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'''Notable Markings:''' There is a tattoo of a stylized Dragon at the base of her neck, often hidden by high-backed collars and her own hair.<br><br>
'''Notable Markings:''' There is a tattoo of a stylized Dragon at the base of her neck, often hidden by high-backed collars and her own hair.<br><br>
'''Vocal Quality:''' A smoky timbre softens her voice, which has a smooth Ishgardian accent with thick, throaty Rs and broad intonation that adds an exotic spice to her words.  The eloquent and often overstated manner in which she speaks suggests a sophisticated tutor in the common tongue. ( Voice Claim: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO8TRGaqM9I Chloe Hollings] as Widowmaker; Softer Accent )<br><br>
'''Vocal Quality:''' A smoky timbre softens her voice, which has a smooth Ishgardian accent with thick, throaty Rs and broad intonation that adds an exotic spice to her words.  The eloquent and often overstated manner in which she speaks suggests a sophisticated tutor in the common tongue. ( Voice Claim: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQbLU2t0axE Monica Bellucci] )<br><br>

Revision as of 11:54, 20 January 2019


Φ Dravanian Wilds Witch Φ
Name V'lyria Azriel
Gender and Sex Female ♀
Race Miqo'te/Seeker
Tribe Born Dragon/Adopted Vulture
Age Twenty-eight
Nameday 18th Sun of 6th Umbral Moon
Height & Weight 4 fulms 11 ilms, 125 ponz
Orientation Heterosexual
Status Unattached
Alignment Neutral Good
Free Company The Midnight Pearl


Latest Activities (RP Hook): In a state of perpetually fleeting presence, she's professed to be involved in some very intense studies at the moment.

A Seeker of hauntingly charming aspect with strong natural connections and a hidden agenda.


  • Black Magick Woman - (Sorceress)
    The art of destructive magick comes second nature to this Miqo'te, who weaves aether as an artist paints, fluid and effortlessly - and while there are laws in place that govern the forces she wields, she also largely ignores them, choosing instead to obey the call of nature as opposed to the ordinances of man. Few are as well-versed in elemental conjuration, and fewer still can put the 'oomph' behind it that she manages. This is your quintessential Glass Cannon.

  • Them Pussycats is Quick - (Motion: Agility/Flexibility)
    Ease with fleet-footed maneuvers and a spine apparently comprised of cartilage make this woman a very slippery opponent to face close quarters.


  • Do You Even Lift? - (vs. Physical Force)
    V'lyria can outmatch any mage on the field of combat, but when pit against a brute with both an axe and a mean ward against magic, she is veritably screwed.

  • Personal Bubble Invasion Alert - (vs. Close Quarters Combat)
    Like wise, she has to have time for her incantations to manifest themselves aetherically. Time is not afforded much when one's enemy is right in said individual's face, swinging a sword while you're still working on getting out the first few syllables of a particularly deadly spell. Luckily, V'lyria has excellent reflexes and is very fast, but the trouble with close quarters combat is...

  • Focus, Trinity - (vs. Distractions)
    ...she needs to be able to focus to cast a spell to the full. Too much movement will interrupt her train of thought and diffuse a spell before completion.

Non-Combat Related

  • It's Aether You or Me - (Aether-Sensitive)
    There are some individuals in this world who go through life positively drooling aether, and they never know. Contrarily, there are others who revel in the magick of the world - and they can sense the power in others, have a niggling something pricking at the back of their mind when they look upon certain people or things. If an individual were ever in need of someone to bring along who has a natural ability to sense aether, this is your girl.

  • Girl's Gone Wild - (Witch Doctor)
    Being raised in a remote tribe of individuals who strongly believe in certain (nigh-pagan) traditions will do some strange and interesting things to a child. V'lyria performs some ritualistic practices that could be considered questionable, but on the whole, her moments of savage lunacy are useful: she is highly skilled in herbalism and naturopathic remedies for things magick alone has difficulty with (or is incapable of) healing. Essential oils, healing tonics and poultices, and even the occasional potion or elixir count themselves among her more beneficial creations.


  • You Sell Your What? - (Sellstaff)
    It has been known for some time in the rumors about the Grand Cities that run through the ears of mercenary groups: this particular Seeker was one who sold herself for coin. Not like that: she was a sellstaff, a very powerful addition to any mercenary party that needed someone as an Ace to situations gone awry which the muscle alone couldn't handle. According to her record, she is very successful at what she does, too; there have even been reviews left at the gossip boards praising her intuition, quick reactions and fleet feet. Okay, so there was that one bad review, but she swears that neanderthal stepped himself in front of the ice lance, and it wasn't her fault. Really.

