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<div align=justify><div style="padding:0px 10px; font-size:16px;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;">'''Disclaimer'''</div></div>
<div align=justify><div style="padding:0px 10px; font-size:16px;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;">'''Disclaimer'''</div></div>
<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">FYI!</div></div>
<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">Discord is best, since I’m usually at work during the day. When I’m logged into XIV, I’m probably catching up an alt on MSQ or raiding on my main (mostly applies when new patches drop). You won’t really find M’ihri just hanging around town unless we’re specifically supposed to meet up somewhere.
<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">Discord is best, since I’m usually at work during the day. When I’m logged into XIV, I’m probably catching up an alt on MSQ or raiding on my main (mostly applies when new patches drop). You won’t really find M’ihri just hanging around town unless we’re specifically supposed to meet up somewhere.
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<div align=justify><div style="padding:0px 10px; font-size:16px;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;">'''Character Lore Adherence'''</div></div>
<div align=justify><div style="padding:0px 10px; font-size:16px;color:#000000;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;">'''Character Lore Adherence'''</div></div>
<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">I like to adhere to lore as much as possible, so if your character plays too freely with it, it might be a dealbreaker. That said, when it comes to backstory or events of the past in the XIV timeline, I play a lot more loose with the lore there. I'm not the best with dates or timelines, so I totally understand letting that stuff be more open. This also applies to places on the map we haven't explored yet (i.e. Thavnair, Ivalice, and Garlemald). Until we get more concrete lore for that, I'm totally into making a tribe, imagining what it might be like to live somewhere, ethnicities/cultural inspirations, etc. Basically, as long as your character doesn't feel like a stereotype out of a shonen anime, we'll probably be fine.</div></div>
<div align=justify><div style="padding:5px 15px;font-family:Georgia;color:#444146;">I like to adhere to lore as much as possible, so if your character plays too freely with it, it might be a dealbreaker. That said, when it comes to backstory or events of the past in the XIV timeline, I play a lot more loose with the lore there. I'm not the best with dates or timelines, so I totally understand letting that stuff be more open. This also applies to places on the map we haven't explored yet (i.e. Thavnair, Ivalice, and Garlemald). Until we get more concrete lore for that, I'm totally into making a tribe, imagining what it might be like to live somewhere, ethnicities/cultural inspirations, etc.  
Basically, as long as your character doesn't feel like a stereotype out of a shonen anime, we'll probably be fine.</div></div>

Revision as of 01:03, 28 July 2018




Hailing from the burning sands of the island of Thavnair, M'ihrima knew nothing but warm family and great business from a young age. While never living in the city proper, she knew the streets of Radz-at-Han well. Weekly, some of her tribe would pack up a caravan and haul their alchemical wares to the docks looking for trade. Her tribe's Nuhn-- and her father-- M'ulei was a genius in the art of alchemy and he subsequently built up his extended family by passing the knowledge down. Their potions seemed to have no end to the miracles they could perform, the least of which included quickened healing and the sweetest smells that foreigners and locals alike had ever beheld. Truly, the M tribe of Thavnair had much to be proud of.

And M'ihrima grew up reveling in the pride of her family and the things they'd accomplished. Never did she hurt for anything, but also she never let that go to her head. Complacency would only serve to bring her down, after all. However, as she entered her teenage years, M'ihri couldn't help but become disillusioned with her future. She was smart, more than talented enough to sell her own potions at the market, beautiful, well-spoken and brimming with charm-- but unfortunately, the tribal system and her three older full-blooded sisters in front of her wouldn't let her flourish. It wasn't as if she'd be pressured, but the prospect of one day settling down with a future Nuhn to bear his children and to never become the heir due to being a younger child didn't sit well with her.

So eventually her mind thought of a life outside of her beloved Thavnair. Part of her didn't want to admit it was a scary prospect, but M'ihrima knew she could never be truly happy staying on the island. It came to pass that she hitched a ride onto a ship bound for Eorzea to make her fortune. Family secrets would be kept safe, of course, but they'd definitely make her a pretty gil or two. The Seeker set off for Limsa Lominsa, spreading her roots over the course of the next several years.

Nowadays, she's settled in Gridania after being in Thanalan for a number of years. Though not rich, M'ihri lives a comfortable lifestyle through her humble shop as part of the Sable Tree, even making yearly trips back home to catch up on happenings with the M tribe. Some would refer to her as a witch due to the nature of her business— selling alchemical concoctions and mysterious curios to those desperate enough to seek her out. M’ihri is many things depending on who you ask: exploitative, benevolent, misguided but well-meaning. She would simply answer any rumors with this: those who don’t do business with her have no idea what she’s really peddling.


