Kyren Yun

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 Kyren Yun
"If that's the best you can do, I've already won."

Gender Male
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Othard
Age 26
Orientation Straight
Class Summoner
Alignment Chaotic Good
Residence Unknown


Kyren arrived on the shores of Eorzea some years past. A refugee from the Garlean Empire after they wiped out his clan, he fled Othard with the rest of the Domans. During the following year, he could often be found outside the walls of Ul'dah as he cared for and protected the defenseless, injured and sick refugees that were unable to make the journey to Mor Dhona.

He eventually left the desert city on the last caravan from the city, joining the rest of the Easterners in Revenant's Toll. There he put hammer and chisel to work, working himself to the point of exhaustion each day as he helped to build an entire fortress out of nothing. When the day finally came where there were no more stones to lay, Kyren lay down the hammer and took up the sword.


Hair: Jet black, thick, and “stylishly messy,” much like most of Eorzea's inhabitants... possibly due to the high concentration of aether in the air?

Eyes: An almost eerily bright sky blue.

Body: Standing just over 7 fulms, Kyren is tall, lean, and toned, with an athletic build formed from years of training and combat, and thick arms cultivated from the repeated striking of hammer against steel.

Skin/Scars/Tattoos: His tanned skin is covered with black scales that mark his Xaelan blood, and his body has the usual amount of scars on his chest and forearms that come from a life of adventuring. His back, on the other hand, is covered with a large amount of old scars. He also has a number of tattoos, including two tribal tattoos that run up the sides of his legs, a cross-shaped tattoo on his left shoulder, and an arcane tattoo etched into his right hand.

Scent: Cedar, earth, leather, and sweat.

Clothing: While not completely devoid of a fashion sense, Kyren tends to stick with whatever clothing he feels suits him. As such, most of his attire is torn and tattered from years of battle, travel, and just general overuse. He's more often than not attracted to tough leathers, usually in blacks or dark browns. Fur lining is always a plus.

Standard Equipment

  • A dagger on his belt.
  • A small belt of elemental crystals.
  • A necklace with a small ruby attached at the end.
  • A small, black leather grimoire.
  • Two elixirs.
  • A bag of holding.

During his teenage years, the only word that could really describe Kyren was “defiant.” A decade later, tempered by the sands of time and the burden of knowledge... well, “defiant” is still probably the best word. Never one to be commanded or ordered, it seems he's determined to walk his own path in life. And in the end he will likely die on its unpaved roads.

His blood is that of a warrior, and his heart that of a king. He cares deeply about those around him that are too weak to weather life's storms, and he honors those that were too proud not to run from them. Never one to back down from a challenge, and always the first to throw himself into the maw of danger. Above all though, is an unwavering sense of honor and an unyielding determination.


  • He believes in the Dawn Father and follows the Dusk Mother, as is the tradition of his people.
  • He believes the Twelve are the gods of Eorzea, they just aren't his gods.
  • He believes life and all that is in it is to be conquered by those who have the strength to do so.
  • He believes that whatever he conquers, he has the responsibility to rule over and care for.
  • He believes that blood must answer with blood.


  • Honor
  • Fighting
  • Dancers
  • Adventure
  • Xaelan culture


  • Training horses
  • Triple Triad
  • Reading
  • People watching
  • Falconry


  • Food: Rare steak, sushi.
  • Drink: Dark rum, spiced milk tea.
  • Book: The Griever, the Sorceress, and the Aetheryte
  • Music: Aethercut by Breaking Eikons
  • Haunts: The Quicksand, Revenant's Toll, The Forgotten Knight


  • Garleans
  • Raen
  • Governments
  • Cowardice


  • Headstrong
  • Self-centered
  • Greedy
  • Arrogant


  • Failure
  • Rejection
  • Hurting those close to him
  • Being alone

Natural Stats

  • Strength: 18
  • Dexterity: 17
  • Endurance: 15
  • Intelligence: 13
  • Mind: 7
  • Charisma: 14


  • Eidolon's Call: Summons a Primal's essence in the form of a weapon.
  • Dragonblood: Controls the flow of aether in the body to increase speed or strength at key points.
  • Four Beasts: A set of sword stances based on Genbu, Suzaku, Byakko and Seiryu.
  • Shadow Wall: Temporary arcane shield.
  • Voidwalker: Immunity to becoming voidtouched or tempered.
  • Dreamweaver: Able to enter into the dreams of those he has physical contact with while asleep.

Weapon Training

  • Mastery: Greatswords
  • Expert: Dual Swords, Daggers
  • Average: Hand-to-hand, Katanas, Archery
  • Novice: Spears, Quarterstaves
  • Unskilled: Guns, Axes, Tomes, Magical Staves


  • Mastery: Survival, Riding, Hunting, Tracking
  • Expert: Stealth, Tactics, Enhanced Senses, Parkour
  • Average: Languages, Farming
  • Novice: First aid, Fishing, Writing, Painting
  • Unskilled: Curative Magic, Dancing, Singing, Calligraphy.


  • Blacksmith
  • Masonry
  • Carpentry
  • Weaponry


Karath Yun - A cold and calculating tactician, he traded his son to the Sakutani clan for the rite of trade and passage through their lands. He died along with the rest of the Yun clan during the Garlean attacks on Doma and the surrounding countryside.
??? - Kyren's mother. He has never spoken of her, or even uttered her name.


Katsumi Valebloom - A quiet, enigmatic girl occasionally seen at Kyren's side. While she carries herself with a certain baring, she always seems to have a smile to offer those around her.
Lilithium Altair - A buxom little mother of three that has hired Kyren to help with reconstruction on her house, among other things. The two have seemingly grown rather fond of each other over the past few months, and Kyren has welcomed the chance at having at least a taste of a peaceful, happy life.
Parvaneh Shadi'ra -  ???
Cerasi Avanai - A dancer of Ul'dah, aspiring Summoner, and occasional traveling companion, Cerasi met Kyren after he stopped a group of bandits from robbing her caravan. Curious as to his particular method of summoning, she likes to tag along and watch him at work.
Kasana K'si - A Xaelan girl that fled from Othard to Thavnairia. Upon hearing that Kyren hadn't died, she made her way to Eorzea and pledged herself (and her newly learned skills) to his service.
Daerin Lauvonet - Occasional traveling companion and fellow dungeon delver, Daerin is an archer from Ishgard that has left the city's walls to seek his fortune down south.
Lhoa - Known as the "Demon of the East" to the Garleans, Lhoa is the leader of the Kujata, a small band of mercenaries from Doma. Between him and Kyren, the Empire has lost 3 airships, 52 magitek armors, 2 navel ships, 12 commanders, and 257.8 soldiers.


Tiberius von Castus - While Kyren considers the Empire as a whole his enemy, there is one commander in particular he has sworn a blood oath against. As of the present day, the path to find him has been paved with dead Garlean soldiers.

Usual Gossip

Bought Information

Whispers in the Dark

PC Rumors (Add your own!)

  • "I met him at an event for the Gilded Pony. We didn't care much for the crowd or the noises so we ended up stepping outside with some small talk. When he learned I lived nearby, he offered to help me with some small house repairs so I could keep watch over my little ones. He's been a large part of how I've managed to cope with losing my late husband. He's become very special to me." - Lilithium Altair


Garlean Attack

Journey to Eorzea

Revenant's Toll


Dragonsong War



1. Path of Darkness
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



Character Videos



  • Server: Balmung
  • Timezone: MST
  • Character Inspirations:
  • Ideal Voice Actor:
  • Notes: