Oliwat Kokiwat

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 Oliwat Kokiwat
Placeholder person.gif
The Very Last of the Rattlepacks
Gender Male
Race Lalafell
Clan Plainsfolk
Citizenship None
Age ???
Sexuality Heterosexual
Occupation Explorer, Cataloger, Cartographer, Adventurer, etc.
Guardian Thaliak
Namesday 4th sun of the 3rd Astral moon
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Oliwat Kokiwat, the Very Last of the Rattlepacks (as he is so surprisingly cheery of informing you he is), is a Lalafell possessing plenty of purpose, yet somehow at the same time lacking any sort of direction in its entirety. A wanderer by trade, in tandem with the teachings and history of his entire family, stretching all the way back to its start, Oliwat (or Oli, as those close to him prefer) is the writer and guardian for the newest incarnation of the Rattlepack Guide, his family’s grand project to take down everything about the world that wanderers would ever need to know.

Let’s just hope he doesn’t blow it.


Oliwat is rather tall for a Lalafell (assuming that one can tell), which may be to many his defining trait. Regardless of what he’s wearing (usually loose robes or light clothing), Oliwat always carries a pack of some sort with him, which rattles with all sorts of strange objects that may be concealed within. For part of the Rattlepack way, after all, is to be prepared with as many things as one may need.

Perhaps, either for the sake of standing out, or to accent his height, Oliwat is rather fond of hats, especially those of a certain conical and magical variety, which he usually does not hesitate to place upon his head, especially if it would neatly match whatever robes he happens to have on at the time. His hair, colored a dark green to roughly resemble the plains his people come from, is bunched up into neat braids on the top and along the sides of his head, while the rest, although short, flows freely in-between. His ears are long for a Lalafell, and surprisingly pointy as well, which leaves him with a slight distaste for hoods, often declaring them uncomfortable.

His Mammet, Clatterpouch, often accompanies him around the world.


Quite the chirpy and curious sort, Oliwat has a certain unsatisfiable drive for discovery that is known to get him into a wide variety of trouble on many occasions. Despite this, however, he manages to remain a particularly positive individual, believe that regardless of the problem that you find yourself with at the moment, there is always something, or someone, somewhere out there in this great big world of ours that is more than capable of fixing it. And should you need help finding whatever the solution to your problem is, he would be more than thrilled to see you through to your destination, and beyond. For as far as he’s concerned, the payment is in the Journey. Such is the Rattlepack Way, they say.

~Elaboration will come after more RP~


Oliwat fiddles with all three of the main magics of the world in some capacity, though seems to have placed most of his talents in Thaumaturgy, for the sake of self-defense. His tactics are somewhat standard for a moderately-talented Thaumaturge, and it is clear that he does not practice that craft as often as he could, or as he should, and has the potential for much more, should he ever attempt to apply himself.

Should he find himself stuck without a staff, however, he has inscribed a series of geometric glyphs for Arcanist purposes within his Guidebook. His skill in the Arcane arts is nothing more than a novice’s level, which of course makes sense considering his Thaumaturgic bend. Due to recent events, however, he is putting an increased focus in Conjuration, as it would seem that there is certainly no shortage of people he knows hurting themselves.


Variations of “Hum” and “Hm” tend to dot his dictation when he speaks.
Always packs at least three sandwiches with him at any given time, just in case he may need them for whatever reason.
Yells “waaaagh!” in times of trouble or stress.
Greatly enjoys spouting facts reasonably helpful to one’s current situation.
He has a hard time accepting money for doing most jobs, especially if the client is not particularly wealthy.



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Being carried
Being dropped
Being stepped on
Being called short
Having to fight physically

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Various forms of magic
Writing (and drawing, to some extent)
Tinkering (mostly with his Mammet)
Long walks on the beach

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Favourite Food/Drink: Pick a sandwich, any sandwich.
Favourite Place: The plains of La Noscea.
Favorite Weather: Clear and sunny, with a slight breeze.
Favorite Season: Summer.
Favorite Color: Blue.
Favorite Scents: Flowers, cheese.


Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

Friends & Acquaintances

Enemies & Rivals

Easily Overheard Rumours

Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours

Rarely Overheard Rumours

Player Character Rumours


Oliwat Kokiwat was born to two of the most eccentric Lalafell in perhaps one of the most eccentric Lalafell families to ever romp around Eorzea. Living in a seemingly average thatched hut out on the plains with their fellow Lalafell, Oliwat and the rest of the Rattlepacks were a relatively content family, assuming that they managed (or cared) to stay in one place at the time. Which was, for better or worse, very rare.

As was the Rattlepack custom, the young Oliwat was raised not by his family, but by the village around them, as the rest went off on their wonderful romps throughout the known world, while the youngest of them remained behind in the village, tending to the house and learning all the little things that Lalafell need to know in order to find their way through life. There was, however, a reason why he was not brought along for the journey. The first, of course, was that it is quite dangerous out there, and many beasts throughout the world seem to have taken an awful liking to the consumption of the littlest of Lalafell children, and that was simply something that no one in the family would wish for the young Oliwat. The second, and perhaps more important reason as far as the Rattlepacks were concerned, was that he had not yet developed the Rattles yet.

Some Rattlepacks merely believed that the Rattles were nothing more than an old family joke, while others believed that it were as true and apparent as the sun and the sky, or the ground and the grass. The Rattles, you see, are the reason why all Rattlepacks eventually decide they've had enough of the house life, and finally set foot out into the rolling lands beyond. Unfortunately, Oliwat was a rather late bloomer. The poor Lalafell, year after year, never had any desire whatsoever to step beyond the door, and month after month, his family would visit and attempt to entice him to come with them, to absolutely no avail. So, he stayed in his hut, maintaining the trophies and clockwork contraptions his family brought back from across Eorzea, until the Calamity happened.

The others were out in the world at the time, with Oli, now an adult, still stuck in his house on his own accord. Hurrying into the basement, and hoarding as many as the family treasures as he could, he waited along with the Mammet designed to keep him company for all those years, and plenty of food for the wait. Days, weeks, a month, perhaps went by before Oliwat finally ran out of food, and was forced to see just how horribly the world above had been changed. The ground was intact, at least, and the villagers were still around, but even once repairs had been completed, and the village brought back to the way it was, there was no sign of the remainder of the Rattlepacks.

Somewhat saddened, Oliwat remained in his modest abode, polishing the treasures of times past, tinkering with the curiosities and contraptions that remained in his possession, and carefully straightening each and every portrait of the famous Rattlepacks throughout history. Then, a full five years after the Calamity, another Lalafell, a childhood friend of his, had finally had enough.

Although the speech he gave to Oliwat may not have been as rousing as one would hope such a speech to be, it did finally get the old gears going in Oliwat's head for the first time. Over the few following weeks, the tales left behind by the others grew increasingly enticing, their treasures ever more fantastic, and their grand project, the now-very-much-outdated Rattlepack Guide, infinitely more interesting.

And so, fully into his adulthood, the Rattles finally inched their way into Oliwat's head, and he grabbed his pack, his Mammet, and took off into the world for the first time, with the cheers of his village following behind.


Theme Song:
