Minox Moks

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 'Captain' Minox Moks
"Ya all are nuttahs...nothin' but nuttahs."
The Drunken Lotus
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Othard
Age 24
Current Aliases Rakiru Kha (male), Kikusui Mizuhiki (Raen female)
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Status Single


Minox, glamoured as a male

Minox Moks was actually born female. Though as she grew, she accidentally heard a argument from her parents. Her father wanted a son, not wanting his sol daughter to infiltrate other tribes. He found it far to dangerous for her and was protective. She growled, feeling she was as good as any man. She always had a passion for chemical reactions. She began to study hard then discovered the interesting concept of glamours. Usually they were to mask clothing but learned at a young age how to change her body for temporary times as long as she kept reusing the crystal. She worked hard making what she thought was the perfect looking male. Later she masked her death then stepped in as Minox. Her mother full of grief of her daughter happily 'adopted' Minox. Later her mother had a boy which she named Khai.

As Minox grew up she became more tomboyish. She loved adventure and danger. She inflitrated Kha and marveled over all she learned as a young Mok. She quickly gathered notes on each race all she could as well as the Kha tribe. Later adapting it and wishing to bring her family to a current era, she became a lightening wrangler. Hunting storms at full force while collecting the lightning for resale. She mastered creation of a container to hold the dangerous substance. She would sell this energy to plants that would create light for cities or to budding mages and alchemists. As she herself would tinker away with her chemicals. Hearing wind that the gates have opened and they could enter the mysterious Eorzea.

She happily was going to leave though when she went home was shocked to see the tribe on fire. Dragons sweeping in and attacking all. Her little brother, armed with a bow, struggling to save all he could. She crashed her beloved airship into the dragons, knowing the cargo was dangerous. Thankfully as she fell, she landed on a nearby roof and scrambled to grab her own bow. She roared for her brother to get out while he could and they would meet in Eorzea. He tossed her a map and raced out, saving all he could while she raced to find her mother and father. In her mind all she thought was she could be as good as any man. Her aim was good but not as amazing as her brother's. She slashed her way to them as they cried out to her though as she got close, her eyes widen in fear as her own mother and father were torn to shreds infront of her eyes. She crumbled to her knees, feeling she failed as a son and would have died there if it wasn't for another tribe member that called her to her sense.

"A Mok must survive...We are to adapt....We are to take from all and rise above....I ...will rise....." -Minox Moks

"Oh Gods of the Moon! What happened?"

As she landed in Ul'dah, talking to people made her realized she was in the wrong place. She was to meet her brother in Gridania! Socializing with people only gave her a extreme paranoia of women, since so many clung to her arm and flirted with her(since she was glamoured as a male). She also was told that in Ul'dah, someone would steal shoes. Minox loved her clothing! How could anyone be so evil?! Creating anxiety, she pulled away though once in a while she would try to be friendly. Sadly, One day she was sharing a drink with a Black Mage who would kept studding her. The woman commented about Minox's appearance and mentioned she should change. Minox laughed it off, not worried one bit. She had fooled so many for years! The next morning, to her horror, Minox was a woman! She had forgotten what she looked like, so use to the male exterior, that she hid her face. She is still getting use to the body she never wanted as she hides her face that she feels is grotesque.

Current Roleplay Events
As of recently, Minox has found herself chasing around to keep her restaurant in order. Her customers and staff, giving her a run for her gil as she tries to keep order. Never seeming to have a calming day, the woman wonders if this was such a good idea? She has at times debated to toss the place onto her brother's shoulders while she takes on old missions once more that she sorely missed.

Though still wounded and insanely missing Oliver, Steffen has slowly made his way into her heart. The soft spoken man, clearly a opposite of the man she loved. He was no Oliver, yet he had his own gentle charm. His cowardness bringing a chuckle to her lips. In the end, though she told herself to never enter such territory again in fear of the pain, she found herself standing closer to this Elezen. Perhaps it was his innocence that caused her to trust him. She still is unsure the relationship would ever work yet his simple nature was a stable comfort. One she clearly needed and appreciated.

Noteworthy Information
Surprisingly enough, though Nox seems to be a loud, confident woman with a fiery temper, the woman is actually modest in her skills and doesn't think to highly of herself as a person. She is actually Captain of the Lightning Wranglers as well as airship captain. She is harsh with her crew, with a shrewd eye. Regardless of this title and high position, she simply offers the title Engineer to those she meets. Do to the fact that she works along side the crew.
Nox may seem cold to some though warm to others. They must earn the right. Though she does her best not to have her heart on her sleeve. She does have limitations though. She has the mentality for self preservation. Don't expect her to be a hero. She would rather happily point you to the nearest grand company or adventurers guild.
Nox is cautious around Elezens and Miqo'tes, Dealing with Strass, other Elezens', and it would seem Oliver, her ex love was part Elezen/hyur but took the form of a Miqo'te ...she was tired of their ways. She assumes they are just a pretty face and nothing more. Though admits she is strongly attracted to both races over all others.





Moxie prefers to keep her hair down. It would lay flat and lifeless down to almost past her rear, The top of her hair is cropped in layers all around to frame her face. Four long strands flow easily over her shoulders. Two in the front and to long in the back which she has been known to tie in a single ponytail or in pigtails.

She was born with a darken purple shade with shocking bright pink highlights. This hair she would hide during more stealth operations or when she finds herself slipping into Garlean bases to steal parts for her inventions, to avoid being identified.


Moxie's figure is lean and curvy though well toned. She keeps herself modest in clothing to cover the full body tribal tattoos filling her back and flowing over her right arm. A tribal dragon tattoo can be seen in the mix of the decorations to wrap around her arm while resting his head on her shoulder. She enjoys the heavy lifting of her mechanics, so her small frame may have the strength to rival a Roe. Her tail is long, slender and muscular. She has been known to whip and pierce things with the sharp barbs at the end. Usually though, her tail is only used to hold her lunch while she works. Hardly ever used to hurt a person unless its for sparing.


two words: Free-spirited Tsundere.......

◢ L I K E S

Making up games
Dancing and Singing
Nice clothing
Hats (loves this the most)
A good storm
Intelligent conversations
Shiny things
Attracted HIGHLY to Miqo'te male ears
Attracted HIGHLY to Elezen ears and neck

◢ H A T E S

Female dancers- (jealous of how nice they move)
Shoe thieves(loves shoes...and hats)
Someone touching her tools.
Someone disturbing her work.
Maps - Can't seem to navigate right with the damn things.

◢ Talents

Chemical experimentation
Weapon building and repair
Storm chasing
Demolition Specialist
Mechanical repair
Roping random creatures
Plays Harp


Smooth rum
Color: Black
Has a brown fav hat
A well cooked steak


Minox specializes in a two main weapons, claymore and daggers. But her main weapon that opponents underestimate has turned to be her tail. Combination of speed and a whip like tail, have proved to save her more times then she could count. Her tail has become the Swiss army knife for her adventures. From stabbing her foes, to wrapping it around tree limbs to save herself from falling, to helping to scale walls, to picking locks. She doesn't consider herself a warrior, though she tried many times. He strength lies in stealth then frontal assault.

Though learned she does fight better drunk. She admits her weakness to spares or stalking/ informational gathering assignments.

UPDATE: As Rp has developed, Nox has learned she is able to manipulate a specific type of Aether into many forms as well as enhance her own abilities. With enough focus, she not only can sense dark and light aether but able to see through glamours. This must be a side-effect from glamming herself so many times over the years. On her travels, she has learned the ability to manipulate shadow aether. Bending the shadows as a cloak as well as a weapon, to creating doppelgangers. With enough focus, it can be used for disorientation of the individual. She can lightly bend light aether for simple things as illumination, as well as use it to help her pick up speed against her opponents. She has found that when tracking a individual, she is able to use the shadow aether to lift up perhaps the last hour of memories the area remembers. This can explain why she is not a strong upfront warrior and is best to keep to hugging her shadows. Would seem the aether there strengthens her to be almost be mistaken for a voidsent. Both skills though are taxing.

Note: (I rp this using /Random to not make it sound OP. I will roll on success then roll on how taxing it is on her. If the rolls are high she is fine, if low rolls *since I usually roll low* ..they are taxing on her and she will need a break*)


Weapon Specialization Specialized Jobs
■ Traps and Magic Ward dismantling Specialist ■ Drunken Hidden Lotus Fighting Technique
■ Stealth and Tactics Specialist ■ Blacksmith/Weapon Specialist
■ Demolition Specialist ■ Information Specialist
■ Daggers ■ Alchemist/Chemical Specialist
■ Electrical Mantra Manifestation ■ Airship Mechanic/ Engineer
■ Shadow Weaver ■ Glams Specialist(Limits: Can only be Au Ra, Can not change eyes)


Familial Love | Romantically Involved | Romantic Attraction | Platonic Love | Physical Attraction | Friend | Acquaintance | $ Business | Colleague
| Deceased | Positive | Negative | Neutral
| Unsure/Hidden Feelings | Enemy

◢ Family -

Khaidai Moks - Younger Brother

Nox's thoughts: "I love em so much...I wish ta be bettah then em. But GOD'S BLOOD! I would do anehthin' fer em. "
He lovingly named her "Moxi" by combining her name around. Mox loves her brother to the point she wishes to kill him. Regardless of all her threats though, she looks after him, is very protective of her little brother and though tribe states they should go on their own path, the two stick together.

Nox Moks - Twin Brother

Nox's thoughts: "I got a wha?!"
This man appeared out of now where. Sadly at first Nox could not remember the man as he stumbled into their restaurant fire pit and put himself out. Soon after his accounting, Nox learned she had a twin brother. One she thought dead. Their father separating them when they were younger and sliding him to monitor Dothral tribes, while sheltering Nox and Khai to lighter and easier tribe infiltration. Sadly in the end, the man realized he brought his sister and younger brother more pain then happiness with his different upbringing. More brute strength then his siblings' silent hidden infiltration methods. With a heavy heart, he left Minox a note and left. (( OOC Comment: I found this player by accident running around in ul'dah. I'm so happy that we both laughed at the names and decided to make a small IC tie even if it was brief. TY Nox!))

Mellow - Fuzzy Wuzzy Kitty Bitty!

Nox's thoughts: "Meh BABEH! Come ta mummeh..wait wha ya eatin?!"
Mellow is a insanely over weight stray that followed her home after a fishing trip. The woman not only has come to love the cat, but probably has started her crazy cat lady collection with him. He is her love and for now fills the voids in her life while she works. Though the staff and patrons in the Siren and Sage make fun that the floor shakes with this beast of a cat walks, Nox ensures them over and over that its just fluff...ignore the bending floor.

Mirelia Mewrilah - Her Blooming Flower

Nox's thoughts: "Lass...stop spyin' on meh! An' WAIT dun touch THA! SHITE!"

Coming soon...

◢ Friends -

X'ender Link - Best Friend

Nox's thoughts: "Endah...why ya lookin' at meh like tha?"

This woman over time has found a place in Nox's heart. She was gentle and yet just as harsh as Nox. She enjoyed when the woman would show her fire and verbally bash her upside the head. And enjoyed very much to see the woman cuddle her 'Suyi'. She wished the woman happiness where she had failed and appreciated the woman being at her side when she felt alone. At first it was all business but now..this friendship has proven valuable.

Steffen Clauseaux - Kind Adder Courier ♥(?)

Nox's thoughts: " Ya so kind ta meh, so sweet.. Eh an' still ta Naïve fer meh."

Though all her friends vouched for the match, how it was for the best and something different was a good thing! Nox had found herself more disappointed and heart broken then she cared to admit. The man lacking all the things she found attractive. And though his kind heart and nature was a plus as well as she found happiness in pulling out his mischievous side, she was still left empty. The deal breaker seeming when she took him under her wing to teach him how to fight.

After finding that the man thinks far to much, Nox decided to play against his weaknesses in the spar. Pushing his buttons until the man stopped being a coward, thinking, and let his rage take the best of him. Though she was in awe of his skill, the man was appalled if not ...threw up in detest of himself. As she watched him lose his stomach, she realized this was not what she wanted in a man. Someone with a bit more spine would suit her. Since that day, though she tried to reach out to him and create a bond, it oddly had a adverse effect. Why was this not working? Why was she not falling for this man as hard as she thought? Though at times he made her heart flutter...it was no more then that. A small flutter then nothing. Perhaps it was his naïve nature that bothered her. He had so much to learn. His eyes to closed to see the darker woman she really was. What a adorable, delusional man. She cared for him but now started to wonder on the nature of her love. Perhaps the issue was in her eyes, she was no longer seeing a man...but a boy and yet ..she was confused for he did make her heart flutter. And yet when he acted like a mischievous rogue she was lured to him but this was not who he was..it was all in jest or was it? Perhaps he was also to timid for her? So many questions.. Only time would tell what was the issue..and yet she wished to stand by him. Oh what a confusing heart.

