Asten Jinjahl
Player quote: "We had an entire conversation without introducing ourselves. It was...interesting."
Franz encountered the mysterious miqo'te while he was sitting atop a large tree stump, listening to the sounds of the forest. They had some bizarre conversation about memories and one should live life. She didn't seem to mind some of his more...peculiar comments, and they later departed in separate paths. He does have some curiosity towards her words.
Brynnalia Callae
Player quote: "What about her? I've only met her in passing."
Rumor: "Next time, I'd definitely prefer to see him in less clothing. 'Tis a shame to cover up a Highlander man so, aye? He be a quiet one though. I wonder what he be thinkin'."
He's seen the tan-skinned highlander bard a couple times. Each time, she seemed to flirt with those around her, regardless of if they wanted to or not. She may lead to a good conversation, but he wouldn't consider himself interested in her at this time.
Erik Mynhier
Player quote: "We met at the Quicksand once. I probably came off as weird to him, but the conversation was nevertheless interesting."
Franz honestly knows nothing about the man.
Jin'to Epinoch
Quote from Franz: "An interesting man with a good view on life."
Franz had a decent conversation with the man about many things. While they haven't met since, Franz enjoyed the company, and the conversation. He was saddened to learn that Jin'to had been killed.
Kakaru Icha'karu
Player quote: "He plays the violin quite well..."
Rumor: "[If you'd like to leave a rumor, it goes here. You don't need quotes, they've been coded in]"
Franz has only talked with the Mountainfolk Lalafell on a few occasions and doesn't know him particularly well. They could have a lot to speak about, should the chance arrive.
Melfice Vainchelon
Player quote: "He seems very concerned about aether. I figured I'd help for a change."
Rumor: "[If you'd like to leave a rumor, it goes here. You don't need quotes, they've been coded in]"
Franz met Melfice at the airship dock cafe. They had a small conversation about aether and Franz was intrigued by the man's studies. He's offered to help as a test subject for some aether study, perhaps to learn more about who he is now.
Misha Jinhri
Player quote: "She's like an unpolished gemstone. Definitely a little more rough than what you'd expect, but quite a find if you can see past it."
Rumor: "[If you'd like to leave a rumor, it goes here. You don't need quotes, they've been coded in]"
Franz met Misha during the In the Shadows of Death's Wings event. With a strong moral sense, and desire to help out those she cares for, he thinks she'd do well as a group leader, but her stubbornness is seen as a problem. While he knows she doesn't intend to come off harsh, her blunt remarks can at times irk him, and more importantly, some of those around him. He believes she lacks the life experience to think within someone else's perspective, which would explain why she gets frustrated when people don't see things her way. When she and Iron had been having a series of disagreements and arguments, he was in the middle of them. Now that that has settled down, he thinks she needs to reevaluate her own boundaries, and how they interact with others.
Niklas Gran
Player quote: "Kid's pretty eccentric. Asked me to make him a cape the first time we met, then asked me to help him in an abandoned prison. "
Rumor: "I sense a 'unique' presence from this guy Franz, but he's one of my friends."
Franz met this person at the Quicksand one night. He isn't quite sure what to make of the eccentric man, but tags along here and there anyways. He isn't quite sure what to make of the "noble's" personality. ((OOC note: No idea how we'll handle Niklas having the Echo and Franz not. I'll let the RP dictate should it happen))
Obsidian Hornet
Player quote: "We're similar, she and I. Someone I can empathize with. It's nice."
Rumor: "[If you'd like to leave a rumor, it goes here. You don't need quotes, they've been coded in]"
Franz met Hornet during the Love on the Sands event. What started as simply talking over drinks became much more personal. Her choice to value actions over intent or nationality has given him a new perspective on life, and he took her words to heart. Much like her, he knows there are things can't atone for, and that the choices he's made in life will one day catch up to him. Despite only knowing her a short while, he greatly values the relationship.
Osric Melkire
Player quote: "Who? Oh, that guy who brought an army to bring down one man. What about him?"
Rumor: "There's somethin' lurkin' beneath that façade o' his...."
He first encountered Osric at the same time as Kage, but hasn't made that connection. He doesn't really know much else, other than the fact that he and Jin'li had some history. Osric seems to cognize him, but has given Franz no evidence to believe that the masked man with a beard is the same Osric he brought to Jin'li.
