Seraphie Aergraelwyn

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Seraphie Aergraelwyn
Outgoing and protective Roegadyn-raised Lominsan
Seraphie bubblesdivider.png

Yeah, I'm Officer Aergraelwyn. ...What's that look? Were ye expecting someone else?

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Vital Information

PRONUNCIATION... Sarah-fee Air-grey-ell-win

NICKNAMES... Sera, Seraph

RACE & CLAN... Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun

GENDER... Female

AGE... 22 winters

NAMEDAY... 15th Sun, 2nd Umbral Moon, 1555 S.A.E.

ORIENTATION... Pansexual


Other Statistics




RESIDENCE... Plot 39, 7th Ward, Mist

OCCUPATION... Maelstrom officer

PATRON DEITY... Llymlaen, the Navigator

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 5 fulms, 5 ilms. 110 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Neutral-good

General Information
A strong-willed, bold, yet kind-hearted Sea Wolf-raised Lominsan Miqo'te who tends to forget her appearance doesn't quite match her commanding presence.
Green left, violet right Short golden blonde Cream Slender, fit, muscular Common, energetic, professional, Lominsan accent
Notable Features
Confident, loving, ambitious, caring Ambidextrous, prefers right Several small, none notable None at all Short 1-fulm tail
Hair & Eyes
Seraphie's hair is a consistent sandy golden blonde, usually cut medium-short and spiky with side-swept bangs for necessity in her daily life; seeming a bit butch yet styled enough to still be feminine. Her eyes are separate colours; the left one being a bright sea green, the right being a light violet, and both having slit pupils like that typical of a Seeker.
Physique & Markings
At 5'5", Seraphie is only a couple ilms taller than the average Miqo'te, though would be considered short by most of the folk she stays around. As for a notable feature, her tail is rather short for most Miqo'te; at less than 1 fulm in length, but rather fluffy. Because of her employment in the Maelstrom, she's very thin, fit, and muscular; though wouldn't be visible at a glance because of her otherwise small frame. When she purposely flexes her muscles, however, it becomes clear that she's deserving of a position in the military. She has a thin waist, average hips, and a small bust. Her skin is almost clear of any imperfections, just a small scar or two on her face that would only be noticeable in close proximity, as well as several scattered randomly along her body. She has no typical tribal Miqo'te markings on her face.
Hygiene & Attire
Like anyone in the military, Seraphie takes good care of herself. Her hair is cut regularly, her fur washed, and her clothes are ironed and fresh. Her clothing style varies quite a bit depending on the circumstances; she has several Maelstrom-given outfits, several casual outfits, several professional, and a formal dress or two for events; though she typically prefers tuxedos. Her style is generally rather common of a folk at middle-class, and doesn't stand out.
Psychological Profile
Seraphie's voice itself is pretty common; medium-range and healthy, nothing that would stand out. Because of her parents having accents on polar sides (one being thick Lominsan and the other being educated Sharlayan), Seraphie carries a lighter accent and better grammar that many Lominsan-raised folk do. When she tries, she can speak almost accent-free; though doesn't normally care enough to mask it. She does tend to be lazy with her grammar when she's off-duty, but that's nothing compared to how thick her accent and vocabulary become upon alcohol consumption. You'd have to be among the truest Lominsan pirates to understand a lick of it.
Philosophy & Mannerisms
Seraphie has always believed that a good outlook is the most important tool in her arsenal. She always makes it an effort to leave judgement and harshness at the door; though admittedly falls short when dealing with those who have intent to harm others, thanks to the caring and protective attitude she adopted from her mother. She's always willing to lend a hand to those in need, regardless of the inconvenience to herself. Her demeanor is usually proud, friendly, and outgoing; she tends to forget personal space and isn't particularly careful around strangers. In only a few moments after meeting her, you may find her arm around your shoulder prompting you to tell her your life story. However, when on-duty, she does her best to keep a professional attitude. ...But her best only goes so far, as her coworkers watch her awkwardly try to high-five, fistbump, and pat the shoulders and heads those she meets.
● Working
● The sea
● Alcohol
● Boating
● Mentoring
● Seafood
● Caring for others
● Treasure hunting
● Arranging parties/events
● Learning/Training
● Cigars
● Elementals
● Selfishness
● Cheating
● Sour food
● Cloudy days
● Cold weather
● Garleans
● Cat jokes
● Cooking
● Investigation
● Sword combat
● Basic crafting/mending
● Pole/Spear fishing
● Drinking
● Following/Giving orders
● Sharlayan Astrology
● Patience
● Paperwork
● Planning

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Basic Statistics
Above Average:
Aetheric Abilities
Weapon Training
Combat Relevant Skills
Above Average:
Non-Combat Abilities
Ability: Description
Combat Abilities
Ability: Description
OOC Note
Any relevant notes about combat should be added here, such as player preference, system preference, or links off-site to sheets using existing XIV player-made combat systems.

A basic and compressed explanation of Seraphie's past
Disclaimer: The information is here for trivial purposes, and not meant to be meta-gamed. Though, I have no problem if it's used sparingly in role-play through something along the lines of someone's character being able to read fortunes, view memories, etc.
Sixth Astral Era
★Seraphie was orphaned at several months old when her tribe land had been raided and left abandoned. Several officers from the Maelstrom had ispected the remains and found her there; likely assuming it had been a quarrel with a nearby tribe over territory. ★From there, they took her back to Limsa Lominsa where she was placed in an orphanage. But it wasn't long before a fellow Maelstrom Roegadyn woman heard about this, and made a spur of the moment choice to adopt the child and give her daintly Elezen husband quite the surprise. ★Seraphie grew up in a loving household, and around many rambuctious outgoing Roegadyn and pirate folk. Her mother was a strong, loud, bold and proud through-and-through thick-blooded Lominsan Sea Wolf who ranked high in the Maelstrom. She lead people with an iron fist (and axe), but had the biggest and most caring, motherly heart of all: and was the ultimate inspiration for who Seraphie wanted to be when she grew up. Her father was an intelligent Elezen man that carried many scholarships from the various colleges he'd attended. He hailed from Ishgard, and had fell in love Roegadyn women 7 years prior to Seraphie's adoption, where he left his home and stayed in Lominsa and became a stay-at-home husband. ★During Seraphie's youth, her mother would take her out on Maelstrom duties; which she was lucky to get away with, thanks to her respected status. When it wasn't Maelstrom duties, it was bringing Sera along to secure treasure and sell it on the markets for the extra coin they needed; dangerous stuff really, the pair got quite the scolding when they arrived home. Despite how risky it seemed though, Sera's mother was always cautious, and never took on more than she could protect her daughter from. She had even one day purchased an Abalathian Warhound pup for the family as a guard dog; though it only ever guarded people with fierce licks. Meanwhile, her father would stay at home and take it upon himself to teach Sera literacy, and even some magic; such as the Sharlayan astrology that he had studied during his years in Sharlayan while it was bustling.

Seventh Umbral Era
★As Seraphie aged up, she began to set her goals. She was roughly 14 when the Calamity struck. Where many people had been broken by such an event, Sera was only fueled by it. She became ever more determined to help people through hard times as she saw her mother do, and to rebuild the lands strength to what it once was. ★When she hit 16, she enlisted in the Maelstrom (thanks to the standing of her mother) and became a member of her mother's squadron (also thanks to her mother's standing). She started out small, and grew to have a respect for her unbreakable will and fierceness; and light-hearted comedic attitude about things, much like the mother she treasured. ★When Seraphie hit 19 years old, she made the decision drop to a part-time Maelstrom officer to leave home and adventure around Eorzea. Her mother was in full favor of the idea since she treasured adventure, and while her father was nervous at first, he ultimately agreed as well. So Sera left home, much to her Abalathian Warhounds sadness, and took across the sea to Aldenaard. ★Once there, she stumbled into a Seeker male who was misplaced from his tribe; and the two ended up founding a small alliance, which would later blossom into her Free Company, Unity, when she arrived home to Vylbrand a few months later to fill all the paperwork out affiliate it with the Maelstrom

