Gahto'ra Yhundo

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Revision as of 11:35, 26 April 2018 by Blakely (talk | contribs)
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Gahto'ra Yhundo (WIP)
Name... Gahto'ra Yhundo
Alias... To'ra
Age... 20
Gender... Male
Race... Miqo'te - Keeper of the Moon
Clan... Yhundo
Orientation... Questioning
Height... 5'5"
Weight... 137 ponz.
Build... Agile/lithe
Nameday... 9th sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Alignment... Chaotic neutral-evil

Scars & Markings: Though his face bears many markings already, his body is even more rich with them. Ranging from stripes similar to the ones on his jaw to strange symbols imprinted in his grey skin, it may feel to be near impossible to find an area of his body that doesn't have some sort of marking on it. They all seem to retain a similar color pattern: red, black, dark grey. This motif is only broken by the white scars that are found not rarely along his self, the most obvious being a thick one that begins below his left jaw and ends at the middle of his chest.

Voice: His voice is often dull in tone with the occasional sarcastic or snarky tinge to it, barely raised above an "indoor volume".

Clothing: As hunting is his main source of work, To’ra will more often than not be equipped with light fitting clothes: fabrics made of firm leathers and fine cloth; gear fit for agility and keeping the wearer blended with his environment.

Hair: A collection of monotone colors are upon his head, various strands being tied together in the form of small braids. Basically, it's a mess, and he will likely never style it any differently. Fashion icon.

  • Where there aren't rings, tied around his fingers are black strings. It is unknown as to why these exist.
  • On his lower back, a strange red marking is engraved in his skin. Perhaps someone acquainted with Izar'a Yhundo would find this familiar.
    《reference drawn by alabathia@tumblr/xelphatol@twitter》

    Vices: Emotionally distant, uncaring, hard to trust/difficulty trusting others, quick to become annoyed.

    Virtues: Protective, steady thinker, incurious (will not pry), works hard.


    • Hunting.
    • Brawling- the ones between himself and his cousin, mostly.
    • Heavy storms.
    • Alone time.


    • Bubbly personalities.
    • Losing control of a situation, or otherwise never having control in the first place.
    • Crowds- it makes the situation too unpredictable for his taste.
    • Being touched.


    • Abandonment.
    • Deep or large bodies of water.
    • Intimacy.


    • Favorite Food: Anything with dodo in it.
    • Favorite Drink: Juices from a choice fruit or water.
    • Favorite Color: Red.

    *Origins: TBA

    *Heavensward: TBA

    *Present: TBA

    Personal RP Limits

    ■ i will not rp any sexual themes with anybody under any circumstances. however, i'm fine with other mature themes.
    ■ to'ra is obscene & can/will push limits with other characters. with that in mind, please keep ic out of ooc.
    Other Information
    my name is blake & i am 19. i mostly only rp in game but discord is an option as well, though i'd prefer to keep that amongst people i'm fairly familiar with.
    Time Zone/Server
    ■ CST.
    ■ Gahto'ra Yhundo on Mateus.

    Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

    ■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
    ■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
    ■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
    ■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
    ■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
    ■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.

    Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.