Remimont Portier
Player quote: "Boy's about as tough as his glasses, which isn't to say much. But his heart's there, and I'll help him where I can."
Rumor: "[If you'd like to leave a rumor, it goes here. You don't need quotes, they've been coded in]"
Franz was introduced to Remimont by Natalie, under the pretense that Franz would help him train in swordsmanship. He believes Remimont has the potential, but lacks the initiative to become great. They've been training together outside Ul'dah. Franz hasn't seen the aspiring Elezen swordsman around lately, but does secretly hope he's found happiness.
Rinh'sae Nelhah
Player quote: "I don't know the person well enough to say anything"
Rumor: "[If you'd like to leave a rumor, it goes here. You don't need quotes, they've been coded in]"
Franz met this miqo'te a couple times in the Quicksand. He doesn't know much about him, other than they both know Yangh.
Tallera Weaver
Player quote: "If only she were as easy to read as a book."
Rumor: "[If you'd like to leave a rumor, it goes here. You don't need quotes, they've been coded in]"
Franz has been making more attempts at getting this particular person to relax, despite his attempts making her own stress worse. He fails to see how she could strive to want to end her very life, stop caring about everything, and yet, still try to cling on, putting up a front. In a conversation they had, he learned they basically seek what the other has. She wishes to leave her past behind, while he would take anyone to get his back. They both can enjoy the quiet solitude of finding a good book. Franz would like her to rely on the people who care for her more, himself included.
Yangh Linh
Player quote: "She's been friendly every time we've met. I'd like to call us friends if that doesn't insult her. Can't say I understand Keepers."
Rumor: "[If you'd like to leave a rumor, it goes here. You don't need quotes, they've been coded in]"
He's met her a few times at the Quicksand. The first time, with Erik, a few other times in the Quicksand. He's a little worried about he blindness, but doesn't want to overstep any boundaries or customs she follows.
Atrium Crow
Player quote: "She is and isn't Jin'li. An interesting person to speak with nonetheless."
Rumor: "[If you'd like to leave a rumor, it goes here. You don't need quotes, they've been coded in]"
A voidsent zombie composed of two (perhaps more) souls, Franz initially saw Atrium as an enemy and would have likely tried to kill her. Since the destruction of "The Voice of Natd'Thal", she's had a will of her own and has been much more friendly. Franz may give her special treatment for reminding him of Jin'li, despite the fact they are not the same. They can empathise about living existences with two lives' worth of experience.
Oubliette Crow
Player quote: "I've yet to see a smile not be on his face. An interesting fellow."
Rumor: "[If you'd like to leave a rumor, it goes here. You don't need quotes, they've been coded in]"
Franz's first encounter with Oubliette was being shot in the leg with an arrow from the otherworldly archer. After the death of "The Voice", he too, has been allowed to live out his unlife in peace. Franz doesn't really have any issues with the crow and find his sense of humor quite enjoyable.
Staelufre Lysmerl
Player quote: "Maybe a little over-inquisitive, but she doesn't seem to do anything harmful with what she's learned."
Perhaps a few too many of Franz's past conversations had been eavesdropped upon by Staelufre. He regards her as a very curious person, but doesn't think that is a fault. She seemed to be interested in why a Garlean would stay in Eorzea, let alone find allies with people associated with the law. He isn't quite sure what she thinks of him, but figures that if she's given him a nickname, it must not be entirely bad. Besides 'Iyrnfystsyn' seems much more appropriate than 'Porkchop', in his opinion.
Ameline Valtin
Player quote: "She seemed nice enough. I wonder if she is well."
Franz met Ameline through Ciceroix, but hadn't really cared until seeing her attacked by someone. At the time, he'd decided to do something about it, which led to him getting involved with Miette, Ciceroix' sister's issues. He noticed she had joined the Coral Sea as well, but never really took note of it.
Reinette Sompt
Player quote: "One of the first people I met at the Still Shore. Life was simpler then."
Reinette was perhaps the first person Franz met as an officer of the Coral Sea. To him, she is still the caring, soft-spoken woman he met his first night at the Still Shore. He respects her judgments and during his stay with the Coral Sea, was glad to know her. With her new ranking as second in command in the company, he does not expect to see her very often.
Sigurd Rainecourt
Player quote: "I haven't seen him since some time before leaving the Still Shore."
Sigurd was a mage Franz met during his stay at the Coral Sea. It seemed that they would have had much interesting conversation about many topics, but never found the time to do so. After the death of Dhemgeim, he seemed to disappear as far as Franz could tell. He would like to speak with Sigurd again, if possible.
Ciceroix Pellicier
Player quote: "He was naive, but not necessarily bad."
Franz isn't even sure how to begin to describe how he came to meet the eccentric Elezen. A mix up in the Quicksand? Franz had been rather harsh on him at first, but warmed up, watching as Ciceroix struggled to adapt to a life unfit for nobles. ."
Otto Vann
Quote from Franz: "Mr. Vann? Yes, I'm an acquaintance of his."
Franz isn't quite sure where he's begin to describe how he met Otto, or how they came to be acquaintances of sorts. What he does know is that Otto is wealthy and eccentric. He trusts Otto is likely rich enough to disregard parts of the Ul'dahn law from money alone.
Nero Lazarov
Quote from Franz: "Is there work to be done?"
He was hired by Nero at one point as Unnamed Mercenary. Not much else to say. He isn't sure what that man's relation to Roen is, nor does he care to pry.
Natalie Mcbeef
Player quote: "She used to incessantly call me 'Porkchop'. If only those days could have continued."
Player quote: "With her gone, I no longer felt welcome in that house. Perhaps we could speak of something else?"
Rumor: "Franz isn't bad, for a Garlean. If he does eat babies he keeps it out of my sight, which is all I can ask."
He doesn't even know where to begin with this one. Most of the time, Natalie was fun and light-hearted. One thing was always certain: he can't stand it when she called him "Porkchop", much to her amusement. While an odd relationship, it was an interesting one at the least. With her death, he decided to leave the house they had lived in. He wasn't able to come to terms with her decisions in the end, but didn't fault her for them either.
Iron Sea
Quote from Franz: "It's been good to see him keeping busy lately, with so much going on."
Rumor about Franz: "Franz is my best pal. Always treats me well, and he did so without knowing a thing about me, other than he found me sleeping in a basement! Sometimes I worry about him though.."
Franz first encountered the Roegadyn mercenary sleeping on a cot in Kage's basement. They've talked quite a few times, and Franz considered the similarly-aged man as a friend, and trusts him with his secrets. The only times he has truly seen Iron upset, it has been due to the Roegadyn's worry for Edda Eglantine. He is one of the few people Franz drops the facade around, and he cares for the Roegadyn more than he'd probably admit. Franz hasn't seen or spoke to Iron in length since Edda left, and hasn't seen him since she returned. He wonders what the man is up to.
Honzo Kage
Player quote: "Honzo gave that house a special feel, like a home. But I couldn't return to that place nonetheless."
Franz first saw Honzo at the Grindstone, talking to Kage. Later, they were properly introduced when Kage and Natalie stated that Honzo would be moving in. He's happy that Honzo has moved in, because the Hyur's laid-back attitude is refreshing compared to everyone else. He hasn't seen Honzo aorund lately, which has been sad. Franz enjoyed their casual conversations.
Aeylis Bloodbinder
Player quote: "I enjoy the small conversations we have from time to time. I should visit more often."
Rumor: "[If you'd like to leave a rumor, it goes here. You don't need quotes, they've been coded in]"
A newer acquaintance of Franz's. They met at the Quicksand and promptly started drinking. Franz enjoys his time with Aeylis because she could be professional, yet carefree. He sometimes wonders if he should have taken her offer of a job.
Aya Foxheart
Quote from Franz: "Aya is one of the reasons I return to the Quicksand."
Rumor about Franz: "Isn't his name 'Porkchop'?"
Rumor about Franz: "Franzie? I don't know... he kind of seems like a bum, doesn't he? I don't think he -does- anything~?"
Other than her Ishgardian accent, he doesn't really know much else about the nicely-dressed and friendly barmaid. He's become something of a regular at the Quicksand and has spoken to her on a few occasions. He seems to accept that she's going to call him by a nickname.
C'eleni Meztli
Player quote: "Eleni's a sweet girl. I hope she's been well."
