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:<span style="color:#C24640"><span style="font-size: medium">● </span></span><span style="font-size: medium;  text-align: -webkit-center"><span style="font-size:small">'''Text 1''' – Text 2 

Revision as of 05:49, 28 June 2015




Standard Equipment


Profile Pic 2.png








Natural Abilities

Aetheric Abilities

Weapon Training




  • Voidtouched - Unable to focus clearly around void touched beings. No white magicks or elixirs have had any healing effect to cure it.
💘 Crush 💗 Sexual Desire In love with 💑 In a relationship Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing
Ffxiv 08252014 205209.png

Usual Gossip

  • Baderon Tenfingers, taverner of the Drowning Wench: "Eh, Menelwen? Yea, she used to work here about...oh, dammit. It's been a while. Least twelve or more moons. You know if she's lookin' to get back to work here?"
  • S'dhodjbi, waitress of the Drowning Wench: "Oh! Mene! Yea, she used to work here all the time, but then she picked work up elsewhere. Unfortunate...she used to share her tips with me."
  • Drunk Patron: "He...hehehe...aye, 'ol knife ears 'er could serve me ANY day!"
  • Limsan Merchant: "Aye! Have good business with that lass. One of my regulars."
  • Serpent Sergeant Ganathain:: "Veara? She's a different woman in and out of uniform. I'm thankful that it is not I who she hunts within Coerthas' cruel weather."

Bought Information

  • Shaddy Tradesmen: "That elf ain't nuthin' more than misplaced goods."
  • Gegeruju: "Forty-three, forty-four...ah yes! Forty-five gil pieces, all here. Now, to answer your delightful question...yes, the Elezen did partake in my company for many a sun, though it was not a permanent visit. Shame, too. She had the most wonderful laugh."
  • Lufrid Silverscream: "..If you're after coin, I've more than plenty to spare. But don't take this job on a mere whim, for I'll gut you if you try and weasel out of your word."

Whispers in the Dark

  • Pfaranka, Captain of the Wandering Anchor: "I swear I've seen 'er before, moons ago...wasn't she the gal who we fished up from the waters?"
  • Tadao: "She did not complete the mission she was given. Her blade did not drink Kin's lifeblood. She knows the cost that shall be paid...contact Silver."

PC Rumors (Add your own!)

* "'Wen's been blessed with a strong arm, a fast wit, and a kind heart, and when she's around, we are blessed to be near her." - Daghbheri Himalspyr
* "Miss Veara is a smart and charming woman. She exudes positive influence, a loss for those who distance themselves from her." - Alexander Stormwind
  • Note: First, the below passages contain mature content. This includes blood, violence, and language. Second, a majority of this RP is taken from chat logs, so there may be certain grammar, spelling, and present tense/past tense issues that I haven't taken the time to clean up yet, so please try and ignore any mistakes you may find. I promise, I'll get around to fixing them eventually.


A Realm Reborn: Fragmented Memories

Gone, but not Forgotten. Show text

Silver Dreams. Show text

Broken Wing. Show text

Heavensward: Of Dragons & Demons

  • Server: Balmung
  • Timezone: Central
  • Character Alignment: Good Neutral
  • Character Inspirations:
  • Ideal Actor:
  • Ideal Voice Actor:
  • Notes: I'm open for any kind of RP; free form, scripted, forum, anything! I'm always up for expanding Menelwen's RP network, so if you have an itch to meet her, or even have an idea where her character would be a good fit in a plot you are currently in, please do not hesitate to message me! I'm not against perma-death, but it would have to be a decently long storyline for that to be the outcome, and it would need my approval before it happened. Simply message me and we can talk if you have any inquiries.
On a side note; yes, I am Menelwen from Guild Wars 2's server Tarnished Coast and I am the same Menelwen from World of Warcraft's server Wyrmrest Accord.