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: <div style="font-family:Georgia;"><font style="color:#A3007A;" size="2">■</font> "Rumor." — ''[[Player Name]]''. </div>
: <div style="font-family:Georgia;"><font style="color:#A3007A;" size="2">■</font> "She's incredibly cruel - rolling dodos and belittling me at every opportunity - yet I find myself craving to be by her side more often than not; she's just the most enticing woman I've ever me- Wait a second, why am I telling you this? I don't know you!" — ''[[Oliver Amaranth]]''. </div>
: <div style="font-family:Georgia;"><font style="color:#A3007A;" size="2">■</font> "Rumor." — ''[[Player Name]]''. </div>
: <div style="font-family:Georgia;"><font style="color:#A3007A;" size="2">■</font> "Rumor." — ''[[Player Name]]''. </div>

Revision as of 01:31, 30 September 2015

 Minox Moks
"The Nox"
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Xeala
Citizenship Othard
Age 24
Status Single (but married to her job)


Minox, glamoured as a male

Minox Moks was actually born female. Though as she grew, she accidentally heard a argument from her parents. Her father wanted a son, not wanting his sol daughter to infiltrate other tribes. He found it far to dangerous for her and was protective. She growled, feeling she was as good as any man. She always had a passion for chemical reactions. She began to study hard then discovered the interesting concept of glamours. Usually they were to mask clothing but learned at a young age how to change her body for temporary times as long as she kept reusing the crystal. She worked hard making what she thought was the perfect looking male. Later she masked her death then stepped in as Minox. Her mother full of grief of her daughter happily 'adopted' Minox. Later her mother had a boy which she named Khai.

As Minox grew up she became more tomboyish. She loved adventure and danger. She inflitrated Kha and marveled over all she learned as a young Mok. She quickly gathered notes on each race all she could as well as the Kha tribe. Later adapting it and wishing to bring her family to a current era, she became a lightening wrangler. Hunting storms at full force while collecting the lightning for resale. She mastered creation of a container to hold the dangerous substance. She would sell this energy to plants that would create light for cities or to budding mages and alchemists. As she herself would tinker away with her chemicals. Hearing wind that the gates have opened and they could enter the mysterious Eorzea.

She happily was going to leave though when she went home was shocked to see the tribe on fire. Dragons sweeping in and attacking all. Her little brother, armed with a bow, struggling to save all he could. She crashed her beloved airship into the dragons, knowing the cargo was dangerous. Thankfully as she fell, she landed on a nearby roof and scrambled to grab her own bow. She roared for her brother to get out while he could and they would meet in Eorzea. He tossed her a map and raced out, saving all he could while she raced to find her mother and father. In her mind all she thought was she could be as good as any man. Her aim was good but not as amazing as her brother's. She slashed her way to them as they cried out to her though as she got close, her eyes widen in fear as her own mother and father were torn to shreds infront of her eyes. She crumbled to her knees, feeling she failed as a son and would have died there if it wasn't for another tribe member that called her to her sense.

"A Mok must survive...We are to adapt....We are to take from all and rise above....I ...will rise....." -Minox Moks

"Oh Gods of the Moon! What happened?"

As she landed in Ul'dah, talking to people made her realized she was in the wrong place. She was to meet her brother in Gridania! Socializing with people only gave her a extreme paranoia of women, since so many clung to her arm and flirted with her(since she was glamoured as a male). She also was told that in Ul'dah, someone would steal shoes. Minox loved her clothing! How could anyone be so evil?! Creating anxiety, she pulled away though once in a while she would try to be friendly. Sadly, One day she was sharing a drink with a Black Mage who would kept studding her. The woman commented about Minox's appearance and mentioned she should change. Minox laughed it off, not worried one bit. She had fooled so many for years! The next morning, to her horror, Minox was a woman! She had forgotten what she looked like, so use to the male exterior, that she hid her face. She is still getting use to the body she never wanted as she hides her face that she feels is grotesque.

