K'sato Tia

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K'sato Tia
The Pink Mage
K'sato Header.png

" Alright, I've nearly died a handful of times... But have I actually died? No!



Vital Information


NICKNAMES... Prefers to be called Sato

RACE & CLAN... Seeker of the Sun.

GENDER... Male.

AGE... 22.

NAMEDAY... 18th Sun, 4th Umbral Moon

ORIENTATION... Homosexual (Polyamorous)

MARITAL STATUS... Open Marriage

Other Statistics



FAMILY... K'ndanya Jhutoh (Mother), K'jhutoh Nunh (Father), Tihtu'ra Vuvrau (Real Father).

RESIDENCE... A house located within the Mist

OCCUPATION... Performer at the Lucky Sparrow


HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 6 ilms. 125 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Good

General Information
An affable, and warm street dancer who grew up on the streets of Ul'dah. Starting his work as a street dancer at a young age, followed by the beginning of his studies at the Thaumaturges guild, K'sato over the years has become proficient in the elemental magics, and choreography, even leading him to combine both his talents into spectacular, magic filled dance performances.
I have a plan! Which is that I don't have any plan whatsoever!
Mary Rose Pastel Pink Tanned Dancers Build Soft, & Silvery
Relaxed Right Some hidden by glamour spell Faded facial tribal markings Casual a majority of the time
Hair & Eyes
Soft, fluffy pastel pink hair sits upon K'sato's head, with soot black dye spread throughout. His eyes are a deep mary rose color that sometimes appear as if they are glowing.
Physique & Markings
K'sato appears as a fit and lean man, although with not too much muscle on his body. No markings can be found anywhere besides his face, which are only the common tribal Miqo'te markings. Two black stripes on both of his cheeks, and the brown like markings near his eyes. Aside from looking like a regular Seeker of the Sun, K'sato has inherited point fangs from his Keeper father, the only Keeper feature he managed to inherit.
Hygiene & Attire
K'sato takes very good care of his hygiene, to the point where the strong scent of fruits, candy, and other sugary like delicacies follow him wherever he goes. His attire varies from day to day, mostly what he feels comfortable wearing at the time, but all of his outfits share the single similar trait of all having a pastel pink color to them.
General Personality
K'sato is mostly, a sprightly, sociable, and to other people, a joyful individual. He is always willing to strike up conversation and turn a stranger into a friend. One will find that he prefers to put his friends before himself in most situations. Sato is incredibly protective of those he is close to, and will do and endure whatever it takes to keep them safe. Sato is an energetic man, where social situations and physical labor without suffering too much of an energy loss.
Sato to those he finds attractive, even those he just wants to tease for fun, will find he is quite a flirtatious individual. He will use his honeyed words to see how far he can get with one person, if he has some sort of secret desire with them. While he does start his advancements based on reactions, he will easily halt them and stop if he is given a hard 'No'. Despite his normally confident attitude, he can sometimes be caught off guard and brought into a fluster.
While confident, easy-going, and boastful, the Seeker is known to be rash and irresponsible.
K'sato when speaking has a soft spoken, or charming tone to his words. His vocal range is long, most definitely due to his career as a performer.
K'sato presents himself in a very casual, and laid-back manner. From resting his hands on his hips, to having his arms crossed, to just keeping his hands behind his head as he idles around. His ears and tail are almost constantly moving. From his ears wiggling from joy, or interest, or even perking up at something he wishes to hear, to his tail flicking around as he talks. If K'sato is completely comfortable, one can hear the Seeker make a cat-like purr sound.
● Foods and Sweets
● Male Miqo'te
● Performing (Singing, dancing, etc.)
● Watching performances
● Bards
● All Magics
● Pink
● Casual clothing, or things that are comfy
● Magic Duels
● Manipulators
● Corrupt persons
● Dyeing his hair
● Proficient in Magic
● Understands and speaks Hingan and Xaelic (the latter to a degree.)
● Skilled dancer
● Versatile singing voice
● Speedy and nimble

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Sato Combat Header.png
Basic Statistics
High: Magic
Above Average: Staves / Poles
Average: Physical Strength
Low: Pugilism
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: Thaumaturgy
Expert: Conjury, Geomancy, and Red Magic.
Average: N/A
Novice: Blue Magic
Weapon Training
Mastery: Staves, Wands, & Hand Casts.
Expert: Rapiers & Canes
Average: N/A
Novice: Heavy Weaponry
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Magic
Above Average: N/A
Average: Physical Strength
Low: N/A
Non-Combat Abilities
Object Levitation: He is able to cause objects around him to levitate. Often used when organizing the books within his library, or when he needs to change his home around in any way.
Combat Abilities
Thaumaturgy & Geomancy: Sato ultizes normal Thaumaturgy magicks, and mixes them with the earthy skills of a Geomancer.
Red Magic: After expanding his sights on other schools, he found one who taught him the ways of a Red Mage. He now commonly uses this technique in most combat.
Blue Magic: While inexperienced, he is still formidable with what he knows in this art. After receiving the soul stone and spellbook as a Starlight gift from Aeric, he quickly put it to use and found it a useful form of magic.
OOC Note
For combat scenes, I prefer to go by the rules of the Grindstone/Spellstone. Where there is an iniative roll and the highest number goes first, followed by an attack/defense roll with the highest number succeeding. Normally I set the defeat margin at 3 since RNG can make them last...ridiculously long at times. But I am open to other forms of RP Combat. Such as deciding the victor beforehand, or other means my RP partner might have at the time.

Trigger Warning: Physical and possible sexual abuse mentioned below. Please proceed with caution if either subjects are triggering!
Early Backstory
K’sato was born into the Hipparian tribe, located within the outskirts of Thanalan, away from any large settlements. He was raised by and the only child of, K’ndanya Jhutoh. He was raised as any other tribal Miqo'te. Given weapons to train with at a young age, to eventually become a hunter for the tirbe.

His tribal life remained calm, until he was but six summers old. A dark, spring night befell the tribe, and K'sato entered their hut to find his mother hurridly collecting her belongings and placing them within a travel bag. He questioned her, to which she only responded with "We are leaving, now." Any further questions he had were refused as he was taken by force out of the tribe. Once some distance away, K'ndanya explained that their home was no longer safe, and that they needed find a new home in the city of Ul'dah

Hesitant, and full of fear, K'sato continued with his mother to the city. Utilizing what gil K'ndanya was able to collect, she rented a room at the Inn for three nights. The young Seeker was easily overwhelmed by the unfamiliar land, and how bustling the city appeared. He longed to return to his tribal home, however he wasn't about to distrust his own mother's words.

Several suns pass, K'sato struggles to adjust to the new world he has found himself in, while his mother fails to find proper work. On the fourth sun after being removed from the Inn, their gil supply had run dry. On the streets with nowhere to go, they sought shelter in the alley's while K'ndanya pondered over their options.

Night approached, and their options were slim. All they could hope was to find peaceful sleep in the cold of night. K'sato had began drifting into sleep, only for his mother to wake him with a few soft words

“K'sato, stay here for me, alright? I've got to find us some gil so we can eat. Don't go anywhere. I love you.” she’d place a gentle kiss to his forehead then disappear into the dark of night. Exhausted, K'sato fell into a deep sleep, despite his current situation. He awoke to sunlight beaming onto his face, and no sign of his mother wherever he searched. Following her instructions he remained, waiting patiently for her return. After some bells passed, K'sato elected to begin searching for her on his own. His search was short, as he quickly returned to his original spot to continue waiting. He waited for bells which became suns. No sign of his mother, and his hunger had reached a highly painful level. He knew not what to do, nor where to go. He could not hunt in these city walls. Fear began to creep into his mind, the fear of impending death.

A flicker of hope shined down on K'sato in the form of three children. They came offering him a full waterskin and some bread to ease his hunger. Without any hesitation he'd devour what he was offered, then begin asking questions. They explained that they had been observing him, wondering why he remained in this spot alone. He explained his mother's words to them, and why he is waiting. The three looked amongst themselves with gloom-filled expressions upon their faces. They informed them of their past, that they were abandoned in the city streets, then explained that K'sato may now be in a similar fate. They offered him the chance to survive, to have a life, and he accepted.

This began what at first appeared to be a lifelong friendship between four unfortunate children who were dealt a very poor hand by fate. Through their friendship, K'sato was able to adjust much easier to the city life, even as he missed his tribal home. They passed down their knowledge to him. From showing him around Ul'dah, how to pickpocket, and how to "acquire" free food. These four spent all their days together, closely growing into a family of their own. K'sato soon found it hard to imagine life without them.