Rumor: "Big guy? He needs to lighten up and run around in the rain like an idiot more often!"
Franz first met her at the Bismark in Limsa Lominsa. The miqo'te girl had seemed a little weary of him at first, but they seemed to have a good conversation. They met again in Ul'dah, and later ran into each other in Gridania. Eleni has asked Franz to drop the tribal prefix in her name, which has led him to even more confusion on miqo'te naming conventions. She knows he is Garlean and seems to accept that better than most others, much to his confusion at times. He isn't quite sure what to make of the overly optimistic girl. They typically tend to have lighthearted conversations as she tries to push him to be more positive. He doesn't like putting up a facade to her, perhaps because she herself is transparent with her own feelings. The last time they met, they traded stories about what was going wrong in their lives. He hopes she's able to once again find the brightness she had.
Coatleque Crofte
Player quote: "I haven't seen her around Ul'dah lately. Perhaps she's been busy on official business.."
Rumor: "Stopping him from bloodying my cohort does not leave a good first impression. Since then, he has been remarkably more civil."
He met her during a fist fight with Natalie. A Sultansworn who speaks ever so properly, he trusts that she would make fair and proper judgments on a person given proper evidence. While she didn't speak out much when they first met, she's since become more social and they've shared a couple conversations. He trusts she does her job well, but also has a deep curiosity for who she is underneath the shell she wears. The couple peeks he's has while she became drunk was enough for him to wonder what she hides. He's recently learned she is a member of the Coral Sea, but since his departure from the company, such details no longer matter. He has not seen her guarding the pillar at the Quicksand recently.
Frhanz'ir Kirche
Player quote: "His past haunts me less these days. As I remember more of my own, the less I can feel his. It's distant."
Rumor: "I couldn't find any genuine malice in him. He should stop lying to himself"
At first a bother to the man, the Unnamed Mercenary does respect the elezen for what he did. After receiving an echo of his life, the Unnamed Mercenary has come to value many of the things Frhanz valued. He wants to live a better life for the both of them, after robbing Frhanz of his. Now that Ishgard has opened its gates, he knows he will eventually have to contact Frhanz's family.
G'leo Nunh
Player quote: "I've seen him only a few times since leaving Ul'dah. I should visit sometime.."
Rumor: "[If you'd like to leave a rumor, it goes here. You don't need quotes, they've been coded in]"
Perhaps the only actively tribal Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te Franz knows. Some of his methods and mannerisms can seem quite off to the Garlean, but he enjoys the time regardless.
Qukiki Quki
Player quote: "The next time I see her, I'll remind her we still need to explore those ruins."
They met while gazing at Nymian ruins. He, a scholar working on theories. Her, a thaumaturge interested in the magicks of a time past. They've agreed to do a cursory exploration sometime, to see if they can find the reason the floating islands in Nym still float.
Warren Castille
Player quote: "The Arbiter of the Grindstone? What about him? I'm afraid I do not know him well."
Franz doesn't know much about the paladin. Only that he and Ser Crofte had once been in a relationship, which had ended rather abruptly. Married to Sei Castille. Is the Arbiter of the Grindstone tournament.
Jin'li Epinoch
Player quote: "I hear he has been dealt with for the final time. A pity I wasn't there to see it."
Rumor: "How close to perfection his soul, yet bound still."
*shudders* Something had felt strange from the first time he met this odd miqo'te. After working for him once, he vowed never to do the same again. And yet, he still decided to talk with Jin'li. The Unnamed Mercenary enjoyed their conversations, enough to feel a little sad to have watched the man die. He learned that Atrium's soul was composed partly by Jin'li. This had led to some interesting conversation about what makes up a person. But Atrium is dead, and the souls split. Franz received an off letter from a Mr. Oul, later finding out it was Jin'li, having somehow reacquired his body from the depths of the hells. When Franz refused his offer to join his cause, he was stabbed and shot repeatedly until the "chains of life" as Jin'li put it, released his soul. Through sheer force of will (and nearly all the aether he had), Franz managed to reconstruct a body through unknown measures. He vows to return the favor.
Iex Moks
Player quote: "Iex? He's a nice fellow. Can't imagine why people would feel otherwise."
