Gogonji Gegenji

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Garlemald Flag.jpg Gogonji Gegenji
Knowledge is Power
To Be Added
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): • Scholar
• Summoner
Main Tradeskill: Culinarian
Preferred Role: Healer?
Server: Balmung
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Reputation: Unknown
Occupation: Strategist/Information Broker
Education: Home-schooled
Marital Status: Engaged
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Guardian: Thaliak, the Scholar
Free Company
Items Carried
• Well-Worn Codex
• Jeweler-style Bifocal Glasses
• Cactaur Earring
• Ruined Rouser Necklace
Race: Lalafell
Clan: Dunefolk
Age: 32
Height: 3 fulm, 1 ilm
Weight: 35 ponze
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Green
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Bookwormish
Notable Features: Looks permanently displeased
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Gogonji Gegenji (17th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon), also known as "Gogon" or by his common front name of "Tmesis Oan," is a dour-looking Dunesfolk Lalafell from Doma who greatly encapsulates the Dunesfolk stereotype of being intelligent, cunning, and looking out for himself (usually in a financial sense). He has made a name for himself under his front identity as a skilled tactician, providing guidance for numerous small skirmishes across Eorzea. Despite the bookish and sometimes even cuckold demeanor he displays in public, even those who have worked in passing can tell that beneath that veneer is a cold, calculating mind. Few manage to draw any closer to him to see if there is anything deeper, however, due to his arrogant elitism and rampant bouts of secrecy and paranoia.

Basic Info

Chachanji Gegenji is the eldest son of Zozonji Gegenji, the most recent head of a family of Doman weapon and armorsmiths, and Jijinya Jinya, aspiring daughter of a middling Ul'dahn merchant family who seeks to spread knowledge of the family's wares throughout all of Hydaelyn. As heir apparent and eldest child to his sister Nininya Ninya and Chachanji Gegenji, he has held a position of responsibility and authority since his youth. The next head of the family, the prodigal son, and adored brother of his youngest sibling. Even now, away from the auspices of his family, he carries himself with an unshakable air of calm and superiority. Even the most outlandish situations are oft-faced with his seemingly ever-present look of flat disinterest.

While he was initially trained in the ways of the forge by his father, Gogonji's expertise lies in much more mental activities. He frequently tracks and seeks to profits on the markets of Eorzea, backing and connecting various businesses and clients, and even will purchase materiel from one source only to turn it around and sell it at a higher price to a willing customer without the items even actually crossing his vision. But that is not the only goods he deals in. The one business he has a personal hand in is the one that drove the wedge between him and his father; he deals in information.

To Gogonji, knowledge is the most potent tool and resource on Hydaelyn. One cannot make weapons without knowing how or knowing where to obtain the resources needed. One cannot use or combat magic without knowing of it, along with its strengths and weaknesses. And even possessing the mightiest blades and the greatest magicks, without knowledge on how to use them correctly... one is useless at best and an active detriment at worst. Even the greatest armies can crumble under the right tactics and tricks.

Finding Gogonji - or at least his front name of Tmesis Oan - is not too difficult a task. At least, it is easy for him to learn that you are looking for him. His slowly growing network already has hands in the marketplaces of Eorzea, and he holds interest in any place that harbors knowledge in any form. Simply dropping a word here and there stating you are looking to buy or sell information can find you face-to-face with the Lalafell or, more likely, a front man to gauge you first. Once his requirements have been appeased, his knowledge and web of connections could prove quite useful.

If you prefer a more casual interaction, his front's public engagement to Annunu Nunu has resulted in his frequenting events involving high Ul'dahn society. Hobnobbing with the nobles, attending high-brow events, making token appearances at charities. However, one will likely only see the face he shows to the populace here, and won't let the facade fall unless there is a place private enough and the situation intriguing enough. However, even he has places he likes to frequently visit...

As of late, he seems to be making heavy use of a cane. His movements are slow and measured, oft making use of it or his mate for support when he is without it. Like Gogonji, though, the object is more than it appears. A panel on the underside of the handle can be pressed to cause the seemingly normal metal tip to split into a padded claw. It usually gets displayed whenever he is seeking a tome out of his reach due to his Lalafellan height. What other tricks that might lie within it, like its owner, are yet to be seen.