  • (Draw Me Like) One of Your Ishgardian Boys - (Artist)
    An exceptionally powerful mage raised in the wilds of Dravania who masquerades as a creature of fair etiquette and charisma, with a tenebrous aspect and a hidden agenda: who would have thought the whimsy this lady takes joy in would be art? Painting is one of her more cherished talents, and she enjoys both putting color paste to canvas as well as sketching in her free time when her ever-continuous studies of magick are not incinerating her mind from the inside out. Currently, she is very shy about her work and keeps it mostly under wraps. If one were to find her sketchbook, though...


It wasn't just the sinewy tail and furred ears, nor any of her feline features which marked her as exotic. It was her presence, an uneasy air of calm elegance cocooned in an aspect of tenebrous wisdom. There did not yet exist words to describe her manner, that subtle undertone of predatory poise lying beneath the order of a regal bearing roughened by the raw wilds of her raising. The very air around her thrummed with silent waves of magickal energy. No, nothing of this world was similar, save for those points where the aether of Hydaelyn converged most strongly; even then, it was only in the flavor of magick in the air that similarities were found.

The goddess from whose canvas the sky was formed also poured its muse into this creature. Hers was a striking palette borrowed from late evening: skin with the hue of smooth bronze was faintly spotted at its edges, framed by an ebon mantle of silken hair that hugged her frame in an elegant fan, the dark night sky embracing dusk-warmed earth. Fur of an abyssal black counted itself glossy in appearance, freckled with open rings in a way similar to that of a coeurl, the endless darkness of the sky. Twin comets brought brilliant splashes of frigid contrast to the image, embodied in irises of a piercing and glacial blue, slivers of pale, icy stars against the abyss. Within, the slits of pupils seized that which she studied in a quiet and unblinking stare of cold fire - harrowing and unnatural.

Fit of mind and body, the witch's body was contoured by a shapely hourglass figure supporting a frame of lithe muscle, at once feminine and formidable. Her height was diminutive, but the woman's form was no less memorable, for it made up for what it lacked in uniqueness: it was the belief of her birth tribe that generations of ritualistic consumption of Dragon blood altered them to resemble the Great Ones in feature. Their fangs were sharper and larger than that of even Keepers; their eyes were more reptilian than feline; they had even inherited the Dragons' way of hearing the world, the songs of gems and the murmurs of elements playing silent arias to the children of the Dragon clan. Whether or not there is any fact to the belief, these traits do indeed exist in the Seekers, by evolution or otherwise - and V'lyria is no exception.

Notable Markings: There is a tattoo of a stylized Dragon at the base of her neck, often hidden by high-backed collars and her own hair.

Vocal Quality: A smoky timbre softens her voice, which has a smooth Ishgardian accent with thick, throaty Rs and broad intonation that adds an exotic spice to her words. The eloquent and often overstated manner in which she speaks suggests a sophisticated tutor in the common tongue. ( Voice Claim: Monica Bellucci )


A dignified Dravanian elementalist of unaccountably tenebrous aspect, whose erudite elegance is at once charming and deterring. Consider a gemstone torn from the earth that is tumbled and polished, yet uncut, and you have the savage wilds witch who was (in late youth) taught how to exist in polite society.

At her best, this conduit of untempered aether is at once intellectual and engaging, delightful in both conversation and when invited to social events, as she adds quite the exotic flair of personality to any soiree.

In contrast, her worst is rife with naivete, shades of immodesty, and mulish pride: the Miqo'te is a very powerful mage, ever aware of how hard she has worked to achieve the mastery of her innate power. Still, she is by no means arrogant, showing gratitude where due when her skills are recognized and granting every adversary a fair assessment before leaping headlong into battle.

Brave; Patient; Ambitious; Honorable; Vindictive; Naive

  • Exertions of Nature (Storms, Quakes, etc.)
  • Magick
  • Precious Gems (Raw or Otherwise)


  • Unnecessary Violence
  • A Lack of Spirit in People

Distinctive Features

  • Close Bonds with Others (More specifically, falling in love only to lose them to death.)


  • Favorite Food: Terrestrial Meat
  • Favorite Drink: Honeywine
  • Favorite Colour: Blue
  • Vices: Overindulgence in honeywine aside, she will get herself drunk on aether faster than any alive. Magick is her vice.

Personal Effects (On-Person)
Channeling Staff
A staff engraved thickly with patterns and symbols of an alphabet not common to Eorzea's libraries.

Important Possessions (Off-Person)
Ram Plush - (1/13/2017)
Commemorative of the first Casino Night spent with the Midnight Pearl, this black-woolen ram plush is round and adorable. It even has a squeaker, and a little felt tongue that pokes out when squeezed!

Mammoth Plush - (3/27/2017)
An adorable plush mammoth with squeaky tusks. This toy was left as a gift at Lyria's door, presumably from C'kyza.
Corset of Rhotano Pearls - (5/28/2017)
Won during an auction at the art fair held by the Bandee Pakshee, and crafted by the garment artists of Pearl Appeal. This corset is made purely of exquisite Rhotano pearls, and is paired with an elegantly designed, damask ballet jacket meant to drape over the shoulders and hug the arms. The jacket is white with a faint grey seashell pattern; the high collar and hem both have white piping. Its sleeves go down to the middle finger where a little loop holds them in place, and as a final touch, a wristlet of Rhotano pearls is sewn into the sleeves.

NPC Rumors

  • "There was a whisper, then a soft breeze, and before I could so much as blink, this tiny spit of a woman had her staff buried halfway to my spine - and was shocking the ever loving shite out of me! I don't care that I was trying to loot her camp while she was away, I am a victim of assault!" - Unsavory Vagrant
  • "She was nice 'nough, ah suppose. Not much fer talkin', but def'nitely had an ear ta listen. Even th' most modest aspects o' life seemed ta fascinate 'er, an' she listened ta ev'ry string o' dialogue traded by those travelin' with us. Ah only wonder just how much 'er head can hold." - Caravan Passenger

Favorite Quotes From Scenes

  • (A wind-aspect-glamoured Lyria helps raze a traitorous encampment in the Shroud. Later, the band comes across another group, whom they try to talk to their senses and offer peace instead of violence.)
    Aurhik sighed and stepped up next to Khen. "Yes, hi! Lay your arms down and stand aside and the nice bird witch lady over there won't drag the forest down on your heads."

Player Rumors
(Feel free to add your own!
I keep a backup, so don't worry about messing up the code.)

  • "Y'mean t'Princess? Course I know 'er. 'ow could I resist chattin' up a girl like that, eh? Them eyes drew me in from across t'room a-.. eh? Y'fancy a try at 'er? Heh. Good luck, bub." - X'tahna Tia
  • "Ooo, no she is a fun one! A chance meeting with a woman as outcast by her choice in aether weaving as myself and as sexually charged and alluring as myself. She's smart this one, and clever too, no doubt. I am looking forward to more interactions with her. - Crate

The Blood of Dragons: Dragon-Tribe Legend

Dravania: rolling hills and silver streams of the Hinterlands; the lush forest and rich soil of the Forelands; a sky oft full of wing and scale, alive with power from clay to cloud. Among the ancient Dragons and timeless earth, another old race flourished: a tribe of feline humanoids so named after Dravania's chief inhabitants, the Dragons, made their home in the Forelands. The greater creatures above were intrigued by this little clan of savage netherlings who were so mundane, yet so determined to survive. The Dragons embraced the felines, teaching them the archaic ways of magick and ritual, how to listen to the world, how to commune with fire and dance with water, the proper way to calm the earth and sing with the wind; how to drink the blood of Dragons and gain a mote of their strength in dire times. Blessed with the Dragons' knowledge, this tribe ascended with strong minds and bodies to become one of the great powers of old earth-bound Dravania.

Among the first of the clan's chieftains was an exceptional Queen to whom was granted great power over the land. The Dragons granted her their boon, blessing her with immense magickal power and the ability to speak plainly with the elements as a trusted companion. To her, they bequeathed even their gift of flight, granting unto her a companion of one of their own. Their bond was greater than that of any pair, signified by an identifying mark at the base of each one's neck in a symbol of oneness.
The Queen's reign was prosperous. Under her rule, the very land itself gave up its bounty with joy, harvests greater, water cleaner, as though the world celebrated her ascension as fully as did her people. Even war with neighboring tribes ceased and faded into mere skirmishes between blood-hot Nunhs. She was powerful enough to quell the passions of those who rose up against her, and gentle enough to soothe the ire of beastmen and mortal humanoid alike. Beloved by the tribe, her name was etched in the stones of history as the Great Queen of Dragons who wielded the power of the Great Ones as one of their own.
At the time of her death, the tribe gathered together at the village's center to witness the return of her body to flame, and the ashes to earth. The oracles surrounded her pyre and spoke in one voice, pulling from the stars and aether their prophecy: that one day, the Queen would return to lead them from the darkness they would succumb to, wielding the power of the heavens' guardians as naturally as one might a sword. The trees and vines would groan in arboreal glee at her birth; the rain would fall as the heavens wept with joy; the wind would swirl with delight at the return of its kin; flora and fauna alike would celebrate her coming to the world. Thus would the Dragon tribe know their Queen had returned to them.
The flames that consumed the chieftain died down amidst roars and whoops of joy, grief turned to hope in remembrance of the dead - and indeed, in anticipation of her future return.

Such were the legends of the Dragon tribe's beginnings and their lost Queen. Whether there was any truth to it or not was lost to the millennia, with no written record save for the ancient arrangements of stone and carvings in the tribe's home cavern which alluded to some few details of the tribe's history. Indeed, so removed from the myths were the tribe that they operated on tradition rather than faith, partaking in their rituals simply because their predecessors taught them to, living life as carefree and calm as if they were naught but trees bending to the breeze; only the oracles held fast to the spark of hope, wizened queens with minds expanded to openness regarding aetherical whimsy. And only the oracles raised their spirits in anything other than absolute apathy when a girl-kit was born bearing a curious mark at the base of her skull in the shape of a dragon curved double, the night unseasonably stormy and the animals of the forest unnaturally loud..

Musical Inspiration

"Requiem for the Lost Cities" - World of Warcraft
An ambient piece that fits V'lyria's character. Considered her 'official' theme, the haunting melodies and powerful orchestration combine in a dramatic mix of emotion, eerie, but beautiful.
"The Cloud" - Bill Douglas
A general theme that fits V'lyria's magick.
"I am the daughter of earth and water, and the nursling of the sky.
I pass through the pores of the oceans and shores, I change but cannot die."
V'lyria: Emotion Themes
A list containing links to songs that express emotion for V'lyria's general, sad, fight, love, happy and death themes.
Music for Magic Inspiration
"The Ceremony" - Dark Cloud OST
"Gallery of Time" - Dark Cloud OST
Tribe Audio: Dragons' Music Night
The Dragon tribe might have been best known for its magick, but it should have been better marked for its music.
Tribe Audio: Funerary Lament
None are seen away to the Lifestream without a proper salute.

Image Gallery

OOC Information

Roleplay Style

• Amount of RP - Heavy, heavy, heavy! I love to RP often. My style is empathetic/malleable with paragraph tendencies, though I do know how to stay succinct in larger crowds.

• Goals and RP Restrictions - I want a story. Not just a little thing, but an actual story with many facets and more personalities! Something to remember fondly when it's over, and maybe even to build on as time goes on. There aren't really many elements I find disfavor with, though I will say that ERP with underage individuals (toon or player) is a definite no-no. Respect the law, yo.

• Views on RP Combat and Injuries - I enjoy combat when it is done with individuals who are mature and trustworthy enough to make it fun. Communication is top priority when it comes to any sort of interaction, but especially when taken to the fight scene. The only thing I am not looking to do is have my character outright killed; that being said, sustaining injuries on any side of the spectrum is not only accepted, it is expected! I don't want her pretty forever.

• Views on IC Romance - With the boundaries between IC and OOC in mind, romance is always great for a story as long as the characters mesh well, and it makes sense with said story. Communication between players is the single most important aspect of it to me. (And please keep in mind that I am happily taken in real life, so I am not seeking to make an IC romance turn OOC!

• Views on Non-Romantic RP - Absolutely positive in my opinions on this front as far as social association is concerned. There is much potential for non-romantic relationships to have formed between V'lyria, from friendships to rivalries and everything in between! Outside of Miqo'te relations, she is always looking for more Eorzean citizens to acquaint herself with. Hit me up if you'd like to chat about involvement in my story, and vice versa!

• Views on Lore - It's always important to follow the lore in whatever meta you find yourself in, if for no other reason than to add continuity to the immersion - while keeping in mind that creativity is ultimately what we are here to express. Personally, I adhere to standards as much as possible while making reasonable deviations/headcanons where I can!

• Views on Chat Functions -
/say: V'lyria's engagement in IC dialogue.
/emote: Actions, thoughts, and speech describing V'lyria's experiences in an IC capacity.
/linkshell: OOC Networking.
/party: OOC banter.
/tell: Communication channel for OOC chatting/planning and private channel for IC whispering.
/shout: OOC for now!
/yell: Also OOC for now.
/freecompany: Communication OOCly with the members of the Midnight Pearl!

Server and Timezone

Potential Active Times: Monday - Friday: 19:00 too 23:00 CST; Saturdays and Sundays are subject to all-day play.

Server: Balmung

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