Rumor: "[If you'd like to leave a rumor, it goes here. You don't need quotes, they've been coded in]"
Previously known as "Lynx" while glamoured to resemble a Highlander male. Franz feels at ease chatting with the man. They'd previously met while healing at the Grindstone and at least to Franz, have developed something of a friendship. When Lynx disappeared, Franz had simply though the wandering man to have moved onto a new place to live. He was pleasantly surprised to find that Lynx was well, although his glamour had been dispelled. He later learned that the man's true name was Iex, which he has made an effort to switch to using. Despite being from Othard and knowing Franz is Garlean, Iex seems to hold no grudge towards Franz, which has made the Garlean rather happy.
Cliodhna Eoghan
Player quote: "Is that how you say her name? We've enjoyed a good drink and a good talk from time to time."
Franz knows her as the organizer of the Bacchus tournament and as a vendor at the Grindstone. They've had some casual conversation a few times. Recently, he slipped up and lost his patience with another person, muttering some Garlean profanity around her. The evening was full of surprises.
John Waterstrike
Player quote: "He seems to be a kind individual. I'm afriad I don't know much more."
A fellow healer at the Grindstone. Franz doesn't know much else about him, other that he is a studying Arcanist and seems to have had a bad encounter with something void-related once.
Edda Eglantine
Player quote: "I feel determined to break off that porcelain mask of hers, regardless of what may be beneath. She owes it to herself to acknowledge such."
Rumor: "Why must I speak about him? If there is anything you would like to know, ask him yourself."
Franz met Edda through Iron Sea. She was kind, well-mannered, and seemed an overall nice person. They would chat occasionally and had both expressed worry during the time Iron had gone missing, briefly. One could say that Franz trusted Edda a lot more than he showed. When she learned that he was Garlean, it completely shattered their relationship. While he regrets how she feels, he doesn't regret his reasons for revealing it to her. The events that had followed had been rather strained for a while, but he believes they've since figured things out. He still holds onto the family ring she threw at him, treating it like a prized possession.
Oscare Iono
Player quote: "Who? He seems to avoid me. A pity."
Possibly the only person he's ever seen be more of a grouch than himself. There's something about the half-Garlean that makes Franz want to poke fun at him, getting into fights, or otherwise hang around. Maybe it's the funny noises. Franz isn't sure what his personal life is like. Franz may be planning to drag the Highlander out of his antisocial behaviors, if he manages to find Oscare.
Raelisanne Banurein
Player quote: "I may be a monstrosity, but she is a the true monster. she is a woman more cold than the winters of Ishgard. I suppose the cold stones suite her well. It was her hometown after all..."
She's the reason he is the man he is today. Previously cold and unattached, she seems to have taken an interest in him after he received Frhanz's echo. She was responsible for Project Renatus and for his "disposal". Despite that, she's his closest link with Garlemald and his family. Talk with the scientist makes him uneasy. He is unsure which of her words can be trusted, but at the same time, would dare not think of going against them for fear of her connections.
Roen Deneith
Player quote: "Not even sure what the girl is up to or where she is anymore. Suppose it isn't my problem."
Rumor: "He is ... a complicated man. I am not sure what to make of him, only that he has told me he would try to be worthy of the name he chose for himself. I hope it holds true."
Perhaps the only relationship just as complicated as the one with Kage. What had been two different people's perspectives have become one, and while there may not be conflict, sorting through what he thinks of Roen is complicated. On one side, she is the closest thing to Garlemald he has, even if she would never return. On the other side, he wants nothing more than to be someone she could trust, and to form a friendship. When he finally did approach her, their initial meeting was quite complicated. He wants to prove to her than Frhanz's death wasn't in vain.
Nameless Warrior
Player quote: "He was an odd one. I can only imagine what was done to him. But better him than me."
Rumor: "Something, feels familiar about the Acting One. This One will be watching the Acting One with interest."
Delial Grimsong
Player quote: "Not even sure what the girl is up to or where she is anymore. Suppose it isn't my problem."
Rumor: "The thing about a perfect smile is that one who is practiced in it learns to recognize it and see it for what it is. He wears it well, that man. He wears it too well."
Met through Kage. Franz was tasked with keeping an eye on her behavior, lest she get too close to any details she shouldn't be finding out. After helping a person on her (more Kage's) request, Franz has not had contact. He knows not what she is up to.