Marxene, revered as the leader of their band of misfits was an nine year old Duskwight Elezen. Quax’li, an eight year old Keeper thought as their rogue. Alred a Hyur, the same age as Quax’li and the brawns of the group. Through their teamwork they were able to acquire their necessities and ensured their own survival. With each passing sun, a question lingered in K'sato. 'Why did she abandon me?' he wondered, never finding that answer. The others tried to make him see hatred for his mother, but all he could find was confusion.

Many summers passed, with these four remaining tightly knit together. As time went on, Marxene, Quax’li, and Alred grew more harsh and cynical to the world around them, while K'sato began growing interest in the world around him. Particularly, an interest in the mages he observed around the city. This interest spawned admiration, and the beginning of a dream. This lead K'sato to enroll within the Thaumaturges Guild and begin his very first magic training.

Marxene and the others were more than displeased about his decision. They saw the world as if everything looks down upon them, and they will only be capable of surviving together in the life they had built. Attempts began to discourage K'sato from interacting with outsiders. However, this lead to their negative emotions to fester and worsen as time went on. A plan between them was forumualted, to stop K'sato from pursuing his dream.

It began with them vocalizing their disdain of his choices, an attempt to discourage him. Their words did little except leave him disheartened, but he pressed on. He pondered on how to raise his friends' spirits, and chose to find other means to raise gil for them. He recalled how street dancers caught the eyes, and gil purses of many. He observed the dancers closely, and practiced his own dances in secret. He found enjoyment in both watching, and performing, igniting the flame of another dream to pursue. Performing upon the streets brought forth gil, except not nearly as much as he had hoped for. Worried over his friends, the Seeker took more desperate measures to obtain his funds.

While he did continue his street performances, he also began offering himself as a courtesan would for further funds. Marxene and the others cared little for how hard K'sato worked, their own anger began blinding them from the truth. Believing K'sato was to abandon them as their parents did, they chose a more physical option to their plan. Still through the harm, he remained determined, and hopeful that they'd understand.

Despite his optimism things hardly improved for K'sato. Bruises that were near impossible to hide now covered his body. His nighttime patrons took note of these injuries, and assuming he was a 'rough and wild' type, they began adding more. K'sato pleaded, but they fell on deaf ears. Soon, he became numb to the pain he was experiencing, and simply endured it in silence. In the end he believed it was all for a better life. For everyone.

Further time passed, and his group continued down their dark path. Who they were this day, was nowhere near what they were when he first met them. Their harsh outlook on the world caused them to make rash, and reckless decisions. They became increasingly violent to anyone around them, even themselves. Their harm upon K'sato reached the worst it had ever been.

Then came a sudden mandatory trip around Thanalan for the Thaumaturge's Guild. K'sato was able to get out of the city before the peak of his friends' anger reached a boiling point. Meeting at the mentioned rendevous point in Central Thanalan, he found familiar guild mates, yet all with concerned expressions. They explained they simply wanted to get him out of the city to talk, and there was no mandatory trip. They inquired about his visible injuries, and he explained how he acquired them.

His fellow guildmates explained that his friends are being nothing more than abusers to him. They spent bells conversing over the topic, and Sato's history. They spent the entire sun wandering Central Thanalan and enlightening K'sato on the problems of his situation. It was difficult for him to comprehend at first, but they eased him into it and comforted him as he needed. Learning the truth of his friends wounded him, more than the physical markings upon his body. The thought of leaving them, when he put so much on the line for them was hard to consider. While he also thought that he wouldn't allow them to harm him any further.

When they returned to the city, K’sato had reached a decision. He would be progressing his life without them, no longer suffering through their abuse. He confronted them in their alley, bringing forth the facts he now had. Quickly, they tried to pin the blame on K'sato and that the guild members are lying to him. Their words didn't reach him, he said his piece and bid them farewell. Marxene driven by rage, rushed K'sato. He swiftly turned around with a fireball in hand and blasted her against the stone wall. She’d slide down to the ground beneath her with a groan of pain.

“No more.” K’sato sternly said, “No more of your hatred, anger and lies. This is farewell.” and turned one final time to walk off into the distance. Following this, they never approached him again. Yet at the same time, he never did see them again. K'sato chose to take his life fully into his own hands.

He continued his studies under the brothers in the Thaumaturges Guild, while also pursuing improvement of his dancing. Now finding enjoyment in the work of a street performer and courtesan. His initial dislike of the work existed only because of Marxene and the others, along with unwanted harm to himself. Now capable of keeping unwanted individuals away, his life began turning up for him. Utilizing his funds, he aquired a room in the Inn to reside within, for a time. K'sato was capable of building his life for himself from this point, yet the fear of being alone forever lingered inside the back of his head.

Later Backstory
Upon Eorzea's recovery from Bahamut's calamity, K'sato hastily returned to his work Now providing only for himself, he was able to live comfortably on his own. He found enjoyment in his work and studies both, eventually branching off from Thaumaturgy alone. Through his adulthood, K'sato was able to make new relaizations of himself.

The first and foremost was his exploration of his sexuality. This lead him to meet a man by the name of Axel, who later became his first husband. The marriage did not last unfortunately, as K'sato realized his polyamorous lifestyle didn't work with Axel. A lifestyle most certainly left behind from his former tribal life.

In the end, the two decided it would be best for them to part ways. Suffering his first divorce, it allowed a feeling to creep back into his head. The fear of being alone, and being abandoned. Grasping onto any hope of love and attachment, he met two men, one Au Ra and another a Hyur.

These two partners seemed like soulmates to K'sato. He felt safe, relaxed, and felt he would never be alone in their comfort. Despite the seemingly perfect relationship, it too was not to last. The hyur proposed to K'sato, but shortly afterwords things began to fall apart. And seemingly over the course of a day, the relationship crumbled. It happened so quickly, K'sato was hardly able to process what happened. Once again, he was left alone, and without one he could feel heavy attachment to.

K'sato was left tremeandously hurt. A relationship seemingly perfect failed before him, and he couldn't understand why. He attempted further to find one he could love, but each time left him heartbroken. His mental state began to suffer harshly from his emotional instability. Leading him into very, very undesirable situations. His friends attempted to aid him as much as they were capable, which certainly helped some. However, it didn't prevent him from making decisions that worried his friends.

They observed him make poor choice, after poor choice. Attempting time and time again to keep him from being irresponsible, and ending up dead. Ignoring their concern, he continued his recklessness which only drived him deeper into despair. A crushing, painful despair that lingered with him wherever he went. He believed escaping Marxene and the others would allow him to be happier. How very wrong he was.

K’sato did as much as he could to keep himself happy and most importantly, alive. There were days he struggled severely and days he began to crack. His determination refused to let him give in though and he continued to try. Then came another man of the name Zekh'ir. He quickly took advantage of the damaged Miqo'te, and his desire for attachment. Carefully leading him in with honeyed words, only to trap him in a life-threatening situation. K'sato was fear struck as the man held his very life hostage, and forced him into doing certain things for him. Memories of Marxene and the others flooded his mind, and he was able to escape; albeit not unscathed. Covered in wounds, K'sato fled to the home of his healer friend. Stricken by concern and worry, she was able to help him physically. For several suns he was left traumatized within her home, fearing Zekh'ir's return.

Five suns later, taking his first steps back outside, Zekh'ir made his appearance yet again. K'sato was petrified where he stood, unable to move or even speak. Zekh'ir claimed to be a Maelstrom officer and K'sato was to detained and charged for murder. A brief scuffle outside occured with his friends until K'sato gave himself up and they disappeared via teleportation spell. From within the cell of the Maelstrom headquarters, K'sato plead with Zekh'ir whom offered a deal for him. To be a prisoner confined within his very home, or his friends could suffer consequenes for attackinh him. Seeking to keep his friends safe more than anything, he accepted this offer. It was a long and grueling process, but K'sato slowly regained part of his freedom back.

However, things once again only got worse from here. Zekh'ir introduced K'sato to a terrible, wicked man by the name of Jihn'a Gahre. A man who he is quoted calling "pure evil and a torturer." As Jihn'a subjected him to the most pain inducing torment as possible. K'sato tried his damn hardest to keep these two men away from his friends. However, it was an inevitability they too would get dragged in. His greatest fear of being the reason of their suffering drove K'sato to the darkest point in his life. Nearly burning down his own house and fleeing into the wilderness to disappear. He desired to be forgotten, he desired to be alone. He wanted to vanish so Jihn'a would leave his closest friends alone.

