Sleepy Cat

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Revision as of 05:42, 29 August 2016 by Sleepcat (talk | contribs) (its called a CROSSGUARD YOU FOOL)
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Sleepy Cat
Out of the shadows

Bannercat v1.png


Character Info

Current Alias: Sleepy Cat

Birth Name: Unknown

Race: Miqo'te

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Orientation: Asexual/Aromantic

Marital Status: Undisclosed

Misc. Info

Nationality: Ul'dahn

Tribe: Unknown Seeker tribe

Current Residence: The Hourglass, Ul'dah

Occupation: "People minder", ex-Flame Sergeant

Patron Deity: Azeyma

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Personality/Basic Info
Sleepy is reasonably suspicious of most who approach her, preferring to make the first move: having spent the majority of her life as an untraceable ghost living on the peripherals of society, people approaching her usually meant trouble. To those that pass her initial appraisal, however, she is a warm and caring individual, always concerning herself with the welfare of others she considers even acquaintances. Those who have seen her off her guard are usually treated to a showing of a deep and enthusiastic love of life, an aloof and easily flattered sort that handles her burdens with ease. The few that manage to draw her ire, however, see a much different woman.

Sleepy's body (or arms, as most would see) is covered in a variety of small nicks and scars, the scar along her face being the largest and most noticeable. She is athletic, loves climbing and balancing on things, and enjoys the company of those she considers friends. She has a nearly insatiable curiosity which can sometimes land her in trouble, but one that lends itself well to any pursuits of justice she finds herself embarking on. She's little love for most authority, having seen enough of the worst of Ul'dahn society to convince her that her more vigilante aims are for the benefit of the community.

Some would note Sleepy's somewhat chaotic speech patterns: switching between scholarly and streetwise almost on a whim. She attributes this to her many years spent people-watching, though she tends to be at her most scholarly only in good spirits and good company.


Reading, academic or otherwise.
Enjoys selflessness and kindness in others.
Rainstorms, warm climes, the sun
Small groups and quiet places.
Meat. Except eft meat.


Ignorance, bigotry, and similar.
The cold, and the snow especially.
Tends to disregard nobility and the rich out of hand.
Long-winded, dramatic sorts (is vaguely aware of the irony)
Eft. Don't ask.


Losing her friends.
Losing control of herself.
Being found at a disadvantage.
Full Character Background (read at own risk)
Though possessing a relaxed demeanour and preferring the company of books and tomes to people in most cases, her armor and her greatsword stand at odds with the assumption that she is some mere academic enthusiast. Rumors tell of a woman on the hunt, a self-styled vigilante wielding arcane powers, who allows nothing to stand in the way of helping her fellows and righting wrongs. Still others tell of an aloof, clumsy and melodramatic miqo'te who is a horrible flirt and possessing zero social grace of her own. All that is certain is Sleepy seems perfectly comfortable with the resultant obscurity surrounding her, wearing it as a cloak.

The history of the matter is barely a moon after her birth, the miqo'te who would come to be known as Sleepy Cat was orphaned in an attack on the caravan she and her mother were travelling on. That she managed to somehow survive the ordeal unharmed and eventually be found by a small band of refugees spoke of her uncanny luck in all things. The remainder of her childhood would see her passed along to many families scattered around Thanalan: often named, but never settling into one, a wandering child fond of climbing things and stealing books for her own perusal.

As she matured into adolescence, she had trained up a certain set of skills that made her a very accomplished pickpocket. She would not realize this until one day, witnessing a brazen theft from her current adoptive family, managed to steal back the items and some things of value besides before the would-be bandit had managed to return to his fellows. It had taught her many things: the plight of her fellow displaced citizens, the depravity of some, and the indifference of the so called "nobility". More than that, however, was the realisation that she had power in this: power to help those who were in need. She didn't know what to do with it at first, but could not stand by while suffering surrounded her. Eventually, she met a small crew of like-minded individuals, who together formed a group known as the "Coeurl Kissers", after a member's daring tale. The group targeted wealthy merchant caravans, employing various distractions and methods to lift cargo or goods and convert it into aid for their communities.

