Ni Na

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Birth Name: Nanani Nani but prefers to just be called Ni

Gender: Female

Race & Clan: Au Ra, Raen

Age: Sixteen

Height 4 fulms 8 ilms

Weight: 110ish ponzes

Nameday: 25th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon

Guardian deity: Menphina, The Lover


Birth Place: Southern Thanalan

Citizenship: Ul'dah

FC and residence: Wayfarers of Eorzea

Marital Status: Early relationship, devoted

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Job: Singer / Assistant

Hobbies: Singing, dancing, reading, daydreaming

Alignment: Neutral Good

Latest activities (RP hooks): Ni has begun studying about animals and is always keen to assist with anything animal related, especially healing them. She is always looking to be hired for events as a singer.

Ni grew up on a farm in the very south of Southern Thanalan with only the company of her parents and a few traveling merchants.

Although having grown up with little socialisation, Ni is a bubbly and very loving girl who is easily excited by new people and experiences.


At a mere 4 fulm 8, Ni does not strike any as an intimidating figure. Her white golden hair, worn up with some hair framing her face, is complimented by her golden eyes and pale skin. Her scales are of a light cream colour signifying her Raen heritage.

Scars & Markings: Her skin is flawless, typical Auri scales.

Voice: Ni's voice is quite soft and light with little to no accent. Having spent most of her childhood reading on her own, sometimes her vernacular may change from regular “spoken” to a more literary-sounding speech. She has a tendency to squeak when surprised.

Clothing: Ni is often seen wearing simple, light clothing, preferring a short white cotton dress with cotton leggings and sandals or a black oasis tunic and black shorts with boots. When working as an assistant, she can be found wearing her company tabard, with white tights and polished black gaiters. While relaxing indoors, she prefers to wear her white cotton dress, or a simple tunic and shorts and being barefoot.

Bubbly - Friendly - Forgetful - Daydreamer

  • Sunshine
  • Sweet things
  • Singing
  • Daydreaming
  • Stories
  • Traveling
  • Animals and plants


  • Acts of Violence
  • Murder
  • Feeling trapped

Distinctive Features

  • Being left by the people she loves
  • Oceans, seas and other large bodies of water



Having spent most of her childhood on her own, Ni is quite independent and can be a little nervous when meeting new people causing her to stutter. Also due to growing up with just her parents, she is still quite naïve about the outside world and the people that inhabit it. She spent most of her time reading books (her favourite being faerie tales), singing, dancing and daydreaming. Many of her ideologies have been borne of faerie tales and have shaped her into being an honest and friendly young woman, although some ideologies may not be very realistic in the outside world.

As she had never left her parents' farm before, Ni has a very poor sense of direction and was only able to make it to Ul'dah through the friendliness of fellow travelers. She is motivated in her choices by exploration and love. Exploration so that she will see the world and all it has to offer and the love of life and of others push her to be her best. While she treasures her childhood faerie tales, she will eagerly listen to anyone's tales if they feel so inclined to give her the honour.

The only things Ni greatly dislikes: Feeling trapped, acts of violence and murder.

Skills & Abilities

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Although she has no training or obvious talent in combat or magic, Ni is a very talented singer and dancer.

She exhibits very subtle magick use in her singing and dancing, though she is not conscious of this.

Personal Effects
Beloved Memoria
She has recently obtained a blank tome, which she will record all her experiences with people and out in the world. She writes not for an audience so much but for herself and anyone who wishes to know about her and the things she has come across. She carries it with her everywhere in an adequately sized satchel that has been enchanted to be fire and water proof.

Personal Room

Ni's private room at the Wayfarers Rest. The door into the room leads into a small office space where Ni does her work when not out-and-about on tasks. The office leads into a more personal area with one side being her bedroom and the other side housing her storybooks, sofa and orchestrion, with plenty of room to dance, of course!

💗 Romantic Relationship
Romantic Interest
Sexual Desire
💘 Crush
Trusted Friend
Lost contact


Nononi Noni ( ) - Mother
Talented cook. Grew up in Limsa Lominsa with her mother and grandmother. Fell in love with Jojonari Babanari when she was eighteen and ran away with him to marry and start a new life, to her mother's disgust. Often goes by the shortened version of her name, "Noni". She is quite prone to mood swings to Ni's chargrin. She is of average Lalafellin height with long black hair often worn in a braid over her shoulder. Often seen wearing an apron over a humble dress.
Jojonari Babanari ( ) - Father
Dedicated farmer. Met and fell in love with Nononi Noni when he was hired to work as a gardener on her mother's estate. The two ran away to start a life together on a farm in Southern Thanalan. Often goes by the shortened version of his name, "Jona". A very quiet man, it is said he talks more to his crops than to people. He is quite tall for a Lalafell and his thinning hair is blonde with a slightly darker colouration for his large bushy moustache.
Nonona Nona ( ) - Grandmother
A rich merchant. Lives in Limsa Lominsa. Wished to take custody of Ni when she was very young but Ni's parents refused. Does not approve of Ni's parents' relationship. Grandmother on Ni's mother's side.


