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<div align=justify><div style="padding:0px 10px; font-size:16px;color:#8c7a64;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;border-bottom:1px;border-bottom:1px dotted;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-variant: small-caps;"><center>'''Seventh Umbral Era'''</center></div></div>
<div align=justify><div style="padding:0px 10px; font-size:16px;color:#8c7a64;font-family:Georgia;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver;border-bottom:1px;border-bottom:1px dotted;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-variant: small-caps;"><center>'''Seventh Umbral Era'''</center></div></div>
<div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#97857b;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-variant: small-caps;"><b>Adulthood</b></div>
<div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:13px; color:#97857b;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;font-variant: small-caps;"><b>Adulthood</b></div>
: <div style="font-family:Georgia;color:#3d342a;"><font size="2">From her thirteenth nameday onward, Helionne's life changed in a whirlwind flurry of activity. Days that had been filled with scrapping and fighting were filled with sparring and training. The sword, the bow, the spear, tactics, theology, purpose and drive were all hammered into the girl by Verreux. She learned the tenants of the Fury, and spent a year studying at the Scholasticate, refining her education, as well as learning all of the various and sundry that a Temple Knight would need to survival in upper class Ishgardian society. Most importantly, she met a young man very close to her own age, who would be her primary source of support among the other wards of the house: Ardenant Blackstone, another bastard child that had ended up a ward of the house, and much like her, a squire to one of the lords of the house.<br><br>Ardenant and Helionne were close, but it was much less in the manner that siblings might be close, and more akin to a childhood crush, or a passing summer's love between youths. Ardenant was three years older, and made it to knighthood in full just before the events of the Calamity. He was on the other side of the wall when the Calamity struck, and after the glacial shift occurred, Helionne had to admit that he had likely died during the events that changed the face of their homeland.<br><br>In the wake of the Calamity, after the loss of the boy she had come to care for so deeply and with Ishgard more isolated from the rest of Eorzea, Helionne continued her training with Verreux, eventually moving in the ranks from squire, to finally being knighted just a little after her nineteenth nameday, on the fourth anniversary of Ardenant's disappearance. Though she hadn't had the opportunity to serve for long, she found herself scrabbling in the ranks as a knight much the same way she had at the orphanage, on an unending quest to prove herself to her peers. <br><br> Helionne eventually found herself moving among circles that were prominently nobility, and for a time, she looked in the face of every noblewoman she met for some resemblance, seeking out the mother she'd never had, either growing up, or in House Clarant. Two years later, she gave up trying, determining that it no longer mattered, not after everything she'd seen during her time as a Knight. Her assignments ranged from the simple and local duties inside Ishgard, to assignments at outposts and smaller outlying villages that almost, but didn't quite survive either the Calamity, or more recent dragon attacks. The more time passed, the more she realized that even all of the skills she'd gained couldn't help her protect her home. She needed something more, and so when the gates of Ishgard opened, she begged off leave, and began traveling, with the intention to find a way to enhance her skills and abilities, to better defend her people against the Dravanian Horde.</font></div><br>
: <div style="font-family:Georgia;color:#3d342a;"><font size="2">From her thirteenth nameday onward, Helionne's life changed in a whirlwind flurry of activity. Days that had been filled with scrapping and fighting were filled with sparring and training. The sword, the bow, the spear, tactics, theology, purpose and drive were all hammered into the girl by Verreux. She learned the tenants of the Fury, and spent a year studying at the Scholasticate, refining her education, as well as learning all of the various and sundry that a Temple Knight would need to survival in upper class Ishgardian society. Most importantly, she met a young man very close to her own age, who would be her primary source of support among the other wards of the house: Ardenant Gevair, another bastard child that had ended up a ward of the house, and much like her, a squire to one of the lords of the house.<br><br>Ardenant and Helionne were close, despite the three year age gap between them. Once Helionne was of age, the two were wed in a private ceremony, a kind of binding promise that would be fulfilled once they were both fully Knighted. He was on the other side of the wall when the Calamity struck, and after the glacial shift occurred, Helionne had to admit that he had likely died during the events that changed the face of their homeland.<br><br>In the wake of the Calamity, after the loss of her husband and with Ishgard more isolated from the rest of Eorzea, Helionne continued her training with Verreux, eventually moving in the ranks from squire, to finally being knighted just a little after her nineteenth nameday, on the fourth anniversary of Ardenant's disappearance. Though she hadn't had the opportunity to serve for long, she found herself scrabbling in the ranks as a knight much the same way she had at the orphanage, on an unending quest to prove herself to her peers. <br><br> Helionne eventually found herself moving among circles that were prominently nobility, and for a time, she looked in the face of every noblewoman she met for some resemblance, seeking out the mother she'd never had, either growing up, or in House Clarant. Two years later, she gave up trying, determining that it no longer mattered, not after everything she'd seen during her time as a Knight.</font></div><br>