Savo Kesslivang - Sewer-Kit with a song

Nox's thoughts: "Ain't ya a cute lil flea infested ball o trouble. Awwwwww! If meh child lived...would they 'ave been like ya?....Hmmm actualleh ..aye a lot like ya."

This child is unhygienic, rough mannered, and at times questionable and yet Nox adores her. The small girl reminding her of herself and it takes all in her power not to hug this musician to death. She was certain, like her, the girl would hate it. Instead Nox hopes to befriend the child. Over time this adorable ball had turned into mischief. And without Nox realizing it, she found herself watching the girl to ensure she stayed out of trouble. Sadly the girl was a lot more trouble then Nox expected and now saw why Steffen had issues keeping track of the small one. She was faster then her, quick of thought and ...the girl's thirst for alcohol bothered Nox. She couldn't have a little clone running around! Deep down though she loves the girl so much but would never admit it.

Sadly as of late, the kitten heard of Nox's affections for the Courier. Savo, in heartbreak and anger appeared at the Siren. Seeming conflicted the girl hissed at Nox. Even though Minox explained she understood how it felt to be a second choice. And explained to Savo how she lost to Seraphine, Savo made the choice that Nox was not brave enough to do. Savo attacked Minox in blind rage. The move creating admiration in Minox. Though the girl needed more training and she easily blocked her blade.

"This lass did wha I alwahs wanted ta do...Though Olivah defended Sera an' claimed she kept us togethah, I always wanted ta plunge meh daggahs intah 'er 'eart...This small lass....I would train 'er just ta let 'er plunge 'er blade in meh 'eart.. Would tha 'elp her pain as well as meh own? Probableh not. But fer this kit...I would stand there an' let 'er."

R'zurn Cindlehr - Dramatic Scholah

Nox's thoughts: " .....Did ya just? "

These two have gone through a world wind of events. The man out of determination to prove he was no liar cast a curse upon himself, binding his aether to Minox's. The result, whenever he would lie to her he would put his life in danger as his aether would become corrupted and unstable. She was annoyed if not shocked with the man yet the deed was done and it could not be reversed. A while later Minox told the man that she would choose Steffen over him. Though the man was devastated, he appreciated that she told him right away and didn't lead his feelings. Sadly because of this, it strengthened his views that she was the perfect woman for him. Nox, sighing at this fools conclusions decided to make him a full sword bother. Using her shadow aether in a form that was binding only usually between her and her brother. Her aether binding to him so that if he was in trouble or in some sort of pain, she would feel it and come rushing to his side.

This action, she had hoped would show the man she would keep him as a friend if not close sword brother. Yet as time passed, so had they. Zurn becoming more bold in claiming he would be Nox's only and telling all around her that they were together, regardless of her words. She found herself shaking her head at the man, his confidence at times and nature at times reminding her of Oliver. As well as his wanting for her in which she find herself struggling to deny. Yet the woman, shockingly having stood her ground against him and sticking to her wishing to be needed and not wanted, he has respected her. Now the question...Was she falling for Zurn for his ways? Or because he reminded her of Oliver and in the end it was just her feelings of missing Oliver that created this strange ripple of feelings?

Tsuki Crimson - Furreh Pest

Nox's thoughts: "Stop wigglin' yer ears at meh! "

This man appeared after one of her Grindstone matches looking for a job. She shrugged and accepted, since the idea of a baker was a grand idea. This man though not only went above and beyond baking but tried his best to curiously poke his nose in all the staff and crew's lives. She couldn't help but see Boyd in many of his ways though unlike Boyd he was actually gay and not just pretending as Boyd did many times. The man seemed to enjoy making Nox suffer though. Wiggling his ears her way as she was tempted horribly to pin him to the baker counter. Yet they both understood each other. After talking, he mentioned loving his dead husband. While she confessed her feelings still for Oliver. Both of them laughing at each other's foolish left over feelings for their past loves that were no more.
As of late, the man looks no longer like her buddy Boyd and has become slightly annoying to her thinking. Feeling the man stepping on her toes as he takes over the kitchen and feels slightly bossy. He now just talks to her to tell her to handle things.