L'Raha Nunh 💗
Wayfarers of Eorzea

Her lover and hero. They have recently begun seeing each other and Ni now lives with him at his house. Starting as mere acquaintances, their relationship developed into friendship and finally romance. Even when they had first become acquainted, Ni looked up to him and saw him as a hero like those from her storybooks, and though he may have flaws she fully accepts him. She doesn't mind his drinking habits and may even ask to share a drink. The two had become close friends after spending the day at an All Saints' Wake festival, although there were some misconceptions among festival-goers that the two were more than friends at that time. Brother of L'rinhi Kett.

Tokhta Iriq

New brother and close friend. The first friend Ni made after arriving in Ul'dah. She approached him believing he was a knight and began to question him about life as a knight and all the places he's been to and the things he's done. Fortunately he was very patient with her and they bonded through conversation. The pair often meet to share and discuss recent events in their lives. They have also recently moved on to develop a familial bond and see each other as siblings now.

Altani Oronir

New friend and conjury teacher. Ni met Altani and Bemorra Oronir while visiting the hot springs at Camp Bronze Lake with Ra. The couple offered fish soup and pleasant conversation while bathing and, to her delight, Ni found that the couple also resided in The Goblet. After sharing correspondence through letters, Altani offered to teach Ni conjury and the two have become teacher and student as well as good friends.

Bemorra Oronir

New friend. Ni met Bemorra and Altani Oronir while visiting the hot springs at Camp Bronze Lake with Ra. The couple offered fish soup and pleasant conversation while bathing and, to her delight, Ni found that the couple also resided in The Goblet. As his wife had begun to teach Ni conjury, Bemorra had also begun to train Tokhta Iriq in combat, unbeknownst to Ni until Altani suggested Ni supervise Bemorra and Tokhta's training one day.

Serenity Maescia
Wayfarers of Eorzea

Friend, fellow bookworm and resident at Wayfarers of Eorzea. Very soon after joining the Wayfarers, Ni happened upon Serenity who gave her a tour of the establishment and the two found that they had a lot in common and became fast friends.
L'rinhi Kett
Wayfarers of Eorzea

Employer and matron at Wayfarers of Eorzea. She was kind enough to offer board and employment to Ni even though Ni had no experience in any employment. Ni is very grateful for Rini taking her under her wing and she tries her best to make her proud.
Haruka Forrester
Wayfarers of Eorzea

Good friend. Ni has accompanied her on a few company-related tasks. Fellow employee at Wayfarers of Eorzea.
Ulemo Tesheremo

Good friend. Ni met Ulemo while lost at the markets in Limsa Lominsa. He helped her finish her errands and even carried her goods home. He is a very talented performer, weaving magick and music for an extraordinary effect. The two have performed together at The Coffer & Coffin much to the delight, as well as dismay, of the patrons. Though he has told her some of his past, she still values him greatly as a friend and is always pleased to see him.

Mikal Beston
Wayfarers of Eorzea

Ex-lover. Ni is unsure of his whereabouts but hopes he will find happiness.
Theodora Quill
Dead City Concern

Good friend. Ni recently came upon Quill and Arkham one night at Neverfars and shares many things in common with the couple, including Quill's love of dance and books.
Arkham Ironheart
Dead City Concern

Good friend. Ni recently came upon Arkham and Quill one night at Neverfars and shares many things in common with the couple, including their love of drinking and adventure.
W'saevia Eersteklas

A new friend Ni made while visiting the Thaumaturge Guild in Ul'dah. Quite friendly to Ni and has offered to help with her eyesight problems. Married to Tiana Nix.
Tiana Nix

A new friend Ni made while visiting the Thaumaturge Guild in Ul'dah. Quite friendly to Ni and, together with Sae, has offered to host her when Ni eventually visits the Black Shroud. Married to W'saevia Eersteklas.
Gunduin Banedriver

Ex-lover, somewhat still friends. Brother of Y'zhara Zekial.
Y'zhara Zekial

Friend, dance teacher and sister of Gunduin Banedriver. Member of WYNG.
Wenn D'hi

Fellow singer and dancer, friend. Member of WYNG.
Gwenneth Hurst

Fellow singer and dancer, friend. Member of WYNG.


Desmond Dilaurentis

Desmond is the entertainment talent manager in charge of WYNG.
Common rumours & quotes

  • "She often visits and is very polite." - A pâtisserie owner

Rare rumours & quotes

  • "The crazy girl wants to meet a dragon!" - A bookshop worker
  • "She doesn't seem to be very fond of the water, dunno why." - A ferry skipper

Players rumours & quotes

  • Rumours can be true or false! Please feel free to add your own with your character name ♥


Ni was raised on a farm in far Southern Thanalan and her parents, Nononi Noni and Jojonari Babanari, are very old fashioned and content with the quiet life on their farm. Her parents were unable to have their own children after many years of married life and some say this is a result of a curse but any mention of this is quickly quietened by her parents.

