N'ureai Umaha

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Placeholder person.gif
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship None
Age 19
Marital Status Single
Occupation ???
Height/Weight 5 fulms, 4 ilms / 150 ponzes
Orientation ???
Server Balmung

Basic Info


Holding hands
Music boxes


Hot food or drink


Favorite Food: Anything sweet
Favorite Drink: Anything cold
Favorite Color: ???



Extremely strong, able to use weapons built for larger Roegadyns with ease
Able to easily adapt her combat strategies in a one-on-one engagement
Can become enraged, drastically increasing her pain tolerance
Tracking skills akin to that of a bloodhound


Cannot understand more complex situations or stratagems
Has a hard time communicating with others in combat


Appears as Nureai Urezie in-game, though her true name is N'ureai Urezie.
Spoiler tags hide potential meta-game information. If read, information gained is OOC and not to be used during RP with N'ureai unless cleared through OOC chat or through natural IC knowledge.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Haven't seen the crazy Miqo'te girl in a long time. Someone who fits her description is seen sometimes, but she is pretty quiet... Says she's a pit fighter or something."
"The golden haired Miqo'te? There was one around in the Quicksand earlier, but she doesn't fit your description. She doesn't wear a mask, but she rubs her eye pretty often."
"Saw a wooden mask in the Gold Court, looked familiar. Lotta dangerous people wearing masks like these now, heard a lot about the Miqo'te girl with the axe wearing one."
"Ye' seen a dark, bronze skinned Miqo'te with bright 'air? Why I'm askin' again, ye' say!? She stole me NEW axe 'n ran off, again! Ye' Bronze Blades 'r useless as all hells!"

◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"I seens the girl people been talkin' bout. Dun get the hype, she just 'as flowers in 'er hair. Tried ta' talk to 'er but she ran off cryin'. I ain't that ugly am I?"
"Please, should you ever see a woman who grins like a voidsent arrest her. She is a Miqo'te who has blonde hair and dark brown skin. Really bright green eyes on her too. She was threatening me and almost destroyed my shop. She also made my son cry..."
"...Had ANOTHER dark-skinned, blonde Miqo'te chick throw some coin at me to buy some meat, slip it under her mask, and eat it. Why do they always eat raw meat!? Where do these Miqo'te come from!?"

◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"When I was sun-bathing I saw a Miqo'te girl and Roegadyn man fighting on the beach. The girl lost pretty soundly, then ran off. Not too sure what was going on but it was pretty fun to watch!"
"The masked golden-haired Miqo'te was stalking another of her own around the upper levels of Ul'dah. Didn't see much, but she walked away with another huntress shortly after. Everyone seemed on edge..."
"Everyone keeps taking about this dark skinned Miqo'te with gold hair, but I've heard rumors of four different Miqo'te with the exact same physical description..."

◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"N'ureai? She's a sweetheart just... Don't get on her bad side." -Sasha Rochester
"Goldie's not all there sometimes but she's tough." -Liam Connor


Romantic Interest     Crush      Friend     Aquainted     Dislike


Template taken from Bancroft Gairn. You're a cool dude.
Picture made by X'sera Tsune because they're also a cool dude.