J'bhal Nunh

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 J'bhal Nunh
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Unknown
Citizenship N/A
Age 47
Marital Status Single (But always fishing)
Occupation Marine Scavenger
Height/Weight 5'10" (cm) / 165lbs (kg)
Orientation Pansexual
  • J'eckt Nunh(Father)
  • Unknown(Mother)
  • Mar'khas Sol (Unknown Son)

Basic Info

J'bhal Nunh (pronounced: /jah-BAHL noon/) (1st Sun of the 1st Astral Moon) is an adventurous Miqo'te who lives by a simple, and sometimes blurred code of honor. While many call him a pirate, he prefers the term "Marine Scavenger", because he's not out to make money, much like his crew. He's out to learn about what lays hidden in the ocean depths. Making money from selling the artifacts he finds is simply a bonus.


Witty Banter
A Good Challenge
Making Love


(Typically) Other Nunh
Physical Discipline Toward Young


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Vice(s): Too Easily Opens His Legs
Favorite Food: Fresh Raw Oysters
Favorite Drink: Brandy
Favorite Color: Rolanberry Red

Appearance & Personality

J'bhal is of average height and weight for his kin. One can usually tell exactly when he's thinking by looking at his face, which isn't exactly torture to do, with his attractive features. Most easily noticed is his lack of a left eye, which is covered by an eye patch. His eye is fully missing underneath, and the socket is filled instead with a carved crystal, though few actually see it. He dresses in burgundy, russet, and rolanberry colors, favoring reds and browns over all. On his face are blue, painted markings, a 'traditional war paint' passed down from his father. He's not actually sure if it's a cultural tradition to the Jackal tribe, but he enjoys the process of painting himself for the occasion.

J'bhal has a presence that commands attention, as well as loves to give it. It's not uncommon to find him with a woman or man under each arm, relaxing and simply enjoying the company. Most port-brothel women and men know him by first name, and always seem eager and happy when he arrives. This is probably due to the fact that not only is he a nice bedmate, but he makes sure they're taken care of and happy. Never does he stand by and let any of them get handled improperly or disrespectfully. He's a man with honor, even if it's a pirate's honor.


Born to the Jackal Tribe, but not In The Jackal Tribe

J'bhal was born to J'eckt Nunh and a Seeker whore, who had no family name, as she's abandoned her tribe and their traditions. She did not live through the labor, but gave J'eckt a son, which was what he'd so greatly desired. He named him in the traditional Seeker manor, giving him the letter of his tribe, the tribe of the Jackal. A good pirate captain needed an heir to his position, and J'eckt could only see another Miqo'te, especially one he would raise, to ever be worthy of the position. J'bhal was raised at sea, only knowing land for a fortnight at a time before being whisked away again on another of his father's 'adventures'. Though he was was not born to be a child. He was born to be a dynasty.

His upbringing was not easy and care free like other children might have gotten. It was wrought with discipline and near torture to try and form him into his father's wishes. He looked upon the land, dreaming many nights of deserts and dunes unfamiliar to his eyes, but familiar to his heart. His father had told him stories of his old home in the desert, but also told him that it was no use to think of the land when he was destined for the sea. J'bhal was eventually 'encouraged' to stop thinking about it after multiple times of facing the working end of a whip.

The Mighty Leviathan

Several times, when nearing territories highly populated by Drowned and Sahagin, J'bhal and many of the crew fell pray to nightmares of the Primal Leviathan coming up from the sea itself and swallowing them whole. The dream was always the same, but one night, it nearly turned out to be a reality. The ship was attacked by Sahagin and Drowned, looking to replenish numbers by kidnapping more to be tempered by their Primal. J'bhal, only eight or nine at the time, was forced to hide int he cargo holds. But he still heard the screams. Eventually, J'bhal braved the deck, and saw the brutal battle unfolding. Even though he was terrified, he found an odd fascination in looking upon the Sahagin and Drowned. The formations they took, the demeanor they had... Though they made it out of the encounter alive, J'bhal never forgot the sounds he heard, the screams of both men and beastmen alike, and the smell of blood in the wood.

A Cold Father, A Ruthless Pirate

As the year went on, J'bhal learned well to listen to his father's wishes, as much as he grew to detest them. The two had never been close, but as J'bhal explored his own interests in the history and behavior of beastmen, specifically the Sahagin, his father slowly lost any interest in handing over his ship to him until he got his head straight. J'bhal always felt his head was perfectly aligned, as he knew right from wrong. Watching his father partake in slave trading, smuggling, and near treason for coin was enough to make him defiant and angry. J'bhal wasn't above questioning orders and convincing crew members to do the same. His father became more and more paranoid as the years passed, as he felt his son was near the point of mutiny. It all came to a head when a young cabin boy disobeyed an order on J'bhal's suggestion, and was whipped nearly to death as J'bhal was forced to watch. it was in that moment that J'bhal decided to meet his father's expectations, and planned a mutiny.

J'bhal had known the crew all of his life, and knew which ones were loyal to his father, and which ones were loyal to him. It would be a tough fight, but spurred on by the near death of a young boy, his comrades were furious and ready to fight as much as he was. In the night, they burst into action. The fight was bloody and fierce, and while the drew fought amongst themselves, J'bhal took the task of fighting his own father. His father scoffed that he'd always known J'bhal would do this, but knew he'd fail. He didn't have what it took to be a Nunh. After a long, painful fight, J'bhal proved his father wrong, landing a killing blow. As his father died, he said only one last word. "Nunh."

J'bhal understood, and took the title Nunh to his name. He released the remaining crew to do as they wished with the ship, and left the sea to explore his own life, which he wished to devote to researching history.

A Historian or a Radical?

Over the next five years, J'bhal studied history amongst some of the most highly regarded historians in Limsa Lominsa. He'd gained some respect in the community with his devoted and determined nature. He'd even managed to eradicate any ideas that he was still a pirate by his actions alone. Things were going incredibly well for him, and his future looked promising. That was, until he discovered patterns in the Sahagin behaviors, and realized that not only could they summon Leviathan with much more ease than the Maelstrom assumed, but they could have been planning to do so within years.

He pled to the Maelstrom for some kind of aid in research, as well as an armed force to try and stop the Sahagin, and the only response he seemed to get was that he was paranoid, and that it would cause too much of a disruption. He was certain his pleas never even made it to Merlwyb herself. When he was turned down by all he could turn to, he secretly turned to his old crew, which he'd tracked down one by one. They'd all faced the Sahagin before, and they knew the risks, but they decided to help. However, when his colleagues caught wind of his activities, they used it to their advantage to silence him immediately, and effectively exile him from the historical society.

And so, J'bhal said goodbye to his possible career, and instead returned to what he had been raised in; Piracy. Though his form of piracy greatly differed from others, with no real wish for smuggling or violence. No, they chose to become Sahagin hunters, as well as archaeological scavengers. Ancient artifacts fetched a pretty penny, and it gaveJ'bhal the ability for the research he so greatly desired.

= The Keeper by the Gridanian Shore

Though it was unusually out of his area of activity, J'bhal travelled to Gridania by land on a small drop-off job, a favor to a friend. While there, he decided to explore the Black Shroud, and met a fine young Keeper by the bank of a river. Her name was Rhythlea Sahni, and within the night, they'd fallen into a burning passion with one another, and made love near the waters. He didn't stay long after, and left Gridania for Limsa Lominsa within the next few days. He never forgot her face, though.

Working with the Path of the Twelve

Eventually the Path of the Twelve sought out adventurers to aid them in research and battle with the beastmen. During their work with the Path, J'bhal and his crew tracked down a Sahagin artifact that had the power to temper those who touched it. With a group of those who had been touched by the Echo, they went in to capture the artifact and destroy it. However, during the fight, J'bhal lost his left eye, and several of his crew and adventurers died. Despite their losses, they managed to destroy the artifact, and J'bhal was given an honorary member status with the Path of the Twelve.

After the Calamity

J'bhal continued to work with the Path, who united with the Circle of Knowing to become the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Otherwise, he has continued his usual work of research and salvage, selling the artifacts he and his crew have found to the markets and the very historical society that exiled him. He's a pirate, not a child. He holds no grudges when he now had a better, more exciting life than he ever had amongst them.


Theme Songs: ...
TV Tropes: ...
Additional Trivia:
J'Bhal has several deep scars all over his back and flanks. They look like they were caused by a whip.
He hates it when people touch the left side of his face.
Though he only has one eye, J'bhal still has impeccable aim from years of training.
His tail tends to be a dead give away for his current emotion.


Don't believe everything you hear. (Feel free to add your own rumors under PC!)

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing
NPC: Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing



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