As time went on, Sleepy Cat noticed that she was much unlike her fellows: repulsed by the advances of the young boys she knew, unsure what to make of her heritage as a Seeker, and while she held some romantic interest in other girls, it was fleeting, never surviving more than a few suns, with rare exceptions. She spoke little, save for the few group veterans who had bothered to get to know her. Despite her friendships, she continually felt like an outsider, as one utterly alone. The Calamity only served to compound that fact, the catastrophic event scattering the Coeurl Kissers to the winds.

Sleepy had thought that perhaps her life would take on a much more interesting direction after Eorzea recovered from the terrifying ordeal. Perhaps in another time, it had. But as it stood, three summers on, she had gone from cutpurse to pugilist to conjurer, attempting to find herself again. By some stroke of luck, she lent her novice efforts to a very familiar casualty, finding herself drawn back into the Coeurl Kissers, who had revitalised themselves in the wake of the Calamity. It was a short time after that the group recruited another conjurer into the fold: one Sleepy immediately found herself developing strange new feelings for.

The two became best friends in short order. Like Sleepy, she had no real name and no knowledge of her lineage. Like Sleepy, she was often an outcast: strange, in all the right ways. The two seemed to share an enthusiasm for conjury, one that drew them closer, and still closer. Where before, Sleepy had only thought about the day after the next at most, she began to plan grand things: wandering Eorzea as a healer, providing aid to those in need. All of this, by the nameless woman's side. Perhaps she would shed her own name, as well.

As the aims of the Coeurl Kissers grew, so too did the list of potential enemies. After a series of mysterious botched jobs, Sleepy, the woman, and many of her friends took a task that promised to be simple: They would observe the dealings of a third party from a distance, intervening if things turned sour. Unknown to Sleepy's group, the job turned out to be a setup: betrayed by one of their own, hunters descended on the group with the aims to kill them off. Only Sleepy and the woman managed to escape being immediately caught out and killed, but their pursuers gave chase. In an effort to ensure one of them survived, the woman pleaded that Sleepy let her stand her ground while she ran to safety. Sleepy refused... and was knocked away, forced to watch as the woman left to die on her own terms.

Overwhelmed and numbed, she ran. She would find nowhere was safe for her. Nowhere but the far North, the cold of Coerthas, where she would grieve for all she had lost. In her mind, she had died that night, as well.

As for what happened between then and when she would return to Thanalan, none but Sleepy know the whole truth.

Color Key
Platonic Love/Family: Sleepy considers this person family.
Friend: Sleepy considers this person her friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Sleepy considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: No notable impression, thoughts tend towards positive.
Neutral: No notable impression.
Bad Standing: No notable impression, thoughts tend towards negative.

Dislike: Sleepy will only talk to this person if required.
Hate: Sleepy actively dislikes this person.
Enemy: Sleepy actively dislikes this person and has no wish to make amends.

Business: This character is either Sleepy's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.


Jun'to Nharuya ( ) -
Originally intending to startle the gentleman in a show of playful recklessness, the meeting ended up being much more revealing and involved than she anticipated, and Sleepy found a kindred spirit in the man, after a fashion. She is fascinated with the lifestyle he seems to lead, and quietly means to frequent his establishment more, between jobs.
Marianne Evrardoux ( ) -
Sleepy thought Marianne to be pleasant enough, but sensed a familiar sort of burden within her. After discovering they were both Dark Knights, Sleepy immediately sought her counsel, knowing nothing herself save the barest basics. She has since seen to controlling her emotions, and has met with a fair bit of success in keeping certain things at bay. It's one less thing she's got to worry about, and for that she is thankful. Sleepy currently awaits word from Marianne about a potential contact who may lend more to her quest to master her darkside.
Moda'zi Jadu ( ) ( NPC ) -
Flame Sergeant Jadu is a quiet, bookish, and blustering Keeper that Sleepy insists has one of the meanest right hooks in the 2nd Brigade, in addition to being a all-around good guy. While Sleepy served, the two would often see each other on assignments, and quickly became an odd set of partners. Young Jadu was heartbroken to learn of Sleepy's discharge, and he and the rest of Sleepy's squadron put their efforts into procuring a parting gift for her: an Ul'dahn claymore, engraved with her name and the names of her former squadmates one one side of the crossguard.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.


