Thala'to Relehna

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Thala'to Relehna
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 22
Marital Status Single
Occupation Masseur
Height/Weight 5'5, 130 lbs
Orientation Bi-sexual, Polyamorous.


Friendly people
Long walks on the beach
Mischievous adventure


Un-friendly people
Spoiled fish
Snow. It's cold. And wet.
Bad hair days.


Alignment: Good
Vice(s): Minor drug addiction, big alcohol use.
Favorite Food: Fish, anything sweet or chocolatey for dessert.
Favorite Drink: Whiskey
Favorite Color: Black & Grey

Appearance & Personality

Thala'to is a Keeper of the Moon of average height and weight. His body is well-trained and well-maintained, a testimony to his desire to look the best he can at all times. His muscles are neatly defined, comparable to that of a martial artist, but not overdone like say, a bodybuilder. His hair reaches all the way to his shoulders and is pitch-black, soft and well-kept. The color is also found on the fur of his ears, and that of his tail. He is always well-groomed, swearing by a daily bath and a plethora of lotions, enough to make a girl envious, all for the sake of keeping his skin soft and free of impurities. He often uses scent-waters, usually of lavender kinds, but keeps the usage moderate - aiming to simply leave a touch of it around his own scent. His eyes are almost as grey as his skin-tone, accompanied by a bright white smile. Of clothing, he tends to prefer light clothing of soft fabrics, usually in darker colors. The style variates from causal to revealing. He tends to carry about what he needs in pouches around his belt, and a satchel or small backpack for anything that wont fit into the pouches.

Thala'to is someone who can be described as a bit of an oddball, despite his many years of working in the spotlight on a stage, he seems to thrive the most outside of it. Some argue that this is because he has been surrounded by people whom could and would steal all of the attention, causing him to stand in their shadows. If you were to ask him, he'd just shrug and smile. He appears to be a gentle caring creature, and is deeply loyal to the friends he has. He is selfless, and would rather spend gil on making sure everyone else is content, before he considers using them on himself. He enjoys visiting bars, and when he is single he does flirt when something takes his fancy. Thala'to rarely seems to keep love interests around for a long time, and he can appear a little too naive for his own good. He is not shy of simply listening to peoples stories and problems even if they are strangers, and is always thorough with any work he does.



Thala'to was born and raised in Ul'dah as the second son to his mother, Thala Relehna. They lived at the entertainment bar where his mother had been working for some years, ever since parting with her clan to pursue her own path. It was by no means a glorified upbringing, with the supposed death of his older brother when Thala'to was but a few years old. The sorrow that hit is mom in the wake of the loss of her child drew her into alcoholism which resulted in a great neglect of Thala'to. He was instead mostly taken care of by the people who bothered.


When Thala'to started coming of age, he saw himself forced to make some use of himself around the bar. He washed the dishes, brought things in and helped clean the various locales. One of the people that had taken care of him when his mother was too drunk decided to inquire with the resident entertainment coordinator if Thala'to might be able to be trained as a dancer, as he seemed to have the looks on his side. After several years of training, Thala'to begun to dance and entertain the masses - learning just how dark the shadows of Ul'dah can be, and forging friendships destined to last a lifetime.


Thala'to escaped the excuse of a life he lead in the entertainment establishment more than a cycle now, and has been adjusting to life as a free man ever since. He would refuge with an organisation known as the Kindred, where he now works as a masseur. The Kindred helped him fake his own death so as to stop pursuit from the establishment. Meanwhile he has been exploring the concepts of social life, hooking up and parting with several partners in the time he's been free and generally enjoying life.


You may remove this entire section if you want.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"He's a very skilled masseur. I felt as though I was born a new after my first session with him!"
"He tends to hang about other guys a fair bit"
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"That guy used to have a serious drug problem.. He was one of my most loyal costumers"
"He used to dance at this shady place I know.. Pretty sure they think he's dead.. Maybe that's for the better"
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
Mauh'a Relehna: "He needs more self confidence. He is always sticking back for the benefit of others. He'll leave himself behind that way."
"Thal's got a good heart. When he cares for you, you know its genuine." A'xun Enocan


Romantic Interest Previous Romantic Interest Platonic Love Flirting with Good Standing Poor Standing

Disclaimer: Thala'tos opinions about people are purely IC and are not to be mistaken for opinions of the player.

Status Name Header text
Mikh'a Elakha Even through turbulent times, the two former best friends have endured. A bond that can not be broken, though not a bond equally liked.
A'xun Enocan Thala'to tried, but in the end he simply was not ready for the life A'xun wanted. He still sees A'xun as a friend, but is naturally hesitant.
U'quih Tia After the breakup, and the way it went down - Especially because U'quih was not present, Thala'to is not sure where he has him. He expects U'quih to be angry, which is a thought that makes his heart twist about.
Jamie Syvian Circumstances in life ended their relationship rather suddenly. Thala'to is still a little bitter.
Cinaed Wilder One of the most distressed and confused hyurs Thala'to has met for a while. Also quite attractive.
Devin Grey He's grown fond of Devin in a non-romantical way and enjoys spending time with him.
R'khei Tia A frequent target of crush-like feelings, R'khei is a greatly appreciated friend.
Tris'tan Aonar Shy and easily scared, Thala'to is happy that he's able to help Tris now and then.
Jerhico Tia Acquaintance
Mazhara Tia Acquaintance
Rubh'a Lerhevah Acquaintance
M'ikal Tia Acquaintance - Thala'to quite enjoys making drinks for M'ikal.
Lyn'to Amariyo Acquaintance
Vincent Delacroix Acquaintance - Thala'to is quite worried about Vincent.
C'shomu Nunh Acquaintance
Daca'li Tia Thala'to has come to strongly disagree with this seekers actions and actively seeks to avoid him to stay out of trouble.
Vijara Windaar Deceased. If she somehow lived again, Thala'to would still hate her with a burning passion.


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