Lucydne Markfyre

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Lucydne Markfyre
Ffxiv 10122014 024951.png
"This woman was once beautiful inside and out..."
The Ash Witch
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship Ul'Dah
Guardian Rhalgr, The Destroyer
Nameday 18th Sun of the 4th Umbral moon
Age 29-32
Other Names Lucille Desmoulins; Lucy
Birthplace Coerthas (alleged)
Social Status Disowned Noble

PLEASE NOTE:This was just created. It will be continuously edited to keep current with IC information.

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  • Height: 6 Fulm 7 Ilm
  • Weight: 155 Ponz
  • Hair: Black, unevenly cut and burned from battle.
  • Eyes: Red
  • Skin: Pale, milky white.
  • Scars and Markings: A single scar sits close to her left eye. Her lips a constant black.
  • Clothing: When Lucydne first entered the order, she wore little but Knickers and a Yukata, She has since expanded her wardrobe to the family heirloom robes, Black Bliauds, Skirts and boots. Lucydne wears the same set of well polished jewelry with almost every set of clothing, her reasoning unknown.



Once known as Lucille Desmoulins, Lucydne was born to a family of wealth and status. While naturally gifted in Thaumaturgy, The Desmouins family rejected magic in favor of social appearances. Upon discovering her talent, Lucydne began to rebel against her family to what would seem no avail. After being pressured into a marriage at fifteen, Lucydne committed the ultimate act of rebellion in setting her dress alight in front of hundreds of guests. Her actions led to her immediate ejection from the Desmoulins family and the soon following change of name.

Desmoulins No More

Two years after her ejection, Lucydne aided a Hyur Paladin named Andre at the sanctum of the twelve when he was attacked by voidsent. Believing a woman shouldn't travel alone, Andre joined Lucydne. Their travels led them through Eorzea, both sworn to a mission to help rather than harm. Side by side, the two aided in solving the plight of those weaker, less fortunate than they. Within two years, their journey would lead to their meeting of a young girl, no older than thirteen, named Sera Vann. Sera, though young, was already an adept fighter with her fists. Desperate for a younger sister, Lucydne took Sera under her wing, working to correct what Lucydne considered to be Sera's deplorable accent and vulgar demeanor. The three friends soon became like family, Lucydne falling for Andre. The paladin resisted Lucydne's advances, dictating that love and romance were but secondary concerns to the needs of the less fortunate. The bond only strengthened under the feelings the Thaumaturge harbored for Andre. When their travels led them to The Stone Vigil, their bond only strengthened further under the trials the keep provided.

Deep within the Stone Vigil, a mistake and a sacrifice were made. Andre, in an act of true selflessness, fought the beasts alone while Sera aided Lucydne in escaping the keep. Even in her weakened state, Lucydne fought and screamed to stay in fight- even if it meant certain death. The two women waited outside of the keep for three days and three nights before going to search for Andre. All that remained from the battle were several corpses of beasts and the blood covered sword and shield belonging to their beloved friend. Without his weapon to attack, nor his shield to defend himself, it was clear Andre had died deeper within the maws of the Stone Vigil. It is still unclear to this day who tipped the beasts guarding the keep to their presence.

Lucydne blamed Sera for the loss of Andre, hiring a dragoon with every last bit of her Gil to kill the woman once considered her younger sister. Vowing to get stronger to never lose a loved one again, Lucydne trained in Mor Dhona while the dragoon did her bidding. He returned with one of Sera's Ceruleum blue eyes as proof that he had killed Sera Vann. Satisfied with his job well done, Lucydne paid the dragoon a bonus with what little gil she had made in her training. Little did she know, Sera was alive and missing an eye, but thankful the man had taken mercy and spared her.

A Year Later

Rumor spread about fierce beasts mutated by the Cerleum plant occupied by Garlean forces. When these rumors spread to Lucydne, the young woman headed for the hell within Mor Dhona known as The Tangle. Though she fought well, a fierce Morbol released it's deadly poison known only to Eorzeans as 'Bad Breath'. If there was one thing she'd learned from training alone, it was how to retreat, and retreat Lucydne did. She staggered up the climb to Rathefrost and collapsed below the crystallized tree. When she next awoke, a figure sat next to her, wiping the sweat from her brow. As he came into view, his uniform gave away his affiliation. A Garlean Soldier, his eyes as cold as Coerthas and hair so light it shined white under the moon. As the days passed, the man watched Lucydne regain her strength and earned her trust. She gave herself to him on their final night together before she left for Revenant's Toll. A new-found woman, Lucydne discovered the power her body and charm held over the opposite sex.

Journeying to Ul'Dah, it didn't take long for truth of what truly happened to reach Lucydne's ears or for Lucydne to find her first mark. Seducing the drunken dragoon in The Coffer and Coffin, she led him into the deserts of Thanalan, under the promise of giving up her body. Upon reaching the Sil'dih Ruins, she instructed the man to close his eyes. He excitedly followed her orders and trembled in anticipation. Within seconds, his skin began to boil within his armor, screaming only for a moment from the powerful fire spell that had hit him. Lucydne channeled her hate, her anger into the burst, leaving nothing but ash behind her. The war path only continued, men who had approached her under false guises, bandits who took her for a weaking, anyone who stood in her way. Hundreds of faces burned into her mind as they turned to ashes. Eventually, killing those in her way wasn't enough, She began to seek out stronger enemies.

Lucydne dove head first into caves and holds rich with Aether and plagued by the void. At first the feeling of being around such creatures and such energy made her feel ill, but then it became an addiction. Her time spent within such places only grew longer and longer, seeking out lairs said to hold Primal Beings. Her eyes developed a red hue, and a twisted madness grew within Lucydne. A man caught wind of a mad witch who fed on the very Aether of a person lived within the darkest reaches of Eorzea. He sent various informants to seek her out, one eventually finding her in The Sunken Temple of Qarn. When she'd been instructed to deliver an artifact to him atop Rathefrost, the man introduced himself as David Black.

Into The Order

In order to survive within the realm of normal society, Lucydne donned the mask of an impish, seductive, woman with a kind heart. Having been instructed by Black to seek out The Order of the Sword and Rose, Lucydne once more returned to Ul'Dah. The informant who'd found her in Qarn led her to the Order's open house, introducing himself as Jonathan Grayve. Within the walls of the order, Lucydne integrated herself, meeting many new faces...


  • Lucydne is an all-or-nothing woman when it comes to Combat.
  • Her idea of combat is hiding behind a Roegadyn or Hyur meat shield so she can safely burn the target to ashes from afar.
  • She has shown in the past little to no regard for those between her staff and her target. This has changed since joining the order.



  • Tea, especially when prepared by C'rhisi Tohbei.
  • Carnations
  • Exploring Eorzea


  • Weakness
  • Lack of intelligence
  • Bugs, especially large bugs.


  • Singing
  • Piano
  • Storytelling


  • There are very few people, even within the order, Lucydne trusts.
  • She has used her past in the form of a tale to warn others not to follow her path.


Disclaimer: These are Purely IC impressions. They are not effected by OOC friendships or rivalries, if you're not here it's because I am slow at adding new people to this secton.


  • David Black
Lucy and David began on the wrong foot and seemed to continually dance upon each other's toes. Between the missteps, a single spark led to an inferno of emotion between the two. This has since been put to the test by Lucydne's doubt of David brought on after talks with Jonathan Grayve and David's unwavering protection of Sera Vann. The conflict with David Black has since been resolved due to the conception of a child between the two and a final fight in Coerthas, where Lucydne refused to destroy herself, David or their child.
  • Ophelia Rochedalaix (NPC)
The only relative she's seen in years. Hated. Sister to the man she refused to marry.


Since beginning to steal Felix's various stashed flasks and traveling with him to aid in his sobriety, Lucydne has found a trustworthy friend in Felix. The Hyur isn't as vulgar as many tend to be in her eyes, but she suspects this is due to his Garlean heritage.
  • Jonathan Grayve
A fallen knight in Lucydne's eyes. Though she trusts and view's Jonathan as a friend, recent events have made her begin to internally question his motives. The suggestion from Jonathan that she was merely being used as a carrier for the child David Black was to weaponize caused Lucydne to panic and flee when confronted by the father of her child. This rumor has since proved to be untrue, and Lucydne has yet to speak with Jonathan on this matter.

Order Members

A beautiful and proper woman, Ciel has Lucydne's respect. After witnessing a sign of affection between she and Jonathan, Lucydne has come to the conclusion that if there is not a relationship between Ciel and Jonathan now, there will be soon.
The leader of the order has Lucydne's respect and trust. His tendency to self injure has Lucydne worried, but as others in the order have witnessed this act and done nothing, she has so far chosen to remain silent.
A hotheaded Hyur who might very well have saved Lucydne's life at the swamps of Camp Tranquil.


  • Uriel Neishin
Known only to Lucydne as "The Woman In Bird Armor", Uriel kidnapped Lucydne from Ul'Dah, only to near leave her for dead in the swamps of Camp Tranquil. If it weren't for Kale Aideron finding her, Lucydne would likely have perished in the shallow swamp waters.


Common Rumors

  • "Her? Comes by once a week for Gysahl Greens; Her chocobo's a right bastard from what she says,"
  • "Strange woman, nice enough, but strange,"

Moderate Rumors

  • "Scary eyes, I don' trust her,"
  • "Speaking like she's some kind of noble- even if she was, she's probably the shame of her family,"
  • "Could almost outdrink a roegadyn, some nights,"

Rare Rumors

  • "All I'm saying is she was the last person seen with Laurent at the Coffer and Coffin..."
  • "She just has the look of a cold-blooded killer"

PC Rumors

  • "Lucydne? She's saved my ass more than once. Even if it meant a trip through the void...Though, on second thought, the trip wasn't that bad really, heh." - Felix Drake

Her Tale

"There once was a woman, gifted in the art of Thaumaturgy.

This woman was once beautiful, both inside and out.

Under a vow to help rather than harm, she traveled Eorzea with the man she loved and her younger sister.

One fateful night, within a frozen keep, her love lost his life to the dragon dwelling within it's icy walls.

The woman mourned her love, blaming her sister for his death.

In an act of vengeance, the woman sent a champion to slay her sister.

The champion took not the poor girl's life, but one of her eyes, as proof of his feat.

When the woman learned of his lies, her anger turned to hatred, burning the man to ashes.

The woman then chose to seek power, to become strong enough to kill the girl and all who protected her.

Her desire would lead her to seek Primal Aether in dangerous quantities.

What the woman did not know, is the Aether would drive her insane.

The Aether would alter her not just inside, but out as well.

With eyes red like Dalamud, trapped within Aetherial maddness, the woman found her sister hiding behind a final obstacle-

A man who carried an ancient tome- A man with the ability to bind Ifrit's very essence to his will.

Though the man was strong, he found himself close to defeat soon after the woman attacked.

In her rage, the woman did not notice the man's last ditch effort to save her sister.

The woman called down a spell known only by heretics long passed at the same moment the man took her into his arms.

When the spell struck, the man drug the woman to hell in his embrace- leaving little but a staff, a tome and her innocent sister behind."


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea