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:[http://www.crystalline-rp.net Crystalline]
:[http://www.crystalline-rp.net Crystalline]
:[http://www.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/ Hydaelyn Roleplayers (RPC)]
:[http://www.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/ Hydaelyn Roleplayers (RPC)]
:[http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=6093] Faye's thread for commissions.<br>
:[http://i.imgur.com/E4wgn5r.jpg] Sketch.
====Credit for the template goes to Aysun Demiir, and Reppu Hijiri for the set up.====
====Thanks to:====
Reppu for the basic outline<br>
Aysun Demiir for the template<br>
Faye Covington for the sketch.<br>

Revision as of 20:53, 16 May 2014

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Enju Abbagliato
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Duskwight Elezen
Clan NA
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Guardian Oschon, the Wanderer
Trades Retainer, Bodyguard
Server Balmung


Given name: Enju Abbagliato

Pronunciation: [En-joo Ah-Bah-Lee-Ah-Tow]


Nameday: 19th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon, 1546.

Age: 26 (Technically 31 due to time warp)

Place of birth: Maalgys, ???.

Current residence: Crystalline HQ (Prefers the wild).

Starting City: Limsa Lominsa.

Grand Company Allegiance: None

Employment: Working for Reppu Hijiri as a Retainer/Bodyguard, and in turn, those whom Reppu works for.

Marital Status: Taken

Religion/philosophy: Follower of the Twelve, strong emphasis on Oschon, the Wanderer due to being his guardian. Distant from Halone, the Fury

Laterality: Right handed

IC Journal: Currently ashes since Calamity, has not started a new one yet.



  • Dragoon - As a former knight of Ishgard, he has had some training as a lancer, and some as a Dragoon once he had slain a Dragon with his former troop. He favors tridents and spears with a large blade, liking the ability to slam the blade into one's foe instead of piercing, especially those who are not cloudkin.
  • Pugilist - As a Dragoon, he needs to be athletic, and this is where a pugilist shines. He trained somewhat with fisticuffs, and often goes for moves that take advantage of his height and reach compared to the other races. His style is unusually offensive for his height.
  • Aether Resistance- He has slightly higher resistance than normal due to traveling within the areas of the aether filled Mor Dhona from Pre-Calamity, but otherwise is not much more than the average Eorzean.
  • Aetheric Manipulation - Due to being unable to wear the Dragoon mail, he has learned to manipulate the aether throughout his body to fight Dragons and other Cloud-kin. He cannot do this reliably without actually fighting a Dragon, letting his instincts go wild on the mere sight of them. He currently lacks proper training to do anything consistent with the manipulation unless in a strong emotional state.
  • Disciple of the Hand - Mainly a weaponsmith, he fancies himself as a craftsman when it comes to weaponry, and forgoes most of the other items entirely. He often does this as a hobby rather than something serious unless requested, so he is lacking when it comes to the advanced items.
  • The Echo - He lacks the Echo, though one of his items he keeps with him as a child brings outright immunity to Primal Influence, and similar sorts of mind control. ((Think of it as similar items that the Company of Heroes had to defeat Titan/Leviathan))


  • Berserk - The mere sight of a dragon sends him into a frenzy. He will always charge recklessly at them and will not stop attacking it until the dragon or he is downed. The only thing that can prevent it is close friends ordering him to stop, or someone attempting to get in his way and sate his adrenaline. This goes to the point where the mere mention of Bahamut, Dravania, or the "Cloud-kin" tends to darken his mood near instantly, and go hostile on anyone who mentions liking any of these things, regardless of area or law. He is at least educated enough to know the difference between a Drake and a Dragon.
  • Enju is rather stubborn when it comes to his technique. It is difficult for him to adapt new styles unless he can see a benefit to the style he uses. This makes him rather predictable in combat, and can make him predictable in conversation as well. It can also lead to him unable to gain knowledge through the sheer idea that it wasn't like it was before.
  • Enju is reckless when it comes to his decisions. He tends to endanger himself more than necessary, and may make drastic decisions when it comes to other people for what can appear to others as a minor act..


Height: ~6 fulms 10 ilms.

Weight: About average for an Elezen his height.

Body: Athletic and lithe, his build tends to get rid of any excess fat

Hair: White, his hairstyle tends to be short, but stylized.

Eyes: Hazel. His eyes seem to be open just enough so that the iris can show.

Skin: Pale/Gray, a dead giveaway to what he is.

Scars/Markings: His ears are pierced for the necessary gear and link pearls.

Clothes: He is often seen in the standard retainer clothing, dyed red for his claims to follow royalty. Otherwise, he has a set of plain, loose clothing, or fancy wear depending on where he's going. His wardrobe grows with each moon, always curious to try some new combination.

