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===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Known History</div>===
===<div style="padding:10px 15px; background: #BEC3BC;font-size:14px;color:#5F5F5F;">Known History</div>===
History and full backstory under construction!
: Dail'a has been seen fairly often of late taking bounties from the brass Blades and Immortal Flames around Ul'dah, though primarily, they have been for lesser offenders. Why he is doing so is uncertain.
: Dail'a has been seen fairly often of late taking bounties from the brass Blades and Immortal Flames around Ul'dah, though primarily, they have been for lesser offenders. Why he is doing so is uncertain.

Revision as of 12:08, 21 July 2015

Note: This page is under constant revision and construction. Please be patient!

 Dail'a Naras
"Because fuck you, that's why."
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship None
Server Balmung
Age 26
Sexuality Heterosexual
Occupation Adventurer, Bounty Hunter, Asshole
Height/Weight 5 fulms 7 ilms / 186 ponze
Diety Doesn't care

Basic Info

Dail'a is an asshole, for the most part. That's really all there is to it. He's a smart-assed, sarcastic, incredibly anti-authority Keeper male who answers to no one but himself and the consequences of his own actions... and sometimes not even that. However, he certainly means well despite his typical attitude and does his very best to be what he thinks of as a "hero type," though he is generally not against completely shrugging things off when he doesn't like how they're presented to him. He loves to fight, especially with blades or bombs, and the only thing matching his love for combat is his intense love for food.

"It's all good."
  "Eh, whatever, mate."
  "Oy, fuck off. I do what I want."
"[string of expletives]"


Helping people
Being a smartass


Being told what to do
Bright light
Being hungry
Being bored


Close-quarters combat
Making a mess
Eating far too much
Talking too much

Appearance & Personality

Dail'a is tall, for a Miqo'te, and fairly well-built, though somewhat lanky. His ears and tail are, in the spirit of the young man's stringy appearance, also rather long, though his tail is quite bushy as well. His hair, the fur of his ears and his tail are a bright blond with some silver showing through - however, whether his true hair colour is blonde or silver is hard to say, as it's all very sporadic. His hair is long and seems rather well-kept, though he frequently would attest that he does absolutely nothing with it aside from basic hygiene. He has piercing, icy blue eyes with the typical dilated pupils of a Keeper of the Moon, lending to a sensitivity to light, and his skin is also a very pale, almost grey, tone. He is covered from head to toe in tattoos and war paint, and though most of what is on his face amount to tribal markings, a good deal of it is extraneous for aesthetic only. Despite this, he has no piercings of which to speak that would otherwise compliment the excessive markings.
Dail'a wears loose-fitting, dark clothing most of the time, and always carries around a pair of black sunglasses to help his aversion to bright light (including sunlight). He is, all the same, no stranger to armour. His armour often comes in the same shades of black or grey, and he frequently carries at least one bladed weapon at all times, be it a dagger, longsword, or greatsword - sometimes, all three are present.
Despite the almost-constant severe expression on his face, Dail'a is incredibly casual and easy-going - oftentimes, far too much so. He detests formality of any kind with anyone (which may explain his having left his original tribe for adventuring), and often does not show any respect unless it is shown first to him. He tries not to let anything bother him, but he often fails, showing that he is possessed of a very quick and volatile temper. Though he will "explode" and engage in outbursts of yelling and ranting, he rarely gets violent in his anger unless he must, preferring to "let it all out, rather than bottling it up." However, he is more likely to be jovial, cracking jokes and in general, being a goofball, most often to the point of aggravating people. He is possessed of a kind heart, though, and will often go out of his way help those in need, should they truly need it, even if sometimes at detriment to himself. He is incredibly confident in his abilities, and takes most everything in stride, both wins and losses, ever striving not to be a winner or loser, but just to be what he views as a "good person", all in all.
In combat, Dail'a is just as ferocious without weapons as he is with blades. Oftentimes, he will hack wildly at his enemies, swinging whatever weapon he has with wild abandon. He is often completely unpredictable, as he follows no real "pattern" or "style;" he simply rushes in headlong and begins attacking like a lunatic for the most part, though it is not entirely without rhyme or reason. He is not entirely as crazed when engaged as his typical combat demeanour would suggest, as when the situation calls for a more controlled approach, he seems to be able to command himself well. It seems more that the berserker approach is his preferred method of dealing with a threat, likely finding it more "fun."


Sexual Desire     Romantic Interest   Platonic Love
Good Standing   Neutral                   Poor Standing


Dail'a most certainly has family and a clan, but left them behind due to self-professed authority problems that he has no intention of fixing. This means his family ties are all but non-existent.

Friends and Acquaintances


Aya Donovan  
Dail'a: "Lil' bit awkward, but she's killer cute. Gotta wonder what'er story is."
Dail'a first encountered Aya while searching for Jadoth to pursue a bounty, and to attempt to give Jadoth a way out if he proved innocent in intention. They have spoken multiple times, and each time, Dail'a subtly, but relentlessly flirts with her. Whether or not he is serious in his flirtation is unclear, it doesn't stop him from doing so.
Jadoth Bloodreign  
Dail'a: "There's massive potential in the kid, but... he's got confidence problems. Can't blame'im what with'is lot."
Dail'a met Jadoth while hunting for the selfsame miqo'te, not a day after speaking with Aya about him. He was cold and mistrusting of Dail'a at first, but they've been forging a tenuous bond through Dail's selfless wish to help him, and through participating together in events like the Grindstone. Jadoth actually reminds Dail'a of himself when younger, so he wishes even more to see the miqo'te rise above his hardships.

Old/Inactive Entries

Show text


Some of these rumours are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumours under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"He's an asshole. But he's a good kind of asshole - the kind that'll cut it out if ya tell him he's buggin' you."
"He'll pay well for his meals, but... damn, the kid'll eat you out of house and home faster'n you can blink."
"Apparently, he takes bounties just t'see if he can't get the nicer folks off the hook. If they ain't so nice, well..."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Heard he punched out a goobbue. Bam, right in the face."
"This woman's gettin' harrassed in the bazaar, right? Kid grabs the drunk, whirls him around and punches him so hard his face turns upside-down. Never seen the guy again."
"Uh. Look. If this guy ever asks for explosives, I don't care what for. You say NO."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I heard, once, that he got ambushed by a Garlean patrol in the Shroud. The Wailers that found the patrol had to put 'em in sacks, they were in so many pieces."
"Heard he's got a sister he's close with. Gan-somethin'? Seen 'er around. Dunno either knows the other's ever close by or nothin'."
"Them tattoos what he got hisself covered in mean something, but he ain't never said what."
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from other players' characters)
None yet! Add some! -- You! Yes, you!

Recent Events and Stories

  • Dail'a has, recently been working with a marked miqo'te by name of Jadoth Bloodreign in order to clear his name for a minor offence for which he's been persecuted by the Brass Blades, who have trumped up the charges in hopes of extorting the Ala Mhigan refugee. He's since been seen hanging around him and his friends.

Future Plans and Goals

  • Get some bubble gum
  • Chew bubble gum
  • Show up to kick ass and chew bubble gum
  • Be out of bubble gum
  • Improve martial skills
  • Fight more people, things, and objects
  • One day find a way to fight self
  • Figure out how that would work and which self would win
  • Continue being a perpetual practice in self-satire while being a badass at the same time
  • Make more "sunglasses puns"
  • Find out who keeps yelling "YEAAAAAH!" when he makes "sunglasses puns"

Known History

History and full backstory under construction!

Dail'a has been seen fairly often of late taking bounties from the brass Blades and Immortal Flames around Ul'dah, though primarily, they have been for lesser offenders. Why he is doing so is uncertain.
Dail'a left his tribe not long into adolescence, hating the authority continually asserted over him. He eventually took up adventuring, hunting and generally fending for himself to get by. He does not seem to have a home of any kind, simply drifting from inn to inn, or camping beneath the stars when the mood suits him. Aside from this, there would seem to be little of note about him; he simply roams the land in search of new ways to enjoy life or to help others.

RP Hooks

You might know, know of, like to know, or have seen Dail'a if you:

  • Compete in the Grindstone or other fighting tourneys
  • Hire, work with, or are (an) adventurer(s) that takes odd jobs and bounties
  • Had a small bounty on your head and were cleared of it with his help
  • Like to fight for fun
  • Own a restaurant, frequent restaurants, or sell food at all
  • Are from his old clan

Dail'a might seem interesting to you if you:

  • See his (full-body) tattoos
  • See/watch him fight
  • See him eating (seriously, he's a living garbage disposal)
  • Have an unjust bounty on your head, or are facing false charges
  • Have an interest in bladed weaponry
  • Want to make a lot of money selling food
  • Enjoy adventuring
  • Like the "big damn hero" type


  • Dail'a will occasionally carry not only a longsword, but a pair of daggers and a greatsword as well. While skilled with a shield, he seldom actually uses one.
  • It's unknown if he knows much magic or is apt in it all all. He seems to be entirely uninterested either way, given his style, which is frequently very "in your face."
  • His love of food is practically unmatched. He has been known to enter, and easily win, eating contests. There are several from which he has been banned from entering. Where he puts it all is a mystery.
  • He has some mechanical aptitude, but only just enough to know how to make things go "boom." It could well be that it's just as far as his interest takes him.

Trait Scale

Chaste         ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡   Lustful
Energetic     ♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡   Lazy
Forgiving     ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡   Vengeful
Generous     ♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡   Selfish
Honest         ♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡   Deceitful
Just             ♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡   Arbitrary
Merciful       ♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡   Cruel
Modest       ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡   Proud
Pious           ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡   Worldly
Prudent       ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤♡♡♡   Reckless
Temperate   ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡❤   Indulgent
Trusting       ♡♡♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡   Suspicious
Valorous     ♡❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡   Cowardly

Character Music

Character Theme: "Anti-You" - Blue Stahli
Ambient Theme: "Mustang Nismo" - Brian Taylor ft. Slash
Action Theme: "Narrow Escape" - Celldweller



Individual templates created by Bancroft Gairn, tab modification by Franz Renatus.