Revision as of 17:55, 23 January 2021

Lioness of Ishgard

Blessed are the peacekeepers, the champions of the just. Blessed are the righteous, the lights in the shadow.

Benedictions 4:10 & 4:11.

Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... El-le-ohn Je-vair.

NICKNAMES... Lio, Lioness, Hellion.

RACE & CLAN... Ishgardian, Elezen.

GENDER... Female.

AGE... 24.

NAMEDAY... 25th Sun, 1st Astral Moon, 1555 S.A.E.

ORIENTATION... Uncertain.


Other Statistics

NATIONALITY... Ishgardian.

CITIZENSHIP... Holy See of Ishgard.

HOUSE... Clarant.

RESIDENCE... Ishgard.

OCCUPATION... Temple Knight.

PATRON DEITY... Halone, the Fury.

HEIGHT... 6 fulms, 3 ilms.

WEIGHT... 161 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Neutral Good.

General Information
Helionne Gevair is an orphan turned Temple Knight of Ishgard. Given up to an orphanage at a very young age, she is the daughter of an illicit union between a low-born knight and a high-born lesser noble. Time, devotion, care and tutelage resulted in the woman she has become today. She is a devout of Halone the Fury, as well as taking quite serious her duties to the Holy See. She currently resides in Ishgard, but has keys to a permanent room in the Lavender Beds, just outside of Gridania proper.
A knight lives to serve, to aid those in need.
Poised, dignified. Left-handed.
Hair & Eyes
Lio's reddish brown hair is often times kept long, pulled back into a single braid down her back. Her eyes are almond shaped, and a deep shade of ocean blue.
Physique & Markings
Standing at 6 fulms, 3 ilms, Helionne has the kind of build that someone would expect from a woman who spends almost all of her time in full plate, and training in the kinds of conditions that any knight would deal with. She cares for herself with a strict regimen of physical training, as good a diet as anyone in Ishgard who isn’t upper nobility can manage, and the usual otherwise slender physique most Elezen seem to share. She is of ‘average height’ for an Elezen female, though ranging a little toward the taller side of things. She has a coppery brown skintone, and while she has managed to avoid amassing any scars that would be visible when she’s fully armored, she has numerous scars and burn marks across the rest of her body, all obtained during training, or while fighting the Horde.
Hygiene & Attire
Despite, or perhaps because of her low-born upbringing, Lio greatly values her cleanliness, and showers or bathes regularly, rarely going to sleep dirty unless she can absolutely help it. Her nails are kept neatly trimmed under her armored gauntlets, and she most frequently smells of the cedar scented products she uses for bathing, or armor polish of some kind. Her care of her hair is incredibly basic, but otherwise, she takes good care of herself, preferring to wear clean clothing when she can, and tending her armor each night that she isn’t forced to sleep inside it. Her formal wear is white leather and ornate plate. When it comes to casual gear, she tends toward leather, or softer fabrics suited for the region she's in at the time.
Psychological Profile
Independent, playful, mellow, cautious. Lionne is what most would describe as a friendly individual, something that most people find unusual given both her Ishgardian upbringing, as well as her orphan origins. Whereas most of her countrymen are stiff, she is very relaxed in most respects. Her mannerisms and tone are usually warm, or at the very least, polite, even to those she's unfamiliar with. Like anyone, she has things which frustrate her easily, but she's usually very difficult to rattle.

Despite her warmth and playfulness, she has a caution about her brought on by her years in the Brume. She tends to keep much about her moods and emotions tucked away safely where they won't be scrutinized by others, though when someone manages to push past the walls she has put up, reading her is simple, and she appears much more open.

She likes to consider herself open-minded, despite her upbringing, or perhaps because of her upbringing. She acknowledges the pitfalls of the choices that the Holy See has made, and the way that these choices have impacted the society she has pledged herself to protect, but does her best to be optimistic when interacting with the people of Ishgard, no matter how despairing the situation might seem. She has no particular love or disdain for the ruling class, regardless of the way in which those of her upbringing and origin are generally treated there. She is sometimes afforded less respect than some of the other Temple Knights because of her status as a bastard daughter, and because of the scandal that her existence has caused her mother.

Much of her positive outlook in life was afforded to her by her years as a ward in House Clarant, prior to her knighting. She wasn't the only ward of the house, and her 'shield-siblings' gave her the affection she lacked in her earlier years in the orphanage. These experiences have helped to shape the woman she has become, and the kind of woman she wants to be in the future.
Lionne's voice is higher in pitch, but still warm in tone. She speaks with a very distinctively Ishgardian accent, that slightly haughty tone that many of them are affected with, but without the usual bite one might hear when a noble speaks. She enunciates her words very carefully, taking great pains not to slur her speech, though the more excited she is, the less carefully spoken she is.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
When it comes to philosophy, Helionne’s beliefs are mired in with the religious foundation under which she was raised, combined with the shattering way that her beliefs have recently been dashed with the truth of the origins of her country revealed as they were. In terms of personal philosophy, she has a very strict set of beliefs that govern her life, though, unlike those who follow a path of zealotry, she doesn’t permit her beliefs to prevent her from growing and changing as an individual.

She’s still quite young, and so in many ways, she’s very much still being molded by the world around her and her interactions with the people she might meet in her travels. Her mannerisms are very disciplined, if not somewhat rigid, and she can be a very obsessive person, preferring to follow the patterns and routines of her life, though that can be attributed more to her life as a soldier than simply her personal beliefs.

She’s a friendly individual at the very least, if rigid in the minor sense that she follows a distinct protocol and holds herself in a very particular way so as to not misrepresent her people or culture, something that is eased as more and more, Ishgard distances itself from its past into a new future.
● Ishgardian Brandy
● Murder Mystery Novels
● Combat Practice
● Halone
● Ishgard
● Chocobos
● Daily Prayers
● Frilly Dresses
● Blue & Teal
● Plushies
● Organization
● Karakul
● Snow
● Dragons
● Garleans
● Dravanians
● Nidhogg
● Fish
● Pastel Green
● Laziness
● Messiness
● Sabotenders
● Oversleeping
● Snow
● Swordplay
● Lances
● Reading
● Tactics
● Singing

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry
Basic Statistics
High: Endurance, Willpower
Above Average: Intelligence, Strength
Average: Dexterity, Wisdom
Low: Aether, Charisma
Aetheric Abilities
High: None
Above Average: None
Average: None
Low: None
Weapon Training
High: Swordplay, Sword & shield
Above Average: Polearms
Average: Archery, Hand-to-hand
Low/None: Axes, Firearms, Staves
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Athletics
Above Average: Acrobatics, Riding
Average: Field medicine
Low: None
Non-Combat Abilities
Echo: The Echo is an ability that some individuals possess. Those that have been 'gifted' have the ability to resonate with other people's souls. This permits them to see their past, albeit not able to interfere or change it. As a side effect, the Echo also seems to prevent it's user from being tempered by the Primals. In Helionne this ability also grants her the limited understanding of numerous languages
Combat Abilities
Weapon Proficiencies: Helionne has been training as a Knight of Ishgard since she was fairly young, becoming squired at age 13, and brawling in the Brume prior to that. She has some minor skill at hand-to-hand combat, considerable skill with polearms, and she can wield most blades in her hand with great proficiency, though she shows greater talent and skill with a single sword and shield than she does a two-handed blade. She's also skilled with archery as anyone who fights dragons might need to be, and has almost no skill with any firearms, though she is capable of operating a Dragonkiller if necessary.
OOC Note
When it comes to unavoidable combat RP, I'm willing to go with either Dice, or Freeform, depending on player preference.

Disclaimer: This history is a work in progress.
Sixth Astral Era
Helionne Gevair is the daughter of a noblewoman of a lesser house, and a lowborn knight that was in service to House Dzamel. A scandal from the moment of her conception, Helionne was born a month premature, and her life nearly ended before it began. As the product of an indiscretion that was made somewhat public, she was cast into an orphanage just a few months after her birth, forced to be given up as a 'punishment' for his wife's indiscretion. And though her step-father meant her no ill will, neither would he suffer the product of his wife’s disloyalty to live in his home nor linger in their lives. And so, without a name and without a place, ‘the bastard’s daughter’ was abandoned to whatever her eventual fate would be.

Early life for the young elezen girl was complicated in all of the ways that any orphans life might be complicated - a lack of food and education, striving to find a home that would take her in despite her lineage, scrapping and fighting in the streets of the Brume, and the constant threat of dragon attacks looming in the distance. Her early life didn't have many noteworthy occurrences, though she did have a history of scrapping with children that were older than her, particularly when they were picking on the children younger than her.

Constant fights and scuffles had earned her a nickname, and though the individuals at the orphanage often tried to give her different names, she refused to answer to them for one reason or another. Eventually, one nickname, given to her by an adult admonishing her for her behavior, struck on what would eventually become her identity - Hellion.

Errant Youth
Her history of fighting didn't stop as she moved past the cusp of childhood and into her early adult years. In fact, it was a chance fight that introduced her to the man that would change her life: Verreux Clarant, a Temple Knight of the Holy See. Finding her protecting a smaller child behind her, the man broke up the argument between the young girl and the three older children she was holding off from the youth behind her. Though only the Fury knows what he saw in her, Verreux broke up the fight, sending the children scattering. Everyone, of course, except for the Hellion. Verreux inquired her name, and past her split lip and swollen cheek, she proclaimed the title that she'd been given - Hellion. He smiled, and corrected her in a gentle but firm way that would change her life forever. Not Hellion. Helionne. A lioness protecting others. When the stoic and quietly serious man offered her a place to belong in his house as a ward, and a position as a squire, it took less than a day for Helionne to decide.
Seventh Umbral Era
From her thirteenth nameday onward, Helionne's life changed in a whirlwind flurry of activity. Days that had been filled with scrapping and fighting were filled with sparring and training. The sword, the bow, the spear, tactics, theology, purpose and drive were all hammered into the girl by Verreux. She learned the tenants of the Fury, and spent a year studying at the Scholasticate, refining her education, as well as learning all of the various and sundry that a Temple Knight would need to survival in upper class Ishgardian society. Most importantly, she met a young man very close to her own age, who would be her primary source of support among the other wards of the house: Ardenant Gevair, another bastard child that had ended up a ward of the house, and much like her, a squire to one of the lords of the house.

Ardenant and Helionne were close, despite the three year age gap between them. Once Helionne was of age, the two were wed in a private ceremony, a kind of binding promise that would be fulfilled once they were both fully Knighted. He was on the other side of the wall when the Calamity struck, and after the glacial shift occurred, Helionne had to admit that he had likely died during the events that changed the face of their homeland.

