F'anh Tukara

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 F'anh Tukara
F'anh Tukara.jpg
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Mix; Seeker of the Sun, Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Server Balmung
D.O.B. 30th sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Orientation Straight
Alias Anh
Marital Status Single
F'anh is a skilled independent tracker that's adept at using magic to find her quarries. Her time in the wilds has necessitated her learning healing magic for triage, having more rough-cut methods than the city-taught alternatives.
A former member of <<Sworn>> she has since left the free company and set out on her own. As of recent she has taken up work for Nucoraux Mibvinge in exchange for some information.


Publicly F'anh is usually very quiet and keeps her personal interests to herself-a carefully guarded secret. Yet she has no issues showing her disinterests to others. Especially if she feels her personal space is being invaded.


  • Directness
  • Personal Space
  • Nature


  • Forced conversation
  • Arrogance
  • Obvious flirtation
  • Indirectness
  • Assumptions


Foods: Sweets
Drinks: Chocolate Malted Drinks
Colors: Gray, depending on the shade blue


  • Her secret hobbies are Interior design and gardening


Hair/Fur: Silvery Gray with white streeks
Skin: Light Gray
Eyes: Light pink
Height: 5'5"
Weight: about 120 lbs
Build: Tone

At a glance, F'anh looks like any other Keeper of the Moon but for those familiar with the Miqo'te subraces, one can see some of the dominate traits more common in Seekers of the Sun. Her ears are shorter and wider at the base, with thicker hair surrounding the oddly rounded tips. She lacks the long, sharp fangs of her Keeper lineage and instead has dulled fangs that are visible when she speaks. F'anh's tail is shorter and her hair is slightly longer than that of an average Keeper, and without any sign of cropping.


Quiet and reserved at first she doesn't offer much of an opinion about anything or really anyone. Always observant, she prefers to keep her distance until she has a better understanding of the people around her. Her insecurities shine through the most when she is around her fellow Seekers, always on edge and never feeling up to par.
  • Alignment

  • Motivation

    The want to understand her Seeker lineage
  • Disposition

    In public she is more serious and quiet.
  • Positive personality traits

    Loyal, Freethinking, Focused, Resourceful
  • Negative personality traits

    Can be aggressive, impersonal, a bit outspoken, extremely private, difficult, and insecure.
  • Miscellaneous quirks

    Clicks her tongue when walking through the woods and holds her breath when walking through a door.


RP with her to find out!



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