Yude Tamago - Country Kitten

Nox's thoughts: " Put a collah on yer duck er I'm goin' ta eat it. "

Nox met this strange country like kitten when in ul'dah. The woman was escorted to her by Steffen, to her surprise. She listed to the country girl then offered her a job as a waitress. The girl though a bit rough like nox, has done a grand job as a waitress. Only issue was her thinking on liquor. Calling it the Demon Drink, she seems to at times lecture Nox on her ability to wish to kill her liver as quickly as possible. The poor having a few times having to deal with her drunken boss. The two are growing to know each other though. And Nox finds the girl adorable in her own way.

Artorias Mason - The Dark

Nox's thoughts: " 'andsome man tha Arteh. Mmm..seems ta 'ave a 'eart ta but I ain't sure if 'e shows it of ta maneh. "
This hyur seems to have gone through the ringer of life. For a while though Nox thought he was dead. Thankfully the hyur returned to the port, seemingly in pain but intact. She is still getting to know this male but so far has enjoyed his company.

Lyngbakr Lyngwintsyn - Sword Brother

Nox's thoughts: "Dun get meh started on Lyng! I wish ta 'ug em ..then punch em. In tha ordah. Though I like tha large lug."
Regardless that she sees this man as a brother, their relationship has been rocky at best. They pulled apart for a while but then again..both seem to be wanderers.

Troia Merquise - Gunslinger

Nox's thoughts: " Well well..Usualleh I'm scared o guns but tha is nice shootin' fer a tailess soft skin. "
This hyur appeared on her hotel doorstep wishing to be checked in. He doesn't work for her but is a good paying residence. The few times Nox and him had talked she learned a small bit of him, him rather interested in her ship then anything. While she asked about his gun. The man though is charming in his own way. Though it was his small comment of him having to save her for once, when she slipped complaining that it felt she was always saving males, that created a very small girlish crush for this country gunslinger. Though it would be no more then that.

Strass Dorvani - Jerk

Nox's thoughts: "Ya punch meh like a wusseh girl! "
This Elezen gave Nox mixed feelings. After time they have been like falling magnets. At times they get so close its scary. Other times they clash so much they might kill each other. ...Nox was tired of this elezen. She was to tired of his flip flopping ways where one minute he seemed to love her then the next he was hitting her. Idiot...

Ragnorak Boyd - Sweethearted Hyur

Nox's thoughts: "Meh onleh trusted friend. Tha onleh one ta light meh day when I was down. Olivah says ya manipulated meh an' yet...I still care fer ya so damn much. Meh brothah.. Meh true close brothah almost as 'igh as Khai.. I pray ya find peace now. Ya 'ad so much on ya shouldahs. Ya laughed an' tried ta make us all laugh. But ya did it ta 'ide ya tears. I'll take care of ya stuffed animal fer ya. Like I promised. Then set it on ya grave. I miss ya..."

She cares a ton for this Hyur. Nox wouldn't lie that for a time she slightly crushed on this male though was happy to see him with Ashley. Sadly she heard of the woman's death but winced at the coldness Boyd showed about it. His talk about goodness made Nox cautious of her words around the male she thought a good friend. Perhaps she would never bring up what she did for a living or what she use to do. She had no need for a fight or for them to hate hate each other. Sadly with recent events, he was snatched from her. Oliver confessing he killed him to defend Sera. This broke her heart. He was the only link she had left of her beloved Gunn. She would look into Boyd's eyes and recall the spars she watched. Recall

Gunn's laugh. Hear Gunn's voice and smile warmly as he would demand she saved him from Boyd's odd nature. She cared for Boyd like a treasured locked box. And now the box was gone. He poured his heart to her in his final moments. Telling her, he loved her. Telling her he would stand in where Oliver lacked. And though it tempted her. She only saw him as a close friend ... He was handsome, charming and more and yet, she felt guilt. Part of her felt Boyd was off limits due to him being so close to Gunn. Her code of conduct though chaotic was also high. She was just not that kind of woman. And though it made little sense to her that he loved her since though they spent time together, she never felt he cared.