K'sato's plan didn't work as intended, as his friends cared too deeply and began searching for him immediately. They found him in the Dravania Hitherlands, completely unstable and needing immediate assistance. They recovered him from Dravania, and watched him closely in the confines of his fixed home. His recovery time was cut short as Jihn'a made his re-appearance a mere two suns later. He was infuriated with the Seeker for fleeing, and was prepared to begin his torment yet again. That would have been the case, had a single friend not alerted the others of the sitution. They swiftly arrived and began combat with Jihn'a, wounding him harshly.

Victory was at hand, until the wounded Keeper grabbed both K'sato and his friend Sebra'li and swiftly made an exit through teleportation magic. K'sato attempted to fight Jihn'a in his own home to allow Sebra'li the chance to escape. Unfortunately, his power was insignificant to that of Jihn'as, leading to his inevitable defeat. In failing to protect Sebra'li, he pleaded with Jihn'a to let him go. Which lead to the unexpected events of Sebra'li offering to protect K'sato instead. To keep Jihn'a away from him, and become the Keeper's new torture toy. The two were ready to sign a blood contract, but K'sato was not going to allow that to happen. Taking the only weapon he had at his disposal--a nearby knife, he attempted to strike Jihn'a. His movements were too slow and predictable, allowing Jihn'a to once again overpower him and knock him aside. With a knife still in hand, he then attempted to take his own life to no avail.

Sebra'li restrained K'sato and Jihn'a elected to remove K'sato's memory to prevent attempted harm to himself. The contract was signed, and the spell was placed onto K'sato, where he wouldn't recall a moment of this situation. Awakening in the apartment of his friend, H'rhin, he questioned what occured. Sebra'li fed K'sato the story that they were victorious in his home, and Jihn'a fled without harming anyone else. Despite the story he was told, K'sato was worried of Jihn'a's inevitable return. He anticipated Jihn’as return. He waited for the angry Keeper, to the point that he pushed all his friends away in hopes he wouldn't go after them.

Then some moons later, he was summoned to Jihn'a's home where he saw Sebra'li consorting with the man. Immediately he questioned both Sebra'li and Jihn'a harshly. Instead of answering, his memories were returned to him, immediately rushing the thoughts and emotions of that night back into him. They prevented him from doing anything rash, and explained further what has happened since he's beena way. It was soon noticable how soft Jihn'a had grown in his time with Sebra'li. Even his friends' partner had become involved, but they were left unscathed by the Keeper's wicked ways. K’sato kept a careful watch over Jihn'a in hopes that this wasn't some odd dream.

But, he soon realized that Sebra'li and his partner both defeated Jihn'a in their own ways. They changed him as a person, albeit not perfect, certainly nothing like he was before. Of course the Seeker still held resentment to the Keeper, but he saw that Sebra'li had things handled from here on. An opportunity was presented to him, to be free from Jihn'a forever if he wished it, or he could remain with them if he so chose. Realizing his friends were no longer in any immediate threat, he took the freedom offered to him. After exiting the building he took one final glance behind him, then took his leave. Putting yet another terrible chapter of his life to an end.

Recent Events
Where he is now.
In his new found freedom, K'sato sought out proper work in the world of performing. Upon seeing the posters for a new performing company, he decided that was what he was to do next. He applied for the company and was accepted after a short interview. It was through this company that K'sato met Aeric Remora, his husband-to-be. The two spent much time together, leading to the beginning of their budding relationship. Both of them enjoyed the spotlight of the stage, and the experiences from their company were absolutely rivetting to them. The two often went to events together, and each moon went to the Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe's shows in particular.

K'sato gave large donations to the company after each show, and began making friends with its members. Their unique personalities called out to him, drawing him ever closer to the company itself. Following the unfortunate closure of his own performance company, K'sato looked no further than Lucky Sparrow. He sent in an application, albeit nervous and most certainly intimidated by them. It didn't take long for the Seeker to be called into an interview where he met one of it's officers, Oyugunjin Kha. He was asked why he wished to join the company, and to show a little bit of his performing. After a long discussion and performing, K'sato was hired as a member of the Lucky Sparrow and was left utterly starstruck.

Although friends with it's members, he still found himself intimidated by their skill. Still, he performed his heart out on stage for all to see. A few sennights following his joining of Lucky, he was bonded to Aeric Remora and remains to be to this day. K'sato has found true happiness, and a calm life that he always wished for. As things appear, it seems that it will remain that way for some time to come.

