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! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:12px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>[[X'zhai Kotodama]] ( </b><font style="color:#9babbb;" size="2">♦</font> <font style="color:#6b6e72;" size="2">●</font> <b>)</b></div>
! <div style="font-family:Georgia; font-size:12px; font-variant:small-caps;"><b>[[X'zhai Kotodama]] ( </b><font style="color:#9babbb;" size="2">♦</font> <font style="color:#6b6e72;" size="2">●</font> <b>)</b></div>
|- A member of the Kotodama clan that Lin works for, she's recently asked the ginger miqo'te for help in teaching her how to dance as a form of combat. While they haven't started practicing yet, she's excited to start working with him, and perhaps getting to know him better than she currently does.
| A member of the Kotodama clan that Lin works for, she's recently asked the ginger miqo'te for help in teaching her how to dance as a form of combat. While they haven't started practicing yet, she's excited to start working with him, and perhaps getting to know him better than she currently does.

Revision as of 14:31, 30 July 2019


— Q'lin Lhigo —

"Blessed are the curious
for they shall have adventures."

Born and raised a tribal seeker, Lin was struck with wanderlust only a few summers before she would come of age. She thrives off of traveling, enjoying everything that Hydaelyn has to offer.

Aliases lin, lark, the larksong
Race miqo'te
Clan seeker of the sun
Sex female
Age twenty-six
Nameday 11th sun of the 2nd umbral Moon
Deity oschon
Sexuality: grey-romantic, heterosexual
Occupation dancer, beastly bounty hunter, and occasional information broker
Height five fulm, one ilm
Weight ~125 ponz

General ➴

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Proin iaculis ante ac libero congue pulvinar. Vivamus blandit dictum lectus, ut laoreet metus interdum non. Maecenas pretium blandit massa, et mattis nisi euismod ullamcorper. Suspendisse facilisis, mi eu porta malesuada, odio velit rutrum quam, eget iaculis nunc risus vitae sapien. Quisque nec ex gravida, sagittis turpis sed, finibus metus. Donec a libero sem. Fusce fermentum ultrices est a lobortis. Ut et felis gravida, dictum est et, pulvinar dui. Integer sodales, metus at lacinia mattis, enim elit semper mauris, vitae lacinia tellus magna et nisl. Aliquam suscipit tellus ut libero tempor volutpat. Proin ac sem orci. Duis vestibulum convallis neque, molestie tincidunt nibh pretium ac.

Clothing ➴

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Proin iaculis ante ac libero congue pulvinar. Vivamus blandit dictum lectus, ut laoreet metus interdum non. Maecenas pretium blandit massa, et mattis nisi euismod ullamcorper. Suspendisse facilisis, mi eu porta malesuada, odio velit rutrum quam, eget iaculis nunc risus vitae sapien. Quisque nec ex gravida, sagittis turpis sed, finibus metus. Donec a libero sem. Fusce fermentum ultrices est a lobortis. Ut et felis gravida, dictum est et, pulvinar dui. Integer sodales, metus at lacinia mattis, enim elit semper mauris, vitae lacinia tellus magna et nisl. Aliquam suscipit tellus ut libero tempor volutpat. Proin ac sem orci. Duis vestibulum convallis neque, molestie tincidunt nibh pretium ac.

Voice ➴

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Proin iaculis ante ac libero congue pulvinar. Vivamus blandit dictum lectus, ut laoreet metus interdum non. Maecenas pretium blandit massa, et mattis nisi euismod ullamcorper. Suspendisse facilisis, mi eu porta malesuada, odio velit rutrum quam, eget iaculis nunc risus vitae sapien. Quisque nec ex gravida, sagittis turpis sed, finibus metus. Donec a libero sem. Fusce fermentum ultrices est a lobortis. Ut et felis gravida, dictum est et, pulvinar dui. Integer sodales, metus at lacinia mattis, enim elit semper mauris, vitae lacinia tellus magna et nisl. Aliquam suscipit tellus ut libero tempor volutpat. Proin ac sem orci. Duis vestibulum convallis neque, molestie tincidunt nibh pretium ac.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Proin iaculis ante ac libero congue pulvinar. Vivamus blandit dictum lectus, ut laoreet metus interdum non. Maecenas pretium blandit massa, et mattis nisi euismod ullamcorper. Suspendisse facilisis, mi eu porta malesuada, odio velit rutrum quam, eget iaculis nunc risus vitae sapien. Quisque nec ex gravida, sagittis turpis sed, finibus metus. Donec a libero sem. Fusce fermentum ultrices est a lobortis. Ut et felis gravida, dictum est et, pulvinar dui. Integer sodales, metus at lacinia mattis, enim elit semper mauris, vitae lacinia tellus magna et nisl. Aliquam suscipit tellus ut libero tempor volutpat. Proin ac sem orci. Duis vestibulum convallis neque, molestie tincidunt nibh pretium ac.

Mauris cursus iaculis iaculis. Maecenas posuere eget mauris ut tempus. Nam faucibus id sapien vel dictum. Phasellus eu laoreet felis. Ut ultricies aliquet tortor eget pellentesque. Curabitur consequat tempus ornare. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus consequat auctor erat ut tempus. Cras nec pharetra diam. Vestibulum tellus lectus, vehicula eu justo id, dapibus semper massa. Donec venenatis, eros id egestas rutrum, odio quam fermentum turpis, ac porttitor erat justo id neque. Suspendisse et sem a risus dictum accumsan id vel lectus. Nunc aliquam metus eu urna consectetur mollis. Donec suscipit dictum gravida.


sweet foods


enclosed spaces
hot weather
killing for sport
relying on others


Alignment: chaotic neutral
Faults: too independent, chronic liar
Favorite Flavors: lavender, strawberry, mint
Favorite Color: purple

Backstory ➴

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae pharetra enim. Proin iaculis ante ac libero congue pulvinar. Vivamus blandit dictum lectus, ut laoreet metus interdum non. Maecenas pretium blandit massa, et mattis nisi euismod ullamcorper. Suspendisse facilisis, mi eu porta malesuada, odio velit rutrum quam, eget iaculis nunc risus vitae sapien. Quisque nec ex gravida, sagittis turpis sed, finibus metus. Donec a libero sem. Fusce fermentum ultrices est a lobortis. Ut et felis gravida, dictum est et, pulvinar dui. Integer sodales, metus at lacinia mattis, enim elit semper mauris, vitae lacinia tellus magna et nisl. Aliquam suscipit tellus ut libero tempor volutpat. Proin ac sem orci. Duis vestibulum convallis neque, molestie tincidunt nibh pretium ac.

Mauris cursus iaculis iaculis. Maecenas posuere eget mauris ut tempus. Nam faucibus id sapien vel dictum. Phasellus eu laoreet felis. Ut ultricies aliquet tortor eget pellentesque. Curabitur consequat tempus ornare. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus consequat auctor erat ut tempus. Cras nec pharetra diam. Vestibulum tellus lectus, vehicula eu justo id, dapibus semper massa. Donec venenatis, eros id egestas rutrum, odio quam fermentum turpis, ac porttitor erat justo id neque. Suspendisse et sem a risus dictum accumsan id vel lectus. Nunc aliquam metus eu urna consectetur mollis. Donec suscipit dictum gravida.

Donec a sem convallis tortor ornare semper. Nunc ullamcorper, enim nec tempor convallis, urna lorem sodales justo, placerat gravida ligula eros ut nisi. Ut ut mi et lectus porttitor convallis. Sed malesuada massa eget odio auctor fermentum. Integer non lobortis ex, et efficitur arcu. Praesent porttitor, sapien eget cursus imperdiet, metus ipsum accumsan ligula, nec luctus magna metus sed enim. Nam consequat lectus et nunc tempus, a ornare urna accumsan. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam vel cursus nisl. Pellentesque ac lobortis ante, eu euismod lacus. Maecenas mollis at est sed pellentesque. Mauris felis odio, maximus id quam non, congue porttitor leo. Pellentesque luctus vulputate nisi eget tempus. Nulla posuere at massa at vulputate. Sed ac metus id sapien gravida dictum ut pharetra eros.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi nulla lectus, volutpat sed turpis ut, sagittis dignissim turpis. In viverra justo vitae nisl pellentesque, at fermentum diam elementum. Curabitur dictum libero sed massa pretium aliquet. Suspendisse fringilla iaculis condimentum. Nunc at feugiat metus. Duis sit amet finibus ex. Aliquam porttitor ut erat quis porttitor. Phasellus et tristique justo. Ut aliquet varius varius. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer posuere id felis eget cursus. Nam dictum enim hendrerit ex porta faucibus. Fusce eget diam lectus.

Mauris vel enim mollis, ultrices dolor eu, molestie ante. Nunc odio lacus, molestie a dictum vel, fermentum nec quam. Vestibulum a vehicula diam, ac accumsan tellus. Suspendisse faucibus tortor non orci aliquam, ac dapibus augue eleifend. Quisque nec mauris nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut mattis tellus sit amet mi facilisis, at malesuada tellus facilisis. Nullam malesuada nec libero quis egestas. Phasellus a nulla sit amet ipsum fermentum cursus vitae sit amet sapien. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur eget dui elementum, congue orci in, pretium dolor. Suspendisse potenti.



¿ complicated
former love
out of contact


For a time, Lin was convinced her tribe had been spirited away by the elementals of the Shroud. However, recently she's begun to suspect something entirely different occurred, and no longer believes her entire tribe to be dead like she had thought. There are, of course, other Puk tribes out there, who could be distantly related.

Q’lhigo Nunh ( ) - Father
Lin's father and the last nunh of her tribe, Lin had a good relationship with him. He was one of the first to encourage her to spread her wings and experience what the world had to offer. She misses him dearly.
Q’lokho Lahwi ( ) - Mother
Lin's mother, and the woman who taught her everything she knows about the forest and hunting. She also taught Lin what little knowledge the huntress knows about herbs. Initially quite hesitant about Lin's desire to leave the tribe, eventually she was able to be convinced that this is what her daughter truly wanted. Lin is grateful to her for everything she taught her.


Lin has a hard time making friends. Due to her wanderlust, she hardly stays in one place for too long and when she inevitably moves on, loses contact with most she has grown close to. But sometimes, there are certain people who withstand her fickle nature.


People Lin has met on her travels, who she enjoys the company of in moderate doses.

Killian Waltz ( ¿ )
Having met Killian initially at Buscarron's Druthers in the Shroud while the man was still taking care of his twins, Lin quickly grew to be fond of the father who only wanted the best for his kids. She wanted to support him, though knowing the man would likely not accept charity, she proceeded to commission him for medicines that she couldn't make for herself, but could gather the supplies for. A series of unfortunate events would have the pair relying on each other to take care of the other, and eventually Lin moving into the man's house for some time to help him with daily tasks.

After a night spent together indulging in their more base needs, things got complicated between the two. Killian still loving his ex-wife, and Lin slowly growing more fond of the man, more than she should have. This culminated in her admitting her feelings for him, and resolving to move out of his house finally to give them both space to consider these feelings. Things took a turn for the worse when, while under scrutiny from his friends, Lin was caught in a lie by Killian, and going so far as to include him in it. Despite

Still, despite his trust in her being broken, he put himself at risk to rescue her after a near-death experience in Coerthas that was entirely her own fault. Though rather than stay at Killian's, she spent this time healing at the Fane in Gridania. Some unkind words to Bonnebell during this time has her relationship with Killian strained even more despite her apology to the woman shortly after. Despite all of this, she still has feelings for the hyur, and hopes that she can rebuild the relationship they once had.



