Sage Yvelont

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Revision as of 15:28, 12 September 2016 by Sage yvelont (talk | contribs) (☩ Appearance & Personality)
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 Sage Yvelont
Placeholder person.gif
I got what you need, friend
Potion Seller
Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship Limsain
Age 37
Birthplace Unknown
Nameday 2nd Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Height 6'7"
Weight 198lbs
Occupation Drug Dealer, Criminal, Host

☩ Appearance & Personality

Tall and lengthy are just the first things one would use to describe the man who goes by the name "Sage Yvelont", his well kept facial hair and adornment of fine fabrics and jewelry speak loudly that he prefers to present himself as someone of a high standard, or he tries to at least. But don't be mistaken, beneath his slender appearance is a well fit machine of toned muscles. Nothing too grand, but just enough the average man would need to survive.
From Rags to Riches, Sage now often sports a set of well manicured hands. He presents himself at his best at all times or at least he tries to. Green eyes often are the first thing others comment on as they feel that when they look into them, the very forests of the shroud gaze back. His long black flowing hair nearly always shines against the light during the day while never giving the off appearance of an unclean and greasy texture. A scar on his left cheek, to which he knows not how it came to be, is how few of more criminal nature have come to describe him. "The enigmatic Elezen man with a scar on his cheek."
Beyond his now cleaned and presentable appearance, Sage still to some, remains a boil on the backside of society's ass. Sage seems to alter his expressive nature on the world around him in relation to the setting. Often considered to act on immediate and often immoral behaviors, those who come to understand him merely relate that he does as the world around him does to him. Should kind, self sacrificing acts make their way to his heart, it's possible the claims of his immoral behavior could be considered merely lies and slander in time.

☩ Bio


⚒ Combat & Skills


  Color Key
In A Relationship: Sage is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Sage is romantically interested in this character.

Platonic: Sage considers this person a close friend, like family.
Friend: Sage considers this person a friend, one he would confide with.
Friendly Acquaintance: Sage considers this person in positive standing, someone not just a customer.

Good Standing: Sage has no feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
Neutral: Sage has no feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Sage has no feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

Dislike: This person isn't a friend to Sage, but he will talk with them if needed.
Hate: This person annoys Sage, and he will try to avoid them. Conflict may happen.
Fear: Sage would rather avoid this person then talk with them.
Rivalry: Sage consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time he gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Sage.
Business: This character is either an employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Sage isn't fully aware of it yet.


  Zazaan Zezean ( )
The first person Sage awoke to when he can first recount after losing all his memories is this kind Lalafell. Zazaan took Sage to a nearby waystation called Summerford. After a few weeks of generous hospitality, the man gifted Sage a large sum of gil to start his life off and to help him in his journey to find out who he was. It wasn't until a week later during a trip to Limsa that Zazaan would find Sage wasted drunk, reeking of booze and Somnus while wearing little to no clothes near the drowning wench.

After attempting to comfort Sage, he would find out that Sage foolishly spoke openly of the money he was given and befriended a bar patron who suggested he should enjoy his wealth. He ultimately squandered the money on women, beer and drugs. By the nights end he was robbed of everything, even most of his clothes by thieves just outside of the city-state.

When Zazaan heard of all this he grew mad at Sage, for he had given the things he once had out of charity and kindness. Upset, Zazaan banished Sage from his sight and alerted the Yellow Jackets, causing Sage to run.


  Batu Qalli ( )
The very first person to discover Sage hiding away in the host club was this sharp tongued singing woman, Batu Qualli. After meeting him with suspicion, Batu came to care and worry for Sage once she learned of his difficult affliction. After inviting him back to her home, she told him to rest as much as he needed and that should he ever need a place to stay, her home would always be welcoming. Batu then followed up this gentle and kind offer by giving him money for there wasn't a single gil to Sage's name. Having had once already been given money by another and squandering it all on Somnus, Sage began to feel remorse for his actions. He promised to try to make the best of Batu's kind gestures, a promise that stands to this day.

The Stained Glass Window

Sage's memories lay in ruin. This section is a representation of his shattered psyche, portrayed in the form of a stained glass window that has been broken. Over time through interactions of once past friends and family and even new people, his psyche may rebuild itself. A day may come about when the light that used to shine upon his soul passes once again through the beautiful color, the window if you may believe, of his soul. He may finally regain that sense of who he really is.


Common Rumors

  • "Be careful of that one. When he walks past you, you can feel this creepy feeling." - Random Merchant in Ul'dah
  • "I once saw him standing around some shipment boxes. He was acting suspicious, like he was up to no good." - Pearl Lane Shopper

Moderate Rumors

  • "I swore I saw him walking into a rumored Somnus Den. I'd alert the Brass Blades but you can't even trust THEM these days..." - Waitress at the Quicksand
  • "He came in one day and sat down at a table all alone. After a few minutes he slammed the table and got up in a rush. Something seems to be bothering that man deeply." - Patron at the Quicksand

Rare Rumors

  • "He's the man you go to if you are looking for a little somethin-somethin on the side, you know... something not normally available." - Shady Man in a Cloak from Black Brush Station
  • "I heard he often talks and works with crooks, thieves and even some Doman assassins!" - Gossiping Hag from Ruby Road Exchange

PC Rumors

((If your character has something to say about Sage, share it here but keep it brief!))

Potential aspects of Sage to start RP with about:

  • Naturally skilled Arcanist(always looking to further his studies)
  • Exotic animals(Particularly Coeurl kittens and Opo-opo)
  • Comparing and sharing stories(Particularly run ins with the law; Brass Blades, Wood Wailers, Yellow Jackets)
  • Gambling(No matter what to gamble over, just loves to gamble)
  • Amnesiac(He doesn't accurately remember beyond 3 months prior to the Dragonsong War's End if your character is privy to recent events; 3.2+)

Sage might seem interesting to you if:

  • You enjoy partaking in illegal activities
  • You enjoy smoking Somnus or partaking in other drugs
  • You enjoy casual long walks on the beach
  • You enjoy making money through any means(See First)



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