a better chance than they did.  Despite Feryal's pleas, he left with halibut in hand, promising to come back with just battle scars to boast of.
:The Deseth household had nothing to worry about until Aulaux was called to pick up arms.  His initial response was to turn down orders; wanting to keep to his ideals.  That is, until he learned that his wife was pregnant with their first child.  His ideals shifted more towards his family, rather than his general philosophy, and his desire to keep them safe; to be a part of something bigger than would potentially give their child a better chance than they did.  Despite Feryal's pleas, he left with blade in hand, promising to come back with just battle scars to boast of.
:That was far from the case; one night, she was greeted by the men that delivered her husband in a sheet covered box.  ''He died honorably for Ishgard, she was told.'' At a tender age of twenty, Feryal quickly learned what it meant to be a Templar's wife and what it meant to be an Ishgardian woman.  It was a life of loss and sacrifice, but one that she quickly had to pick up with their birth of her child.  Widowhood was an uncomfortable shawl to wear but motherhood was something she quickly took to, wanting every part of her daughter's life to be experienced with her.
:That was far from the case; one night, she was greeted by the men that delivered her husband in a sheet covered box.  ''He died honorably for Ishgard, she was told.'' At a tender age of twenty, Feryal quickly learned what it meant to be a Templar's wife and what it meant to be an Ishgardian woman.  It was a life of loss and sacrifice, but one that she quickly had to pick up with their birth of her child.  Widowhood was an uncomfortable shawl to wear but motherhood was something she quickly took to, wanting every part of her daughter's life to be experienced with her.

Revision as of 10:18, 30 April 2018

Feryal Arcsman
Lady of House Maintigny

Ffxiv 04172018 213110.png

NAME... Lady Farielle Arcsman de Maintigy

NICKNAMES... Feryal, Fery & Fey


RACE... Wildwood Elezen

BIRTH PLACE... Ishgard


STATUS... Married to Cyrilus

ALIGNMENT... Neutral good


RESIDENCY... Isghard and Gridania

AGE... Late 20s because a Lady never tells

HEIGHT... 5 fulms, 11 ilms

WEIGHT... 156 ponz

EYE COLOR... Green


PROFESSION... Arcanic sciences investor and scholar

AFFILIATIONS... Ishgard & Aether Cats

CURRENTLY... adventuring with the Aether Cats crew and furthering her studies in conjury and voidsent

Feryal is Elezen with a curious mind and an adventuring spirit; one that yearned to see what else was outside the protection of her four walls and past the Gates. Already a bit of a pariah for marrying out of her race and below her station, she needed little urging to travel out of Ishgard for her husband's expeditions and for the sake of her void studies. During her travels, Feryal finds her own causes to invest in; sometimes getting pulled into shady ones due to her naiveté. That doesn't seem to faze her too much, if at all, much to her protective Raen's chagrin. She is a woman of quick wit and, at times, a biting tongue; a headstrong Elezen that will just dust herself off and onto the next adventure with her head held high.

NOTE I know this is a lot of exposition dump but none of this is known in-characteter unless your character knew Feryal growing up or has gotten to know her personally.

Feryal was born the youngest of nine children, having four older brothers and three older sisters to the Baron and Baroness Luthiaus and Aurie Nightsong. The sibling closest in age was only two years older than her: her sister, Natacié. Feryal was the last child Aurie had and passed on from complications of the birth. That wasn't to say that she was a child unloved; it was, in fact, the opposite. All of her siblings sought to give her the best childhood they possibly could, before each of them made their way to fight for country and family.
For a while, the Elezen child didn't understand why her uncles didn't return; the absence of uncles shifting to three of her older brothers and a sister. If was then that she was made aware of the Dragonsong War and things began to make sense to her - why she wasn't allowed outside certain times of the day, of certain seasons. Why her love of literature and music was encouraged. Why it was all the more important for her to finish her basic education and start a family of her own. All of this to keep the war going.
Entering her teenage years, Feryal's precocious gave way to a sense of idealism. Her thoughts were likely not held only by her but she believed that there were other ways to discuss with - or subdue, if need be - their scaly foe. To her surprise, her ideals were shared by a man that was chosen to be her suitor - Aulaux Deseth. Reddish brown hair and blue eyes, he was - to the teenage Lady - a prince, rather than a Templar from a good family. He was the prince that swept her away, making sure his idealistic little wife was kept safe as much as he possibly could.
The Deseth household had nothing to worry about until Aulaux was called to pick up arms. His initial response was to turn down orders; wanting to keep to his ideals. That is, until he learned that his wife was pregnant with their first child. His ideals shifted more towards his family, rather than his general philosophy, and his desire to keep them safe; to be a part of something bigger than would potentially give their child a better chance than they did. Despite Feryal's pleas, he left with blade in hand, promising to come back with just battle scars to boast of.
That was far from the case; one night, she was greeted by the men that delivered her husband in a sheet covered box. He died honorably for Ishgard, she was told. At a tender age of twenty, Feryal quickly learned what it meant to be a Templar's wife and what it meant to be an Ishgardian woman. It was a life of loss and sacrifice, but one that she quickly had to pick up with their birth of her child. Widowhood was an uncomfortable shawl to wear but motherhood was something she quickly took to, wanting every part of her daughter's life to be experienced with her.
In her grief - she felt like she was left with a household she was ill-equipped to care for. That was something that changed on a particular bitter winter night, when a Raen ended up half frozen and half deadon her doorstep. Knowing he was wild creature in a structured home, she still chose to mend him back to health, finding in him a kindred spirit that encouraged her to keep fighting; keep moving on in life in spite of her fears. In him, she found a future - a partner that supported her adventuring spirit and one that she knew she could spend the rest of her life with.