M’ihrima stands at five fulms even, at 110 ponzes. Her body frame is very petite, with little in the way of curves. In fact, some consider her rather bony, and she is angular where most would be softer. However, she holds herself in elegant postures, her body always posed and calculated to deliver the best first impression. Slender fingers on small hands are often found gripping smoking pipes.

She keeps her almost stark black hair short, cut to just below her jaw. It has a natural wave to it that accentuates the shape of her round face— with brown, almost red, almond eyes, a small flat nose, and dark, plump lips framed against the locks. It flows longer in the front than in the back. Her bangs hide the silver tattoo markings above her left eyebrow, though the patterns on her cheek are plain as day. M’ihrima will sometimes powder them with make up to enhance their shine against her hickory skin.

Unlike Miqo’te seen across Eorzea, Ihrima’s ears are like that of a serval— round and tall, facing forward instead of backwards as is typical. This applies to all of her family. It can be a bit difficult to judge her mood based on her ears, but she will rear them back when angry or threatened. Her tail is long and quite fluffy (but don’t attempt to pet it).

Lastly, M’ihrima often dresses herself in lightweight clothing. She isn’t picky about colors, though she does prefer purples, blacks, and silvers. She will typically wear a gown, shorts, or a pair of leggings when simply lounging or when working from home. In formal situations, she has many flowing dresses and skirts, along with an astounding collection of jewelry. There is seldom a time where Ihrima won’t be wearing a ring on each finger.


Many, many generations ago, the M tribe in Ala Mhigo split into two after an internal conflict. The current Nunh was thought of as succumbing to a power trip. Despite pleas for the tribal leader to act, it was simply "just the way it was." As cruel as the Nunh could be, there was no room for weaker blood to breed when their livelihood depended on the strength of all. Disregarding the odds, one Tia wished to change this and to his fortune, he was not alone. However, he lacked the strength to overthrow the Nunh and thus he took a gamble— gathering a few likeminded individuals from his tribe and leaving in search of a better life. With them, they took an oath: to create a society where those in power would respect and treasure those below them. It was the duty of the strong to protect the weak, not to control or exploit them. These beliefs would form the cornerstone of the newly formed tribe.

This new branch of the M tribe and its progeny existed in Gyr Abania for as long as they could, surviving by hunting. Resources were scarce. As they migrated south and eventually settled next to the sea, the ocean became their sustenance. It was around this time they adopted Llymlaen as their patron deity. But with the seas threatening to swallow all and the lack of desire to be driven back into the lands they came from, an idea came about— to master the waters they’d been treading upon for ages. And so they built seafaring vessels and set sail into the unknown.

Against all odds, with the ocean levels rising, they found an island that would eventually come to be known as Thavnair. With an arduous journey behind them, establishing a new life when it seemed all earth was shrinking around them seemed an impossible task. As society clawed back again, little by little, the M tribe flourished once more. They were quick to take advantage of Thavnair’s legendary alchemy and they integrated themselves into the local culture. Never forgetting their ancestors’ old way of life— fraught with violence and scarcity— they came to value education and mental capacity above all else. It was almost required for all members of the M tribe to dabble in the art of alchemy and the ways of business in the Hannish streets. Never once did they forsake their patron, feeling her gentleness in the winds that brought them trade ships.

In the present day, M’ulei is the Nunh but is nearing his retirement, so to speak. He’s likely to voluntarily give up control once a new Nunh is chosen. Unlike what most think about when it comes to Seeker tribes, Tia will not usually challenge the Nunh for power. Rather, one that is considered a leader that the tribe needs will eventually succeed the current and assume not only the breeding responsibility, but also managing the family alchemy business to an extent. Here, the Nunh is both the main sire and the one those look to for guidance. In the case of M’ulei, his successor would be ideally working alongside his daughter, M’aliya, when it comes to business.

Tia typically don’t feel the need to leave due to breeding restrictions and they enjoy the privilege of having families of their own. However, they aren’t immune to leaving to find a mate on the outside (as do the female members, as in the case of M’hadijah and her Raen husband). The females of the family are more likely to leave home for their own desires due to the sheer number of them. The more exemplary women of the tribe (in both mind and body) will be heavily encouraged to have at least one child by the Nunh to help him carry on his duties.