Relationship Status Legend

K'ndanya Jhutoh
K'jhutoh Nunh
Tihtu'ra Vuvrau

Jasui Vihn
K'ziyo Tia
X'inay Tia
E'rin Rae
Zeraia Reynard
Emerald Eorzean
Videra Svenay
Oliviae Svenay
Ellmida Westrose
Joura Belhi
Oyungunjin Kha
Le "My Dude" Duke
I'voryne Thate
H'rihn Nhaviri
Mahina Moui
Gan Angura
Red Astaire
Sebra'li Jinjahl
Jasui Vihn
K'ziyo Tia
X'inay Tia
Dastev Enoch
W'toya Tia
Rhaya'li Mhakaracca
Kyt'ir Gahre
T'keri Seru
Aeric Remora
Isuka Tanshiro
Former Acquaintances
Tihtu'ra Vuvrau

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Pretty sure he's slept with every man in Ul'dah by this point. Used to be a courtesan 'n all." — Anyone in the Quicksands.
"Ain't he one of them Lucky Sparrow performers?" — An Ul'dahn Merchant.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"He once won the Spellstone. Must be a good mage, eh?" — A Spellstone onlooker.
"Seems to be skilled in several different kinds. Comes 'round with a different type practically each Sennight to compete." — A Spellstone onlooker.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Heard he nearly set his house ablaze in some kind of breakdown episode. Twice. Best to be cautious... " — Rumormonger.
"Y'know, somethin' 'bout him makes me think he's got some illegal magicks in his possession. Like the real bad kind..." — Rumormonger.
"About a whole summer ago I recall there being a murder charge on a Miqo'te man with pink hair. Never heard much after that. " — Rumormonger.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

RP Info

K'sato 3rd header.png
Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Thanalan He commonly trains himself underneath the desert heat, both physically and aetherically. When not training, he loiters around the city and most commonly, the Quicksands.
Costa del Sol: On his off days he enjoys a good relaxing evening on the beach. He knows the time of year and day when the amount of tourists is slim.
The Mist / His home: His home is located within the Mist, one which he spends a lot of time at. You can find the Seeker here quite often.
The Shroud: Less often than Thalan or La Noscea. He loves the sights, but worries of upsetting the forest.
Kugane: Ever so often does K'sato make a trip to Kugane. Rare occasions when he feels like touring the east again.
Eorzea: Save for the Far East, Sato rarely makes trips outside of Eorzea. Even then, there are places upon the continent that he doesn't go to so often. If one is looking for the pink Seeker, Aldenard is the place to go.
Lucky Sparrow: K'sato recently was hired on as a full-time performer for the Lucky Sparrow Entertainment Troupe.
IC Inventory
K'sato doesn't carry too many items with him, save for a few things that are necessities. ((OOC: If one wishes to pickpocket him, do ask me at the time as I can give exact amounts of gil, and anytthing else he may have at the time.))

Glio coinpurse.png

Coinpurses: Wherever the Seeker goes he carries leather coin purses with him. Normally a decent amount of gil so that he doesn't happen to run out while he is out and about. (If this
Wand: Sometimes he carries a small wooden wand with several jewels lining it's tip.
Keys: Several keys attached to a singular chain.
RP Limits
consider myself a person who is okay with most roleplay scenarios, but please take a look at what I will and won't do even if it is brief!
I will play casual, mature, and sexual themes. From simple conversation to a bit of flirting that leads to a bedroom, all of these are okay with me. However I will only do RP with sexual themes with those over 18 years old!
Ask about plot RP, or any form of RP that may have some kind of lasting effect on K'sato. Normally I will go along with it, but I'd at least like to know ahead of time what he may be getting into!
I won't play RP that would cause K'sato to lose limbs, or an RP where the end result will be his death.
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
Magic: As a mage, Sato loves to meet those who share his interest in the arcane. Especially those who bring new ideas or magicks to the table
Performing: Performing is a big passion for K'sato. Singing, dancing, etc. He loves to show his skills off to others, or see what they have up their sleeves.
Magic Sparring: He trains his abilities a lot, but nothing ever trains him harder than a good ol' magical duel.
Sweets: He has quite the sweet tooth, perhaps a discussion of favorite sweets can turn into a friendship?
Adventuring: Is your character adventurous? Great! They could meet while they're both on one of their own, or perhaps meet and decide to go on one together? Exploration is fun!

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely, if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ No changes.
Character Concept
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Link Description: Link Title
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe my character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Trope Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés.

Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on March 15th 2019.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.