Voice: Slightly accented, cultured and well modulated
Standing at 5 fulms and 11 ilms, Feryal isn't much to look at; a slight Elezen woman of 156 ponz. What makes her stand out, however are her sharp green eyes and the dotting of freckles that, she claims, keep her from looking too plain.
Pale skinned and lithe, her body is of a dancer's build; long limbed and surprisingly toned for a woman with scholarly persuits. She is of average constitution but she has proven to be agile when needed to be.
To the general public, Feryal prefers the calm and collected image - usually donned in stylishly cut dresses and varying materials to give herself a refined look. However, her habit of wearing dresses has her looking down at the idea of her wearing pants and of her husband wearing 'simple' clothes. She will admit to having only one swimsuit and perhaps two pairs of pants in her closet, the former only grudingly used.
She is very expressive - both in features and with the use of her hands. Feryal is a woman that is equally as quick to smile, as she is to frown. She is much more known for her mocking smile and cutting wit, both of which she use to her advantage as much as possible.
The common companion that follows her is Thalia, her coeurl. It is a playful and affectionate creature, quick to show love to those her owner shows affection to and quick to make use of her claws to those she feel threatened by.

Elegant ◆ Inquisitive ◆ Naive ◆ Strong willed
◆ Extroverted and optimistic: Despite being cloistered in a well protected manor, Feryal still loves interacting with people. She is naive enough that she wants to think the best of people, often getting hurt or herself into shady situations when people prove themselves otherwise.
◆ Charismatic and mischievous: As the youngest daughter of a baron, Feryal has learned when to smile and how to charm. Paired with her slightly mischievous nature, she sometimes gets away with more than she should.
◆ Feminine and elegant: She would be the first to tell you that she is a Lady, but rather do that, she'd prefer to show it. Feryal often seen in dresses, preferring them over pants or leggings. If she must deviate from her usual style of dress, the material of her clothing is still of fine quality. She is usually soft spoken and will rarely curse, whether it be in public or private.
◆ Inquisitive: Knowledge is always a fingertip away and Feryal is always eager to learn more, whether it be magitek or the arcane. This pursuit of knowledge is an area of discord between her and her husband, as she has yet to find the limit to her curiosity.

[Proper Lady]: Dark haired and pale skinned, Feryal is a woman that is gentle yet strong willed. She possesses wit and civility; is devoted and loyal. Devoted wife and loving mother, she still proves herself to be a Lady with her impeccable manners and dress.
[Silk Hiding Steel]: Despite looking the damsel and playing the part quite well, Feryal is a woman of a cunning mind with sharp intelligence and a strong will that won't bow for anyone. And should the time come to fight, she won't hesitate. She fights—bravely, courageously, and without holding back.
[Functional Magic]: A strong student of both thaumatergy and conjury, Feryal as proven that she has firm control over her abilities and the elements; at least as much as any wielder does. Her gift extends to alchemy, with her making use of her herbs garden.
[Only Known by Their Nickname]: Born Lady Farielle Nightsong and married as Lady Farielle Deseth de Maintigny, Feryal takes her husband's name rather than have him take hers as fitting for her station. Anytime Feryal has her full title used, she feels the need to correct them, preferring, "just Feryal".
[Tomboy Princess]: Feryal loves her life of luxury and the dresses that come with them, but she would rather be off adventuring; following her husband when his expeditions take him away from Ishgard.
[Battle Couple]: In the case of Feryal and Cyrilus, if you harm either on of them, the survivor will kill you. Married, happily married, they manifest as a Sword and Sorceress duo; both fighters with their own weapons of choice.
[Mama Bear]: Just as is the case in the wild between a mother bear and her cub, it is the same with Caylie being her only child to be doted upon; Feryal will not tolerate any threats towards her - emotional of physical.
[Badass Bookworm]: Her scholarly pursuits have made her soft, but that doesn't make Feryal incapable by any means. She relies on her ability to think on her feet as well as her conjury and thaumaturgy skills; both keep her alive just fine.