Noteworthy Information





Moxie prefers to keep her hair down. It would lay flat and lifeless down to almost past her rear. She was born with a darken purple shade with shocking bright pink highlights. This hair she would hide during more stealth operations or when she finds herself slipping into Garlean bases to steal parts for her inventions. As of late she has cropped her hair due to the fact a part of her hair got stuck in her airship engine and ripped. To level it out..she has cropped her hair.


Moxie's figure is lean and curvy though well toned. She keeps herself modest in clothing to cover the full body tribal tattoos filling her back and flowing over her right arm. A tribal dragon tattoo can be seen in the mix of the decorations to wrap around her arm while resting his head on her shoulder. She enjoys the heavy lifting of her mechanics, so her small frame may have the strength to rival a Roe. Her tail is long, slender and muscular. She has been known to whip and pierce things with the sharp bards at the end. Usually though, her tail is only used to hold her lunch while she works. Hardly ever used to hurt a person.



◢ L I K E S

Making up games
Nice clothing
Hats (loves this the most)
A good storm
Intelligent conversations
Shiny things
Attracted to: Hyur males (any), Au Ra Males (any), Elezens males (any)

◢ D I S L I K E S

Miqo'te Males (over time they just hate her!)
Female dancers- (jealous of how nice they move)
Shoe thieves(loves shoes...and hats)
Someone touching her tools.
Someone disturbing her work.
Maps - Can't seem to navigate right with the damn things.

◢ Talents

Chemical experimentation
Weapon building and repair
Storm chasing
Demolition Specialist
Mechanical repair
Roping random creatures


Smooth rum
Color: Black
Has a brown fav hat
A well cooked steak


Minox specializes in a few weapons from bow, lance to daggers. She doesn't consider herself a warrior, though she tried many times. He strength lies in stealth then frontal assault. Her brother was just always better and she would respect it. She prefers to tinker away at her inventions but trains only to protect her wares from assault and theft.


Weapon Specialization Specialized Jobs
■ bow ■ Inventor
■ Lightning Canister (usually tossed at you like a bomb) ■ Blacksmith/Weapon Specialist
■ Lightning lasso ■ Information Specialist
■ Daggers ■ Alchemist/Chemical Specialist
■ Electrical Mantra Manifestation ■ Airship Mechanic/ Engineer


Familial Love Romantically Involved Romantic Attraction Platonic Love Physical Attraction Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure Enemy

◢ Family -

Khaidai Moks - "Brother" "I wish to be better then him in every way...damn him te the seven hells." He lovingly named her "Moxi" by combining her name around. Mox loves her brother to the point she wishes to kill him. Regardless of all her threats though, she looks after him, is very protective of her little brother and though tribe states they should go on their own path, the two stick together.

Erdenikeisuke Orben - Boat Brother- Mox and Erden seem to get closer each time. She appreciates his sarcasm as well as his evil smirks. Her crush has subsided and enjoys the fact he calls her friend. She highly doubts it will develop into anything more and is content with that. She just wished he didn't admire her brother. She really doesn't need two of them..even if he does a good job acting like one.

Lyngbakr Lyngwintsyn - Boulder brother Rough as rocks. After a supposedly 'friendly' spar, Nox found herself toe to toe with the Roe. Having had the playful words turn to hostile ones, it would seem he tried to 'help' her use her rage to help her fight. Sadly it seemed her rage just made her flounder. The man breaking her arm into two places. Though it was his words that hurt her deeper then her broken bone. Perhaps she was able to lash out her own words but not take them in return, around this man. He seemed to hit far to hard to the root of her issues, sending her crumbling back enough to wishing to never be alive in the first place. Regardless of his harshness and lessons, she knew he meant well. She feels this male as close as a brother to her though wishes he would be a bit ...'kinder' in his methods. Regardless of it all though, she cares for Lyng very much. Though people may get the wrong idea of the two, she thinks highly of him. And has no interest in him physically nor in a romantic manner. She holds her tongue though on how much of a step back his training provided, she did get insight that when she is calm, she does better. No matter his thoughts of rage are on the matter. Not everyone is as strong as he is. Maybe she should just take him fishing until her arm heals?

