Sleepy Cat

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Sleepy Cat
Friend to most living things

Bannercat v1.png


Character Info

Past Aliases: Numerous

Birth Name: Sleepy Cat (veracity debated)

Race: Miqo'te

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Orientation: Asexual/Demiromantic/Poly

Marital Status: What?

Misc. Info

Nationality: Ul'dahn

Tribe: Unknown Seeker tribe

Current Residence: Ward 9 Plot 28, The Goblet

Occupation: Flame Sergeant, Ironclaw sympathiser

Patron Deity: Azeyma

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Personality/Basic Info
Sleepy is reasonably suspicious of most who approach her, preferring to make the first move: having spent the majority of her life as an untraceable ghost living on the peripherals of society, people approaching her usually meant trouble. To those that pass her initial appraisal, however, she is a warm and caring individual, always concerning herself with the welfare of others she considers even acquaintances. Those who have seen her off her guard are usually treated to a showing of a deep and enthusiastic love of life, an aloof and easily flattered sort that handles her burdens with ease. The few that manage to draw her ire, however, see a much different woman.

Sleepy's body is covered in a variety of small nicks and scars, the scar along her right side being the most noticeable and nastiest-looking one. She is athletic, loves climbing and balancing on things, and enjoys the company of those she considers friends. She has a nearly insatiable curiosity which can sometimes land her in trouble, but one that lends itself well to any pursuits of justice she finds herself embarking on. She's little love for most authority, having seen enough of the worst of Ul'dahn society to convince her that her more vigilante (and at times, criminal) aims are for the benefit of the community.

Sleepy's drawl is the end result of numerous dialects and accents she's been exposed to mashing together into a horrific amalgam. Rarely, she is heard to speak in a much more scholarly manner: a holdover from the past.


Reading, academic or otherwise.
Enjoys selflessness and kindness in others.
Rainstorms, warm climes, the sun
Small groups and quiet places.
Meat. Except eft meat.


Ignorance, bigotry, and similar.
The cold, and the snow especially.
Tends to disregard nobility and the rich out of hand.
Long-winded, dramatic sorts (is vaguely aware of the irony)
Eft. Don't ask.


Losing her friends.
Being betrayed.
Being found at a disadvantage.
Full Character Background (read at own risk)
Sleepy, at first glance, seems a contradiction: a heavily-armed Flame Sergeant with a laid-back, almost demure demeanor and a penchant for bad jokes. Rumors would tell of a woman on the hunt, a self-styled vigilante wielding arcane powers, who allows nothing to stand in the way of helping her fellows and righting wrongs. Still others tell of an aloof, clumsy and melodramatic miqo'te who is a horrible flirt and possessing zero social grace of her own. All that is certain is Sleepy seems perfectly comfortable with the resultant obscurity surrounding her, wearing it as a cloak.

A long time ago, Sleepy was just another orphan being communally raised in various Thanalan refugee camps. Her childhood saw her developing a rather broad set of skills: climbing things, stealing things, and lying being chief among them. Despite the unsavoury connotations, she was determined to do some good with it, trying her best to help ease the burdens of life in Thanalan. She eventually made a few like-minded friends, and together they formed the Coeurl Kissers, a troupe of bandits, thieves and other talented sorts known primarily for disrupting wealthy merchant caravans before the Calamity. Afterwards, they broadened their horizons considerably (after some time spent scattered in the chaos): kidnapping, extortion, and more brazen acts of theft being their forte. Sleepy began to find herself becoming best friends with a fellow bandit and miqo'te woman: a nameless conjurer who she found herself spending many nights alongside.