In the wake of the Calamity, after the loss of her husband and with Ishgard more isolated from the rest of Eorzea, Helionne continued her training with Verreux, eventually moving in the ranks from squire, to finally being knighted just a little after her nineteenth nameday, on the fourth anniversary of Ardenant's disappearance. Though she hadn't had the opportunity to serve for long, she found herself scrabbling in the ranks as a knight much the same way she had at the orphanage, on an unending quest to prove herself to her peers.

Helionne eventually found herself moving among circles that were prominently nobility, and for a time, she looked in the face of every noblewoman she met for some resemblance, seeking out the mother she'd never had, either growing up, or in House Clarant. Two years later, she gave up trying, determining that it no longer mattered, not after everything she'd seen during her time as a Knight.

In Recent Times
Moving Forward
Helionne's travels brought her to the Ul'dah region, and a chance happening upon a flyer in the Quicksand eventually led her to the home of the collective group known as Artifice of Reason. It didn't take much prompting for the group to accept Helionne as hired muscle, and she worked with the company, providing protection services to the researchers in the group when necessary, and otherwise working on self-study and self-improvement.

After an encounter with their 'Den-mother' calling in a favor and effectively tying Lio's hands while she was attempting to help another individual in the company by tying her up in legality to permit the commission of a crime that was committed in aid of another in the company, Helionne realized that she could no longer keep to her vows as a Temple Knight if she stayed with Artifice. She tendered her immediate resignation, and moved on from the group, taking a brief sabbatical to return to Ishgard upon the return of Nidhogg.

Helionne was gravely injured during the attack, and has spent the last few months in Gridania, being tended by chirurgeons and conjurers attempting to get her past her injuries. She suffered a fall that led to partial paralyzation when she fell from the claws of a dragon that had lifted her off the bridge at the Steps of Faith during the conflict. The impact nearly severed her spine, and with aid and extensive rest, she's been learning to once again walk. Though she still serves as a Temple Knight, she has been working more recently with lances and jumps, to ensure that even should such a thing occur in the future, she would be better equipped to handle such a fall. Her training comes from a retired Dragoon no longer in service to the Holy See.

Relationship Status Legend

Verreux Clarant ( )
Adoptive Guardian
The closest thing to a father that Helionne has, Verreux is the lord of House Clarant, a Temple Knight himself, and served as both her legal guardian until she was of age, as well as being her mentor and friend. The relationship between the two is exceptionally good, and Helionne has great respect for the man, valuing his insight, wisdom, experience, and even his oft times poor sense of humor.
Iadrianne Moneaux ( )
Birth Mother
Helionne is unaware of who her birth mother is, only knowing that she was an Ishgardian noblewoman of enough standing for her birth to have been a scandal because of her infidelity to her husband.
Drallont Greystone( )
Birth Father
Helionne never knew her birth father, not even his name, except knowing that he was the one responsible for the chocobo plush that she keeps with her. Unknown to her, she is steadily following in his footsteps, as he wasn't far from being pledged as a Temple Knight before his indiscretion was made public.
Ardenant Gevair( )
Ardenant was her first love, and he and Helionne were wed as soon as they came of age. They had been wed for only a short time when the Calamity, and subsequent freezing of Coerthas, claimed his life.

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"The Hellion? She was a handful. Drove her minders at the orphanage near mad, she did." — Brume Resident.
"She stuck up for me, took a black eye for me, too. I heard she left, became someone important." — Brume Resident.
"Never seen someone so interested in murder mysteries, bought out every book I had!" — Ul'dah Bookseller.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"They say that she and that other knight were getting awfully close. Didn't they get married? Bah, can't remember." — Forgotten Knight Patron.
"Always asks for the same thing, a cup of strong tea and a muffin with sweet butter." — House Clarant Chef.
"You can find her sometimes, near the entrance to Snowcloak, staring up at the ice wall." — Whitebrim Soldier.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Helionne? She was a handful in her youth. She's a handful now that she is an adult, as well, but the girl means well in her heart. I'm proud to have seen her to the rank of Knight." — Verreux Clarant.
"That child? Our relationship is not that close, she is much closer to my husband. If she had asked, we would have adopted her, but she never mentioned it, not once." — Lady Lilinette Clarant.
"It's a shame that Ardenant vanished when he did. It seems like she never mourned, but I treated her for a time after his death. Heartsickness is just as real as anything else, I tell you." — House Clarant Chirurgeon.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

