Main Page

From RPC Library
Revision as of 10:34, 10 August 2019 by Unnamed Mercenary (talk | contribs) (Added failed login help)
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Our featured character

Roen Deneith

Once a Sultansworn and now a Free Paladin, Roen Deneith was a woman driven by her ideals. Her staunch adherence to her principles made her seem rigid at times, and others have called her naive or foolish. As she tried to do what was best for those around her, she struggled with staying on the righteous path especially when the world seemed to want to prove to her that virtue had no place in it. Following a fateful meeting with a cynical and ruthless pirate, Roen found her beliefs put to the test, for her heart was put on the opposite side of the law and her values. Her love won that contest only to have it all come to a bloody end. Now with her conscience weighed heavily with guilt, she seeks a new path to forge for herself and to rediscover her faith in herself.



Welcome to the RPC's Final Fantasy XIV Wiki!

Tailored specifically to suit the needs of roleplayers, the wiki includes fan-gathered and developer posted lore, profiles for NPC's (in-game non-playable characters), and an extremely expansive library of your fellow roleplayers' PC's (Playable Characters).
As the game develops this wiki will update and expand, so feel free to contribute in every way possible to make this the most extensive library for roleplayers!

Useful Links

Character Profiles
Lore 101
Character Templates

Getting Started Q&A

How do I log in to the Wiki?
Logging in is the very first step of creating a wiki, simply click the 'log in' button on the top right corner and use your RPC credentials to access the site. You can still look over the wiki without logging in, but you will not be able to create or edit anything. If you have any issues logging in, please contact an admin on the RPC.

I received an error when trying to login:
If this is your first time logging in to the RPC Wiki, you may receive an account creation error. We're working to get this fixed as quickly as possible. In the mean time, please contact Unnamed Mercenary on the forums or make a thread in the Requests and Feedback section of the forum and we'll help get your account created manually.

How do I start a Wiki page for my character?

Fear not! The wiki looks daunting at first, but if you pay close attention you could have your page fleshed and done in no time! The best thing to do before you even begin is browse over the other profiles and see what others have done with their wikis! Inspiration is always good when taking on a project like this.
After you've finished perusing (or creeping) others character pages, it's time to make your own! Simply go to the Character Profile page, and in the top right corner 'Create' search box and type in your character name. Please search first and last name, for organizational purposes! Your search will create a page under that character name!

Alright, I've got a blank page for my character. Now what?

At this point, most people will use a template to create their wikis. A basic template with instructions can be found in the menu bar under 'Wiki Tutorials' labeled 'Character Page'. Most people request permission to use the templates of other characters already created. If you use a template of another character, please ensure to credit the creator appropriately in your annotations, and always get permission first!

After that it becomes a fill in the blanks regarding your character! You are free to provide as much or as little information as possible! Please also note this is OOC information unless otherwise noted (for example, rumours) and should be treated as such.

Okay, I've got it all filled out, but what if it sucks and no one reads it?

Don't think that! Wikis get a lot of attention, and a good bulk of the community loves to read them. It also helps with collaboration, and finding people you would like to interact closer with! Think of it as a networking tool.
If you aren't sure about something on your wiki, or want some feedback, the RPC forums are a great place to ask questions and get some assistance, or send out a PM. Don't ever be afraid to ask questions!

My character has a new name now. What do I do? Fear not! The wiki can assist you with this. Browse to your character page and select "move" from the "more" drop down menu at the top. We recommend you keep your characters in the Main workspace for easy linking. You can also select whether you'd like your old page to have a redirect to your new one, so that a person linking your old page will be automatically transfered over.

What do I do with a page for a retired character or a page I don't want anymore?

This happens! And your options vary on how you'd like it handled. The default option is to just leave your old page as it is. A special memory of a character that once existed. You could edit it to add that the character has been retired and is no longer available. You can also move your page if you've transitioned your character, but what to keep working with the same page template for a new one. The RPC does offer a wiki page deletion request as well, for those pages you'd prefer be no longer accessible. To do so, add the following code to your page. You don't need to blank the other information out, but can if you'd like.

{{delete|Tell us why you'd like the page removed here. It can be as long or short as you'd like.}}

NOTE: Once your page is deleted, there is a limited amount of time available for it to be un-deleted. Let a RPC staff member know immediately if you want to undo this, as deleted pages are pruned automatically by the system.