Gunnbjorn Darkblade - Lost Love ✝(?) 💔

Nox's thoughts: " Part o meh knows it be meh fault. We did it all wrong. I'm sorreh, Gunn..Know meh 'eart still aches fer ya even though I moved on. "

Was a week since their fight, a week they had not spoken to each other. A oddly, long, dragging seven days that Nox found herself dragging through until the last day where she finally felt she could get over it all. Shockingly it would seem Gunn was not waiting to far in the shadow ally of Limsa to speak to her. Though at first she assumed he wanted revenge for her accidentally stabbing him, he preferred to talk. Though his words of choice left a sour taste in her mouth. She expected him to quickly say he missed her. Quickly say what he thought of her ..perhaps in the sap manner she use to hate yet found herself oddly craving. But his first words ...were. "What have you decided?" The most unromantic as rock words as she ever had heard one. Regardless that in the end the conversation turned well and he decided to be himself, it made her wince a bit. She left with disappointment. Perhaps he wasn't as romantic and just more brutish then she expected. As of late she has not heard from this man and has accepted that though he seemed apologetic to her, he moved on. Deep down she could admit she almost wanted to love this man very much and yet she prays his path is a grand one. She wishes him no ill feelings.

Sadly as of late, she heard rumor of him entering the ruins they favored and has yet to emerge. One can only think..the ruins near the floating city has taken his life.

◢ Other -

Uhko Tsurugi - The other half

Nox's thoughts: "Wait? Ya was always a miqo'te lass? Man...wonder 'ow more I know tha are realleh miqo'tes in disguise. "
Nox cares for Uhko a lot. In their small time of talking and getting to know each other, she has felt this woman a close friend. Was nice to feel someone reliable and the woman felt just that. Besides the fact the Raen was adorable, they both seemed to share a lot in common. As of late she learned the woman was really a Miqo'te. Would seem it was a long story and after a temporary rage from nox to poor Haru thinking she was cheating on Uhko, she learned the truth. As well as she got to see a cute proposal! She prays the couple marries happily and has a better relationship then her. They look so in love. She prays it never ends.

Kamaka Leo - Clumsy Spy

Nox's thoughts: "Aren't ya damn adorable!? "

Minox met this Xaela while he was trying to stalk a female. He was horrible at it. It was disgraceful. So she found herself helping the man. Teaching him a better way of spying. She found him attractive and his clumsiness foolish yet cute in some odd way. He lacked skill, smarts and training and yet he seemed to carry some intellect as well as his heart on his sleeve. The man turning his attentions from the Miqo'te woman he was chasing to seeming to be smitten with Nox. Though she had no idea what she did to gain attention except teach him how to stalk the woman of his interests. She quickly did her best to discourage his quick advances. Though deep down found him adorable. Sadly she knew she didn't care for him like he wished. She would not deny he was attractive but she promised herself to be more truthful. After a failed first date where he betted to leave her alone if she could kick a dodo further then her, Minox won and he did as he was told..leaving her be. Was fun while it lasted but would not encourage him to go any further then a friendly chat.

Suyiketu Tumet - Furreh Au Ra Pet

Nox's thoughts: "Let meh get this right..Ya are a Au ra? But now ya a Miqo'te but soon ya will change back to yer nice scales? Startin' ta think Miqo'tes are a disease. "

She met this miqo'te snuggling into Xender. He seemed a cheerful male with kind words and a warm heart. Later she learned he was really a Au ra who had a misfortune with a drink. Soon he returned to his original scales and not only professed his love to X'ender but engagement as well. Nox was delighted for the two and pray they never lose their spark. Now if she could only get him to stop coming over and eating all the cakes she works hard in making.

Doctor Ozerov - Quack..

Nox's thoughts: "Uh... Tha doc? ....Ya 'e is ...somethin!"
The doctor has shown Nox his sides of chaos to his sides of calm. She is sure there is more to the man, but fears he would keep yelling at her for her drowning life in rum. She sees the man as a dear friend though and is delighted to see him no matter what happens. Until he saws off her horn for science...

Nineveh Moks - Childhood friend

Nox's thoughts: " Nine! I thought ya died..Guess not. "
A childhood friend that loved to tease and mess with Nox for as long as she could recall. Though Moks were not suppose to be around each other, it seemed her and Nox both had infiltrated Kha. After this time, they had formed a bond. Almost sisterly. Her horrible habit of blowing in Nox's ear to announce her arrival would be annoying but at least it was a noticeable trait. At this time it seems Nine is going to be a mother! Poor realm...thats all the world needs..More Ninevehs.

