Paul Desmond

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Paul Desmond
"There are things in this world that you cannot oppose, no matter how hard you try."
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 28
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[This is updated frequently; check back for new details!]

Theme song for Paul

Sorrow Returns - Fairy Tail OST

Lyrical Theme Song:

Bring Me Back To Life


Paul Desmond was a man of honor and loyalty. He commanded respect through his stature, strength, and wealth. He was a paragon of virtue; a knight of the Goddess.

Presently Paul has fallen from his paragon outlook and is impelled by something else, something much more sinister than petty vengeance.


Through hours of laborious venture into the world, Paul's strength is reflected through his chiseled body. Medium length, unkempt yet styled blonde hair shines over his tan body. Average height, around 5'8".


Paul Desmond is a man filled with darkness and sorrow. Yet, he is not corruptible; with a very strong mind he follows his own moral compass. Paul is calm and collected; focused. His driving force is his anger, fear, suffering, and pain. He has no weakness. His emotions are sealed tight. If the right person came along, he may open up. Though Paul does at times spend the evening with a random woman for mere pleasure and can be found at inns and bars consuming rum, if the right woman opened his heart he would swear his loyalty.

Note: While it is not emoted, Paul's expressions are sorrowful. He puts off a very dark aura by his presence. Nothing magical, of course. It would be more of an uneasy feeling. His mood is very melancholic and is very obvious just by looking at him. If he smiles it is always a sad smile. Any laughs are never of happiness and portrayal of happiness is false. This becomes less and less apparent as a conversation progresses. But if Paul is observed alone, the above is difficult to not see.



Paul Desmond's main military strength is his sword. He lent his blade as aid after the Calamity, scouring the land of evil Imperials and feral beasts. Though not violent in nature, Paul will not hesitate to pierce the body of a threatening foe, especially one who disrespects women. A man of a few different talents, Paul will assume whatever role necessary to make sure he protects the Grand City States. Paul himself is nearly a martial weapon and the way he fights is almost like an elegant dance. His movements are precise and calculated, even suffering blows in order to expose his targets to the fatal edge of his blade.

Below is a list of roles Paul will be in, but this is just an OOC list. Paul is not a "dragoon" or "dark knight," for example. He's a very skilled warrior and has been trained to handle many different weapons.


Paul has embraced the disciplines and martial powers of the paladins. Through vigilance and honor, Paul has embraced a life of servitude to the greater good. Paul travels frequently; lending his aid where he can in the defense of those who need it. While he may use the weapons of a gladiator, Paul has forsook the ways of the paladin.


Legendary knights that have a particular talent for dealing with dragons, Paul has learned the aerial attacking art of dragoons for when his travels take him to Coerthas or across other lands that house dragons and their kind.


Common Phrases

  • "May the wind be on your back." ~ A departing wish.
  • "Fair winds and following seas." ~ A sailor's farewell.
  • "As surely as the sun rises..." ~ A preface Paul uses to signify something stronger than an oath.


  • Women
  • Justice
  • Alcohol
  • Honor
  • Chivalry


  • Dishonorable men
  • Evil
  • Corrupted hearts
  • Disrespect
  • Stereotypes and racial remarks


  • Poetry
  • Illusions/magic tricks
  • Drinking


  • Does not tolerate liars.
  • Distrusts others until proven worthy.
  • He has a seemingly unnatural ability to consume inordinate amounts of rum.



Paul has no family save for a long lost brother, Gem'to and a resentful uncle, Micah. His parents died before the calamity; they lived out full lives. Paul lost his dearest, Y'sariel, during the Calamity. Also being a fierce warrior, they fought together to protect Gridania. Y'sariel's life was taken before Paul's eyes. Having no children Paul was completely alone until he found his brother, though he seemingly disappeared once again, thinking he is dead.


While Paul has deep respect for others he encounters, he has no friends from his past. He could be seen with two friends, Kehda and Za; the latter having a striking resemblance to his late wife which did not help Paul move on from his dark past. Nevertheless, Paul overcame this trial and let go of his past. Since that time Paul has formed close friendships with Za, Kehda, Ysobel, Y'sara, and Y'dyalani. They do what it takes to ensure the safety of each other as they traverse the lands of Eorzea.

Paul could often be seen with I'lyana Rhiki. A female Miqo'te with a deadly set of fists, she has been kind enough to help Paul in different situations involving his past.

Romantic Interests

Lara Stroggy: Paul met by a fraction of a chance Lara Stroggy through their travels in the forests of Gridania. It was a brief and innocent meeting. Then two suns later Lara happened upon Paul near Bentbranch. Something sparked there and after a few suns of a slight cat and mouse game, the two were romantically entwined like the grape vines of Aleport.

Over the next dozen suns, their love grew immensely and at an exponential rate. But the unthinkable happened. Against a sworn oath to never forsake her, Paul left Lara for another. Through this unbecoming action, Paul broke Lara's heart and subconsciously broke his own.

Recently, through the strands of an ironic fate, Paul happened upon Lara in the North Shroud. In an effort to repay in a small way what he did to her, Paul offered Lara back her family heirloom. She refused as it was a gift. Paul set it back at his left arm where it remained since she initially gave it to him, and there it will remain forever.

After this, in an effort to regain her trust, Paul swore a life debt to Lara. Whatever her wish is he will do. Whatever it takes he will atone for his wrong; by his life he will protect hers. This young woman needn't but speak Paul's name and he will answer.

Paul had not seen this young girl for several moons. Her presumed disappearance has contributed some to Paul's dark outlook as of late. As the only link to any good within Paul, her absence pushed Paul further and further into darkness. After exhausting much effort and performing many dark deeds, he found Lara in Coerthas. Despite her efforts to avoid him, they were able to reflect on the past. After some time, Lara seemingly disappeared. It has been several moons since Paul saw her.

Pia Fashonti: Paul met his miqo'te in Ul'dah while he sought the comfort of his lady of choice: Rum. But after some endearing conversation he sought the company of Pia some more and could not resist the urge to invite her on a date. It was most enjoyable, and the company of Pia is very soothing to Paul. Be it a weakness for miqo'te in general or just ladies, he finds himself drawn to her.

Love Interest

Aiden Blood: It was a chance meeting, really. When Paul took a seat next to an acquaintance by the name of Elf at the Quicksands, the man seemed annoyed by this young woman and had to leave. Paul felt a pat on his shoulder as Elf said, "But Paul here will answer any questions you have." So... Paul took the empty seat and introduced himself. It was shocking to Paul how easy it was to speak with her and how much they had in common. After spending a couple evenings together it became clear that Paul could not ignore what he was feeling toward Aiden. While there has been no admission of love, there is a connection that begs further exploration.


Paul is an investigator for the Grand City States. Really, who isn't his enemy?


Common Gossip

  • "Inspector Paul Desmond? Don't let his appearance fool you. He's never lost a case. So what if he's always drinking? I swear it makes him more insightful." ~ tavern patrons, market vendors, reporters
  • "Paul Desmond drinks me under the table every damn night. I come in, he's half-way through a bottle. I leave after three hours and he's half-way through a third bottle!" ~ tavern patron
  • "He sure as hell killed his uncle. Did it like he was some animal, too. Then he pulled someone out of a fire, right in the street! Didn't see who it was. Must have been dead, whoever it was..." regulars of Aleport [This is very common to hear in Aleport]
  • "The blonde sailor? I see him in taverns a lot. Always drinking, always drunk..." ~ regular patrons at taverns
  • "A thief took my coin purse. Yes, Paul did stop the thief. But he gave the coin purse back only after I agreed to certain conditions. No, no I can't say what they are..." ~ random victims of crime
  • "He is a longtime seaman, a rootless wanderer." ~ tavern patrons, city-state citizens, villages, essentially heard anywhere.

Uncommon Gossip

[While this is uncommon gossip, if a character has been in a scenario to hear the gossip, then by all means use it =)]

  • "Yes, he's investigating that masked vigilante Viper. When Paul catches up to him, and mark my words he will, that's going to be one hell of a fight." ~ Reporter for the Harbor Herald
  • "Women? I wouldn't exactly call it a soft spot for Paul. It's more like, 'Take a woman's dignity and Paul will take your life. Then he'll probably take the woman's dignity for himself.' Well don't look at me like that, Paul can take my dignity any time he pleases..." ~ some of Paul's female 'victims'
  • "Paul was top in all his classes at the academy. He received the highest training in martial arts, weapons, and military tactics. He's been decorated for bravery in the line of duty nine times, been promoted eight times, and has never lost a case. He has no wife; no children. His only dedication is to his work. He's our best." ~ Merlwyb
  • "His methods are brutal, violent, barbaric, and unlawful. But he's just too damn good for us to get rid of. That's why you won't see him on our official roster. Officially he was relieved of his command. Unofficially..." ~ Maelstrom commanding officer

Rare Gossip

[Since these are said by people, they can of course be heard. However, they are rarely ever said and may not be used without permission. Thus they will not be acknowledged in RP.]

  • "Y'sariel? That's his dearly beloved. Her death haunts him down to this day. Only cure for that kind of despair is love." ~ a certain sailor in Limsa's Anchor Yard
  • "Ah, Onryo (vengeful spirit). His spirit is full of vengeance and was clearly displayed in Doma. Oh, Paul Desmond? Never heard of him." ~ Doman refugee. [Note: if a character has interacted with any Doman, it's safe to use this IC. However, the conclusion that Paul is Onryo is only something someone would know if Paul himself reveals this.]
  • "He told me love is a weakness that should be cut out. If you ask me, he was the one who killed his wife. But seriously, don't ask me..." ~ Maelstrom associates
  • "It's strange he hasn't caught this masked vigilante, Viper. You'd think he would have some clue, some arrest, something... Maybe Paul is the Viper?! Right, our lead detective is the masked vigilante..." ~ one of Paul's squad mates.
  • "What ever happened to Paul's son?" "Best not to speak of that tragedy..."
  • "What happened to my arm? Well... Paul said, 'I'm going to ask you a few questions and if I don't like your answers I'm going to cut off your arm... with a spoon.' I'm sure you can figure out the rest." ~ One of Limsa's armless prisoners.

PC Gossip

  • "A quiet fellow, he really seems preoccupied by something! I think he enjoyed the black rum though...!" - Aya Foxheart
  • "I don't know how to explain it, but something seems so off about him, now. It's like he's lost a part of the fire in his heart. I hope he finds it again, and learns to truly smile." - Liliana Ashe
  • "Ah, the Investigator? Aye, we've met. He's a charming fellow, really. Easy on t'eyes and good company in conversation. On the trail of some vigilante or another. . . hm? Ask him yerself if ye want t'know." - Odette Saoirse


Paul Desmond is a military man. He served the three Grand City States during and after the Calamity. Currently he lives off his wealth and spends his days defending those around him and his close friends. Before that, Paul was a sailor. His father owned a fleet of ships used to charter goods. After Paul's father passed away in sleep, he inherited the business. Around the time Paul was married he sold the business to take care of his wife.

As of late, Paul has undergone a downward spiral. This dark descent is due to several heartbreaking moments and losing all he has ever cared about. Relinquishing the honorable ways of the paladin, Paul has become what some may call a rogue paladin.

Character Stories

  • [The below stories are told by the victims in the story and by witnesses. If your character interacts with Paul, feel free to use these stories IC. Of course, they may not know every detail. But use what you would like.]