((Please keep in mind there are no set dates of events for the tribe. I like to keep things flexible where that’s concerned! If there’s any major inconsistencies, I will gladly change them with some help! This also goes for any lore that would break Miqo'te convention too hard.))


M'ihrima is proud, though takes care to not be overly so. She grew up privileged, and is just as classy and refined as her upbringing would suggest. She is all about composure, body language, and careful choices of words, for it's her belief that a good first impression is one of life's most important matters. Her demeanor is generally agreeable and friendly, though don't mistake this for genuine companionship. In business arrangements, this is almost always to get on a customer's good side. However, if you pique her interest, then M'ihrima will definitely want to get to know you better. She does have friends, as few as they are, but they don't come easily. The woman won't admit it, but she's rather lonely. Longterm relationships are very rare with the Seeker. If you ask her to name a best friend or a lover, for example, she will have no answer for you.

M'ihrima made her own way in Eorzea with her talent in alchemy and shopkeeping, so it goes without saying she's intelligent and hard working. But this is coupled with an equal penchant for spending her days lounging and smoking, sometimes even taking cat naps in the afternoon. Luxury is important to her, as is the need to get out of the house and have fun. Those who enjoy a night on the town to mingle and indulge in simply pleasures like gambling and drinking will find M'ihrima as great company. Life is short and fleeting, and so her personal philosophy tends towards quick gratification. It is in large part why she lives a solitary life. One day, the Seeker would like committed people to stay with... if only she could actually learn to commit herself.

Perhaps her greatest kept secret is another side of herself she hides from everyone, even her family. Though successful in her own right, M'ihrima can't let go of the reason she left Thavnair in the first place. She holds resentment towards her family tribal system (a reason she's not fond of Tia and Nunh from other tribes) and most of all, her oldest full-blooded sister. Feeling as though she was born at the wrong time or simply unable to keep up, those who manage to dig deep enough will unearth an indignation unbefitting of a proper lady who holds herself to a higher standard. It proves she's not the witch everyone makes her out to be; M'ihrima is only human.


Philosophy/navel gazing
Gambling, smoking, drinking
Traveling for pleasure
Artifacts and other oddities


Feeling trapped or tied down
Disobedience or disagreement
Cold weather
Jump scares
The prospect of getting dirty


Studying lost culture/lore




Can't stand to be alone for long periods of time
Has little investment in things that don't interest her
Has trouble forming longterm personal commitments
Eccentric enough to scare off people



Family Romantic Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
M'ulei Nunh, father. ()
Character's Thoughts: "A leader cannot be great if he mistreats his people."
The current M tribe Nunh. An absolute genius in alchemy who has grown his family business from the day he shed his Tia name. He's now preparing his daughter to succeed him as head of the business completely once he relinquishes his title as the tribal Nunh. He abides by a strict moral code of always treating his people with dignity, respect, and kindness, and is considered to be incredibly soft-hearted. He's quite anxious about who will succeed him as the next Nunh, since he's getting on in years. Age 55. NPC.
M'ummayah Banu, mother. ()
Character's Thoughts: "Keep your voice down, dear. You must learn to be graceful."
M'ulei's most beloved mate, whom he chose to marry above anyone else. She was not born into the tribe, but was rather an outsider who was adopted in at a young age. A strong-willed but soft-spoken woman who has no talent for alchemy herself, but brings the personality the business so desperately needs. At the Radz-at-Han markets, she's the one who rallies would-be buyers to become enticed by their wares. Might have some Keeper blood in her somewhere. Age 50. NPC.
M'aliya Ulei, sister. ()
Character's Thoughts: "Y-Yes... How can I help you?"
The oldest sister in the M'ulei/M'ummayah bloodline. In line to succeed the family business due to her expertise in the field of alchemy. However, she's noted to be antisocial and uncharismatic despite the great number of people who flock to her, hoping she'll become the master to their student. It goes without saying she's very uncomfortable with being placed on such a high pedestal. Age 35. NPC.
M'aryam Ulei, sister. ()
Character's Thoughts: "How many times have I told you to leave me alone?"
A rather moody woman who spends much of her time brooding and dressing in black. She enjoys reading and is quite the shut in, to the point that it's a bit unhealthy. M'aryam has expressed interest in perhaps becoming a scholar or teacher of some kind, but won't because "she cannot stand young children." Instead, her talents are devoted to writing, where she can be left alone. Though she has yet to publish anything substantial, there's an ever-growing pile of handwritten pages in her room taking shape. Age 33. NPC.
M'haniyah Ulei, sister. ()
Character's Thoughts: "It's really simple! You just need to know how to dissect it."
A complete nerd who is a savant when it comes to mathematics; it almost seems like a second, fluent language she could up and speak. M'haniyah lives in Radz-at-Han proper, working as an engineer for designing bridges and other infrastructure. While a hard worker who generally gets along with all she meets, M'haniyah is noted to have very little in the way of hobbies. It can be frustrating for any outside of her circle to have a basic conversation with her if they're not into her special interests, for she has an impossible time of talking about much else. Luckily for the Seeker, she has a small acquaintance group that can indulge her just fine, meaning she's never lonely. Age 32. NPC.
M'hadijah Katsura, née Ulei, sister. ()
Character's Thoughts: "It's just a little storm! I've seen worse."
A cheerful woman with a wanderlust to rival M'ihrima's. Though she's never left Thavnair, Ihrima setting sail for Eorzea inspired her to go her own way... by eloping with a longtime partner. She has since been married to her beloved for a number of years. a Raen from the Far East by the name of Higan Katsura. M'hadijah is involved in the fishing trade alongside her husband, but of course she still makes the time to visit home when not experiencing the thrill of the open sea. She's currently expecting her second child. Age 28. NPC.
M'aziza Ulei, sister. ()
Character's Thoughts: "..."
One half of a set of mischievous twins. She's more "adult" than her younger twin, but is still seen as immature due to her penchant for never answering questions and avoiding looking at others in the eyes. She confides all in her sister and the two are nearly inseparable most of the time. Nobody knows what they're ever planning, especially since M'aziza seems to do the least amount of talking possible. There's a rumor she's planning a scheme to make the gil necessary to leave Thavnair with M'aisha. Age 25. NPC.
M'aisha Ulei, sister. ()
Character's Thoughts: "Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
One half of a set of mischievous twins. Definitely the more talkative of the two, M'aisha is the only one besides their mother that can get a word out of her twin. She's more likely to separate from M'aziza on occasion to be more social (though not without unsuccessfully trying to convince her sister to tag along every time). Perhaps she's taken one too many pages from M'ihrima's book in the case of mingling a bit too much, and she absolutely loves being the center of attention. Together with M'aziza, they work in local temples as shrine maidens dedicated to the upkeep of the property. Age 25. NPC.
Person Name, relationship. ()
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Chacharu Charu, assistant. ( $★ )
Character's Thoughts: "Ueeehhh?!"
A Dunesfolk from Ul'dah with a heart of gold but a wallet of ash. She comes from a poor family and thus sought out a job offer that eventually led her to M'ihrima. Unfortunately for her, her employer would turn out to be eccentric, mysterious, and somewhat dangerous. However, with the gil being too good to pass up, Chacharu followed the witch to Gridania, where she still serves as a humble shopkeeper (and secretary on occasion). Most days are filled with her anxiously fretting over her boss's actions and studying when off the clock. Maybe one day, perhaps she can learn the secrets of alchemy that abound in M'ihrima's store... if she lives long enough. NPC.
Veyha Yanjahl, coworker. ( $♦ )
Character's Thoughts: "."
A Keeper who works alongside M'ihrima, she was the one to bring her to the Sable Tree. Now, the two are dear friends, with perhaps just a little more happening on the side. Completely and wholeheartedly devoted to the forests from which she was born, she has a reputation for thoroughly unnerving her compatriots, but it's all part of the fun. She's heavily involved in the mystic and mysterious, and has rediscovered religion as of late.
Admiah Kreiston, coworker. ( $♦ )
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Another coworker of the Sable, she's a Highlander born and bred in Vylbrand, with the accent and drinking prowess to match. M'ihrima regards her as a sort of innocent soul with a hidden fire just waiting to burn-- and it's a flame both have skirted the edges of setting free before. Admiah is the "dragon" to Ihrima's "princess in distress." Married to Veyha Yanjahl.
Luci Tsuwamono, coworker. ()
Character's Thoughts: " ."
A Raen who works as a librarian for the Sable Tree. M'ihrima is almost afraid to interact with her for fear of tainting something innocent. This perception the Seeker has of Luci isn't helped by the latter's meekness... and the time she caught Ihrima frolicking with Admiah at a beach party. M'ihrima has yet to forget those eyes watching her at Costa del Sol. Luci is also an avid writer with a few romantic novels lining the shelves in the mansion. She has a strange effect of making others want to give her a big, soft hug, marking her as "the most huggable mlem."
Hilda Alarias, coworker. ()
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Hailing from Ishgard, Hilda is a scholar dealing in aetherochemistry. M'ihrima would like to get to know her better, if only so they can share tales of each others' homes and appreciate tea together. The Seeker hasn't forgotten her promise to brew her something special for their next meeting.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. ."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
Personal RP Limits
I will play Mature themes (sexual, crime, etc.), travel, shenanigans, world building, socializing, slice of life, romance, friendship, business deals, quests, AUs-- I'm open to most anything!
I won't play Rape plots, serious bodily harm/injury without a significant character development reason, random/gratuitous ERP, BDSM (I'm really not into it), obscure/weird/gross fetishes, romance plots with anyone under age 18. Please ask if unsure.
Discord is best, since I’m usually at work during the day. When I’m logged into XIV, I’m probably catching up an alt on MSQ or raiding on my main (mostly applies when new patches drop). You won’t really find M’ihri just hanging around town unless we’re specifically supposed to meet up somewhere.