Felyna Baen'und - Nineveh's other half

Nox's thoughts: "I was told she likes meh. 'ow tha 'ells can ya all tell? Is there different stages o grumpehness I'm not gettin? "
This Aura seems to be Nine's mate. The woman seems a bit intimidating yet shows she has a soft side for Nine. Whatever the story was...it was a interesting one. Nox was sure this woman must be amazing for Nine to accept her as a mate.

Brimcon Sako - Mechanical Kit $

Nox's thoughts: "Rathah nice...fer a Miqo'te... "
This Miqo'te Engineer interests Nox. Though they are usually both pretty busy, she enjoys the small chats they have had. She has learned he has a adopted daughter. Or that was what it sounded like? She wasn't sure but found it adorable. She may sometime ask him for help. Recently though he has asked her to help in building a airship, a daunting task but one she would willingly help him with over time..

Oliver Amaranth - The Snow Storm 💔

Nox's thoughts: " Oh 'ow I miss ya ..an' 'ate tha I do. "

As much as the woman loved to be cold and dismissing on the topic of this man, her life's actions revolved around him as much as she hated it. She did all she could to not seek him out, to avoid his gaze and live on with her life. She was a woman to strive and not let things set her back, and yet any male that crossed her path aiming to be a suitor, would get measured up to Oliver. Though her friends scowled at her and told her it was best to try new things, that he wasn't good for her. Her heart still ached. Her mind still on the happiness they shared, the games they played, the laughs. They were happy once, and that alone made her harsh judge each male in return. True none would be him or compare yet she was still searching for that lost light. Deep down, she herself knew it was a horrible idea to even miss this man.

It would seem fates though would have them cross paths yet again. And though she tried to run this time, fates would deny her as Oliver kindly asked for a word with her. Her heart would ache and yearn after the encounter yet she would stand fast to her thoughts. But in the end she admitted...she missed this man terribly.

Nai Ruahki - Pretty Ruffled Kit

Nox's thoughts: " Wha evah, princess "

Once this woman and Minox were very close. She cared for this woman like a sister though after a argument over Nox's drinking, and horrible gambling skills with Uhko, Nox felt the woman thought she was to good for her. Though Minox once tried to apologize, Nai seemed to lightly accept the apology then walk away. This infuriated Nox and decided if the woman couldn't stand her drinking or her gambling ways then best to leave her be.

Pepenji Sesenji - Lalafellian Psycho

Nox's thoughts: " GET AWAY FROM MEH!! "

This lalafell met Minox during one of her hiding stages. Meeting her as a Raen, he studied her with utmost interest. This interest burrowing into her personal life, to the point she can't stand the man. She sees him and wishes to run! This man sees her no more then a science experiment. At least Doc treated her better! He didn't sound like he wanted samples of her scales!!

Serris Le'omend - Trigger-Happy Rolemodel

Nox's thoughts: "Ya want meh thoughts on Serris? Ya don't get meh thoughts on 'er ..ya get meh admiration. "
Met this woman once, once was enough for her to believe the woman had a tongue that could rival her own, knew the woman was a bit off her rocker ...and loved it! And knew ...something was not right about her. As the woman would talk and go about her interesting life of shooting, brawls, and sass talking...the woman didn't seem fully ...normal. Not it was not her manner. It was /her/....Nox was not blind. Either way Nox very much enjoyed the insane woman. Over time they both have talked alot. She got to learn more things of Serris but enjoyed the fact the woman would not ask her of her own secrets. Not that Nox had many but did carry a few. The mother like attitude the woman showed her made her miss her own mother. At times would make her saddened of this though still smiled and accepted the woman's food. She is grateful that Serris has amazing time and has saved her from a few uncomfortable times as of late. Lately though this woman has vanished. Hopefully she was well.

◢ Enemies -

Madam Seraphine - Mistress of Suck

Nox's thoughts: "Wha evah..She can keep em. I'm sure 'e makes a damn nice pet. Go suck Olivah's cock an' leave meh be. "
In the end Nox assumes this woman decided to manipulate and get her back in some way. She will accept this, at least it wasn't her brother.