In Recent Times
Moving Forward
★In present-day, Seraphie works part-time as a Maelstrom officer, part time as a very small Free Company leader, and part-time as a treasure hunter and adventurer. She owns the deeds to a home in the Mist where her Company is located, and is where she can most often be found when she's not on-duty as an officer. Lately, she's been spending more time in Dravania to befriend dragons, and also in Idyllshire to find people with suitable knowledge to further study the Sharlayan Astrology that her father had brought her up with. ★In general, she's always looking for people to help and assist, and where she can bring justice. ...Assuming she's not over-indulging on ale in a bar over her recent sorrows about her close friend having left her in favor of the Cieldalaes.

Relationship Status Legend

Sasha Featherheart ( ) - Part-time guard, trusted friend, FC mate.
Character's Thoughts: "Despite how much ov'a goofy reckless fireball she is, I can always count on 'er to have me back when it really counts. Would trust few folk as much as her!"
Seraphie and Sasha's friendship goes back many years to their mid teens when Sasha first left her homeland and ended up on the shores of Vylbrand. They seem to always be on the same page, to the point they can communicate with simple looks and expressions. In general, their closeness and the details of their meeting is somewhat mysterious. Sasha often accompanies Seraphie when the two have Free Company duties to complete.
Eve Eros ( ) - Mysterious conjurer
Character's Thoughts: "Odd girl, really. Sweet as a tart, has a talent with conjury, but I think her kindness'll get 'er in trouble some day..."
One day, Lucifiah dropped this young girl off on Seraphie. Luci claimed that the girl had been living on the streets and found herself out of luck, but had a talent for conjury that she believed Sera could help her nurture. Seraphie doesn't know much about her, other than the fact she had a sister who supposedly played around with dark magicks. Regardless, she still tries to mentor the girl and get to know her.
Iihn'e Anekse ( ) - Quiet and quirky FC mechanic
Character's Thoughts: "Swear it on the Navigator, this story's real! I was walking 'round Limsa one day, like any other, when out of thin air, a nude fellow landed himself right at me; saying he'd teleported himself through the lifestream. 'E's lucky I didn't end his family lineage right then n' there!"
Iihn'e and Seraphie met through an odd encounter: Iihn'e showed up in front of her buck-naked after a last-ditch (and dangerous) attempt to teleport through aether, claiming that he had no memory. But since then, they've been good friends ever since. Iihn'e works in Seraphie's Free Company estate as the mechanic; working on airships and testing magitek schematics. He has no memory of his past other than his name and affinity for tech, and the two are currently working together to uncover his past as days go by.
Y'jihro Tia ( ) - Good friend, Company co-founder
Character's Thoughts: "Aye, Y'jihro was one of th'best friends a lass could ask for. He founded Amity with me, it wouldn't exist without'im. He left t'go back to the Cieldalaes a couple moons ago"
Seraphie and Y'jihro go back several years, to when they first joined up together during their time on Aldenaard and formed their company Amity. The two didn't spend much time apart for several years; until Y'jihro's tribe wanted him to come back to stay with them in the Cieldalaes, and he heeded the call.
Lucifiah Umbral( ) - Lovable drunken mooch.
Character's Thoughts: "She's got a bottle of ale in her mouth more oft'n than a babe does with his mum's teat!"
Seraphie's drunken friend who works as a Dragoon in Ishgard. Not much is known about their relationship, but they've been friends a couple winters. Lucifiah tends to stumble into Seraphie while drunkenly looking for a place to sleep, or have strange new favors and debts she needs help with; all which Sera seems to begrudgingly lend aid to. [Their last names are coincidence]
Aergrael Wilteidinwyn ( Family ) - Adoptive mother
Character's Thoughts: "Me mum's the best I could ask for! Ye'll never meet a woman as courageous, fierce, and kind as her!"
An outgoing and ambitious Roegadyn woman, past pirate, thick-blooded Lominsan, and high-ranking Maelstrom commander, ex-Knight of the Barracuda, who adopted Seraphie when she was orphaned, and raised her with all the love in the world. The person whom Seraphie desired to grow up to be like. Unlike with most folks, Seraphie's surname came from her.
Ichant Kauvalaut ( Family ) - Adoptive father
Character's Thoughts: "While me mum was busy being the "fun parent", pa was busy constructing a curriculum for me! And cooking, thank th'Gods at least one of 'em could make edible food..."
Seraphie's father hailed from Sharlayan and was a highly intelligent and successful scholar; but ended up settling down in Limsa when he well in love with his now-wife. He mostly stayed at home doing papers while his wife worked in the Maelstrom, but that gave him more time to help teach Sera about literacy and Sharlyan Astrology; despite the known risks to giving away Sharlayan knowledge without consent. He gave Seraphie her forename.