Contact me at namaisthewonder#3153 (though say who you are, or how you found me first!). I work nights Wed-Sun. I’m on CST time and am up pretty late, so anyone else who runs on the midnight oil would be a good fit! Mature RP is totally welcome, but I prefer my partners to be 18 or older regardless of content we play. I’m welcome to both in-game and Discord RP.

I want more long term RP over casual, so I keep the number of active RP partners I have at any given time to a small number.


Potential Plot Hooks
Hooks aren't limited to these and will likely be updated in the future. Please ask about stuff if you're curious! I'm particularly interested in finding romance for M'ihrima at the moment.
History: Though not by any means a scholar or an archaeologist, M’ihri is interested in relics of the past. Being from Thavnair and hearing about the tales of the Giantsgall, anything that is supposedly blessed by the gods or any other creatures of great power will pique her curiosity. If she can sell it or replicate it somehow, it’s worth looking into. If you come into her shop with an artifact to peddle, she may just pay you to get her hands on it. Beware of her honey tongue if you seek her insight. It starts with, “Oh, I’ll definitely study this for you,” and turns into, “What price would be willing to take to part with this?”
Travel: Though not by any means wealthy, M’ihri is fairly well off and takes vacations throughout the year to see the land. Sometimes, these involve going back home to visit family but mostly, she’ll pick random spots throughout Eorzea to sightsee. Anything with a great night life is an extra bonus, as she loves to mingle amongst crowds to smoke, drink, and socialize. Besides holidays, these can also serve as business trips to connect with clients or scout potential new sources. Every now and then, she hears about something juicy through the grapevine that M’ihri can’t help but pry into. She’s been especially looking to travel to Kugane one of these days and learn tales of the Far East to bring back home with her.
Business: M’ihri makes her living outside of Thavnair through selling her alchemical concoctions, magical healing services, and assorted knickknacks. Having been raised near Radz-at-Han, she is no stranger to trade and commerce. However, the potions themselves are less to heal and more to grant wishes. She’s known as a benevolent witch figure, who can make brews based on desires: for money, for fame, for love, et cetera. Of course, this doesn’t come without those saying she’s selling snake oil and exploiting unfortunate people. While M’ihri won’t argue with you over the details of her career, this perhaps sets up for your character to visit her. Do they seek something? Are they busting her business for fraud? Investigating the claims? It’s up to you. (Note: she doesn’t own a house in-game so imaaaaagination.)
Character Lore Adherence
I like to adhere to lore as much as possible, so if your character plays too freely with it, it might be a dealbreaker. That said, when it comes to backstory or events of the past in the XIV timeline, I play a lot more loose with the lore there. I'm not the best with dates or timelines, so I totally understand letting that stuff be more open. This also applies to places on the map we haven't explored yet (i.e. Thavnair, Ivalice, and Garlemald). Until we get more concrete lore for that, I'm totally into making a tribe, imagining what it might be like to live somewhere, ethnicities/cultural inspirations, etc.

Basically, as long as your character doesn't feel like a stereotype out of a shonen anime, we'll probably be fine.

Name M'ihrima Ulei
Alias Ihrima, Witch of Thavnair
Race/Clan Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Age  31 years
Deity Llymlaen, the Navigator
Citizenship Thavnair (currently living abroad in Gridania)
Occupation Alchemist, shopkeeper
Orientation Bisexual (preference for men)
Relationship Status Single
Server Balmung (CST)
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Traits charming, calm and collected, mysterious, flirtatious
Flaws manipulative, overly blunt, materialistic, shrewd, dramatic

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