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::* "Devin? Yes, I know him... very well. I look after him and protect him. So I do hope you are coming to bring me  good news about him...I would hate to have to hear you've caused him harm." - [[A'xun Enocan]]

Revision as of 11:07, 9 January 2015

Ul'dah-transparent.png Devin Grey
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 22
Height 5' 6"
Deity Nald'Thal, the Traders
Aligment Good
Occupation Hunter and Mage
Server Balmung
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Devin and his twin brother, Lusephur, were abandoned in the Black Shroud and picked up by a Hyur couple. Raised in the Shroud, they learned to hunt and fish to support their aging parents, who were quite old when they found the pair. When the Calamity struck, the pair found themselves homeless and orphans once more.

Showing an aptitude for magic, they decided to study, Lusephur going to Gridania to study Conjury, and Devin traveling to Ul'dah to join the Thaumaturge Guild. Still homeless and quite scared of the people, he stayed in the Ossuary, sleeping in a darkened corner. Finally, he was offered a small storage closet as a room. There he stayed and trained, keeping in contact with his brother until the day Lusephur vanished...


Devin is pale with pure black hair and ears. His fluffy tail is also black and seems to resemble a wolf's tail more than anything. Like all Keepers, he has sharp fangs and round pupils. His eyes are dark blue and he has markings under them, but no other discernible features tattoos or marks. He is often mistaken for younger because he has a soft and rounded face.

Devin will often be seen wearing his robes that cover him nearly completely. When he is hunting he will wear leather armor. His favorite color is blue, so he wears it as often as possible.


Devin is kind, but also timid and shy. He is a people pleaser, and follows most orders either out of fear for the one giving them, or because he thinks it will make them happy. He also has a very childlike innocence, having grown up with only his parents and brother. He also comes off as naive due to this isolation.


Devin doesn't particularly follow the teachings of any particular God. He will pray at any shrine he comes across, though, and most often finds himself before Nald'Thal, since he lives in the Ossuary.


  • He is cold. His skin can be almost as cold as ice on occasion, and it can even create a cold pocket of are around him. This most often occurs when he is scared or nervous. Also notable is the fact that sometimes even the shadows seem to grow dimmer around him, though that might just be a trick of the eyes.
  • In addition to his skills in hunting, Devin fishes, though not with a pole. He loves water and will catch fish in his teeth. He's quite the swimmer and can hold his breath for long periods of time. He often catches fish and gives them to people he likes.
  • Due to his isolated upbringing, he developed odd mannerisms that make him seem feral. He likes to perch on high places, will slink and walk on all fours sometimes.
  • Often bullied and picked on because of his shy nature, Devin has low self esteem and will turn submissive to even the most submissive person. If someone hurts him he believes it is because he did something wrong.

Positive & Negative traits

Positive traits

  • Kind
  • Attentive
  • Smart
  • Fast runner and swimmer

Negative traits

  • Naive
  • Timid and shy
  • Easily frightened
  • Easily manipulated



Devin usually avoids fights more often than not, but that doesn't mean he's not ready to defend those he cares for from harm if needed. He knows Thaumaturgy, and is a little skilled with the Arcanist book as well. If push comes to shove, he can use his fists, or the pair of knives he carries for hunting. He is also skilled with a bow. He won't fight to defend himself very often, thinking he may deserve whatever pain is caused to him, but he will not tolerate the suffering of his dear friends or his brother. It is one of the rare times he will ever show a little backbone.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Fish and other raw meat
  • Ale
  • Ear rubs
  • Quiet
  • Xun


  • People hurting those he care for
  • Crowds
  • Loud noise
  • Being completely alone

Family & Relationships (NPCs)

Mother and Father (deceased) - An old Hyur couple who picked up Devin and his brother after finding them abandoned in the Shroud. They died in the chaos of the Calamity, leaving the boys to fend for themselves.

Lusephur Grey (unknown) - Devin's twin brother, they look exactly the same, save for the fact that Lusephur as white hair. He disappeared somewhere in the Shroud and Devin is searching for him.

Relationships (other RPCs)

  • Please note that the relationship standing may be subject to change as the story progresses. Also note that if your name isn't here and you feel it should be, please send me a /tell and I'll fix that.

Positive Standing

A'xun Enocan - The first person outside of his brother to ever earn Devin's full trust, A'xun, or Xun as he is called by most, has turned into a sort of mentor and protector. He's always been there to help Devin, and has pulled him a little further out of his shell. Devin started to develop feelings for Xun, but is too shy and timid to act upon them.

U'quih Tia - Devin met Quih through Xun. Though their relationship was slow to start, Devin cares just as much for this shy Miqo'te as he does Xun.

M'ikal Tia - At first, they were too shy to speak to each other, but a fateful meeting that involved Devin's favorite stuffed bear (a gift from Xun) got them to talking. Devin further came to call M'ikal a friend when the younger Miqo'te defended him from some bullies in the Quicksand.

Jia'khan Voskos - Devin didn't know Jia when he jumped to his defense in the Quicksand. He only knew that M'ikal seemed to be in danger while protecting Jia from someone. He met the stoic Miqo'te a few more times, finding him to be friendly even though he seems to try to act tough. Jia has joined Devin in his training on occasion.

Neutral Standing

Rick Fairchild - Sometimes referred to as the scary smiling man by Devin, this Hyur stayed in a room near Quih's in the Hourglass and also spent a lot of time in the Ossuary. Though he doesn't talk to Rick much, he knows he's friends with M'ikal and Jia.

Talyn Shadowmoon - Devin was curious to know what this Midlander woman was making one day and watched her as she worked. They next met when someone was scaring Devin in the Quicksand. She came to his defense, and though he doesn't really know her, he appreciates her assistance and left some fish for her as thanks.

Negative Standing

Teld're Eska'aldren - Someone Devin didn't quite trust in the first place, a conversation with Teld left Devin voluntarily mute for a long while after some fairly unkind words. He actively avoids this Miqo'te now.

Zaiaku Kurai - After getting picked on and bullied by Zaiaku, Devin finaly confronted the man. For some reason this encounter put Devin into a defensive mode that has never been witnessed before. Best to keep them apart.

Rumors (True and Untrue)

Common Rumors

Moderate Rumors

Rare Rumors

RPC Rumors

Feel free to add your own! It can be good or bad, but make sure you stay IC please. :)

  • "Devin? Yes, I know him... very well. I look after him and protect him. So I do hope you are coming to bring me good news about him...I would hate to have to hear you've caused him harm." - A'xun Enocan