Emvi'zi Lavint

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 Emvi'zi Lavint
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper
Citizenship None
Age 17
Occupation Lieutenant
Guardian None
Nameday 9th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Alignment Neutral


Appearance and Behaviour

At first glance, this pale-skinned Miqo'te Keeper is quite obviously a youth. Not exactly unassuming largely due to red eyes and blue hair with streaks of foggy white, and in addition to that his face carries a fair few notable scars, all of which may serve to make him stand out just slightly when in a crowd. His body is well-toned and fit, if a little on the thin side, and he himself stands at a short height. Quiet and observant, some might even say brooding, this young Miqo'te seems to prefer avoiding any spotlights shined his way.

The scars on his face are not isolated, and should anyone ever get the chance, they would find numerous similar scars over his body, not deep enough to be disfiguring, but severe enough for the skin to have not completely healed, again to those with the knowledge of such things, they were clearly caused by weapons rather than beast claws or similar, with the exception of three raking lines down his back, caused by claws of some manner or another.

Though lean and athletic, built in the manner a predator might be like most Miqo'te, with legs that are clearly stronger than arms, Emvi'zi is still comparatively thin and short. The shortness is probably just natural, and certainly seems to suit the Miqo'te's preference for staying out of the way.

A youth content to his silence, to watch and wait, he may give the impression of being either very patient, or very wary. For those who can observe for longer, they may come to the conclusion that it's more the latter than the former, as the occasional sudden movement - to look to an opening door or someone nearby reaching into their pocket, or just an abrupt flick of the ear - seems to suggest that this Miqo'te is on edge and jumpy even if he is in a relatively safe environment, and is simply keeping it covered up for the most part, something he seems to be rather good at. His default expression is a blank look that may occasionally melt into one of curiousity or confusion, especially when in civilised areas and environments.



  • Athletics - Emvi'zi is an agile and dexterous person, and his ability with all things athletic could be described as his defining trait and most significant advantage. Whether in a fight or a more casual setting, he will doubtlessly use his skill to good effect.
  • Close Quarters Combat - Whilst he admittedly relies a lot on natural instincts in his fighting, recent training has meant Emvi'zi can be considered a competent combatant with daggers, swords and hand-to-hand, even if his style could be describe as haphazard and a tad brutal, it is still efficient and executed with a purpose.
  • Stealth - This Miqo'te has learned the value of being able to disappear, indeed, he seems to possess a certain knack for it. Some might say his ability to be there one moment and gone the next is a tad unsettling and unnatural.


  • Marksmanship - Whilst he is not often seen with a bow, Emvi'zi has a keen depth perception and awareness that allows him to be passable with ranged weapons, offset by a lack of proper and dedicated training in their use.
  • Magical Aptitude - For those able to detect such, this Miqo'te clearly possesses some natural affinity with magical energies, though they have not yet manifested, this connection would doubtlessly offer some assistance should he ever begin to pursue use of magic seriously.
  • Survival - The Keeper is a capable survivalist, both from necessity and tribal upbringing, he would be able to sustain himself out in the wilds passably without need to visit settlements should the need arise.


  • World Awareness - Having only just recently left the depths of the Shroud, Emvi'zi is supremely unaware of the world and how it works, and whilst a natural wariness and carefulness allows him to avoid some trouble, it is doubtful that this will work forever unless he wises up and learns more about the world he's set foot into.
  • Social Skills - Partly because of his upbringing, partly because of his personality, the young Keeper is like a fish out of water in most social situations, unable to offer much to a conversation beyond short sentences and blunt observations, he also tends to lack empathy for other people.
  • Morale - Whilst often concealing his feelings, Emvi'zi is not an especially brave or bold person, and there is always the risk that if he continues to meet opposition or difficulty in what he is pursuing, he may just give up and move on.



  • Night, snow and rain are all things this Keeper is fond of, and he has no qualms with getting drenched in a downpour.
  • Open spaces, which can be found anywhere, from urban to rural environments. Perhaps because of potential escape routes?
  • Grand architecture. Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa and Ishgard are all examples of places Emvi'zi would show interest in purely for their impressive buildings and artificial environments. This also extends to magitek and Garlean creations.


  • Hot weather. Despite liking Ul'dah's architecture, the desert and glaring sun unsurprisingly do not sit well with Emvi'zi.
  • Busy streets contribute to putting the Keeper more noticeably on edge.
  • Oddly, the Shroud, when in this region that by all rights he should like, the Miqo'te notably dislikes it, or rather what can be found in it.


  • Attentive and observant in most matters, the Miqo'te rarely misses a detail, especially if it pertains to his well-being.
  • When provided the means, Emvi'zi is studious and a good learner.
  • Having the means to get out of tight spots always comes in handy, as the Keeper demonstrates when he needs to get out of a particularly dangerous situation. He wouldn't say it's running away, but... Actually, he would.


  • Can be snappy and short in speech, and sometimes misses words.
  • Whilst he can read passably, Emvi'zi cannot write, in contrast to his ability to learn.
  • A fascination with Garlean technology, when he gets his hands on it.



The moment this Miqo'te gives his proper name, those learned in tribal culture of the Keepers will doubtlessly pick up 'Zi'. Ninth son. Given how nature tends to result in more female Keepers than male, this is very notable, and either means nature decided to just go out on a whim and do something else, or he has a lot of sisters. His family was self-sufficient and large, in contact with other Keeper tribes only when it was necessary, and actively avoiding Gridania. Unlike most families, the Lavints were focused more on magical pursuits rather than over-hunting and poaching, and in the wake of first the Battle of Silvertear Skies and then the Calamity, Emvi'zi's mother became particularly skilled at her chosen field, and the tribe properly settled around a large crystal formation in the depths of the woods, defending their new territory fiercely.

Being a Keeper family, it was always largely matriarchal, with the women performing most of the hunting duties, with some exceptions. Emvi'zi was not one of those exceptions, and was largely kept within the confines of the camp, and protected by most of his older brothers to the best of their abilities. As was to be expected in such a large family, feuds were common, most often between his sisters, and at times the youngest member of the family was caught in the middle, when he wasn't trying to avoid it. In seclusion with her research and meditations, Emvi Lavint did little to stop the growing violence and unstable personalities amongst the family as more and more of her children reached adulthood, leaving the eldest children the task of keeping order.

What little contact that was had with the family has now ceased, Emvi'zi currently being the only Lavint that is out of the bounds of the Twelveswood.


Misc. Rumours

  • "Seen that Miqo'te skulking around? He looks like a jumpy sod."
  • "Eh. No money on him, clearly, not worth t'trouble."
  • "Blue haired Keeper? Yeah, I've seen 'im, he's been doin' courier work f'merchants, I think."

Player Rumours


To come!



OOC Information

I appreciate whispers if anyone is interested in striking up some roleplay! Though the character is very much meant to be anti-social and cold, to give fair warning!