The first of Killian's friends that Lin has met, she initially didn't care too much for the woman. Having met her shortly after Killian had been injured doing a job involving her, that had in fact strained the relationship between her and Killian, Lin wasn't entirely convinced the woman had Killian's best interests in mind. Though after talking with her more over the course of time, she quite likes the woman and hopes that someday soon she could be considered a friend.



Gaspard Haurtefert ( )
Primrose's boyfriend, Lin has no real reason to dislike Gaspard, save for the time he made a mess of Killian's kitchen. She actually finds the man to be quite interesting, even if he's quiet most of the time. The only time he's spoken to her was when he was frustrated with her attitude, and she actually appreciates how honest and blunt he was in that time. Though she's still not entirely sure how she feels about the man, she's curious to know more.



Orabon Cloudfist ( )
An Ala Mhigan Fist of Rhalgr, Orabon has been quick to find his place among the people Lin would put her trust in. Having only been known to the miqo'te in passing, she's recently gotten to know the man as he's been teaching her some techniques for how to balance herself after losing her tail. She admires his strength and perserverance, and is a bit envious of his motivation for always striving to improve himself, for himself. She hopes that someday they might be able to share a battlefield together, and that she might also learn to live life for herself instead of for others.



X'zhai Kotodama ( )
A member of the Kotodama clan that Lin works for, she's recently asked the ginger miqo'te for help in teaching her how to dance as a form of combat. While they haven't started practicing yet, she's excited to start working with him, and perhaps getting to know him better than she currently does.




Sometimes, despite her best efforts to stay in touch, there are those people who just end up phasing out of her life. As much as she dislikes it happening, she feels that it's almost inevitable with everyone she meets.

Bonnebell Arseneaud ( )
Frankly, Lin doesn't care too much for the woman Killian considers his closest friend. Despite the woman's best attempts at befriending Lin, the miqo'te has only continued to put up wall after wall to deter her. When Bonnebell attempted to give Lin a gift, a necklace with a pearl charm for protection, Lin only returned it to her and insisted she didn't deserve something like that. Their next meeting ended even worse, with Lin calling Bonnebell a liar and insisting that her kindness was all just an act to make people like her, that she had ulterior motives and was only trying to make people like her so that she could use them. Eventually, Lin did apologize for what she had said, even going so far as to give her a linkpearl to contact her with. But Lin is still wary and distrustful of Bonnebell, and considers the woman her rival when it comes to Killian (though she would never admit this out loud).


A silver chain, from which hangs a pearl pendant. It was claimed to be a general protection charm, and she had created it after hearing about Lin's Coerthas trip from Killian. Shortly after accepting the necklace, Lin returned it to Bonnebell and claimed that she didn't deserve it. She's unsure the current whereabouts of it, and isn't even sure if she would accept it were she offered it again.


(easy to overhear)
- "Sometimes you can find her drinking a hard cider at Buscarron's. Always cider."
- "She can be found drinking and telling hunting stories in the Quicksand most evenings."


(moderately difficult to overhear)
- "I swear I've seen her dancing out in Pearl Lane. Maybe she has a sister?"
- "You know the clan hunt board in Ishgard? She hangs around there for the new bills to be posted."


(very difficult or rarely overheard)
- "A couple of folks say that if you ask the dancing girls in Ruby Road about a woman named 'Lark', they'll set up a meeting time."
- "That woman... she's been caught speaking different languages without even batting an eye! Some of those languages I don't even know the name of."


(rumors from the characters of other players)

Notes ➴


In-Game ➴

Balmung Server
EST / NYC Time
Discord: Kaylen#2861

Outgoing Links ➴


Template Bancroft Gairn
Layout reference D'lyhhia Lhuil
Other fiddling Misik'a Rahsi