Obtaining knowledge, especially through books.
Selling information or even just flaunting his knowledge.
Well-made teas, especially exotic or rare types.
Hot sake on a cold night and a cold mint lassi on a hot day.


People too open with his real name.
Excessive levels of ignorance and stupidity.
Being inconvenienced.


Alignment: Neutral Evil
Favorite Food: Shark Fin Soup
Favorite Drink: Mulled Tea
Favorite Color: Gray

Appearance & Personality


  • His face is naturally set in a very displeased look, a trait inherited from his father. This makes any emotion that he may display look foreign and out of place. Even his smiles look condescending, though - truth be told - they usually are.
  • Similarly, his laughs are notable due to how dry and emotionless they are. More often than not, they sound as if he is forcing one because a laugh seems like it belongs there. If he can laugh with any sort of actual emotion behind it beyond some level of derogation, it has yet to be heard.
  • Many of his actions and the way he speaks to people can be likened to a teacher in a classroom. School seems to always be in session, and whoever he's talking to is either part of the class or a particular student pulled aside for some private talking-to.
  • Oddly enough, he actually becomes a bit more lenient and personable when drunk. While he might still remain in a sort of "teacher mode," he becomes more of a supportive, pushing-for-you-to-succeed teacher instead of the one no one wants.
  • Strengths

    • Dangerously intelligent. If he does not know something, he likely knows a way to obtain the information, and might already be in the process of obtaining it. This can also include things his own clients might not want him to know.
    • His own stubborn nature, along with recent events, has developed his will into something approaching superhuman. Any attempts to possess or control him, or even just peer into his mind, will find themselves stopped by a wall of sheer, unrelenting willpower.
    • Highly skilled in mathematics and economics, and to some degree even a bit of magiteknology - if it involves numbers in any shape or form, he is quick to learn and become adept at it.
    • Given the above, it should be no surprise he is quite adept at Arcanima and its predecessors - Nym Scholasticism and Allagan Summoning. He is also currently teaching himself to read and draw knowledge from the stars, but it is slow going.
    • While he seems to have few real connections with people, those he shares such bonds with are protected with an almost frantic passion beyond what he usually displays.
    • Weaknesses

      • He is clinically sociopathic, along with all that entails, including:
        • difficulty making meaningful connections
        • rarely learning from his own mistakes, and
        • possessing little to no empathy regarding most people.
      • He can suffer almost sudden bouts of paranoia, and keeps almost everything close to the vest even when not in one of these fits.
      • His vision is absolute garbage, needing his glasses both see the world around him and read anything that is not an ilm or two in front of his face.
      • He currently needs to make use of a cane, though not nearly as much as he puts on. His actual level of need for it seems to be linked to how much mental stress he's under.

      • Biography

        Childhood and Teenage Years

        Gogonji, eldest child in the Gegenji family, had much expected of him from the start. It was seen as a given that he would take the place as family head once Zozonji and Jijinya stepped down, so even his earliest memories involve being taught and molded into that purpose. How to make weapons and armor, how to sell them, how to repair them, how to improve on them. Even as his two other siblings were born, the brunt of the focus was set on Gogonji to prepare him for his role. Gogonji even took to living a bit vicariously through his younger brother's seeming complete freedom compared to him, which aided in the bond between the two brothers.

        Things would derail quickly from his father's master plan, however. Gogonji natural intelligence, paired with his mother's cunning and his father's stubborn nature, resulted in a mind that was quickly turned from the seemingly mundane fate his father planned for him at the forge. He quickly became an avid reader, especially in the matter of historical battles, tearing through tome after tome on the subject and anything else that caught his interest. Once he learned of Arcanima, however, his full division from his family's goals seemed set in stone.