◢ Friends -

💔 Gunnbjorn Darkblade - Was a week since their fight, a week they had not spoken to each other. A oddly, long, dragging seven days that Nox found herself dragging through until the last day where she finally felt she could get over it all. Shockingly it would seem Gunn was not waiting to far in the shadow ally of Limsa to speak to her. Though at first she assumed he wanted revenge for her accidentally stabbing him, he preferred to talk. Though his words of choice left a sour taste in her mouth. She expected him to quickly say he missed her. Quickly say what he thought of her ..perhaps in the sap manner she use to hate yet found herself oddly craving. But his first words ...were. "What have you decided?" The most unromantic as rock words as she ever had heard one. Regardless that in the end the conversation turned well and he decided to be himself, it made her wince a bit. She left with disappointment. Perhaps he wasn't as romantic and just more brutish then she expected. Only time will tell...after all ...hope is all she has left.

♥(?) Oliver Amaranth - This hyur has been unnerving in such a small time frame. Though they talked, shared spats, and even good times, she had done her best to keep the male at a friendly arm span away from her. Though recent events of her trying to see how much of a ladies man he was, investigating around the wench, the few women she spoke to stated the same thing. That he had his eyes set now only on her. She found it shocking and with the encouragement of Seraphine, She took the initiative to ask him for a simple walk and see for herself. It went shockingly well, as they both seemed to tease each other. Though before they were interrupted by one of his friends, he confessed he loved her. The words echoed in her mind even after they departed. Echoed hard into her mind and through the night as she wondered if she should even believe him. He seemed so sincere and yet it made little sense. What scared her the most was how he could easily lower her defenses. Any other male would have been punched by now, but his vulnerability when he got close made her falter. Who knew that a male of his ilk would appeal to her more then the fiery ones she would prefer. Part of her wishes to indulge these interesting feelings....and yet a large part of her tells her to pack her crew into the repaired airship and never look back. Perhaps she could steal a kiss before she runs off? Perhaps not... Love ...is definitely a scary word.

Hahru Qestir - This new crew mate is a gem! Nox adores her ..and her amazing cooking. She wonders though if this woman has a thing for her brother or is she reading to much into the girl's reactions around Khai. Either way she finds her adorable and wishes so much to get to know her. Sadly the girl seems to rather hover around her brother and has issues pulling the shy, soft spoken cook away. Though they did once have a girls day shopping in Uldah, against her twin brother's wishes, she didn't get to learn to much from the girl and spent her time dodging her teasing instead.

Artorias Mason ((O'brien)) - This hyur seems to have gone through the ringer of life. For a while though Nox thought he was dead. Thankfully the hyur returned to the port, seemingly in pain but intact. She is still getting to know this male but so far has enjoyed his company.

Cotota Qestir - A pretty, silent Au ra that nox thinks well of. She finds the girl rather amusing and if not almost a sister deep down. They don't share conversation often but when they do it is always pleasurable and fun. She also enjoys the silent girl's random stubborn nature. It's grand to see her at times stand up to Nox's own stubborn nature.

Sir Jagen (Jagen Kha) - This Kha male has been a loyal guard under Moxie's employ for a while. If she trusted anyone besides her brother, she may consider this male. Even if her brother claimed he was unsure of the male, Mox has found him rather polite. Though when she met him, he seemed to be a spoiled royal who preferred drinking and womanizing, she has found that he has oddly calmed over time. Even though she has found his slight flirtatious nature towards her confusing, she finds his skill with a blade valuable. Either way ..though she has been losing bets against him, his company is a welcomed one. Though his confession for being attracted to her is a different matter. She surely believes he could do far better then her, for sure.

