Liam Connor
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Gender | Male |
Race | Hyur |
Clan | Midlander |
Citizenship | Limsa Lominsa |
Age | Early 30s |
Height | 5' 11" |
Deity | Halone, The Fury |
Aligment | Chaotic Good |
Occupation | Fighter |
Server | Balmung |
Liam was raised by his blacksmith father after complications during birth killed his mother. His childhood was spent helping his father, which greatly increased his stamina and strength as well as giving him a high pain tolerance. It was not a pleasant childhood since his father often blamed him for the death of his mother and beat him near daily in drunken rages. Liam had no friends and was often shut away. When he wasn't drinking, Liam' s father taught him a little sword play. When he was older, his father's drunken rages became so violent that Liam nearly didn't make it to his fifteenth year. Fortunately, his father's heart gave out and he was free of the old man, but not the damage he had caused.
He traveled for a while in his teenage years, joining ship crews in Limsa Lominsa to earn coin. Due to his lonely upbringing, he became socially inept, often hindering his ability to interact with people. He left Limsa and traveled to Ul'dah where some Brass Blades took exception to his cold attitude. He would've been in trouble had Rick Fairchild not been passing by and talked him out of it. After a bit of time and talking Rick became his first true friend.
He started training at the Gladiator's Guild, as well as all the other disciple of war guilds, soon after.
He keeps his white hair on the longer side to help cover his eyes. His eyes are black and two scars run down his cheeks. His body is covered in scars from various fights, and he wears each one without regret.
He prefers comfortable clothing that allows him easy movement. He has grown attached to a black coat and thigh boots with dark glasses over his eyes, but doesn't give much thought to what pants or shirt he wears. He is rarely seen in armor because he feels it's too restricting.
He used to seem distant and cold from his lack of social skills, but has developed a more outgoing personality. He tends to be very blunt and straightforward and this sometimes makes him seem insensitive. He picked up most of his habits from other people, watching them interact. He comes off as slightly naive at times. Truely, he is a soft hearted person and very self-sacrificing when it comes to those he holds dear. He is very impulsive, and says the first thing that comes to mind on most occasions. If he speaks, that is.
Liam also possesses a strict set of morals. He will rarely strike a woman or child unless provoked. He swore to never drink liquor again, but will pretend to do so if offered some. He shows affection to his few close friends by patting their heads, but is trying to fix that habit, and is willing to help anyone who asks with no questions.
As a follower of Halone th Fury, he is always ready to fight. He believes her rage gets channeled into him when he blacks out in his berserk rage. He prays at the Sanctum of the Twelve or her shrine whenever he is in the area, but does not actively seek them.
- Though not very expressive most of the time, he does raise a single eyebrow briefly when he is curious or disbelieving. He has recently developed the habit it tilting his head slightly, as a result of being around Rick. When nervous or embarrassed, he will shift from one foot to the other. He also has a thing for sweets and carries cookies to munch on. He is fascinated by Miqo'te ears and tails. He can identify Miqo'te by just their ears and tails. He was terrible at remembering names, until he hit his head.
Positive & Negative traits
Positive traits
- Loyal, kind, protective, self-sacrificing
Negative traits
- Blunt, slow to trust, self-punishing, quick temper, sometimes childlike
Talk leads to traps, or so Liam believes (and seen through Rick's tactics). Liam will jump into battle without hesitation if he sees an opening. The only time he is able to read people is in the midst of a fight, where he can assess his enemy quickly and accurately. His reflexes are honed and he is able to react quickly to any situation. He is skilled in all martial arts in varying degrees, but he prefers using a sword and shield. He is strong and tends to heal quickly, partially due to some innate magic. While it happens mostly without his control, he has gained the ability to activate it if he concentrates hard enough, and can even sometimes use his magic on others, though it is very weak. He is able to ignore pain to the point that he can be seriously injured and keep fighting until his body shuts down. It is both a blessing and a curse.
On the downside, he will often get tunnel vision and focus solely on what he deems the most dangerous target. When he is pushed too far, he will go into a blind, berserk rage. He reacts through instinct and will not stop until the threat is eliminated or he is killed. It is at these moments when he is at his strongest, but also his most vulnerable since he will often take unnecessary damage to pursue his foe.
He keeps his weapons stored in the aether with some magic he picked up from some unknown source, so he often seems to be unarmed. He can summon them to his hands at will, but if he is berserk he is unable to concentrate on keeping them and they tend to disappear back into the aether.
Likes & Dislikes
- Furball
- Sweets
- Miqo'te ears
- Alcohol
Family & Relationships (NPCs)
William Connor (deceased) - Not exactly a model father, he spent most of his time drowning in a bottle or ordering Liam to do chores. He was a blacksmith of little renown, and possibly would've abandoned Liam as a baby, save for the fact that the boy was the last remnant of his mother. Instead of celebrating Liam's birth, William spent every year on that day mourning his wife's death. He died when Liam was a teenager.
Relationships (other RPCs)
- Please note that the relationship standing may be subject to change as the story progresses. Also note that if your name isn't here and you feel it should be, please send me a /tell and I'll fix that.
Positive Standing
Rick Fairchild - His first real friend, they met under unusual circumstances. Rick saved him from getting into a fight with the Brass Blades and has stuck by his side since. Though Rick is a trouble magnet, Liam always has his back. Liam calls him Mr. Trouble, as well as a few other not so nice names when he's annoyed with Rick.
Krys'a Lyrabhe - Liam met this Miqo'te when Rick asked him to protect Krys from being killed. Liam grew to like Krys as a close friend. Though they ended up getting into a few brawls, they've made amends and are happily bonded. Somehow, Krys earned the nickname Furball. While Liam doesn't see it as an insult, others might think it is.
Neutral Standing
Negative Standing
Rumors (True and Untrue)
Common Rumors
- "E's a bit rude, but I ain't tellin' 'im that to 'is face."
- "He's always got an scary look on his face."
- "I seen him fighting again! I don't know why he hasn't been thrown in a cell for always getting into fights."
- "I see him eating cookies all the time. It's a wonder he looks so good."
Moderate Rumors
- "I see him with some nice people. I hope he's not planning to hurt them."
- "He seems a bit lonely sometimes..."
- "I seen him go crazy in a fight! Scared me half to death!"
- "E's strong. Seen 'im carry cargo 'round th' docks sometimes. Don't seem like th' weight bothers 'im much t'all."
Rare Rumors
- "Wasn't he going out with some girl? He must've scared her off."
- "Him? He stared at my ears when I passed him! Makes my fur stand on end just thinking about it!"
- "Didn't the crazy bastard jump off the Bismark? You sure he survived?"
RPC Rumors
Feel free to add your own! It can be good or bad, but make sure you stay IC please. :)
- "I am honored to call such a great man my friend." - Rick Fairchild
- "I'm sorry, but if this is about the 'job' it's been placed on hold- Hm? What job? I'm sorry, what were we talking about?" - Talyn Shadowmoon
- "That man is the epitome of what I imagine a living statue would be like. ... But he is not so bad. He slips me cookies and I deign not to comment about his associates. Or what he does with those 'catalogues' of his... " - Hinako Mori