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[[File:Alina beach.png|300px|frameless|Alina enjoys the beauty the sea has to offer]]
[[File:Alina Dancing.png|300px|frameless|Who doesn't enjoy a little dancing]]
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<font style="color: #000; letter-spacing: 0em;">Seeing Alina out and about on any given day, one would think she is in the military of some kind. With duel hued eyes, sun-kissed skin, muscular physique, and a gentle smile, she's turned plenty of heads. She is small compared to her Highlander counterparts but keeps in excellent shape and just as fierce. She has long flowing mahogany hair that she usually keeps in a half braid as to keep her hair out of her face. While not overly muscled, her body is lean and toned. From years of training and conditioning, she is highly flexible and one of the most dexterous Hyurs around. She's not one for high fashion so usually will be seen wearing her Commander uniform or a wine red Kugane-style Togi of Scouting. If perchance you see her in a stealth black assassin outfit, it most likely will be the last image you see.
<font style="color: #000; letter-spacing: 0em;">Seeing Alina out and about on any given day, one would think she is lost in some sort of daydream, taking in the sights and the sounds. With her sea green eyes, sun-kissed skin, muscular physique, and a gentle smile, she's turned plenty of heads. She is small compared to her Viera counterparts but keeps in excellent shape and just as fierce. She has long flowing mahogany hair that she usually keeps in a half braid as to keep her hair out of her face and two very long ears. While not overly muscled, her body is lean and toned. From years of training and conditioning, she is highly flexible and one of the most dexterous Viera around. She's not one for high fashion so usually will be seen wearing her black Cheongsam with a white undercoat. If perchance you see her in a stealth black assassin outfit, it most likely will be the last image you see.
<div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;">'''Aspects That Stand Out:''' </div>
<div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;">'''Aspects That Stand Out:''' </div>

Revision as of 08:55, 9 September 2019


Alina Main.png
Personal Data
Real Name: Alina Cerberusira
Known Aliases:
Race: Viera | Rava
Age: 120
Name Day: 12th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Eye Color: Sea Green
Hair Color: Mahogany
Occupation: Commander of Reacon
Marital Status: Married
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Sexuality: Heterosexual

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light just as hate cannot drive out hate, only love."
-Alina Cerberusira


Who doesn't enjoy a little dancing

Seeing Alina out and about on any given day, one would think she is lost in some sort of daydream, taking in the sights and the sounds. With her sea green eyes, sun-kissed skin, muscular physique, and a gentle smile, she's turned plenty of heads. She is small compared to her Viera counterparts but keeps in excellent shape and just as fierce. She has long flowing mahogany hair that she usually keeps in a half braid as to keep her hair out of her face and two very long ears. While not overly muscled, her body is lean and toned. From years of training and conditioning, she is highly flexible and one of the most dexterous Viera around. She's not one for high fashion so usually will be seen wearing her black Cheongsam with a white undercoat. If perchance you see her in a stealth black assassin outfit, it most likely will be the last image you see.

Aspects That Stand Out:
Her duel hued eyes.
Warm and kind smile
Long flowing mahogany hair


Early Life:

Coming from a Highlander father and a Midlander mother, Alina was always picked on for not being as big as the other kids. Her father being a warrior, wanted a boy and treated Alina as if she was. At a young age, her father started to train with her to build up her strength so she could one day carry on the warrior tradition. Both physical strength and mental strength are required to tame the inner beast so day and night, her and her father trained. Although she grew strong and became a fierce warrior, she always fell short of those around her, leaving her father in disappointment. Her mother, trained her in the ways of the White Mage, showing her that there are other ways of being useful on the battlefield. Alina excelled at it but knew this wasn't the life she wanted, to be the healer during battle. When the calamity struck, she was just a young child but remembers her father sending her away, telling her to look after her mother as he grabbed his axe and ran towards the front line. She never saw him again. her mother and her found themselves following the masses toward Little Ala Migo where most of the refugees were going to be held til a solution was found. Looking around, even at a young age, she knew that there was no life to be had within the walls of this place. Her mother knew that she wasn't going to be able to keep her daughter with her and that she needed to experience life on her own. Her mother grabbed a pouch from clothes, and enclosed it in Alina's hands; "take this, and travel far away from here. You still have a chance to live your life how you see fit, not with me or your father telling you how to live. Travel to Limsa and look for a man named Jack; he will help find you something while you search for your purpose." With a heavy heart and tears in her eyes, Alina knew she may never see her mother again. She gave her a big hug and a kiss on her forehead, found an airship willing to take her to Limsa where she found Jack, the leader of the Rouge's Guild and a personal friend of her mothers.