Eventually, their group was betrayed by one of its senior members, Sleepy being the only survivor by way of her best friend's sacrifice. Sleepy seems hesitant towards discussing the particulars of what followed, only referring to it as a "closed chapter of her life". What is clear is that she spent upwards of two summers in Coerthas, became a Dark Knight, and found her way back to Ul'dah, where she enlisted in the Immortal Flames and met new friends: Shiori, a demure sketch artist; Majh, a mysterious old man who has assumed a somewhat fatherly role to Sleepy; and Jayne, one of Sleepy's closest friends at the time. Sleepy's struggle to come to terms with the obvious traumas of her experiences would see all three involved, eventually culminating in an event that left her broken, battered, and at the bottom of a cliff... but the keeper of her own soul once more.

In her recovery, she took up tinkering with Magitek and sent in various pleas to be re-accepted into the Flames: Eventually, her old squadmates represented her interests and pushed for her return after something scandalous involving the squadron's replacement Chief Sergeant. After her body and aether were both mended, she returned to Ul'dah a new woman... but there was still one thing at the back of her mind, refusing to be forgotten.

She wanted to get back to work.

Color Key
Platonic Love/Family: Sleepy considers this person family.
Friend: Sleepy considers this person her friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Sleepy considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: No notable impression, thoughts tend towards positive.
Neutral: No notable impression.
Bad Standing: No notable impression, thoughts tend towards negative.

Dislike: Sleepy will only talk to this person if required.
Hate: Sleepy actively dislikes this person.
Enemy: Sleepy actively dislikes this person and has no wish to make amends.

Business: This character is either Sleepy's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.


Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.
Marianne Evrardoux ( ) -
Marianne was Sleepy's first exposure to the truth of what had become of her in Coerthas: namely, her inheritance of the powers of Dark Knights. Though Sleepy's battle against her Darkside was one fought much differently from Marianne's, there is an amount of solidarity between the two: least of all because they are technically still co-workers.
Moda'zi Jadu ( ) ( NPC ) -
Flame Sergeant Jadu is a quiet, bookish, and blustering Keeper that Sleepy insists has one of the meanest right hooks in the 2nd Brigade, in addition to being a all-around good guy. He's recently dropped the punch-mitts in favor of firearms, but surely that won't affect Sleepy's propensity for slinging steel and darkfire around... surely.
Tallera Weaver () -
Tallera was approached by a drunken Sleepy Cat and asked to provide her with... "soothsayery". Since then, Sleepy's both approached and been approached by the woman, being impressed more than once by her knowledge and resourcefulness.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.


Jayne Si'karh ( ) -
One of Sleepy's best friends, Jayne bore witness to Sleepy's gradual metamorphosis from a broken, traumatized young woman to a... mostly fixed, still somewhat traumatized young woman. The two are incredibly close, something Sleepy has come to value more and more as time goes on.. as fretful as she is that her recent romantic awakenings may yet drive a wedge between them.
Majh'ir Rafaist ( ) -
Majh'ir seems to have "adopted" Sleepy, and while the Seeker seems more entertained by the idea of an adoptive father than anything else, she welcomes the idea of someone dependable watching her back. She tries her best to reassure him she's not getting in over her head... which, considering what he witnessed with Sleepy's struggle against herself, probably never works. She is incredibly fond of, and protective of the man.
Shiori Sato ( ) -
The demure Xaela sketch artist turned out to be yet another of Sleepy Cat's fast friends... perhaps sped along by certain artistic arrangements. Sleepy soon found herself falling for the girl... on her own merits, of course, but she can't shake the feeling that Shiori reminds her of something she lost. Sleepy chooses to remain aware of this, in between trying to rope the girl into her criminal fantasies and trashing her apartment.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.
J'khobi Tia ( ) -
J'khobi is perhaps the only tribal Seeker Sleepy trusts farther than she can throw... not that she's ever dreamed of throwing him. She's been assured that J'khobi has been handling himself well in recent times, which is a relief to the generally beleaguered Sergeant.
Name Goes Here ( Status Icons Go Here ) ( NPC ) - Title Given By Character Goes Here
Text, text, text, text.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"I feel like I've seen her before she started on with the Flames, but.. nah. Probably isn't even the same girl." -Anonymous Brass Blade
"She's so nice! Let a deaf girl stay in her inn room for a while, said she had other places to be anyways... but you could tell she was just doin' it out of the kindness of her heart!" -Quicksand regular.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I have absolutely nothing to say on the subject of Sergeant Cat. She is an average soldier, an average swordswoman, she flies around some average drone and she has an absolutely average record of abandoning her postings to go talk up women for bells at a time. It is absolutely unremarkable that she has re-entered the company, and would likely never have gotten the chance if it weren't for her replacement being exposed as a trafficker. Please, stop asking me about Sergeant Cat." -Anonymous Immortal Flames Lieutenant, 2nd Brigade.
"I think I saw her puke once. Wow, that sounds weird, okay... I'm saying, she was eatin' at a table with someone, all was well, then she just... makes for the railing, starts retching and howling about eft. [A pause.] Do we even serve eft here? I always wanted to try it." -Anonymous Lominsan culinarian.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"I saw.. someone matching her description, once. Nobody probably thought much of another swordswoman heading out to the Sagolii, but something was seriously off about her. If it was even her, I mean. Could be one of those 'evil twin' things?" -Ul'dahn resident..
“I overheard her talking to some friends about... kidnapping some tradeswoman's personal assistant and ransoming her back. I don't know what she's into, and she seems nice enough, but... something doesn't add up, you know?” -Dyrstweitz.


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
"Rumor Goes Here" Name Goes Here
No IC works yet...
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I May Not Awaken
Artist: Enya
Context: Coerthas kinda fucked Sleepy up big time.
Right Where it Belongs
Artist: Nine Inch Nails
Context:, really fucked her up.
Artist: -
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Artist: -
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Artist: -
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Artist: -
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Personal RP Limits
Will play with mature content and themes, drug (ab)use, violence/sexuality and the like. Willing to engage in combat, temporary injury/incapacitation, temporary captivity.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement, long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I won't play permanent character death. This is my main, c'mon. That'd be... awkward right now.
Disclaimers/Other info
Balmung, GMT +12. That's a real weird timezone, yes.
If you plan to fight Sleepy, please let me know what systems or methods you prefer using first. If you plan to fight me in real life, please contact me and we will agree on a mutually convienient geographical location. High noon, ten paces, winner writes the loser's obituary.
Despite Sleepy's proclivities or lack thereof, I am not averse to vaguely intimate role plays.. just know what you're getting into, first.
Sleepy's darkside bullshit manifests itself in the form of fire and heat. It's basically aetheric darkfire and she doesn't really make a point of flinging it around in public. She will do the eye-flashy thing though, being an unrepentant show-off.
If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please let me know immediately.


Little bits and bobs Sleepy keeps around.
"Anna" [Model Magitek Bit] - What was once a ruined mass of a Garlean drone soon became Sleepy Cat's hobby project as she recovered from her ordeal. With the help of some stolen parts, stolen books and stolen.. everything else, she managed to bring the drone back to working order, figure out some potential uses for it, and even construct a crude bangle that allows her to direct it... most of the time.
"Errant Ember" [Ul'dahn Claymore] - Sleepy Cat's personal claymore, gifted to her by her squadron after she was discharged from the Flames. Eventually, she'd worm her way back into the ranks... but nobody's sure just how she managed it.
Collar - Sleepy Cat's clunky, heavy collar. It's used as a housing for various linkpearls for the moment, but there's plenty of room to improve upon it in the amateur tinkerer's mind.
Current Motivations
Having finally come to terms with herself, and having merged with her darkside, Sleepy now finds herself on the verge of a new chapter in her life: able to use her powers and talents for the greater good once more. However, she's having a bit of trouble re-acclimating, and seems strangely distant at times. Perhaps it is the lingering effects of her trauma, perhaps it is thoughts of her friends, or perhaps... she is looking to realize her wildest dream.

Credit to the following:

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Backround and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits and relationship color keys by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.


"...just doin' my best, friend."