Doendraga Barabharsyn

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Doendraga Barabahrsyn
Gender Male
Race Roegadyn
Clan Sea Wolf
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Guardian Llymlaen, the Navigator
Age 28
Nameday 18th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Occupation Captain of the Lookfar
Server Balmung


A sailor and privateer of the Rhotano Sea, the Roegadyn Doendraga is a quiet figure among the sights of Limsa Lominsa's dockyards, lost in a virtual tide of Sea Wolf buccaneers and sea-faring folk. Captain of his own humble vessel, the schooner "Lookfar", he is constantly on the move, whether striking out into the deep blue to reap from the bounties of the waters, or ferrying goods and adventurers to all the hidden nooks and crannies of Eorzea's coastline where few barges can find purchase...or few sailors are willing to travel.


  • "'e's a brash and fearless captain, that one, but word 'as it 'e won't sail out toward the Sea o' Jade...Bit queer innit? Long as the Lookfar 'ugs the coast, it could make the journey just fine..."
  • "'eard 'e fancies the lads...Breaks this 'ore's 'eart, it does..."
  • "Saw 'im giving whatfor to a band of ol' Karkwick's boys out by the docks. Never seen someone use an axe like that..."
  • "You say this shipment was brought in by the Lookfar? How is that possible? Those waters are a graveyard of rocks and twisted hulls!"
  • "Give 'im some 'igh-caliber Lominsan rum. That'll make 'im sing for true."
  • "I've seen that big one - Doendraga's his name - always sitting out by the docks at night. Sometimes he's fishin', but he doesn't really look like he's fishin', ya ken? More like he just wanted an excuse to stare out at the sea and be left alone."
  • "Logaf can get you anything you need, even the illegal stuff - especially the illegal stuff. Say's he knows some Roegadyn who can sneak anything into Limsa Lominsa for the right price. Hells, the way you'd hear him tell it, I'd wager that Roegadyn could sneak anything anywhere."
  • "I heard he can hold his breath for an entire bell - swim right to the bottom of the Rhotano...Wha? Of course it's possible if you've got a pair of lungs that big! Shaddap woman and bring me another drink!"


Like many Roegadyn, Doendraga is large with generous helpings of muscle tucked beneath his icy cyan skin. Dark mauve hair covers his jaw and adorns his head in a wild cluster, terminating in blistering white highlights. A simple tattoo rests beneath his right eye - a keepsake of his earlier life - and it curves gently whenever a smile bends his eyes into soft crescents. He walks with a silent and still strength, gentle eyes that appear tired in their luster clashing with his powerful frame, and his voice is deep and smokey, but smooth and almost dulcet to the ears.

Spending so much of his time out in the open waters, Doendraga prefers loose fitting, or sparse clothing: thick fabrics and heavy coverings don't serve when one is surrounded by endless seawater, particularly for someone who spends as much time in the water as Doendraga (he's a fantastic swimmer). His clothes regularly carry the feint aroma of ocean sprays, and he is usually sporting a bandanna when he is aboard the Lookfar, complimenting the brass hoops that decorate his ears and the metal choker hugging his thick neck.


Doendraga boasts his own unique set of peepers, and sees a world where - despite its shiny exterior - to live is to suffer. It's nothing to be depressed over, of course, just a simple jagged pill that needs to be swallowed time and time again lest a man become a slave to fancy. Looking at something for what it is and objectifying what doesn't need to be humanized is how Doendraga processes the insane glob that is life. Though this makes him a fairly level-headed and rational man, when coupled with a natural instinct to replace reverence with mockery, it also makes him facetiously cynical. Doendraga's humor is eccentric, yet witty, but his propensity for irreverence and his sardonic charm can make that same humor abrasive to the more sensitive of folk: his outlook can at times be inappropriate, as his sense of humor permeates everything that he does and says on a very subtle level, and his wit is nothing if not wildly sarcastic.

It’s easy for Doendraga to objectify his experiences in life, and in doing so, reduce them into trifling shadows: keen wits and a gift of self-awareness help him to make sense of his plot in life by understanding how he got there in the first place. He reflects on his actions and those around habitually, his mind forever wandering backward where others might wander forward, though his strong-willed demeanor shows little evidence of him being a retrospective man to most on-lookers. Nonetheless, despite what appears to be such a lazy demeanor his brain is always active, and it tends to result in him losing his time to the unfettered whims of his memories and thoughts. For all his barbed grins and snark, and despite his love of drink, he's an addict of the quiet times.


Of course, he hardly makes such an impression at a distance: there's always work to be done after all, and he is nothing if not driven by necessities. Strong-willed, determined, and immensely stubborn, his hardline views of life can at makes him seem apathetic and cold, and while the motivations behind such characteristics are varied and deep, the product of each can make him seem unapproachable, or overbearing. Given his reflective nature, though, he's aware of how he can come across to others; interpersonal consequences, as a result, typically roll off his shoulders without much care. After all, conflict is part of life, and it can't be avoided forever. Doendraga makes his peace with that truth, and he doesn't invest too much emotion into anything as a result, making him too casual to the point of being almost apathetic.

Hardly a dry personality, though, he is a sailor through and through, and his speech reflects this: he is often crass, unapologetic with his choice in words, and speaks with a thick Lominsan accent. His vernacular is especially colorful, with an eclectic mixture of sacrilegious profanity and witty exposition.


  • Navigation
  • Ship-handling and line-handling
  • Ropework
  • Fluency with maritime law
  • Meteorology
  • Swimming
  • Free-diving
  • Freshwater and Saltwater fishing
  • Smuggling
  • Suspicious degree of knowledge regarding coastal markets and contraband
  • One hell-of-an-axefighter

The Lookfar



Doendraga's past is a suspiciously simple one: born a bastard upon the high seas, and instantly a crewman of his father Barabahr's merchant vessel, the Blue Cry, he spent his youth touring the great open waters of Eorzea. Or so he claims.

Sadly, as he would tell it, the Calamity claimed the Blue Cry as well as his father five years ago, and Doendraga like many other buccaneers and mariners was left land-locked in Limsa Lominsa without a ship to call home. When the waters calmed themselves, and the great port city began the arduous task of rebuilding, though, Doendraga signed on with one surviving vessel after another, earning his pay with his tireless labors until eventually taking over as captain of the Lookfar. He has since spent his days alongside the crew of his ship plying the waters of Eorzea, reaping the bounties of the sea, trading in commodities, and privately ferrying passengers seeking discretion and not-oft travelled destinations within the Rhotano Sea, the Indigo Deep, and the Strait of Merlthor.

He has quite an arm for the axe, though, far more than a sailor should have from – as he would put it – “defending oneself from Sahagin and pirates.”

Note from the writer

Expect more of his profile, particularly his history, to expand as he develops (along with his personal story: I have plans *muwhahaha*)

In the mean time, hit me up whenever you feel like it - either in game, or on RPC - if you have any ideas or interests that would include our little/big Roegadyn. I'm always looking out for opportunities to roleplay and create substantial stories or relationships.