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"What a nice girl! I saw her out helping with decorations for Starlight" — Maelstrom Privet.
"Seraphie, the kitty girl? Aye! I purchased a fancy golden statue from her! She comes 'round Ul'dah every couple weeks to sell the stuff she's collected. Quite a catalog of it, too! And if you're lucky, you'll notice something she don't know the value of!" — Ul'dahn merchant.
"Bah! Abuses her title, gets t' do whatever she damn well pleases 'cause she's an "officer."" — Swiftperch resident.
"Me mother was pickpocketed a couple weeks ago- Lost an heirloom ring and some gil. The Yellow Jackets didn't do shite for me, must only care about the coin... The lass took 'er time to track the scoundrel down, though. Didn't git the gil, but got th' ring back." — Rumor Monger.
"Th' blonde cat? I think seen her; her jingling pockets mostly. She walked righ' through Pearl Lane one day, got confronted by someone playin' a beggar. Pool fool gave 'em a whole sack of coin. Gullible fool, wish I'd tried that myself." — Pearl Lane dweller.
"Rumor." — Rumor Monger.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"She's awful young fer someone in her ranking. Ye know, she only got there 'cause her mum's Commander Aergrael." — Maelstrom Lieutenant.
"Seraphie? I know her. She visits the Forgotten Knight during her stays in Ishgard. Downs more alcohol than even folk twice her size. To tell the truth, I'm worried she may have a problem." — Forgotten Knight waitress.
"Saw her with my own two eyes, sneakin' out into the night to speak with a godsdammed dragon. Before the War ended. She's a bloody liar if she thinks she can get away with heresy, but she's damn well a good liar to the Temple Knights." — Camp Dragonhead guard.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"That lass was found in the arms ov' her dead mum. Whole tribe gots' slaughtered for some reason, 'cept her? Sounds right ol' fishy to me." — Rumormonger.
"Her father, Ichant, escaped from Sharlayan before he was able t' git arrested, 'parently. She took her mother's name because he's a wanted criminal, I hear. User of illegal magicks, n' such. The kid probably knows th' stuffs, now." — Lominsan porter.
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

RP Info

Location & Probability
Places where you're likely to run into her~
Limsa Lominsa: High
La Noscea: High
The Mist: High
Bars across Eorzea: High
Lavender Beds: High-moderate
Ishgard: Moderate
Ul'dah: Moderate
Gold Saucer: Low-moderate
Gridania/Shroud: Low-moderate
Places where you may know her from or have seen her doing business~
Maelstrom: Works part-time as an officer in the Maelstrom and owns a Free Company tied to them.
Limsa Lominsa/La Noscea: Spends most of her time in Vylbrand for Maelstrom/Free Company duties.
The Mist: Lives and spends her free time there at bars, with friends, or helping take care of the neighborhood.
Ul'dah: Will occasionally visit the markets to sell the rarities she's collected in order to secure more Free Company funds.
Ishgard/Coerthas: Often sneaks away there to bond with dragons and drink at the Forgotten Knight.
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Seraphie bag.png Glio coinpurse.png Astral Ring.jpg Seraphie linkpearl.jpg Seraphie-griffinhorn.png Seraphie-windupifrit.png Seraphie maelstromdocuments.jpg Seraphie knife.jpg Seraphie key.png Seraphie apobag.jpg Seraphie log.jpg

