Ehfi Rhinsu

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Ehfi Rhinsu is a fairly young Miqo’te conjurer; Far likely to be known for a guarded kindness. The sort of person who genuinely helps others while distancing oneself to protect themselves. What she does in her spare time is often disclosed to others than those that happen to be around her at the time, or go along with her. However, if one spends enough time with her- Ehfi will warm up. She’s a soft-spoken individual, far more keen to listen and watch that run her mouth. She clearly has shown the ability to keep her facial expressions fairly neutral with finding smiles far easily. There are instances in which she is blunt, entirely speaking her mind. Those instances lean towards her being frustrated and confused. (Maiming the sparing partner, for example.)


This fair Miqo’te has the majority of her features being that of the Keepers of the Moon. Her pale skin, her pupils are round and does not have a whole lot of pupil exposure. She has white colored markings at her cheekbone area off to the side that are crescents that are an ilm apart. She stands at five fulms and two ilms. Her hair is blonde and it has barely curls at the end. She has a beauty mark at the left side of her mouth and ilm or two below the corner of her mouth. She does have a light dusting of freckles across her face. She has heterochromia; right would be green and left would be gray.
Aspects That Stand Out:
Tends to gently smile easily.


Ehfi tends to be someone who is private about her personal affairs. What is plain to see, is plain to see. What she feels like telling would be up to her. She is as honest as she feels she needs to be, and that tends to lean being honest in general. She is a quiet one, enough so that she tends listen far more than speak. She isn’t shy, but she can give off that impression. She is friendly and adaptable overall. She can be playful when the situation calls for, and easily become guilty if the playfulness irritates or accidentally hurts others. This miqo’te is not someone who would frequently assume. She’ll wait for when a clarification comes around. If they never do, Ehfi will be observing until she can come to a conclusion. If someone tells her that she is wrong, she reflects. She is someone who fully believes that there is room to learn more, and when she reflects she is looking at it in a different way. Would it change her mind in the end? Sometimes. It doesn’t change the fact that she has considered what the avenue of choice may lead her; that is the hardest thing to change her mind.

One of the major things about Ehfi is that she is altruistic. Enough so that the demeanor of a person does not truly stop her. Her patience is coupled with a degree of stubbornness that allows her to do her job for the occasional stubborn person. Ehfi can be insightful, granted it becomes blinded when she is exhausted. She is someone who rather be cunning rather than outright physical force to interact with others. Does she enjoy the situations that she has to act? Not really. Ehfi is someone who understands situations sometimes require something different, but she prefers to be as honest as she can be. Ehfi is not one to talk herself up; she is a modest one. She doesn’t raise much of a fuss when she is being flirted with; as long as it stay as words.

Ehfi is fierce and protective where it counts. It’s really easy for her to slip into a role of responsibility; even the role of peacekeeper should those that she is working with bicker. It is times like that she is really for no-nonsense. This conjurer is certainly not known for her temper. Ehfi’s temper is retrained or heavily influenced with discipline. She knows better than to entirely lash out at someone, words are often used before any physical or aetheric means are chosen. It does not mean that there are not times in which she will fight with her whole self. She’s never one to prolong a situation of conflict. She wants it to end as soon as possible. She’s never someone to gloat if she bested someone and if the situation calls for landing a killing blow- she’ll do it. Ehfi may feel bad about it later, but the battlefield is still the battlefield.


Morning Glories. Ehfi is very fond of the plant and the flowers. They do have a wide range of flora that fit with the classification.
Mending. Be it aetheric or more conventional ways to heal, Ehfi truly enjoys what she does. She has looked at both means to heal- as there can always be those that she has to treat without aether.
Twilight to Dusk. This period before nightfall is the time in which she is the happiest. Less of an issue with her eyes being more built for the night than day. It always helps that she enjoys the night sky whenever she can see it.


Slavers'. This group of people is the quickest way to see her make comments that could make someone stare at her in a second sort of glance. She absolute abhors these types of people.
Noon.The time in which the sun is at the highest point in the sky, means that it is at it’s brightest as well. Ehfi dislikes noon as it does mess with her sight in a way. She is a bit more careful and she is far more likely to wear a mask that would break that light from her eyes a little more. If she can help it, she wakes up in the afternoon for everyone who is not nocturnal.
Wearing Hats'.Specifically, the kinds of hats that will require her to have her ears covered. She almost always have her ears moving at some point. The hats that cover her ears make it so she cannot really move her ears a whole lot.