Adult Life:

Growing up learning the ways of the Rouge and Ninja, Alina became very skilled in the ways of stealth and reacon. Oboro, her mentor at the Ninja's Guild took her on as a personal apprentice, teaching her the many ways of the eastern art. She was small for her race which made her rely on her dexterity rather than her brute strength. She traveled to Kugane where she further learned and studied the ancient ways of the ninja. Meditation and daily training became normal routine for her as she continuously wanted to strengthen her skill set. One day, she was recruited to join the Malestrom. She climbed the ranks and was eventually given the title Commander of Reacon for the Maelstrom. now being in charge of a group of recruits, she trained them in the arts of stealth and effective killing. This led her to the Frontlines of Seal Rock, where there were battles to put their training to use. On one particular day, a feared Samuari was slaughtering the field. Alina, knowing he had to be stopped, went and tried to battle him til she was victorious. This was the first time she had tasted real defeat as the Samuari had a higher skill level than she. He spared her, so she knew right then, she needed to learn from him, someone who would challenge her and make her stronger. He had no interest in taking on an apprentice and refused for the longest time. She did peak his interest as he knew she was skilled and eventually caved in to train her. She now works as a mercenary for the Flames and the Maelstrom both, still maintaining the rank of Commander as she continues to train those who desire to learn.


Alina is both a disciplined soldier as well as a prankster; both parts living in perfect balance. She enjoys the simple things in life like watching the sunrise or going to the beach. She takes her responsibilities with the Flames and the Maelstrom very seriously but always makes time for the pleasures in life. She enjoys her evenings drinking ale with friends and reminiscing of old times when they were still kids. She was an outcast in her early years as she was not full Highlander or Midlander causing her to be reclusive and shy. As an adult, the confidence Oboro and Amet gave her allowed her to come out of her shell and explore the world and its people. She is often seen meditating or training with a dummy to perfect her technique. She does enjoy dueling those who seek to challenge her at the Wolves Den however those are usually few and far between. She is charming, kind, and a gentle soul to be around. She has experienced both loss and gain, pain and pleasure. Knowing that everything in the world must be balanced allows her to learn from every experience, whether it be good or bad. She is both selfless and humble, willing to share whatever she has with others. She does have a little bit of a temper but only a select few have ever witnessed it.


Drinking with friends
Exploring new places
The Beach
Training and Dueling


Those who mistreat others
people who are too serious
The Empire


Helping others


"Charming" Or at least her smile is.
Great at having fun and enjoying life.
Tough- both physically and mentally


Over protective of loved ones
Still feels like she has to prove her worth
Situations where strength is required over dexterity and stealth


Pursuits of freedom and pleasure

Alina practicing with a striking dummy


As a child, Alina received daily training in both the art of the Warrior and the ways of the White Mage. She learned from an early age to defend herself as she was constantly picked on for her size. Never really getting her father's approval, she has an unfathomable drive to prove her worth. Growing up in her teen years in Limsa Lominsa, she dedicated herself day ad night to perfecting the eastern art of Ninja. She knew that she would never be able to out power someone even though she is quite strong so she trained her body to rely on finding her opponents weak spot and exploiting that weakness. She in addition learned how to stealth which later earned her the title Commander of Reacon for the maelstrom and the Flames. She is proficient in all blades and can occasionally be seen wielding an axe like her father and a staff like her mother. She was never one for crafting so has decided to train her body and learn the many different fighting styles one can learn. In the end though, her heart will always be that of a Ninja.
Weapon: Alina's daggers she carries with her everyday are razor sharp yet plain to the naked eye. They have a wooden handle and a thin steel blade. Her weapons she takes into battle are of a rare eastern metal that is black in color, making her blades black as night. They are adorned with gold plating, red silks, and a jade bead for balance and decoration. These daggers are deadly as the rare metal allows them to be sharper than any other weapon made in the west. She take extreme care of them and sharpens both sets to ensure they are ready in case trouble strikes.
Weapons of Choice
Daggers, any kind
Fists and feet