Voice: His voice is unusually masculine and deep for his race. His voice tends to express his emotions rather easily. Growling/hissing when he grows upset, quiet when afraid, etc.



  • Traveling
  • Wilderness
  • Alcohol
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Mounts
  • Collections
  • Clear skies
  • Water, especially falls.
  • Perseverance
  • Books
  • History


  • Vow breaking
  • His hair being touched when not flat.
  • Dragons, the mere mention of them angers him.
  • Presumptuous behavior
  • 'Uncivilized' people.
  • Fantasia



Enju treats those he first meets on a professional basis. He will often try to strike conversation in what ways he can that match ideas similar to his own. He tends to stay in the background unless spoken to, but has much to say when he is prodded to speak.
Enju takes an analytical approach when it comes to conversation. He asks questions, listens, and tries to get a grasp on what that person is like through the responses they give. His constant questioning is more of a test to see how he would be friends with another, though his constant questions can make him act like a child at worst.
Enju warps his conversation entirely when it comes to those of Wildwood Origin. He grows distant and cold when it comes to any of that heritage, as he had read history and talked to those of the Duskwight to know the split between the two. He doesn't like doing it, but it is a front to hide his original race.
Enjoying liquor, Enju has a fair constitution when it comes to the stronger drink. When drunk, he grows extremely lethargic, tending to fall asleep right where he is. The usual stone-faced mask grows to an emotional mess, unable to hide what he is currently going through whatsoever.


Do what is necessary for the good of the land. Death before Dishonor. See the task set before you done, no matter the consequence. Speak when the personal code is being breached. Loyalty to your liege is second to what is done right. Respect is given when it is earned, and never disrespect a stranger without cause.
Enju will ultimately do what is good. He is extremely loyal to those he follows, and is one who could be considered a trustworthy person. He follows a code of honor, and will always uphold it.
Alignment: Lawful Good


Overall Intelligent. He tends to learn quickly when it comes to other people and physical acts. His social aspects leave much to be desired compared to his intelligence, so he often prefers the land underneath his feet compared to another person.


  • His main personality is merely an act for the actual one. He only does what he can to hide his Highlander origins. His personality also warps when he is in company with his liege, turning to one who will only act with permission, to keep a professional outlook on his duty as a retainer.


Enju was born in the lands of Maalgys, an island to the east of Eorzea. His Hyuran family had moved out of the area and into Ishgard, for what reasons he never asked. What he does remember is that the family had stuck to tradition, and gave him a talisman of sorts that he was instructed to never lose, for any reason. He was told that as long as he did what is good, the talisman will bring good luck.
On his tenth nameday, he was taken to be chosen by one of the four houses of Ishgard. Instructions were given and followed, and his mind was acute for his age. He was taken in to house Dzemael for training, the highest house when it came to the four houses. There he learned the art of the lance, hunting, scouting and combat drills from the sixth bell to the eighteenth. There was little rest he gained there, but was told it was necessary. What little spare time he had, he looked toward the skies and the vast plains of Coerthas. The mountainous region brought some semblence of peace, and he often went toward the lakes to play. In the downtime he did not have to go out into the wilds, he immersed himself in books, anything he could grab he would sit and read from cover to cover.
On his fifteenth nameday, he scouted with others rank and file, scouring the lands for any actions the Dravanian horde began, and slaying monsters who would attack travelers to their lands. Despite the Holy City itself being closed off, he was told that it would be best to protect those who keep the city alive. He didn't experience much combat until one fateful day, where an Aevis began to attack a caravan.
His troop slew the Aevis that day, though lives were lost, there was much celebration. His spear dealt the killing blow, so the Dragoons took notice of him, and they began further training. He scouted the lands farther away from his homeland, even to the Far East when he was given R and R. He married, he drilled, he made friends in far away lands, and he drilled some more. Drills upon expeditions upon drills, it felt endless. He longed for something new, some purpose to bring honor to himself.
He got far more than what he desired.
As the red moon grew closer, he could see the change in the wilds, and with the people. As the people panicked and the monsters grew ever fiercer, he could not just stand and wait for things to happen as his comrades in arms would. He talked and pleaded with the House and others who followed the path of the Dragoon to follow his path, to try to do something, anything to help prevent a disaster, and ultimately Garlean invasion. All he received are threats from hooded men, and bitter silence when it came to his ideas. He remembered his family's words.
He took his wife, the only one who would listen to him (or the one he was patient enough to see the reaction of), and fled the walls of House Dzemael entirely, to the fields of Carteneau. He went straight to the front lines, where his wife would tend to the wounded in what ways she could. He fought with each breath, with each step he took against the Garlean horde, under no banner but his own, no allegiance to a Grand Company. He saw how each of them fought, a divided group that was meant to band together in what could only be described as the last hour.
When Dalamud began to crack, the entire battle stood still, the mere presence of Bahamut bringing terror upon the entire field, Garlean and Eorzean alike. His first instinct was to run toward his wife, and keep her beneath him to shield the blows that would surely come. The fires spread as chaos began to wreak the continent, the battlefield becoming a graveyard for both sides. He launched his only weapon at the beast, though it was clearly in vain, as nobody could possibly have the strength to throw a weapon so high in the sky. So he did what one would do to try to protect her.
He cried out in rage, and gave into his anger. This thing, this dragon deity was everything he hated. The unbiased destruction brought out a deeply seated fury within him. As he saw the barrier broke, he noticed both his wife and himself were covered in light. They disappeared for several years, but finally arrived back on Eorzea, five years later.
They arrived on the lands of Middle La Noscea, with himself badly wounded as he landed. The land had changed, the people too. They went and started on a new path, though his wife ultimately retired from travel. The wanderlust his guardian deity provided could not be sated, however, and traveling he did. Old friends, new ones, allies and enemies he made. It mattered little what they were, but having that adventure was what brought him joy. He noticed a bottle nearby and drank the tonic without second thoughts.
His body changed shape, morphed him from a Hyur to Duskwight. He didn't put any thought into what he was before until his wife grew in shock in seeing him again. His vows renewed, he moved with purpose, as it was a new way for him to start over once more. No ties with Ishgard, or anyone but his friends and family. Though it's not all happy, and his sense of duty brings much strain to any who he has close ties with.