Jayne Si'karh ( ) -
Sleepy's fastest friend since the days of her youth, and one of few who know her background as a Dark Knight. The two can often be seen leaning on one another, getting into mischief, and occasionally fighting as a team. Sleepy feels the woman is the closest thing she's had to family in a long time.
Majh'ir Rafaist ( ) -
Majh'ir is a very stable presence in Sleepy's life: something she's definitely needed at times. While she knows much more of him now than ever she had before, she is often attempting to figure out more about him: in light of some recent revelations, perhaps the things that trouble him.
Shiori Sato ( ) -
Sleepy was very impressed with Shiori's artistry, and quickly came to see a person she would be proud to call a friend. She sometimes gently teases her, but remains cognizant that not all who do have the lightest of intentions like herself.
Izea Dzaemel ( ) -
An Ishgardian highborne with disturbing tendencies, Sleepy saw to chasing Izea out of town after an incident in the Quicksand was brought to her attentions. After that, she was content to see him as a coward, and a problem that would take care of itself. She's a small interest in the man now, however: something about his motivations and his actions don't add up to her, and if there's one thing Sleepy hates, it's a question, unanswered.
J'khobi Tia ( ) -
J'khobi unwittingly confirmed for Sleepy that she was able to mask certain energies within her completely from even specialized scrutiny. In a way, she is eternally grateful for the laughably simple favor: one that allowed her to finally step from the shadows with confidence. A while after that, Sleepy devoted some efforts to tracking him, noticing that the once cheerful (if eccentric) young man was seemingly haunted by problem after problem. Now that she has reintroduced herself, she hopes she can lend a hand to J'khobi: help him see to his own path, as he did for her, once before. She's nothing if not ambitious.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"I feel like I've seen her before she started on with the Flames, but.. nah. Probably isn't even the same girl." -Anonymous Brass Blade
"She's so nice! Let a deaf girl stay in her inn room for a while, said she had other places to be anyways... but you could tell she was just doin' it out of the kindness of her heart!" -Quicksand regular.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Sergeant Cat's had a recent spat of reports against her character. She abandoned her posting-- a secret one, mind!-- to just... go, and talk to a woman for about five bells! That was going to be the last straw, but then... [audible groan] 'Her timely intervention led to the diffusal of a potentially harmful situation.' Gods. I don't care. She's on Halatali until I figure out what to do with her." -Anonymous Immortal Flames Lieutenant, 2nd Brigade.
"I think I saw her puke once. Wow, that sounds weird, okay... I'm saying, she was eatin' at a table with someone, all was well, then she just... makes for the railing, starts retching and howling about eft. [A pause.] Do we even serve eft here? I always wanted to try it." -Anonymous Lominsan culinarian.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"She used to come through here a lot, actually. Much shorter hair... less confrontational appearance... oh! She had a friend, too. They were both conjurers in training, by the looks of it, but I've not seen the other in a long while." -Anonymous Wood Wailer sentry.
“Don't get involved with 'er. Trouble follows 'er closer than some folk's shadows... Death, too, if you believe it. I'd believe it. Let's just say I've got good reason to.” -Ul'dahn resident.


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
"Rumor Goes Here" Name Goes Here
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Personal RP Limits
Willing to play with mature content and themes, drug (ab)use, violence/sexuality and the like. Willing to engage in combat, temporary injury/incapacitation, temporary captivity.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement, long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I won't play permanent character death or rape plots.
If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please let me know immediately.


Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
Current Motivations
Sleepy has been stripped of her rank in the Immortal Flames, after a series of incidents culminating in her attempt to transfer herself to the Free Brigade. While not the outcome she either wanted or expected, Sleepy has now found herself with one less life to live... something that could possibly work in her favor.
The trauma of a loved one left to die has haunted Sleepy for a long time: almost as long as the darkness borne from within her. Terrified of losing control of herself, she quietly seeks those who may come to help her understand how others bearing her curse have come to handle their burdens.
As part of Sleepy's ongoing efforts to keep her darkside under control, she allows herself to aspire to oftentimes ridiculous things, to keep her hopes up, mostly. More than anything, she wants to try her hand at thievery one last time.

Credit to the following:

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Backround and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits and relationship color keys by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.


"Stay out of trouble, now."