Being the only child, and somewhat frail at birth and onwards, led to Ni having a very sheltered upbringing, days often spent on the farm or in her room just reading. Her parents often giving her gifts of story books from trades with traveling merchants, she has developed many of her ideologies from these story books, believing the best of people and hoping to one day meet faerie tale type characters, such as knights, princesses, and even dragons.

As she has a weak constitution, Ni has little physical training with only some experience in helping her father perform a few tasks out on the farm. She also has little skill in preparing her own meals as her mother does not allow Ni to be in the kitchen long, as Ni can be quite accident prone. Her love of dance saw her indulging in it privately, as it was often met with disapproval from her parents but her love of singing was encouraged.

Having been arranged to marry a young merchant that frequented the area, Ni was upset to find out her parents and her husband-to-be expected her to continue to live a quiet, obedient life on the farm. In rebellion, she packed clothes and a few story books and ran away, striking out for Ul’dah, leaving her parents and childhood behind.


After arriving in Ul'dah, the first friend that Ni made was Tokhta Iriq, a friendly Xaelan man who she mistook for a knight but the two got along well and shared many things in common. Although the hospitality of The Hourglass in The Quicksand was adequate for her circumstances, Ni felt that she needed to find a quieter place to spend her time especially with the career of show business on the horizon. After finding a flier for the Wayfarers of Eorzea on one of the noticeboards in The Quicksand, she made her way to the establishment in The Goblet of Ul'dah in hopes of finding a quiet refuge and friendly faces. Upon arrival, she was greeted by the matron of the Wayfarers, L'rinhi Kett, who, to her dismay, informed her that the flier was out of date but was quite happy to offer her a place to stay and even employment. Ni gratefully agreed, becoming L'rinhi's assistant and, once the Wayfarers' tavern was functional again, hostess and performer.

Through her time spent with the Wayfarers, Ni befriended and eventually began a relationship with L'rinhi's brother, L'raha Nunh. The two have spent every day and night together, either at his residence in The Goblet, Wayfarers' Rest or out and about in Eorzea. He has even made her dream of seeing dragons become a reality!

... and the story goes on...


Upon meeting someone, will refer to them as Mister/Miss/Sir/etc., whichever is most relevant.
Pacifist and has not had to defend herself yet.
Since she lacks some socialisation, she is quite oblivious to any amorous advances unless expressly stated by the interested party or if she happens to feel the same way.
While she does enjoy her cream liqueurs, she will take a drink of any available alcohol for “courage enhancement”.
Having recently come into the possession of a small lyre, she likes to play it in accompaniment to her singing.
Her given name is Nanani Nani but she no longer uses it as she feels she had somewhat tarnished it by running away and dishonouring her parents' wishes. She chose Na as her surname as a homage to her given name.
Her birth name is unknown, as well as her birth parents and family.
Ni is part of the songstress group, WYNG, together with Wenn D'hi, Y'zhara Zekial and Gwenneth Hurst.
She is a very quick eater and drinker, which can lead to either hiccups or, when drinking alcohol, getting intoxicated fairly quickly.

OOC Information

Stances on RP: I enjoy RP! Most of all I enjoy 'slice-of-life' as well as mature, heavy-RP. I do prefer plot-driven encounters but I don't mind walk-ups, as they may lead to even more fun! I am flexible with lore (within reason). I may not be IC if wearing armour. Please send a tell if unsure!

I am available to RP on many platforms: ingame, Skype, Discord and even through RPC pm's!

Hooks and relationships: Always open to more friends in the entertainment industry as well as potential employers interested in having Ni perform at an event.

RP combat and injuries: Although Ni is a pacifist and will not harm another, I am open to injury (within reason and must make sense).

Miscellaneous: That wiki page is pure OOC knowledge unless your character specifically knows or learned about it.

There are a few inspirations for the creation of Ni, the two most prominent examples being Twoflower from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, Vash the Stampede from Trigun and Phoebe from Friends. These inspirations are mostly seen in Ni's personality rather than appearance but Ni does share some resemblance with Phoebe.

Ni's singing voice is based on Claire Elise Boucher a.k.a Grimes.

IMPORTANT: Ni is only to be referred to as 'Ni' unless otherwise stated. She does not give out her full name or her new surname, although there are a few exceptions. She only introduces herself as 'Ni' and only uses the surname 'Na' on paperwork. The only people who would have knowledge of her traditional name or her use of 'Na' would be those that are very close to her and have been told ICly the history surrounding her name.

Theme Songs: 'Live Your Life' by Yuna 'Acapella' by Kelis 'Stuck On You' by Meiko

TV Tropes: Liquid Courage Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold Actual Pacifist The Runaway The Face The Heart Tagalong Kid Nice Girl Magic Music

Server and Timezone

Player Info: Australian player, GMT-9.30.

Server: Balmung Player Name: Ni Na

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Special thanks to Suen Shyu for the template (also in turn, their inspiration from Rixo and Nanagi's template and the use of the skill stats window from Fancy Template) and Bancroft Gairn for the inspiration to put more work into my wiki!