💗 Romantic Relationship
Romantic Interest

() Luthiaus and Aurie Nightsong (Parents) Aurie died in childbirth but Lutiaus is a doting father to his youngest daughter; a child that grew up to be the spitting image of his wife. It was during the Dragonsong War that he married her off to a Templar night, hoping that status and name would be enough to protect her, should something happen to him.
( 💗 ) Aulaux Deseth (Late Husband) Both husband and wife married at 25 and 18 respectively, and both of them were idealistic in believing that there were other ways to solve conflict than just fight. However, when the call to war truly came and Aulaux knew his wife was expecting their first child, he willingly took up his sword to protect his family. He "died an honorable death", she was told, but 'honor' turned into a foreign concept to her and warfare was something that left her bitter.
( 💗 ) Cyrilus Arcsman/Ishiki Kirodatto (Husband) A Raen found half frozen on her doorstep that she initially just nursed back to health before sending him back on his crusade. They are people of two different upbringings and two different worlds but somehow both Elezen and Au'ra made it work, with her proposing marriage within a few years of courtship. He is a man that has taught her what it truly meant to be honest to herself and embrace life.
( ) Caylie/Caiyx Deseth (Daughter) To an Elezen who was told she could not have children, Caylie is a child most cherish. Feryal does not want her child to have the same childhood she did and tries to show Caylie the outside world, often bringing souvenirs back with her when she leaves with Cyrilus on his expeditions or when she must leave for business.
( ) Natacié/Tasha (Sister) The siblings are only two years apart and Tasha took on the role as a mother as well as older sister as best she could. As a Templar herself, is rather protective of her youngest sister, making sure that Feryal is as equipped as she could possibly be. She is more pragmaic to her sister's idealistic ways but Tasha would still be there to catch Feryal, should she fall.

( ) Togras Mordernhur (Mentor) A Hyur that teaches at the thaumaturg academy, he also has a near obsession with the void. However, she took a liking to his unorthodox ways and he took a liking to her. Both mentor and student spend many a nights in his chambers for both work and play, but he was a man that allowed his favorite scholar to think freely outside the confines of what was considered 'normal'.
( ) Elyn Merielle (Friend) A girl that she found sick on one of her trips back to Ul'dah. Despite their unorthodox meeting, Elyn has brought out her maternal side. Both women come from very different backgrounds but both of them agree that neither one of them want to be stuck in a place where they will go nowhere and don't want to use of their names to get out.
( ) Oleria Rigel (Friend) Both healers with a desire to learn combat in order to better protect those closest to them, Feryal has a respect for Oleria and the way she holds herself. Theirs' is a quickly growing friendship where Feryal sometimes sees Oleria as an older sister.
Ishgard She loathes the war that took many great people but she remains loyal to her country
Aether Cats What started out as what she believes to be a selfish investment for science, they have slowly pushed her out of her comfort zone and allowed her to explore and adventure with them; treating her as one of them, rather than a noblewoman.

Skills & Abilities
STR: 8 | CON: 12 | DEX: 10 | INT: 14 | WIS: 13 | CHA: 15

➤ Above average intelligence - she is her mentor's prized apprentice and it's not because of her money and status
➤ Sewing - she hates knitting but is an extraordinary seamstress, even weaving aether through her patterns
➤ Fencing - not just the art of nobles: she prefers the use of blades over firearms, and casting over blades; she tries her best to not rely on her husband for protection
➤ Conjury and thaumatergy - different sides of the coin but she has a keen interest and is a strong wielder of both.
➤ Healing - her physical fighting skills are mediocre at best but Feryal chooses to help those she cares about with her healing skills
➤ Alchemy - gardening is her secret pasttime and Feryal as become very proficient in using the herbs she grows and turning them into tinctures.

OOC Information

Stances on RP: I enjoy RP - from 'slice-of-life' as well as mature, dark, heavy-RP. I do prefer plot-driven encounters but I don't mind walk-ups, as they may lead to even more fun. That said - I am usually not in-character unless I'm tagged but feel free to send me a tell either way!
Hooks and relationships: Feryal's marriage is polyamorous so a relationship is not out of the question, so long a there is chemistry. Some other hooks, however are conjury and thermauthergy; a fellow Ishgardian; researchers, botanists and adventure.
I am available to RP in-game or through discord (Cassandra Arié#0343)
I'm generally pretty patient but I do not tolerate flakes. If you lose interest or have an issue with whatever we're playing, please be vocal about it.

Server and Timezone

Player Info American player, EST/EDT
Server Mateus
Player Name Feryal Arcsman

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This page is a constant WIP and edited as things develop (Last edit 28 Apr, 2018)
Special thanks to Suen Shyu for the template base.
Shamelessly mashed together by Feryal Arcsman.
In turn, their inspiration from Rixo and Nanagi's template.