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<b><div style="padding:10px 25px; background: #aac5b4;">◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)</div></b>
<b><div style="padding:10px 25px; background: #aac5b4;">◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)</div></b>
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■</font>  
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■</font> <i>"Cliffrose.. There's a lot to say about her. She's, ah, one of the strongest persons I know- heart of gold, does she have- and she's beautiful, isn't she? Like.. ah.. an astoundishing beauty? She's so very tall and strong, and golden.. I admire her, so very much, and ,ah, she's one of my very best friends. " - [[Chaie Rosespear]].
: <font style="color:#aac5b4;" size="3">■</font>  
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Revision as of 18:29, 25 December 2016

 Gilded Cliffrose
Gender Cis Female
Race Roegadyn
Clan Hellsguard
Citizenship Eorzean
Age 34
Marital Status Single
Occupation Informant and Muscle for Hire Currently Employed by Aethertide Ventures.
Height/Weight 7'6" + 345 lbs
Orientation Pan + Poly
    Baneful Hoodia
  • (Father)
  • Wilting Cliffrose
  • (Mother)
  • Merciful Hoodia
  • (Oldest Brother)
  • Astute Hoodia
  • (Second Oldest Brother.)
  • Velvet Cliffrose
  • (Younger Sister.)
  • Princely Cliffrose
  • (Youngest Brother)

"I want those who get to know me to become admirers or my enemies."

Basic Info


Clear Skies and Warm Weather.
Hearty, Spicy Meats and Wines.
Having a Full Gil Pouch.
Bustling Cities and Thriving Parties.
Fine Clothes and Well Dressed People.


Rain or any Harsh Weather.
Sticking out like a sore thumb.
Dirty, stained clothes.
Being talked to as if she's a "Dumb Brute."


Alignment: Neutral Good.
Vice(s): Gambling, Extortion, General Roughhousing.
Favorite Food: Rare Buffalo Steak with a Light Galic Sauce and Saute Mixed Greens.
Favorite Drink: Ishgardian Tea during the daytime, The Finest La Nocsean Wine at night.
Favorite Color: Gold (as if it wasn't obvious.)

Appearance & Personality


A feature people tend to notice right away with Cliffrose is her handsome face. Every part of her face is very well defined, this including her chiseled jawline, high cheekbones and small yet pointed nose. Her eyes are sharp and shine with a golden hazel color, one the reasons why she was named "Gilded Cliffrose." The other reason being the bright golden freckles sprinkling her cheeks and shoulders. On her right eye there is a small scar, which hasn't actually harmed her eyesight. The only not sharp part on her face is her soft, pronounced lips that are almost always painted with some shade of red. Her hair is thick and silky and is a dark, vibrant ready color with bright blonde highlights. For years it used to reach as far as her back, but only recently has she cut it short and began styling it more boyishly.
Gilded Cliffrose is Big to put it simply. She's taller than most Roegadyn's of her kind, both male and female, and her body is far more muscular than most others. Ever since she was a child she was more broader than her siblings, but as she's trained as a Monk throughout her life her muscles have become more toned to where she now has little to no body fat left. Thanks to this training, her upper body is far broader than her lower body, but she's still managed to retain her curves in the end, particularly her hips. Also, she has a butt. Don't let the in-game model fool you her thighs are well toned as well. Cliffrose also makes a huge effort to continue her body maintenance by rigorously working out every day, which also helps maintain her sculpted figure. Without her clothes though, you can see that her body is riddled with scars and burn marks, all thanks to her old adventuring days. Aside from that, her skin is fairly clear of acne or other markings, as she also takes above average care for her skin. Another leftover from her years as an adventurer is her missing fingers. On her left hand she is missing a good amount of her middle, ring, and pinky finger, while her right hand is missing all of the tips of her fingers minus her pointer finger and thumb. In recent years, she was able to afford a prosthetic set of fingers that act like full finger claw rings. To avoid obnoxious questions and stares, Cliffrose always wears gloves over her hands at all times.
Cliffrose stands tall and proud and walks with a regal air to her, you will never EVER see her with her back slouching. She is also quite fashion conscious too, and tends to never walk in public areas without wearing her best outfit, nor does she try to wear the same outfit in the same week. Most of her outfits are warm colors, usually being dark red or gold colors. She even makes sure to wear different colognes every day throughout said day, light honey and floral scents for the day time while more rose and spiced scents for the evening. Cliffrose does wear a bit of makeup, but she really only wears a dark red lip tint. She prefers not to wear cover-up of any kind since she does not wish to hide her freckles. Everything about her body language speaks "In Control." at all times, even in moments of desperation, she could be groveling at your feet and yet her large frame will never curl into itself. Her voice is heavily accented, since she was born in a tribe that spoke the "old tongue" of Roegadyns. She's made an attempt to lose this heavy accent in her younger years, but now she fully embraces it and revels on how elegant and royal she sounds. Sometimes, she slips back into the "old tongue" only to make a remark about someone within her vecinity without anyone really understanding her.