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"There was a shadow on the battlefield, when I went to see what it was, it was gone... was that her?"
"That girl with the pretty hair, she was so helpful in restoring the Doman Enclave"
"Alina, never heard of her"
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I hear she was a total disappointment so neither of her parents wanted to keep her around"
"It's said that she had experiments preformed on her so that she could hone her skills faster"
"Commander of Reacon, that doesn't exist... does it?"
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"I was told that when Amet and Alina first met on the battle field, he only spared her because she begged him to"
"Did you hear about Alina's Mother?"


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors -
"Place Rumor here " — Rumormonger.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral ** Unsure

Amet Cerberusira and Alina Galanodel

Amet and Alina

Amet Cerberusira, Husband. ( ) - Hand of Mercy
Character's Thoughts: "He is the best thing to ever happen in my life"
Met on the battlefield as enemies, became master and apprentice, slowly grew a friendship and finally became romantically involved.
Magnus Galanodel, Father. ( ) - The Bloodthirst
Character's Thoughts: "He never wanted me, but even against all that adversity, I still loved him"
Father wanted a son, never really approved of Alina, died in combat.
Katrine Galanodel, Mother. ( ** ) - Priestess of White.
Character's Thoughts: "She always looked out for me, since I was a child. She loved me more than life itself, that's why it is so hard to not know where she is"
Mother was always trying to shield her from the pain of the world, after her father left for battle, her mother knew being a refugee was no life for her daughter, and so sent her away to live her own life.
Place Holder.. ( ) - Place Holder.
Character's Thoughts: "Place Holder."
Place Holder.



Player Note
Roleplay is meant to be fun! I'm here for all sorts of roleplay be it a long and in depth adventure, to a simple fortune telling, to a nightly romp in the woods. So long as everyone is enjoying it and leaves the roleplay feeling satisfied, I'm not particularly picky. I do ask that the lines of OOC and IC stay very clearly drawn. I am not my character, and you are not yours. What they feel for each other is not reflective of our own feelings.
Personal RP Limits
I don't have very many hardcore limits honestly as I feel consequences must be adhered to when RPing any character regardless of whom they might be. However there are a few exceptions to this and they are as follows.
I will play Sexual roleplay themes/Erp, violence, longer story lines, heavy mature themes (Drug use, illegal activity, implied rape/torture, death (npc), ect.) Lighthearted roleplay, slice of life roleplay, romance, roleplay combat.
I won't play Allow my character to be killed (at least not atm). Do most scenes involving heavy torture, mutilation or death (unless heavily discussed before hand.) Drastically change or adjust Alina to fit a specific event/plot without valid story reasons.
Little Tidbits.
I'm a strong believer in the concept of IC actions having IC consequences. If your character robs a bank, he should have a warrant. If one is badly injured, they'll need time to recover ect. It makes the roleplay a bit more believable as well as adds to the immersion for me..
Between real life, other roleplay and social obligations, and general moods, I won't always be up for roleplaying with you. Please respect that there will be times when I say "No I'm not up for it," and leave it at that. In return, I'll always respect this in you and will never push or fuss about roleplay.


Potential Plot Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP.
■ We may have met on the battle fields, same side or opposing...
■Alina is always up for work on the side, and has been known to do odd jobs as a bodyguard and hired muscle.
■ Maybe we meet at a bar, talk about life and things
■ We dueled at the Wolves Den, and I won obviously

Alina 3.png


Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Wiki Mash User:Abelia Kir Armiger.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.