        In what free time he had, he dived into the subject, soon learning of the ancient civilization of Nym and its place in the War of the Magi. A numerically inferior nation that held its own against two greater powers through a superior grasp of knowledge and tactics. Such strength in intelligence struck a chord to the Lalafell living in Garlean-occupied Doma. And not only did he see the patriotic use for such things, he saw a monetary gain as well. Unlike weapons, information and knowledge would be forever useful and profitable - and much easier to manipulate and update than steel blades and iron shields. Young Gogonji, full of impetuous teenage attitude and spirit, saw a better path for his family.

        His father, however, disagreed.


        The Hypothesis
        The Experiment
        The Result





        ◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
        ◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
        ◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
        ◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)

        Please feel free to add your own rumors!

        If asked about Tmesis Oan: "Oh, Master Oan? He is my betrothed, a learned scholar, a reputable person. We make a good match."
        If asked about Gogonji Gegenji by someone she doesn't know well: "I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that name."
        If asked about Gogonji Gegenji by someone she does know well: "Everyone needs a reason and a purpose. He is both and more for me." - Annunu Nunu
        If asked about Tmesis Oan: "...Who??"
        If asked about Gogonji Gegenji: "He's so different from his brother. [frowns] He is clever and knowledgeable, but... the way he values information is disconcerting to me." - Shoshopu Shopu


          Color Key
         ♕  Queen: The most important piece, next to the King. Thus, it also means the one(s) closest to Gogon. Even more than the already vaulted task of seeing them as a person, it is someone who he cares about most explicitly, and most afraid of losing.
         ♗  Bishop: These are those who have either crossed, or are near-to, that unseen line for Gogonji between "person" and "tool." These are those he will actually show concern about, and oft provide information either free or at a reduced rate for their own well-being.
         ♘  Knight: Useful tools. Their unique abilities, much like the Knight's unique movement on the chessboard, make them quite valuable to Gogonji. They are still tools, but he will be far more concerned about maintaining this tools over others.
         ♖  Rook: A tool. Someone who can be used, but does not bring anything to the table that he cannot get elsewhere. Should they prove troublesome, he has no qualms with discarding them. Or removing them completely.
         ♙  Pawn: Someone of notice, but not being utilized as a tool. Perhaps due to their inability to be controlled or even just a large enough gap between what they provide and the work that would need to be invested to do so.
         ●  Off the Board: Trash, garbage. This individual is likely in Gogonji's sights to be removed completely from the equation, if they haven't already. Likely due to placing themselves as an obstacle in his way or seeking to harm or threaten those rare few he cares for.

          Annunu Nunu (  ♕  ) - The Pawn Becomes a Queen
        Who would have guessed that the doll-faced woman he original saw as little more than a plant by the Garleans would come to be one of the closest to his heart? Gogonji certainly didn't, but over time and through her concern and devotion, An gone from a suspected threat to a life-partner and mate to the otherwise distant and paranoid Lalafell. Originally seeing her as a weapon, he now seeks more than anything to show her that she is far, far more than that.
          Chachanji Gegenji (  ♕  ) - The Freedom Desired
        While it is love of a different kind, the familial bond between little Chachan and his Go-nii is a powerful one; even greater than his care for the rest of his family. It was the belief of his brother's death that drove him to seek to see Garlemald burned down, everything else be damned. It was his brother's survival that stopped him. It was his concern for his brother that he promised to take a less violent path, and it is also that concern that has currently driven a strange wedge between them.
          Sasha Rochester (  ♗  ) - A Tool Far Too Familiar
        Sasha has been an... interesting individual to work with. Bringing Gogonji along to delve into the vast depths of the Great Gubal Library, the two sought knowledge and openly bemoaned the lacking intelligence of their companions. In many ways, her behaviors mirror some of his own. Perhaps that's why he feels so inclined to impart advice to her and to avoid seeing her make blatantly obvious mistakes. Perhaps one could consider her a sort of "teacher's pet" for the Lalafell.


        * Combat theme was picked due to Gogon's similarities to Sho Minamimoto from The World Ends With You, so I went through the OST for a song that might fit. The song most associated with Sho, however, is "Someday."

        General Theme:
        Tension Theme: Requiem for a Dream
        Combat Theme: TWEWY - The Transformation
        TV Tropes: Neutral Evil

        Templates by Bancroft Gairn and L'aenoh Tia