Cloth bag: A well-made cloth bag containing the items she carries with her.
Coinpurse: A simple coin purse made of soft leather, containing a few hundred gil.
Astral ring: A fancy jeweled ring passed down to her from her adoptive father's family.
Linkpearl: A linkshell used primarily to be contacted by the Maelstrom or her Free Company.
Griffin horn: A special horn designed to be used in Coerthas to call upon a griffin she befriended.
Wind-up Ifrit: A cute and rare collectable that she often keeps with her for a false sense of company.
Maelstrom documents: A set of official documents that provide proof of her officer position in the Maelstrom.
Knife: A multi-purpose sharped knife used for anything from cutting plant stems to self-defense.
Key ring: A ring with several keys on it, including keys to her Free Company estate and apartment.
Apothecary satchel: A small cloth satchel on her belt used to collect rare herbs.
Notebook and quill: A leather-covered notebook and quill for keeping track of things.
RP Limits
I'm rather open-armed and willing to join in most things, whether ongoing or just as a brief NPC! I don't have any literacy level preferences, and I'm by no means judgemental~ If you see anything that's not on this list and are curious, please feel free to ask me~ Otherwise, anything that's on the "no" list is hard no.
I will play: Comedy. Mature themes such as drinking, swearing, injuries, suggestive conversation, drugs, etc. Casual conversation. Long, over-arching stories. Playing as a brief NPC in other stories. Mild lore-stretching. Fighting (freeform or dice). Being a mentor, trainer, parental-figure or caretaker. Assassination/mugging attempts. Developed romance. And many other things that I can't think of!
Ask about: Any permanent/significant injuries. Being held captive. Basically anything that will have a permanent or somewhat long-lasting effect on my character.
I won't play: Sex. Over-excessive gore. Forced romance. Significant disregard to lore. Killing of my character.
RP Hooks
A list with a few ideas for how to approach her~ By no means is it all of them, but they're great starters! Feel free to use any, I'm always looking for RP~
■ She works for the Maelstrom and can be found many places on-duty. She often has her eye open for those in need of aid, or any suspicious activity. She often extends her duties beyond her work hours and will go out of her way to help or investigate.
■ She visits Ul'dah roughly once a week to sell some of the rarities she's found from her adventures; such as odd treasures, old artifacts, strange relics, dusty tomes, etc. She often posts advertisements of her items on the public marketboards.
■ She has a love of treasure hunting, and you may have overheard her somewhere saying how willing she'd be to accompany others in search of such things.
■ She has a weak spot for anybody in need; anywhere from lost children to injured mercenaries. She'll often offer to invite people into her home so she can care for them, even those who may have been rejected many times over.
■ She enjoys teaching any of the knowledge she's gained to anyone willing to learn, as well as being a mentor to anyone seeking to learn skills she may possess.
■ She has been seen in the Dravania trying to speak to and befriend dragons, in current days and even roughly a year prior to the completion of the Dragonsong War.
■ She has a rather bold and big personality, and lacks any sort of typical Miqo'te habits. She's very outspoken, and doesn't seem to realize the fact that she's a small, short cat girl; which can stun those who are fulms bigger than her.
■ She has an apartment in the Lavender Beds which she uses as a getaway home, and can be found relaxing there and quietly thinking about things.
■ Her home is in the Mist, where she spends most of her time. She can be found strolling around, gardening, working on the home, or helping clean or decorate the neighborhood for seasonal holidays and events.
■ She's somewhat of an alcoholic, and almost never declines an invite to go drinking. For that reason, she can often be seen in bars, and speaking thick Lominsan gibberish as her blood alcohol content goes up.

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There's quite a few walls of text here, but I skimmed over quite a bit to preserve some air of unknown to her so she can be developed and revealed through roleplay~ Feel free to use any of the rumors you desire, or send me a /tell if you want to make sure using a Rare rumor is okay! If my in-game status isn't set to "RP", send me a /tell before starting anything~ (I don't want you to think you've been snubbed if I was busy!)
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ Nothing.
Character Concept
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Lodestone profile: Link
■ Blank


Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on Month ##th, 2016.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.
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