Tempest Fey

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 Tempest Fey
Biographical Information
Birth Name Unrevealed
Guardian Nald’thal
Birthplace Unrevealed
Born Age: 29
Nameday 4th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander Hyur
Physical Attributes
Hair Dark Blonde
Eyes Blue
Height 5'8"
Weight 120lbs
Primary Weapon Staff
Secondary Weapon Star Globe
Career Information
  • Sorceress
  • ”Life Coach”
Out-of-Character Information
Username TempestOpal
Time Zone PST
Free Company [[Remnant]]
Server Balmung
Job Black Mage

”One cannot truly know where they are going, unless they know where they have been. ~Tempest Fey

Personality & Appearance


~Tempest is best described as someone who is observant, witty and abrasive. She is often aloof and reserved, tending to stick to her research or practices. She is driven and determined when her mind is set on a task. She makes it known that her time is not to be wasted by trivial matters.
~It is not a far reach to understand that Tempest hasn’t had the best of luck in relationships. She has never given herself over to romantic dalliances, though she can flirtatious at times (usually when it best suites her motives). Her social game has barely fared much better, yet, there are few that she would consider acquaintances. Those few count themselves lucky, for she is very loyal. But, even her allies know not to test her; she is the epitome of a scornful witch when angered.
~Lastly, she is very protective of her past. Questions are not permitted.


~Tempest considers her fashion always on point. If anyone disagrees with her on that, they can go curse themselves. She favors form fitting gowns with the appropriate embellishments. But she’s never afraid to mix things up. She prefers black, white, purples and blues. She’s simply mad about a good opal gem.
~Tempest keeps her cosmetics light and clean, adding color to only enhance her natural features. She keeps her hair long, uncolored and free following. She loves to feel the wind in her locks.


The Night Sky
Breezy Weather
Fine Living
Color Light Play


Hot Climates
Dirty People
Perky People


Tempest has a deep relationship with nature
She finds most animals adorable, but arachnids and insects are another thing all together


Birth – 1572, Seventh Umbral Era

~Tempest has not revealed her actions or whereabouts from her birth leading up to the Calamity of the Seventh Umbral Era.

1577, Seventh Umbral Era

~Tempest’s starts to gain a reputation in Eorzea as a wandering mage. She arrived to Ul’Dah and took residency, while studying under the Thaumaturge Guild. Her time there was short. She next moved to Limsa Lominsa and studied with the Arcanist Guild. While she exceeded in studies, it did not end well. She spent a large portion of her time in Gridania. She co-headed a local adventuring company while studying with the Conjurer’s Guild. Seemingly, creating roots for herself.


~When Ishgard opened its doors to the rest Eorzea, Tempest left Gridania to study the ways of the Astrologian. She excelled, but left in a fury. Her aptitude for magic is great, but the Guilds seemed to offer her little of whatever it is she is seeking. She returned to Ul’Dah, stormed the Thaumaturge’s Guild slinging insults at every Lalafell she could find until she saw Sephirah Eraufnor.

Remnant and the Goblet

~Tempest and Sephirah’s reunion was touchy at best, but it didn’t take long for the two to rekindle their old relationship. Sensing something amiss with her old companion, she took up residence in his abode in the Goblet in order to stay close with him. Regardless if his roommates want her there or not.


~Tempest conceals a deck of Astrologian cards on her wherever she goes, she can often be seen reading them meticulously.
~Tempest is of a very old belief that the body is a vessel of magic and therefore shouldn’t be polluted or altered. She does not imbibe, over indulge and has no tattoos.
~When in a fit of rage, she can be seen killing the smallest and weakest of insects with her most powerful magics.
~Has an unnerving amount of information about the Void in the Opal Alcove.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
“She did a horrible deed in her past.”
“She’ll resort to magic to solve any problem.”
“Sephirah and her used to be an item or at least screwed.”

◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
“Has a gaelikitty named Silverwind, that she commands to urinate on other’s belongings.”
“Some think she’s a borderline xenophobic, particularly with Lalafell.”

◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
“Voidsent screeches can be heard coming from her room when the door is locked.”
“She robbed the last house she stayed in dry.”

◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

Carina Roussos : Carina is a somewhat shy, but confident young woman, covered in burns. Tempest finds this unique, especially when she factors in that Carina is an alchemist. Regardless, impressed as Tempest was, it didn’t stop her from going out of her way to make Carina uncomfortable when they first met.
Seras Dragon : Tempest met Seras and knew that Sephirah had some sort of hold on her. There is a naiveté about Seras that Seph seems to be able to play on. Tempest finds that disgusting. She may be sweet as candy, but if Seras doesn’t shape up to Tempest’s standards, she’ll be nothing more than a means to an end.
Orin Kai : He stood in Tempest’s way, he was a polite about it. So she behaved in kind. Would she have done this if he didn’t look so good? He’d be Au Ra bacon if he wasn’t pretty.
Kersch Schwarzer : He stood in Tempest’s way and was not polite about it. Tempest has no use for this one.
Serick Burwani : A handsome cat man, that’s something even Tempest can’t deny. He’s brash, rude, perhaps even blood thirsty. Tempest could easily support a man like that. But when he attacks her friend, all Tempest can think about is how nice his tail would look lining her coat.
Sephirah Eruafnor : Her oldest and dearest friend. He means more to her than she even realizes. She will do whatever it takes to keep him safe and happy. If that means she has to heal the world to do so…or burn it to cinders, she’ll do it.



Adaptation of Template by Bancroft Gairn
Infobox 'Roebox' by IndustryThirteen.