RP Info
Location & Probability
Now that the gates of Ishgard have been opened, Helionne ventures outside of the Coerthas region much more frequently, though she still travels to some places very rarely.
Ishgard: High
Coerthas: High
Mor Dhona: High-Moderate
Dravania: High-Moderate
Ul'dah: Moderate
Thanalan: Moderate
The Shroud: Moderate-Low
Gridania: Moderate-Low
Limsa Lominsa: Low
La Noscea: Low
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
Holy See of Ishgard: Temple Knight of Ishgard, Inactive Status.
Gridania: A temporary ward under care of Conjurers.
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Glio coinpurse.png Glio knife.png Linkpearlicon.png Sackicon.png Glio journal.png Glio quill.png Inkpot.png Glio rations.png

Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing a few hundred gil.
Belt Knife: A plain knife used for utility.
Linkpearls: Helionne has three different linkpearls that she uses at various times. One of them is for her business contacts with Artifice of Reason, another connects her to a superior officer in Ishgard, and the third one she uses to keep in contact with her mentor.
Leather Satchel: A leather satchel that Helionne keeps on her belt. It contains only a few things, and goes with her almost everywhere.
Travel Rations: These rations are wrapped tightly and tied off in parchment paper, and are a mixed of dried meat, grains and meal, and dried fruits, enhanced with an alchemical concoction to preserve it for longer journeys.
Journal: A travelers journal, quill and ink pot. The journal has various notations about locales all over Eorzea.
RP Limits
I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios, but even I have my limits. If something is on the play list, assume it means yes, as long as it's within the context of the current play or ongoing plot. No's are typically a hard no, and it means don't ask.
I will play all RP themes from dark, serious and mature (violence, sexuality, torture, murder, conflict, drug / alcohol use) to the more light-hearted, humorous and simplistic, as long as it makes sense in the course of the RP. Plots that range from long-term to one-shots, elaborate and large-scale to minor and frivolous. Serious injury. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary captivity or imprisonment. Combat, ambushes, assassination attempts, rivalries, friendships, romantic or sexual tension, coarse language and morally unclear subjects are all welcomed.
Ask about mutilation, permanent scarring or symbolic markings, long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment. Temporary character death. Significant mental tampering or programming. Anything dramatically character-changing or that might render her unplayable for a prolonged period of time.
I won't play permanent character death (except when it makes sense for the character). Permanent maiming or any crippling that prevents her from functioning independently. Random ERP that occurs outside of organic interactions.
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
■ Helionne is a currently inactive status member of the Temple Knights of Ishgard.
■ She was present at the Final Steps of Faith confrontation.
■ She has been in Gridania for the last few months recovering from injuries sustained during the fighting.

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely, if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ No changes.
Miscellaneous Information
Helionne is a creation of a warped mind on too much coffee. Aspects and concepts that are part of her are inspired from a number of different sources: Cassandra Pentaghast (Dragon Age), Cullen (Dragon Age) Jeanne d'Arc (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel), Lenneth Valkyrie (Valkyrie Profile), Eowyn (Lord of the Rings), and more. Vocally, she sounds like Leliana (Dragon Age).
Server: Balmung
Timezone: US Player; CST (UTC -6)
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Tumblr - Ishgardian Lioness
■ XIV:CS - Helionne
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe my character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Trope Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés.


Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on June 2nd, 2016.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.