◢ Other -

Madam Seraphine - This woman seemed to know a few people. From Eadric Miller, to Oliver, to her close friend Lyng. It felt as if the woman was everywhere and no where. Oddly at all times wearing a mask. She never questioned the woman though, simply accepting of the mask. Maybe she didn't like her face? Nox wore a mask for a good few weeks until people convinced her she wasn't that scary looking. Perhaps this woman had the same issue? Or....perhaps not. As sweet as the woman is, recent events have had her raising a brow. There is a secret everyone seems to be whispering around her. Whispers in the air ...yet she can't gather the pieces well enough. Part of her thinks she shouldnt care. She is retired and the information may not prove useful and yet part of her is curious. So far ...she likes her very much.

Serris Le'omend - Met this woman once, once was enough for her to believe the woman had a tongue that could rival her own, knew the woman was a bit off her rocker ...and loved it! And knew ...something was not right about her. As the woman would talk and go about her interesting life of shooting, brawls, and sass talking...the woman didn't seem fully ...normal. Not it was not her manner. It was /her/....Nox was not blind. Either way Nox very much enjoyed the insane woman.

$ Brimcon Sako - This Miqo'te Engineer interests Nox. Though they are usually both pretty busy, she enjoys the small chats they have had. She has learned he has a adopted daughter. Or that was what it sounded like? She wasn't sure but found it adorable. She may sometime ask him for help. Recently though he has asked her to help in building a airship, a daunting task but one she would willingly help him with over time.

Corbeaux Baptiste - This elezen has earned her respect. After a few chats and surveying him over time, she finds this male clever. She enjoys the toss of words they share and is almost tempted to pick up his speech pattern to use for her own vices later.

Nai Ruahki - Though at first Nox wasn't to trusting of the woman and thought her a spy brought to track all in the wench, Nox has lowered her guard slightly. It wasn't as if she had any info though if she was one....the woman wasn't a threat to her. She learned quickly that they shared alot in common. She values the woman's opinion and sweet nature...though her obvious affection to her employeer, Corbeaux, makes Nox nauseous.

Vallerin Saugrain - She trusted this man very much, also quietly crushed on him. As they got closer though she learned more about him. Even ....patterns she wasn't sure of. At first she was sure the Elezen just was polite, but didnt return her interest. Later though, she learned she was very much wrong. And the elegant man changed before her into a man that only wished her in his sheets. She didn't wish to just be someone's mating partner. She so longed for a strong deep connection......

◢ Enemies -

Rynathan Elurhandir (GRUMPY CAT) - Moxie is still unsure what crawled up his tail but this Miqo'te and her just can't get along. From day one he had be rude, harsh and racist towards her and others. And though both have tried to get along, in the end it comes to racial yelling and hissing from his end while growling at her end. She has never met such a infuriating Miqo'te and thanks to him along with a few other males of his race that she has met..has assumed most Miqo'te males are just as annoying and racist. She has kept her distance since last encounter he threw a dagger at her.


Those wishing to add a rumor, editing is a little complicated but not impossible. Please note when you hit the edit button it 'may' claim the page doesn't exist. If it does this simply look up in the URL!! CHANGE THE NUMBER AFTER SECTION TO #5. Example ---> title=Minox_Moks&action=edit&section=5


Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
Rumor here.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!

"She's incredibly cruel - rolling dodos and belittling me at every opportunity - yet I find myself craving to be by her side more often than not; she's just the most enticing woman I've ever me- Wait a second, why am I telling you this? I don't know you!" — Oliver Amaranth.
"Rumor." — Player Name.



Player Note
Personal RP Limits
I will play .
Ask about .
I won't play .


Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are relevant to the character.
IC Tumblr:
Potential Plot Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out details if necessary.
This section is a work in progress.

Layout Credit
Template adapted from Bancroft Gairn, with edits by Xheja Rajhera, inspiration from D'lyhhia Lhuil, and more edits by Glioca Sargonnai. Added tweaking by Minox Moks. Please leave the link-backs if you use or modify the template.