S'honji Hayakawa - Prince of Arrogance

Nox's thoughts: " Cockeh furreh shite! I should beat ya senseless, wit tha damn smug grin o yers! "

This man has become somewhat of a rival to her. Meeting him in the Grindstone during her insecure times in her life. Where she feared Miqo'te men and feared they only wanted to kill her since that was how she was greeted when she entered Limsa. This male though was the first Miqo'te male to flirt with her, create confusion, and make her feel violated during her first fight. Since then, they have lightly bumped into each other. Him tossing silver words while she would wish to run from him. Later, thankfully to being with Oliver, she over came her fear yet her old flame left her with fetishes she hated to admit. This male, seeming to oddly know them as he would wiggle his ears her way and demand a rematch. Now stronger and more level headed, the woman accepted this. The both seeming to be equally matched now yet his unwelcomed touch would leave her flustered and bothered. Now would be a poor time to give in to the base desires she sorely missed in Oliver's arms. Secretly vowing to use this new level of frustration and rage to knock his smug grin into the ground.


Those wishing to add a rumor, editing is a little complicated but not impossible. Please note when you hit the edit button it 'may' claim the page doesn't exist. If it does this simply look up in the URL!! CHANGE THE NUMBER AFTER SECTION TO #5. Example ---> title=Minox_Moks&action=edit&section=5


Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
Rumor here.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!

"Nox?" He pauses, biting his tongue. Eyes drifting from left to right, his bottom lips is drawn between his teeth, a red flush beginning to flood his cheeks. "She's.." Once more, a moment of silence. Clearing his throat, his eyes return forward, his back shifting as he leans. "I could spend an abundance of your time telling why every second I spend with Nox is a pleasure." His earlier shyness on the topic has faded, replaced with a confident, sly, and slightly snarky tone following suit. "Yet all you'd learn from my words is that I love her and all her little quirks." A subsequent flash of his teeth and he grows quite cheeky. "She's special to me. By asking me about her rather than approaching her, you're doing yourself an incredible disservice." He crosses his arms. "Meet her, and you'll fall for her as I have."Oliver Amaranth.
She laughs a little. "Minox. Charming at the very least. I simply knew her as Lyng's friend. But it seems like she's been popping up since then. I can't complain really..." She takes a sip of wine. "Lyng's sparring partner, Serris' buddy, Oliver's lover, Khai's sister-- I guess I'll be seeing a lot more of her than intended.Madam Seraphine.
"Moxxie?" The tall mountain crosses his arms and gives a closed eyed grin. "Determined, blunt, intelligent, agile... I 'ave so much more ta say." He paused for a moment, giving a light shrug. "She fought a mountain, hurt it 'lot more than she thinks. Yet, tha' mountain love tha' little lass like a sister." He opened his eyes and gazed upon what seemed to be the floor, but clearly he was reminiscing. "Good capt'n, She is." Another pause with a smile on his face. "She 'lways kno' wha' ta do." — Lyngbakr Lyngwintsyn.
"Rumor." — Player Name.



Player Note
Nox's Voice : Actress - Kelly Macdonald - Scottish actress .
Minox Moks is an evolving character. Over time, the people who she meets and interact with will determine how far she strays from her alignment. At this time she has moved from Neutral Good to Chaotic Neutral and now teattering between Chaotic neutral and Chaotic Good. .
At this time her theme song would be : Ailee - Don't Touch Me .
Minox so far as suddenly gotten a large number of nicknames. It is as follows- .
               * Nox
               * Moxie
               * Mox
               * Minxie
               * Minnie 
               * Ice
               * Ox
               * Minnow
               * Minx

Personal RP Limits
I will play .
Ask about .
I won't play .


Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are relevant to the character.
My Art Tumblr: http://Suri-chi.tumblr.com/
Potential Plot Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out details if necessary.

You might know Minox if...

You are active currently within Limsa Lominsa: She's often seen within or around the Drowning Wench.
She takes occasional walks around the Upper Decks
Is the owner of the Siren and Sage in Mist. Flyers would be hanging all over Limsa.
Were in Othard
Were in Doma
Are from the Moks, Kha, or Tumet tribes (or others..she may have infiltrated then left)
Was a Garlean in Othard (She infiltrated them and stole technology)

Drink n' dance like no one is watchin'.

~ Minox Moks
- - -  » ۩❁ ஜƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒஜ❁۩ «  - - -
Layout Credit
Template adapted from Bancroft Gairn, with edits by Xheja Rajhera, inspiration from D'lyhhia Lhuil, and more edits by Glioca Sargonnai. Added tweaking by Minox Moks. Please leave the link-backs if you use or modify the template.