Most of her admirers and acquaintances remark on how polite, professional and handsome Cliffrose is, citing numerous conversations where Cliffrose was both a gracious host and guest. "How attentive she is! She really does listen to you when no one else does." They remark with a slight flush to their cheeks, giggling over a memory of Cliffrose locking eyes with them and flashing them a quick smile. Cliffrose is a very personable Roegadyn, she finds herself in her element surrounded by people fawning over her. Whenever she
Don't think for a moment that just because she is a muscular, extroverted Roegadyn who loves the high life means that she is
Cliffrose is in love with herself.


(( OOC: Please note that some sections here are short and vague as to not totally spoil Cliffroses character! ))


(( Please understand that this is not common knowledge! You're character will NOT know of these actions unless they are from the Hoodia tribe))

Gilded Cliffrose was born on a thundering rainy day to Baneful Hoodia and Wilting Cliffrose deep within the mountainous regions of the Alabathia's Spine. The storm that day as everyone else in the tribe agreed later on in time was certainly an omen about the hardships that were to come. The small tribe that Cliffrose was born to was run by her father, and they were all very staunch in their beliefs about their Role on Eorzea, which is to act as the Guardians to the Gates of Hell. To them, they were born to live and die close to these Gates and make sure whatever lies on the other side stays there. Translate this and basically her tribe fights against dinosaur and other beasts the emerge from the mountains. Cliffrose herself was an intense believer when she was child, and dreamed of one day being strong enough to fight anything that lies within the rocks.
Cliffrose had other siblings while growing up, including two older brothers named Merciful Hoodia and Astute Hoodia, who both had an intense over their younger sister, as she was far more stronger, ambitious, and handsome than the both of them combined. So on numerous occasions they had instigated fights between them and Cliffrose, knowing full well that her biggest weakness was her inability to control her rage. They soon stopped their outward teasing after Cliffrose had slashed her brother Astute in the face and broke Merciful's leg after a incredibly cruel teasing session while playing warriors. Both brothers had never fully healed from this, as it was well known in the tribe that whatever pain Cliffrose inflicted onto someone would soon leave a scar or other remnant to show the world of their wrongdoings.
Even so, no one in tribe approved of Cliffrose lashing out against her kin, especially seeing how her father began to grow ill and her mother frailer. As they weakened, the eldest son Merciful took to the throne at the age of sixteen, Cliffrose only being thirteen at the time. Now that her brother was a ruling man, if she ever hurt him again it could spell her death, so she held back, focusing on trying to take care of her younger siblings Velvet and Princely. Both, however, we're scared of Cliffrose. Velvet being more embarrassed to be related to a brute like her sister. So for years Cliffrose had no one to care for, or anyone to care for her. She was the violent outcast of the tribe and no one wished to converse with her, lest she harm them. For a while, Cilffrose suffered silently with her rage boiling inside her, and instead found herself practicing her pugilist skills. It was all going well!
When she was sixteen though, she snapped. There was no reason behind it, other than Merciful and Astute speaking down to her like usual. However there was something in their tone of voice, and their smug grins that lead Cliffrose to lunge at Merciful and pin him to ground, rapidly beating his face and permanently blinding him for life. Luckily for him, Astute managed to pull her off of Merciful before too much damage was done.
After these actions, Cliffrose was put on trial for her crime and she was given two options. One was to be blinded like her brother or to pay for her crimes --literally-- and to leave for Eorzea to work as a mercenary and send all of her earnings back to the tribe. Until she sends them enough to atone for her crimes, she is never permitted to return lest they strike her down in their path. This was going to be her fate, but as she and a guard were tricking down the mountain, a small rock slide occurred and she escaped both the guard and a possible death. Cliffrose didn't stop running until she found herself at the bottom of the mountain. There, she vowed that her so called family would never EVER see a single gil coin for as long as she lives and instead of becoming a mercenary, she would become an adventurer.


Now, this part of her life is and always will be very, very vague. As soon as she touched down into Ul'dah, Cliffrose joined the Adventurer's guild. She tried to learn the art of being a Gladiator at first, but soon found drawn to the Pugilist's Guild and their art of punching. She stuck around for a few months, doing small time trips within the city and close parts in Thanalan, however once she felt confident enough Cliffrose set off into Eorzea, traveling from one city to another. Soon in Gridania she met another Roegadyn named Regal Bride and these two had been an inseparable pair, together they had amazing and unbelievable adventures together.
When Cliffrose was twenty years old, the calamity had struck. If you were to ask Cliffrose about her adventuring time before the Calamity, Cliffrose would spin fantastic tales about her exploits. However she will hold her tongue when asked where she was when Dalamud descended. It was soon after this, that she had split from Regal somewhere in Mor Dhona and trekked back to the one city she felt the safest. It was also along the way where she met some Ala Mhigan refugees whom were slowly revitalizing an old form of fighting that was almost lost when Garland invaded the old city. She will never say to anyone, but there for a good year she learned the art for herself and took the knowledge with her on her journeys. After that? Not many can say they saw where she went, there were some sightings of her in the vast sands of the Sagoli Desert, others spotted her near the entrance to the Lost City of Amdapor, hell some said they saw her pile driving Behemoth's in Coerthas.
No one is exactly sure what happened during during this window of time that she was unseen, what is known for certain was the next time she came back to Ul'dah she hung up her adventuring shoes and embarked on another journey of her life, one that finally help shape her into the person she is now.




Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard. You can use these as rp starters!)
"Madame Cliffrose? Oh yes I've seen her around at many banquets! Isn't she simply marvelous? And much more of a gentleman than any other man I've met!~"--Swooning Socialite
"Y'know what they mean when they call someone an investor? They mean someone who got a boat load of gil without anyone knowing how."--A Jealous Merchat.
"I remember years ago seeing a spunky young Hellsguard marching through the streets goin' on about how she was going to be the best adventurer in Eorzea and now she's wining and dining with some of Ul'dahs finest. Ahh, time sure does fly......"-- An Elderly Woman in Ul'dah.
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear.)
"Clffrose? Wasn't she once engaged to a some rich businessmans daughter? She was a real sweetheart too, and was head over heals for Miss Cliffrose! Though.... 'Eard that ended th' second the gals father's sales went belly up and ended in serious debt. Smart idea on 'er end though, wouldn't want to strike any deals with a man who can make such a blunder like that." -- A Merchant on the Ruby Road.
"Interesting to see a bodyguard suddenly strike it big financially as well as Miss Cliffrose. I'd say something is fishy going on there, but our own Wigmund couldn't seem to find anything." -- Employee at the Platinum Mirage.
"Did y' know that she lost some o'er fingers t' a Behemoth!'Parrently she was trying to drive one away from some travelers and it nipped them right off! Right as that happened she EXPLODED and grabbed th' sucker by the horns and body slammed it into th' side of a mountain! Believe me, I saw it wit' my own eyes!"--An Ex-Adventurer in Limsa Lominsa.
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"An Investor?" -snorts- "Don't let fool you, she ain't no fancy investor. Me an' my buddies are damn sure that she's some sort of spy for th' Syndicate. We all know she 'ad somethin' to do with Rurudan backin' out of th' Zircon trade, he woudn' give up a huge cash cow like that! Either she said somethin', though it's more likely she DID somethin' to him or she tipped off other folks t' take care of 'im. Th' point is, her past is all muddled with some bad seeds, and if y' can't avoid her then be wary of your words 'round 'er. She'll certainly use whatever y' say against you." -- Ul'Dah Merchant.
"Who the hell do you think you are, walking around and speakin' HER name aloud. She a disgrace and an embarrassment to our tribe, and if she dares think to return knowing full well what she has done....it shall be the last of her days. " -- A Member of the Hoodia Clan.

◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Cliffrose.. There's a lot to say about her. She's, ah, one of the strongest persons I know- heart of gold, does she have- and she's beautiful, isn't she? Like.. ah.. an astoundishing beauty? She's so very tall and strong, and golden.. I admire her, so very much, and ,ah, she's one of my very best friends. " - Chaie Rosespear.


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