Tiana Nix

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Tiana Nix
Tiana Nix.jpg

Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship Ul'Dah
Age 22
Occupation Thaumaturge
Orientation Homosexual
Status Engaged


Tiana Nix (Pronunciation: Tee-Ahn-Ah), is an Adept Thaumaturge and Black Mage-in-training. Studying under her new master (a mysterious, sentient Cait Sith doll known as 'Cait') She is rapidly, and somewhat recklessly learning the ways of Black magic.

She spends the better part of her days abroad, in secluded caves and groves for introspection and study alongside the odd doll.


Nix has very pale, pearl-white skin, which may be the result of her cross Raen/Xaela linage. Her Raven-black hair extends a fair way down her back, along with the characteristic white scales and horns of the Raen people. Her striking eyes are one of her most identifiable features. A deep black, skirted with rosey-pink limbal rings.


Playful. Serious. Odd. Nix is a true paradox. On one hand a free willed, care-free and happy go lucky woman who's just as happy to let the cards fall where they may as she is to form any real plan. And on the other, a careful and (sometimes) wise, sharp-minded person who won't let any detail escape her. She views things objectively, often finding humor in situations that others might see as hopeless or irritating, giggling to herself at how fate works or cracking poorly conceived jokes.


Thaumaturgy. A no-brainer. It's her career and greatest talent.

The Ocean. Spending time within earshot of the crashing waves calms and relaxes Nix.

Tea. A habit she inherited from her beloved Sae-Sae.

Performance. Nix has a great appreciation for stories, riddles, songs and dance.


Harsh Language.

Long Lectures.


Culinary Skill. She loves to cook, and is actually quite good at it.

Magical Talent. Particularly with fire-based magic. Flinging flame is almost second nature to her.

Optimistic.She's very rarely in a bad mood.


Optimistic. Will sometimes fail to grasp how serious a situation is.

Overconfident. Probably wouldn't think twice about throwing herself into mortal danger.


- Almost always wears black.
- Prefaces most people's names with 'Sai', a respectful form of address from her home.