Location: Ishgard

Location: Ishgard

Location: ???

Friends & Foes

Aysun Demiir: Neutral, leaning to Friend - The 'precious sun' of his liege, he feels she is a decent person overall. Definitely more civilized than what many would be in Limsa Lominsa, in his opinion.

Breitak Zod: Battle brother - A Roe fighter he met as he worked with Reppu's previous company, he shared a lot of work, and a lot of fighting with him. They rarely speak to one another, but he acknowledges the fact that he is a loyal man and a fierce fighter to boot.

Costia Demora: Acquaintence - A member of Crystalline. She seems capable to him, though he feels pity for a friend's similar pain. Seeing any Highlander is enough to evoke memories of his past.

Eva Ianeira: Boss of boss - Unknown, though he is more keen to trust a Duskwight due to recent events. The figure and voice reminds him of his own mother in some ways, though they are definitely not related.

Fenix Darkblaze: Friend - The familiar race that Fenix had to him before brought him some measure of connection. He shared a few conversations with him, and the ideas Fenix has in how to kill time amuses him greatly. A worthwhile person for chat.

Kiht Jakkya : Friend - A Keeper for whom he feels fights for a just cause. He hopes that when this conflict ends that they were both brought in, the ties to his past will be gone for good.

Reppu Hijiri: Best Friend/Liege - A woman he knows from the Far East. He sees her as a confidant, someone he can fully trust outside of his wife. There is barely a secret between the two. He has sworn to be a Retainer to her, knowing it is the least he can do for his long absence.

Nairah Rajahl: Best Friend - Someone from the past, still remaining in the present. Nairah is one he gave equal attention to Reppu. He tends to see her as a child, though he's gotten better in treating her as an adult.

S'aigyouji Miya: Acquaintance - Largely unknown, he feels she is certainly lively for a Seeker, and he will be open to those his liege trusts.

Y'jusana Belhi: Acquaintance - It struck a nerve when Y'jusana had fought with the lance and nearly bested him at first. He warmed up a little to her eventually, and he finds her as a good person to be in battle with, and perhaps improving his own technique.

Bonus Stuff

RP style (light, casual, moderate, or heavy)?

Moderate/Heavy preferred. The more the merrier.

What kind of RP relationships are you seeking? (family ties, etc)

Friendships, Enemies, etc. Will be with Crystalline for now, though other plots are appreciated. No family ties, please. At least the mother/father/sister/brother ties.

How far from the actual lore are you willing to stray?

I tend to follow the lore to a tee. Job bending is acceptable, but lore I think is best to bend as little as possible. As long as it isn't trying to break the lore in two and follows some sort of logic, I'll accept it. I will probably debate regardless of my acceptance or not.


Hydaelyn Roleplayers (RPC)
[1] Faye's thread for commissions.
[2] Sketch.

Thanks to:

Reppu for the basic outline
Aysun Demiir for the template
Faye Covington for the sketch.