Reading'. Ehfi really enjoys reading. Her subject matter often would be taken as studying; she would call it as how others see it. She'll give other genres a shot.
Gardening. Most of her gardening is keeping herbs that she could keep with her in the Mist district, the other half is some flowers that she likes that are small enough and won’t get out of control.
Meditating. While conjurers do meditate for a portion of their training to have a foundation; Ehfi does it more than just for conjury. She taken to meditating so she can have a moment of peace.
Hunting. Ehfi’s family have done their best to preserve what traditions they hold. Hunting is one of them. Purely a situational hobby, but it is when she works towards bettering her skill with a bow.
Weaving. Be it getting an amount of fabric or creating clothes to wear; Ehfi finds it to be enjoyable to work on it. One of the few hobbies that takes more place when things are quiet.


Compassion. It is guaranteed that if Ehfi can find a way to aid another (excluding those who would abuse her kindness or trying to pull a ‘get out of jail free’ card on her.), that Ehfi will lend aid. She will help those who will accept it and sometimes she will insist...depending.
Conjury. Be it in the offensive manner or the mending of wounds in an emergency, Ehfi has a solid skill in conjury.
Quick-Footed. Ehfi tends to be quick in her movements when she needs to be. There’s already been situations in which she has made sparing be drawn out because she would dance away from the blows..


Inexperience in certain fields. While Ehfi has a good amount of experience with conjury and hunting- Ehfi lacks experience. It often makes her unsure with certain things, and it frustrates her to no end.
Restrained Temper. Ehfi does have a temper, only she keeps it with restraints. So far, there hasn’t been the time in which that temper can be unleashed. She’ll end up with a outburst before she isolates herself.
Reserved. Ehfi’s reserved nature has spooked certain individuals. Spooked only because Ehfi doesn’t show any real signs that would give a clear warning when annoyed. That nature does not make it easy to understand her at a glance. It also makes her not willing to share much at all, like if there is a problem or not. It is a nice counter to stop her from being senselessly kind.
Compassion. One could say that her compassion is a weak point as much as it is a strength. There are some foreseeable trouble that can arise from her default on being kind to others.


”Help those in need”' - This has, and will always be, Ehfi’s driving force. Helping those in need that truly do need it- not those who would just take advantage of someone willing to help.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Valih Rhinsu, Grandmother. ( ) -
Valih and Ehfi had always got along well, even if there are times that the roles of grandmother and mentor do cause some stern moments. Those stern moments never cause a rift between the two. Valih is a woman who believe that freedom is important, but to also extend to understanding that there are boundaries. The Calamity would mark in which her grandmother had died. It certain that Ehfi will go to Stillglade Fane to study.
Sifah Rhinsu, Mother. ( ) -
Sifah primarily raised her children, even if she had helped from her mother and her few sisters. Her sisters were not quite an active point in the roles of Sifah’s children. By the time Ehfi came around, her sisters had to focus on their own children as well. Sifah still continues to serve as a guide and a support for Ehfi; should Ehfi go to her. Ehfi doesn’t wish to incite her mother in certain regards...because her mother would be the first to step in should someone severely hurt her OR step in should somehow Ehfi go missing long enough that letters don’t arrive. - She got her mother’s temper. Shh.
Rhaya’to Zhwan, Father. () -
Rhaya’to in Ehfi’s life have not been a constant. The one thing about Keepers of the Moon is that their males may travel far more often than the women. Depending on how the family in question is. Rhaya’to is one of those males who traveled. Granted, he doesn’t stay away from the small Rhinsu family for long periods of time. She doesn’t really know him, but she wouldn’t mind if she got to know him. Just so that she can say that she knows him rather than his face and voice.
Kehja Rhinsu, Eldest Sister. ( ) -
Eldest sister (WIP)
Sifah’a Rhinsu, Elder Brother. ( ) -
Elder brother (WIP)
Osha Rhinsu, Younger Sister. ( ) -
Osha is younger than Ehfi by seven years. (WIP)
Mihlah Rhinsu, Youngest Sister. ( ) -
Mihlah is younger than Ehfi by eight years. (WIP)

Arzilia Rausten. ( ) -
Arzilia became fast friends with Ehfi during the time of Ehfi’s free-lancing; before Ehfi signed up with the Pathfinders. Ehfi wasn’t too free with her trust when she had to rely on herself to make sure she will not have a bad deal and Arzilia’s care-free and friendly nature while they protected a caravan that they were hired to protect had clearly gotten past Ehfi’s guards. While to two are not in contact a lot, Arzilia did give Ehfi a linkpearl to contact her; should Ehfi ever need to or just to communicate. Ehfi just haven’t put in contact due to Pathfinders keeping her busy.
Eaubront Shopont. ($ ) -
Initially, the two had some time to get familiar with each other without much delving into the past. Then comes the subtle flirting, stepping in the way of danger, and the not-so subtle flirting. During that time, Ehfi was figuring what she feels about him. Ultimately, it taken at least three moons for them to confess, after a near death encounter on Eaubront's half. Now she is taking things as time moves forward.
Abagail Graves. ($ ) -
Abby is the doctor, or non-aetheric mender, that works along side Ehfi in the Infirmary. While Ehfi may have noticed that she has full charge of the infirmary, it isn't really an issue. Abby is someone that Ehfi may see pass the blunt and harden personality and see that isn't just all. She cares for Abby's well-being and she will try her best to stand with someone who could have easily gotten her chances to do so much more harm- or walk away.
Reinhold Allemand. ($) -
For all of her thoughts and frustrations that have occurred in the past, like the overboard sparing, she hasn't been given reason to have any negative views of Reinhold. To her, Reinhold is just doing what he is accustomed to doing, even if some of it is just so...not in her realm of understanding. What she does understand is that Reinhold will do what he can to protect those of the free-company; minding that there is a limit of what people can do. All Ehfi just wants is for those like Reinhold to not overwork themselves.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
“I sometimes worry about her. I don’t often see her rest as others do.”
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
“That one has a temper on her. Imagine the thought of someone sweet an’ innocent be so full of rage suddenly- you get what I am trying to say?”
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
“I think she from the lot that may have recently complied with the Trapper's League. After the Calamity.”


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"While overall rather nice and kind there is a bit of a darker side to her I feel. At times she doesn't flinch from what needs to be done, nor does she have any issues ordering people around." — 'Reinhold Allemand.
"Ehfi's wonderful. She's a fantastic healer, and the kindest Gridanian I've ever met. I'm always happy to have her around." — 'Eaubront Shopont.
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
I have a very clear distinction when it comes to OOC/IC. I have encountered issues in which this distinction cannot be reached, and that sort of thing does frustrate me. I am not my characters; what they do is what they will do given the universe(s) that they are in. Hatred that my characters may have- it does not reflect me and I do enjoy befriending RPers OOCly- however that tends to be the stop at to be platonic OOCly. If that can be done- then we should get along well.
Personal RP Limits
'I don't have very many hard limits. There are consequences that must meet the ends of what the character has done. There are exceptions and they are as follows
I will play Almost anything that isn't described below.
I won't play Death, Rape, Maiming, ERP only Plots- I don't mind romance but it needs to be earned and respected. Do not try and force your character onto mine. If I feel this is the case I will quickly end the RP and speak with you OOCly to either; correct the issue or end the RP connection between the two in a faithful manner both parties can agree upon.
Little Tidbits.
If you're ever uncomfortable, tell me! I don't bite! I can get pretty into RPing out consequences however and while I do my best to make sure permission is had and everyone is comfortable I'm not perfect. If you have a problem speak up.
This is a broad statement for all my characters, but I have a hard limit of at least two months before I'll allow my character to enter a relationship. A good friend mentioned their own rule regarding this and I greatly respected the idea of it, so I'll be putting it into practice myself. I've been burned far too many times by hasty RP relationships and want to make it clear from the get go so there is no misunderstanding. If your character is trying to romance my own, be prepared for it to take awhile.


Potential Plot Hooks
These are just possible hooks that are welcomed to be thrown my way.
Mender - A mender who will happily will treat the injuries of others and adjust if aetheric healing can be more of a danger for the overall health of an individual.
? -
Character Lore Adherence
Information in this Wiki is Lore Compliant to the best of my knowledge and may change once more knowledge of Keepers of the Moon come to light.'
No changes required.

Name - Ehfi Rhinsu
Race - Miqo’te
Age - 20
Name Day - 5th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (12/15)
Deity - Menphina Icon.pngMenphina, the Lover

Alias: N/A
Citizenship: Gridania
Occupation: Conjurer/Healer/Mercenary/Adventurer
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: R: Green, L: Grey
Complexion: Fair
Piercings: Ears are pierced
Marks or tattoos: Freckles across her face.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Key Items: Two Satchels, one filled with medical-the other holding things unrelated. A mithril dagger with morning glories engraved.
Favorite Food: Antelope Stew
Favorite Drink: Chamomile Tea
Favorite Color: Blue/Shades of blue.
Template made by Abagail Graves and free for use!